Fantasy author and sentient colostomy bag Vox Day has taken a few moments from his previously scheduled Muslim bashing to remind us all that he hates black people, too.
In a recent post on his Alpha Game blog, Vox posted a plaintive query from one of his racist-as-hell readers concerned that his daughter might be, as Vox puts it. a “mudshark in the making.”
In case you’re not up to speed on all the latest white supremacist slang, a “mudshark” is a white woman who dates black men.
My daughter is a junior high cheerleader and has the hots for a mixed boy on the basketball team. I have a problem with this. My main issue is that she will become a target, a mark so to speak for other black males. They will then think they can press up on this white girl. The Caucasian males will depart from her quickly as she has become a girl who is on the other side.
Vox advises racist dad to be blunt:
There is no reason a white father should hesitate to tell his daughters what sort of young men are approved and what sort are not, regardless of what his criteria might be. … If you’re not okay with it, then it is your duty as her father to tell her that you’re not okay with it, even if her reaction is to denounce you as a racist, sexist, transphobic bigot while filming herself being urinated on by an African rapper with a sub-80 IQ.
Apparently after writing this, Vox realized that he hadn’t said anything terrible about trans folks in hs post yet, and quickly rectified it with this, er, observation about the person he insists on calling Bruce Jenner.
If you don’t think fathers influence their daughter’s decisions, take one look at Bruce Jenner. Think that just MIGHT have a little something to do with the spectacularly bad decision-making of the girls he helped raise?
Then Vox returns to the issue at hand, advising racist dad to spare no expense to keep his daughter out of the clutches of black athletes:
[I]f you are seriously concerned about the situation, take drastic measures. Put her in private school. Move, if necessary. The historic white flight to the suburbs wasn’t all about crime.
Or at the very least, Vox suggests, don’t let her be a cheerleader for any team that has black guys on it.
It’s not surprising that she is drawn to the basketball players because she is a basketball cheerleader. As The Book of Basketball informs us, it is a black sport and therefore the alphas in that world are predominantly black. Girls always go for the alphas of their acquaintance …
If you don’t want your daughter to mudshark, then don’t encourage her to get involved in activities and sports that are dominated by black culture, particularly in her sexually formative years. Get her involved in gymnastics or tennis or skiing or swimming.
Save the cheerleader, save the world!
Naturally, Vox’s readers were totally on board with that whole racism thing.
One reader, perhaps drawing inspiration from Émile Coué, the French psychologist who urged his followers to improve their life by endlessly repeating the phrase “every day in every way I am getting better and better,” suggested that white parents inculcate “white pride” in their children with a slightly different mantra:
Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.
Others thought the best bet would be to convince the cheerleader daughter that black people are ugly, and mixed-race children even uglier. To Michael, the best way to do this would be to take her to a soup kitchen:
If she thinks they are ugly( besides stupid), she won’t be dropping her drawers. You might think about volunteering at a soup kitchen with lots of them present. You can show her her future. In my mind, cheerleading would for basketball and other black sports would be a thing of the past a distant memory.
Bob Wallace had a simpler solution:
Show her a people [picture?] of the late mixed-breed Redd Fox and ask her if she wants her kids to look like that.
Cecil Henry managed to work Tiger Woods into the mix:
The first thing any human being thinks of when someone brags about having mulatto kids is how UGLY they are. When Tiger married that Swedish model he was destroying what he appreciated. Her kids will look like any other mulattoes. …
The product of miscegenation is generally ugly children and a dead society.
In addition to being racist as hell, Mr. Henry is apparently unaware that Tiger Woods is himself mixed-race, and that there aren’t a lot of people out there who think he’s especially ugly.
What a lovely bunch Vox Day’s readers are.
Last thing, though: if you couldn’t tell from my subsequent posts about my illness that this issue miiiiiiight really mean something to me, your perception is as poor as my self-editing.
A lot of the race realist crowd don’t even have the courage of their vile convictions. “Miscegenation” in the form of white male/East Asian female couples often gets spoken of in positive terms or ignored altogether and the children labelled cute.
“Sacred Cow” isn’t an anti-SJW buzzword. It’s arguably racist, but it’s a common figure of speech that predates the internet and which I used used by Left and Right alike.
Last last thing, and then I swear I’ll be gone because I don’t like perpetuating these arguments:
My “tone” ( I know I took one) wasn’t even about the ableism debate, it was because I’m still mad about that time when I thought a feminist lady crossed the line confronting guys about “man-spreading”, and I did want to have a good faith discussion and you guys got patronizing right away (and I still think I’m right).
Look, I know it’s silly for me to expect you to remember exactly which argument I’m stewing about. It’s just that, and this IS an honest statement in good faith, I feel like I’ve belonged to many communities that were better at having discussions “in good faith”, whether they banned certain phrases or not. You assume that everybody should know what offends you before they come here, so my ” tone” was that you (the people who didn’t correct David) should know what offends me before I even say it. And that’s obviously not always possible.
And those were my only two implications. I can’t be more honest and non-instigate-y than this. If you’re still mad at me then we’re just destined not to click. I’ll be out of your hair presently, because I don’t feel this is my community so I guess I shouldn’t be making scenes in it.
And in case I need to explain *one more thing*, tone is not in scare quotes here. I merely am referencing your use of the word. There is no aggression in this post. I merely couldn’t go to bed without trying to explain myself more maturely.
@Moocow, you remind me of a quote from the Endless Forest forum, the quote that actually stopped me playing the ‘game’ completely after months of fun with it.
As they say, I couldn’t even after coming across it:
Why is the deer a stag and not a doe?
Several reasons. One is that we like the look of antlers. And female deer don’t have those. Another and more important reason is motivated by our insistance on our position as authors. We choose a male character because it fits the story that we want to tell (Nobody questions the author of a novel about the gender of their protagonist!…). Also, we feel that if we were to give you the choice of playing a stag or a doe, your experience would become about your gender. The Endless Forest is not about being male or female, but about (role)playing a deer. You are a male deer, not a human in a deer skin. But don’t worry: later on there will be many opportunities to make your avatar appear more feminine if you like. He may be male but he doesn’t have to be a macho.
Shorter TL/DR:
Don’t question us, it’s about a story, and if we used a female character, it would be about GENDER. Males are cooler anyway.
Later on during a discussion, they said also that female deer don’t do anything interesting in their lives aside from have babies, whereas males run from predators, have social relationships etc. An amazing amount of revision in order to justify what they wanted.
In other words, motherhood was the only role for does full stop and it was so boring, they decided not to bother including any females in the story at. All. At this stage. Later they will introduce NPC females you can try to convince to join your harem.
Yeah. Amazing how stuff like that can kill your mood. I wanted to keep enjoying it, but all I could think of was that FAQ and how suddenly the cute game that was supposed to be different from any other experience was identical to the vast majority of other gaming experiences in my life.
“The Caucasian males will depart from her quickly as she has become a girl who is on the other side.”
Y’know it never ceases to amaze me how bigotry can utterly destroy someones perceptions of reality. This is not a thing that happens. Normal white dudes don’t do this (not that it should matter in the first place.) Hateful bigots imagine that everyone else is as hateful and bigoted as they are.
I think there’s a key line to be drawn between “not an important parent” and “not an important character.” Because I think it’s the same people and the same opinions that lead to mothers-as-nurturers and mothers-as-unimportant: The idea that women should devote their time to caring for their family and household behind the scenes.
The mothers-as-nurturers idea doesn’t tell the whole story because it doesn’t explain why, when both parents are present, the dad is virtually always the one with the more developed personality and arc, while the mother is usually just set dressing. Or why missing fathers often still have developed personalities and a well-defined relationship to the protagonist, whereas mothers are often just missing with no explanation.
I… don’t even know how to react. What a perfect fucking summary of everything wrong with video games and gender portrayal. A cute and charming concept of just roleplaying as a deer manages to be sexist to the point of outright hostility.
What is the story in Endless Forest and why the fuck is absolutely necessary to be told from a male perspective?
And of course on their website it clearly says:
So this guy is full of shit.
Oh right! Like that polar bear documentary I watched featuring a badass mother polar bear was so clearly about gender
Can this guy not tell that he just made it about gender by doubling down on his bullshit?
What a patronizing asshole.
No kidding! I can’t even imagine how unwelcome you’d feel after that. It’s so sad that a video game concept that has the potential to be really awesome ends up horrendously misogynistic.
Yes! That is exactly what I am getting at.
He’s a really dumb guy who thinks he’s a really smart guy. He’s constantly pulling the sad grown man equivalent of when my toddler puts a blanket over his head and laughs hysterically at our inability to find him.
Wow. That is some impressive assholery. I can’t blame you for leaving; I would have left too.
I hope they’re left with nothing but the toxic-waste player base they deserve.
Wait. I’ll admit that I don’t know much about The Endless Forest’s exact gameplay (its character designs freak me out more than most horror game enemies do), but isn’t the entire point of it that it doesn’t have a story?
“Girls are icky. #GAMERGATE #TRUMP2016” actually would have been a less offensively stupid non-answer. Fuckwits.
(Bonus: I had a quick Google to see if anybody else has spoken out about this – not only is the answer a solid “No, it’s gone completely unchallenged,” but the top few results were all to #Gater hubs whining about the sexist-ass developers being “SJWs.” In what fucking universe? How is a game where female characters flat-out don’t exist not good enough for them?)
I tend to think that this is the basic reason there are so many dead fictional mothers. Yeah, parents get killed off to inject tragedy. And yeah, sometimes the mother specifically gets killed off to deprive the protagonist of female-gendered nurturing. Honestly though, I think the reason many characters have 1 live and 1 dead parent is just that writing characters is hard. Easier to write 1 interesting parent and let them handle all the “family” scenes than to write 2. Unfortunately, since writers are as a rule more interested in men, that one parents is usually the father.
So the “1 interesting, 1 dead” formula exists for a good reason, but because of sexism, the “1 interesting” is usually the father. A lot of the dead mothers are just set dressing mothers pushed off the set entirely.
@ moocow
If I learned one thing from Bladerunner it’s that if someone gives a person a chance to talk about their mothers they get shot!
On another side, mingling with always the same gene pool is not highly recommended, if i am not wrong, because it can lead to physical and/or mental malformations more often than with a wider gene pool.
If not racism, at least communitarianism still makes life a bit difficult for bastards like me, because for one community, i am too from the other, and for the second, i am too from the first one.
Mudshark is like mudblood in Harry Potter ?
Have a nice day.
Time was when golf and tennis both seemed like “white sports” – is that just code for “expensive”? – and then we had Tiger Woods and the stupendous Williams sisters. None of whom can be described as unattractive, unless you are really really determined to do so.
And later today I’m having tea with the two most beautiful and intelligent children in London, based on the totally objective and universally acknowledged criterion of them being related to me. Their heritage is Kenyan, Austrian, Scots, English, Irish, Spanish and Jewish, and probably a decent bit of who the hell knows.
London like most big cities is of course full of mixed heritage families (some where it shows, some where it doesn’t) and presumably in Vox’s universe that’s why it’s so dull and boring and everyone here is stupid. /s
I’m pretty sure Pox is into interracial and watersports porn.
@ bluecat
It’s funny that (lawn) tennis is now seen as a bit posh when originally it was the poor person’s alternative to “real” tennis.
Totally O/T but this just reminded me of our “Pussy Cartel” discussion 🙂
This is also totes something a real dad would say about his real daughter.
And racist dads are often really, really shy–no, really–about sharing their views on race with their children. What to do? What to say? These dads’ sensibilities are terribly delicate. So they have to write to Dear Abby or Ann Landers or Vox Day to get some good advice.
By no means is this scenario just some guy slobbering over the notion that he could control a fictional cheerleader. Who happens to be his fictional daughter.
Not at all.
@Alan Robertshaw
I had to laugh at the kitty cartoon!
And I notice that even the cat who was holding the laser had to chase it.
@ kat
Well laser pointers are like the feline equivalent of catnip to cats.
They need to provide more information about the amazing predator-proof does, because I am fascinated.
Armor? Missiles? Poison fangs? The world needs to know.
Regarding fathers in fairy tales, I always think of the father in “Hansel and Gretel” as more “Oh, that was all that bad woman, that abandoning-you-in-the -forest thing. Wasn’t me, she made me do it, and I didn’t know anything about it. So we can all be happy together, kids, can’t we, and get past this little incident which had nothing to do with me anyway, can’t we? No need to hold a grudge, right, kids? Kids?”
R. Kelly isn’t even a rapper! These guys suck at fact checking.
I give you the Siberian Musk Deer! Unfortunately, I suspect (based on literally five minutes of research) only the males grow the fangs. Equally unfortunate is that the biologists decided they’re not fangs at all, but “tusks”. My faith in scientists is severely damaged.
Oh, and the fangs don’t appear to contain venom. More outrage!

(OTOH, they are extremely cute – I wonder if they’d make good apartment pets?!)
Pliny the Elder recorded with an absolutely straight face that hunters only hunt male beavers. Perhaps deer are similar?
ETA: It’s probably worth sharing the story about Pliny’s beavers in full for the amusement of those who haven’t heard it yet.
Pliny the Elder wrote an immense summa called the Natural Histories, which was for many centuries considered the definitive record of how the world worked. He was a shrewd observer of many things; for example his description of how volcanic eruptions occur is absolutely dead-on, to the point where there’s a type of eruption which is today called Plinian. On some other matters, however… well, I wouldn’t call Pliny a liar, so let’s just say that his scrupulously detailed notes on all the animals in the world are perhaps not the same as the animals we know of today.
Of the beaver’s testicles, my copy of Pliny has this to say:
The twelfth-century scribe Gerald of Wales, quoting more detailed versions of Pliny, says:
There are a few things wrong with this account:
1) Beavers are hunted for their furs, not their testicles.
2) Female beavers are also hunted.
3) Beavers are hunted for their FURS, not their testicles.
4) No hunter in history has ever spared a beaver because it was castrated.
5) Beavers are hunted for their FURS, not their TESTICLES.
6) Beavers don’t self-castrate.
7) BEAVERS are hunted for their FURS, not their TESTICLES.
8) Beaver-testicle oil isn’t even a thing. Castor oil is made from beans.
Perhaps deer are similar to Plinian beavers?