alpha males entitled babies irony alert misogyny oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit red pill transphobia vox day

Vox Day: Move to the suburbs to keep your daughter from dating a “rapper with a sub-80 IQ”

Vox Day and his readers: these dudes, except on the internet
Vox Day and his readers: these dudes, except on the internet

Fantasy author and sentient colostomy bag Vox Day has taken a few moments from his previously scheduled Muslim bashing to remind us all that he hates black people, too.

In a recent post on his Alpha Game blog, Vox posted a plaintive query from one of his racist-as-hell readers concerned that his daughter might be, as Vox puts it. a “mudshark in the making.”

In case you’re not up to speed on all the latest white supremacist slang, a “mudshark” is a white woman who dates black men.

My daughter is a junior high cheerleader and has the hots for a mixed boy on the basketball team. I have a problem with this. My main issue is that she will become a target, a mark so to speak for other black males. They will then think they can press up on this white girl. The Caucasian males will depart from her quickly as she has become a girl who is on the other side.

Vox advises racist dad to be blunt:

There is no reason a white father should hesitate to tell his daughters what sort of young men are approved and what sort are not, regardless of what his criteria might be. … If you’re not okay with it, then it is your duty as her father to tell her that you’re not okay with it, even if her reaction is to denounce you as a racist, sexist, transphobic bigot while filming herself being urinated on by an African rapper with a sub-80 IQ.

Apparently after writing this, Vox realized that he hadn’t said anything terrible about trans folks in hs post yet, and quickly rectified it with this, er, observation about the person he insists on calling Bruce Jenner.

If you don’t think fathers influence their daughter’s decisions, take one look at Bruce Jenner. Think that just MIGHT have a little something to do with the spectacularly bad decision-making of the girls he helped raise?

Then Vox returns to the issue at hand, advising racist dad to spare no expense to keep his daughter out of the clutches of black athletes:

[I]f you are seriously concerned about the situation, take drastic measures. Put her in private school. Move, if necessary. The historic white flight to the suburbs wasn’t all about crime.

Or at the very least, Vox suggests, don’t let her be a cheerleader for any team that has black guys on it.

It’s not surprising that she is drawn to the basketball players because she is a basketball cheerleader. As The Book of Basketball informs us, it is a black sport and therefore the alphas in that world are predominantly black. Girls always go for the alphas of their acquaintance …

If you don’t want your daughter to mudshark, then don’t encourage her to get involved in activities and sports that are dominated by black culture, particularly in her sexually formative years. Get her involved in gymnastics or tennis or skiing or swimming.

Save the cheerleader, save the world!

Naturally, Vox’s readers were totally on board with that whole racism thing.

One reader, perhaps drawing inspiration from Émile Coué, the French psychologist who urged his followers to improve their life by endlessly repeating the phrase “every day in every way I am getting better and better,” suggested that white parents inculcate “white pride” in their children with a slightly different mantra:

Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.

Others thought the best bet would be to convince the cheerleader daughter that black people are ugly, and mixed-race children even uglier. To Michael, the best way to do this would be to take her to a soup kitchen:

If she thinks they are ugly( besides stupid), she won’t be dropping her drawers. You might think about volunteering at a soup kitchen with lots of them present. You can show her her future. In my mind, cheerleading would for basketball and other black sports would be a thing of the past a distant memory.

Bob Wallace had a simpler solution:

Show her a people [picture?] of the late mixed-breed Redd Fox and ask her if she wants her kids to look like that.

Cecil Henry managed to work Tiger Woods into the mix:

The first thing any human being thinks of when someone brags about having mulatto kids is how UGLY they are. When Tiger married that Swedish model he was destroying what he appreciated. Her kids will look like any other mulattoes. …

The product of miscegenation is generally ugly children and a dead society.

In addition to being racist as hell, Mr. Henry is apparently unaware that Tiger Woods is himself mixed-race, and that there aren’t a lot of people out there who think he’s especially ugly.

What a lovely bunch Vox Day’s readers are.


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8 years ago

I dunno, the fathers in “Hansel and Gretel” and “Cinderella” (among other fairy tales) are total ciphers.

Are we talking all fiction or fairy tales? Because Moocow was talking about TV, movies, and video games.

Fairy tale characters in general aren’t strong in character development.

8 years ago

Lol, @Popehat tweet

Incoming search: “paul elam loser douche.” Sorry Paul I don’t write the searches I just read them.

Resulting in Dean Esmay furiously typing law words at an actual lawyer who continues to make fun of him.

8 years ago

“angry shut-in manifesto writing demographic ” perfect summation of MRA s

8 years ago

David Futrelle, you are a mean and terrible human being.

What do you have against colostomy bags?


Trying to figure out if this person is joking. I mean, the “mean and terrible human being” part seems a bit far, but I was kind of wondering if any of you lovely anti-ableist people were going to call this out as an example of denigrating people with an illness.

I mean, the obvious defense is that “it’s not saying that a person is disgusting. It’s saying that a ‘literal bag of poop’ is disgusting. The fact that it’s attached to a person is only incidental”. But I could counter that, as a person with an ileostomy (same thing), I know how many of us have horrible self-esteem issues over it, and how many have been rejected by partners, insulted on social media, used as warnings in anti-smoking ads, etc. I could use the old (and largely true) argument that it doesn’t matter if you THINK you’re being insensitive, because you are, and our hurt feelings prove that.

Now, I have no actual interest in making that argument. I take pride in the fact that I’m not thin-skinned and I encourage David to use any metaphor he likes to describe MRA shitheads. Shithead, colostomy bag, there’s an obvious connection to be drawn.

But I’m curious; if I told you my feelings were hurt because of the very real mental health and interpersonal problems that people with ostomies are at risk for, would you guys back me up? Or would you defend David because this isn’t one of your personal sacred cows? Inquiring minds would like to know.

8 years ago

Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.

Y’know, it’s quite possible to be white, Christian, etc., and still love a black guy. And to think that your white, Christian, etc. father is a fucking moron for trying to come between you and your black guy with stupid arguments such as these.

Just putting that out there.

8 years ago


Also, your sarcasm meter may need recalibrating.

8 years ago

It was touched on by other posters, but I think the driving force behind all of the dead mothers in fiction is the belief that mothers nurture, while fathers provide.

If you want to show how your character has grown up in a bad environment which has lead to character-building emotional suffering and turmoil, kill the mom. Easy peasy.

If you want to show how your character has grown up in poverty, but is well-adjusted in spite of it and believes in the power of friendship etc. etc., then kill the dad.

If you want to do both at the same time, kill both parents and give them an older brother or something.

Congrats! Now you’ve given your character “depth” and “pathos” without having to try too hard!

8 years ago


You’re right. I figured out the sarcasm (and thus confirmed the joke) shortly after posting. My question is serious, though.

8 years ago

I was joking, but colostomy bags do serve a useful, helpful purpose, unlike Vox Day.

At the same time it’s hard to find anything that doesn’t have any use whatsoever that is also completely abhorrent, so comparing anything at all to Vox Day is probably not a good idea.

8 years ago


Not criticizing you at all. I just sometimes find the tone around here to be very self-righteous, any yet surprisingly willing to let standards slip when it suits the comment base. Since I do have a disability and am disfigured (NOT severely compared to many…) I just wonder if they’ll apply their standards to me. Your not-remotely-offensive joke is not what I’m referencing so much as the use of “colostomy bag” as an insult.

8 years ago

Before anybody questions “colostomy bag” as a disability, I spend a ridiculous amount of time figuring out how to dress for work in a way that doesn’t show it, always end up looking different from my coworkers, and I have to carefully plan my food and beverage intake around how many bathroom breaks I take during any given activity. It gets gas, which is noisy, so this morning I spent a 20 minute presentation pressing my hand on it to keep it from making farting sounds in front of my classmates. If that’s not enough, there’s the fact that nobody (short of traumatic injuries) gets a colostomy bag out of nowhere. I had 18 years of bed rest, hospital stays, severe weight loss, pain and puking before the ostomy put me in remission.

And I don’t normally complain, but hey, y’all like “perspectives” and this is mine.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


I have to be honest, I agree with you. The colostomy bag thing didn’t sit that well with me either, because I have known very sick people who have had to use them and they definitely did not lead easy lives because of it.

And to answer your question, I would absolutely defend you if you felt that way/do feel that way, which you would have a right to feel. I am also sorry that you had to go through all of that. I can’t even imagine what it must be like.

8 years ago

Social Justice Atheist,

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. Again, I’m not personally bothered, because I got very good at letting feelings go without a fuss. I mean, when you’re 18 years old and getting an enema from a random person in a hospital, you have to be able to get over emotions quickly.

I personally don’t want everyone to constantly censor themselves when thinking of me, because that feels like they think I’m breakable or pitiable. But there are people I know online with my condition who would probably NOT like such a reference, and all I really want is for that perspective to be considered. You know, since we go to so much work to be considerate of everyone else.

8 years ago

I have a friend who will likely have to use a colostomy bag some day. So I’m kinda just trying to get used to the idea of wearing one’s “intestine” externally.

A lot of people (almost half!) wear their reproductive organs externally, so really doing the same with an intestine shouldn’t be seen as that strange.

I just hope it will genuinely help when it happens, then it will be worth whatever awkwardness ensues. Agreed that it is a disability, though not one commonly thought of.

(Also, I actually don’t like the specific ways that we’re careful about being ableist around here, but I’m well aware I’m in the minority, so I try to follow the conventions of the space.)

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


You’re welcome.

I guess it’s just good to make sure that the things we say don’t hurt others, (even if not intentional) and if a disabled person says something could potentially be offensive to someone with their condition even if they are not personally offended, you should listen to them. That’s my philosophy, even if others may not agree with me.

8 years ago


Your comment about reproductive organs is HILARIOUS. Why did I never think to say that?

I wish your friend luck. If their experience is anything like mine, the relief of pain and symptoms from the ostomy is so dramatic that, if you’re being at all honest, you can’t really characterize it as a negative development. But I would never tell you what “should” happen in their case, because everyone who ever told me what “should” happen to me was WRONG.

8 years ago

Having intestines that are apparently trying to kill you is also bad, yes.

I hate that he’s in pain. Someday it’ll probably get worse and the ostomy will help it, and then I’ll be helpful however he wants me to be helpful.

His illnesses and treatments for them are just a tiny part of him, that’s all, just like mine are a tiny part of me. Plastic bag outside or fleshbag inside, human bodies are all gross regardless.

I mean, think about it, we’ve got actual skulls inside us. All the time.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Yes, everybody knows that mixed-race children are hideous stupid monsters who’ll never amount to anything.

… Oh, wait.

8 years ago


So, in my opinion the erasure of mothers isn’t because of the notion that she isn’t an important parent. It’s because of the patriarchal notion that mothers are inherently the more nurturing parent and the removal of that nurturing is a terrible thing. Which is probably why they’re fridged so often.

I certainly don’t mean to suggest erasure of mothers is due to mothers being seen as ‘not an important’. My critique is that mothers are severely underrepresented in fiction.

I agree with you completely that women are often stuffed into the metaphorical refrigerator due to the sexist ‘women are caring and nurturing’ stereotype. And this sucks, because I wish there were more stories in fiction about mothers.


I wouldn’t say there’s a single ‘driving force’ but I completely agree that the sexist ‘men=active women=passive’ dichotomy plays into it a lot.

What I describe as the erasure of mothers isn’t just mothers being more-often-than-not killed off. Sometimes mothers are just simply not in the story. This feels especially off when the story is specifically about parent-child relationships, for example:

Season 1 of The Walking Dead

Andrea and her sister discuss their life together, building up the eventual ‘oh noes she just got bit by a zombie’. Her stories involve spending time with their father and learning valuable skills from her father. Neither apparently have any stories to tell about their mother.

In fact, in so many when a character asks “wow, where did you learn to do that completely random skill that totally happened to save the day?” the story always starts off with “oh, my father and I use to…” so rarely is it ever “oh, my mother and I use to…” or “my parents and I use to…”

Luke Skywaker’s father is an important figure, his mother doesn’t even get a name until the prequels

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade has his father as a prominent character. Do we find out anything about his mother? I can’t think of one mention of her in the entire movie.

Tidus and Yuna from FFX both bond over their difficulties living up to famous fathers. Tidus’s father Jecht and Yuna’s father Braska are prominent characters who are seen multiple times over the course of the story as Tidus and Yuna end up following in their footsteps. Meanwhile Tidus’s mother is barely featured as a character. The only thing we find out about Yuna’s mother is her ethnicity.

Basically, IMO we need more stories about mothers, and we need more characters to giving exposition dumps about the role their mother had in their life.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


If you want to have a discussion in good faith, don’t use right-wing anti-SJ buzzwords like “Sacred cow,” don’t call the regulars “Lovely” sarcastically or “Self-righteous” seriously and don’t put “Perspectives” in scare quotes. It comes off less like you actually give half a fuck and more like you just want to start another dumbass argument about how unfaaair the anti-ableism rules are to the poor put-upon bigots.

Honestly, if you hadn’t rushed out the gate acting like an utter prat, I would have agreed with you and apologised on David’s behalf, because it’s otherwise a good point. And before you say it, no, I’m not tone policing you. I’m troll policing you. Because that was trollish.

8 years ago

I suspect he referred to black rappers as having sub-80 IQs because his own hovers about the 80 point mark

8 years ago

“Mixed-breed” people are ugly? I doubt she’ll buy that. The first 3 people who come to mind for me are Tiger Woods, Barack Obama, and Trevor Noah. All three are decently good looking.

And Tiger Woods kinda proves that no sport is safe from teh blacks. 😉

8 years ago

The name is Robert Beale. I would never call anyone “The Voice of God”. The Science Fiction Writers and Fantasy Writers of America (fittingly since Mr. Big Voice is stuck in an eternal racial fantasy) got tired of his shenanigans and kicked him out. So he pouted and decided to derail the Hugos. More like the whimper of dust.

8 years ago

I’m behind on reading through all the comments, so I might be repeating someone else’s previous mention on this…but didn’t Del (the funkee homosapien, deltron3030, etc) go to Berkley? He’s the cousin of Ice Cube. Just sayin’…

8 years ago

Scented, I’m not and I have never been a troll. I simply don’t hide where I disagree with you. You took my meaning, so it’s not important to me whether we discuss this any further. And my scare quotes may have been deliberate, but I had no idea the phrase “sacred cow” was bad. It’s just something my mom says.

(You wanna bring up old arguments, though, I never said anyone was put upon. I only said you were quick to demonize readers who couldn’t have known the rules of your space. The rules are more apparent and explicit now. You won that one.)