Fantasy author and sentient colostomy bag Vox Day has taken a few moments from his previously scheduled Muslim bashing to remind us all that he hates black people, too.
In a recent post on his Alpha Game blog, Vox posted a plaintive query from one of his racist-as-hell readers concerned that his daughter might be, as Vox puts it. a “mudshark in the making.”
In case you’re not up to speed on all the latest white supremacist slang, a “mudshark” is a white woman who dates black men.
My daughter is a junior high cheerleader and has the hots for a mixed boy on the basketball team. I have a problem with this. My main issue is that she will become a target, a mark so to speak for other black males. They will then think they can press up on this white girl. The Caucasian males will depart from her quickly as she has become a girl who is on the other side.
Vox advises racist dad to be blunt:
There is no reason a white father should hesitate to tell his daughters what sort of young men are approved and what sort are not, regardless of what his criteria might be. … If you’re not okay with it, then it is your duty as her father to tell her that you’re not okay with it, even if her reaction is to denounce you as a racist, sexist, transphobic bigot while filming herself being urinated on by an African rapper with a sub-80 IQ.
Apparently after writing this, Vox realized that he hadn’t said anything terrible about trans folks in hs post yet, and quickly rectified it with this, er, observation about the person he insists on calling Bruce Jenner.
If you don’t think fathers influence their daughter’s decisions, take one look at Bruce Jenner. Think that just MIGHT have a little something to do with the spectacularly bad decision-making of the girls he helped raise?
Then Vox returns to the issue at hand, advising racist dad to spare no expense to keep his daughter out of the clutches of black athletes:
[I]f you are seriously concerned about the situation, take drastic measures. Put her in private school. Move, if necessary. The historic white flight to the suburbs wasn’t all about crime.
Or at the very least, Vox suggests, don’t let her be a cheerleader for any team that has black guys on it.
It’s not surprising that she is drawn to the basketball players because she is a basketball cheerleader. As The Book of Basketball informs us, it is a black sport and therefore the alphas in that world are predominantly black. Girls always go for the alphas of their acquaintance …
If you don’t want your daughter to mudshark, then don’t encourage her to get involved in activities and sports that are dominated by black culture, particularly in her sexually formative years. Get her involved in gymnastics or tennis or skiing or swimming.
Save the cheerleader, save the world!
Naturally, Vox’s readers were totally on board with that whole racism thing.
One reader, perhaps drawing inspiration from Émile Coué, the French psychologist who urged his followers to improve their life by endlessly repeating the phrase “every day in every way I am getting better and better,” suggested that white parents inculcate “white pride” in their children with a slightly different mantra:
Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.
Others thought the best bet would be to convince the cheerleader daughter that black people are ugly, and mixed-race children even uglier. To Michael, the best way to do this would be to take her to a soup kitchen:
If she thinks they are ugly( besides stupid), she won’t be dropping her drawers. You might think about volunteering at a soup kitchen with lots of them present. You can show her her future. In my mind, cheerleading would for basketball and other black sports would be a thing of the past a distant memory.
Bob Wallace had a simpler solution:
Show her a people [picture?] of the late mixed-breed Redd Fox and ask her if she wants her kids to look like that.
Cecil Henry managed to work Tiger Woods into the mix:
The first thing any human being thinks of when someone brags about having mulatto kids is how UGLY they are. When Tiger married that Swedish model he was destroying what he appreciated. Her kids will look like any other mulattoes. …
The product of miscegenation is generally ugly children and a dead society.
In addition to being racist as hell, Mr. Henry is apparently unaware that Tiger Woods is himself mixed-race, and that there aren’t a lot of people out there who think he’s especially ugly.
What a lovely bunch Vox Day’s readers are.
Behold the surely sub-80 stylings of Blackalicious:
See for instance the “society” that’s produced the likes of Vox Day through an ongoing program of breeding normal humans with fascist assclowns.
@ Leda
I’ve noticed this too. I think it’s an example of a wider tendency these guys have, to have absolute faith in their own beliefs, opinions and impressions (objective man logic!), and complete ignorance about how they themselves construct those with every little thought and judgment (because emotional intelligence and knowledge of your own mind and how it works is effeminate! unless 100% inaccurate and bias-verifying and used to manipulate women for sex). If you loathe black people, unsurprisingly black people will start to look ugly. If you loathe women, unsurprisingly they will appear to be dumb and unpleasant, and your expectations for their beauty, youth and obedience will rise, and you still find yourself perpetually unsatisfied by all your interactions with them.
One of them said to me once, “the older I get the simpler I feel the world is, and the better I understand it”. That’s a really sad example of how deep you can dig yourself with confirmation bias. Most people become more humble and aware of the limitations of their knowledge as they mature. But not these guys.
These people really need to listen to the episode of The Infinite Monkey Cage aired on 25/1/2016. But the information in it would probably scare them and make them climb further in to the hole of ignorance they normally cower in.
Better to have a kid like Redd Foxx than to have a kid like this.
I applaud these men for going full stupid…when trying to part ways with family members who are abusive, the subtle jerkass makes it harder to justify self care. This over the top idiocy is more easily noted by the children and their contemporaries and so can help form the basis of a WTF-based plan to escape ASAP.
It’s really weird how they expect their daughters to be too stupid to pick up on the brainwashing as teens. The woman as programmable dispenser idea is weirdly ingrained in these guys even though they are constantly whining that their dispensers don’t ever work.
Off-topic: Did anyone else see this? Mike Cernovich, he of the 25% reduced balls, is using Kickstarter to fund a documentary entitled “Silenced: Our War On Free Speech.” It’s already funded two and a half times over.
I urge you to watch the video. It’s so cringingly earnest and takes itself so seriously that it’s hilarious.
Let’s hope he knows all the keyboard shortcuts to help him edit the resulting documentary.
Following the Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed naming convention is an auspicious start.
As many have already pointed out before me, Blacks play tennis, are gymnasts, live in the suburbs, etc.
Vox is an idiot and that’s putting things mildly.
Anyone besides me snickering at the irony of this on a blog called ALPHA GAME???
Also, I’m snickering at the irony of Hitler, product of miscegenation. (Hello, Jewish and North African DNA!)
AND the irony of a one-testicled dude with a malformed penis being one of the world’s biggest all-time advocates of eugenics. Yup, shows sure signs of that superior intellect of racists right there…
Out on a ledge commenting without reading the comments so far, but…
My first thought was “if you’ve ever heard amateur rap you know the level of skill involved.” Most of the music I listen to is rap but it’s almost physically painful to listen to someone who isn’t very good at it.
Oh, and get a load of THIS hideous miscegenation here:
Ranking Roger. Soooooo urrrrrghly.
The weird thing about VD (well, one of the weird things) is that he actually seems to think he has established plausible deniabilty on his racism.
Since so much of the grossest aspects of this post have been discussed, I feel like bringing up one of the less vomit-inducing but far more widespread sexist ideas:
The idea that it’s a father’s job is to monitor who his daughter has sex with. Here’s an article deconstructing it pretty well:
IMO what make shit so scary is how widespread this is. The ‘scowling hard to please’ father is such an overused trope at this point. Any episode where the main (male) character finally gets to meet the parents of the woman he’s been dating inevitably becomes “uh oh, my dad is going to disprove of us dating! Time to cause embarrassing mistakes which will piss him off only to then finally win him over by showing us how much we love each other”
I’m guessing this falls back to the times when ‘parental’ approval was seen as mandatory for getting married. And by ‘parental’ I mean “patriarchal” because the mother’s opinion on ‘who my daughter is dating’ is rarely valued. Apparently if the father disapproves, the mother doesn’t get a vote, and instead has to try and persuade him.
It’s actually kind of scary how many layers of sexism are involved in this one pernicious trope. Specifically:
-Treating a daughter like a damsel or a precious jewel who needs to be rescued/protected by the father figure. (or as the author of the link i posted put it ‘a plastic doll who’s destiny I control’).
-Treating a daughter like she isn’t capable making her own decisions about her own life.
-Treating boyfriends as ‘potential threats’ reinforces the ideas that boys and men are not to be held responsible for their actions. Bonus points awarded for the phrase ‘primal urges’.
-Shitloads of toxic masculinity (the “Dads against daughters dating” T-shirt proudly display the motto of “shoot the first one and the others will think twice” as if violent retribution is something to be proud of. Half of the jokes on this subject involve a violent retribution)
-It’s always the father. Apparently the mother has no say in any of this, boys aren’t expected to ‘prove’ anything to her. If a father disapproves, she has no power to overturn his decision.
That last one is something I want to discuss and analyze further. I don’t have a good name for it (does one already exist? I haven’t done much research on this subject) but I like to refer to it as ‘the erasure of mothers in media’. So many TV shows, movies and especially video games simply don’t feature mothers as characters and sometimes even go out of their way to remove any mothers from their stories. This can be literally (‘died in childbirth, put in the refrigerator, etc…’) or figuratively (“Why am I a courageous and skilled young man/woman? Well it’s because of all the awesome time I spent with my father back when he was a legendary blablabla. I also had a mother but somehow she never factors into these stories ever”)
For every show that where the character deals with ‘parental relationships’. 90% of the time it’s going to be father-son or father-daughter relationships. The mother will only be mentioned briefly.
Skimmed through the responses. Facepalms the article.
I would point to one passage –
“Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.”
My thought is that a bit was missed out of this. It should read :
“Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl whose ancesters came here and more or less wiped out the indigenous population in order to take over and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.”
There, thats better . . . .
It’s ridiculous how many dead mothers there are in fiction. It seems like half of all fictional characters have a dead mother. In real life I know exactly two people whose mother died while they were children. A friend of mine and my grandmother. That’s it. It happens but it’s really not that common anymore.
I think part of it is that it’s a cheap and easy way to give a character development by making them suffer. Mothers are still seen as the primary caretakers and nurturers, so it’s more pain and suffering for the character to lose their mother than it is to lose their father.
Although, in Grimm’s fairytales the wicked stepmother trope came along because they didn’t want to portray mothers as anything less than wonderful and nurturing apparently. I know that Hansel and Gretl for example, originally had them being abandoned in the woods by both biological parents but the Grimms changed it to a mean stepmother convincing the dad to abandon the kids.
So, in my opinion the erasure of mothers isn’t because of the notion that she isn’t an important parent. It’s because of the patriarchal notion that mothers are inherently the more nurturing parent and the removal of that nurturing is a terrible thing. Which is probably why they’re fridged so often.
I just hope this young woman manages to escape her POS father’s horrible attempt at racist indoctrination.
And obviously, if she already has a crush on that guy on the basketball team, she doesn’t find POC “ugly”. And I doubt she will start just because her douchecanoe dad told her she should.
David Futrelle, you are a mean and terrible human being.
What do you have against colostomy bags?
He thinks it’s because of his Mexican and Native American ancestry. Apparently one great-grandmother was fully Native American and at least two of the other matrilineal great-grandparents (including one guy who was supposedly a compatriot of Pancho Villa) were Mexicans. This sort of reasoning is very mind-boggling. I’m a PoC due to my mother, but I am also Swiss-German-Danish-Dutch and as a matter of fact I have more German ancestry than VD does Native American. Betcha if I were to attempt to repatriate back to Switzerland or Germany and VD felt the need to give his opinion on it, he’d make some yammering noises about how I’m not really European.
There’s something about making a successful crowd-funded documentary that will talk about the things they aren’t “allowed” to talk about that seems self-defeating. “WE ARE BEING SILENCED!” *easily produces and distributes documentary*
Especially when you contrast it to the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games kickstarter; something that I’m sure would be considered on the “silencing” side of Cernovich’s POV, which has garnered literally 3 years and counting of threats and abuse. I wonder how long until Mike Cernovich will get his turn to talk at the UN about cyber violence?
The website Fangs for the Fantasy has an article on this in the context of urban fantasy, Absent Mothers in Urban Fantasy.
@WWTH The wicked step-mother trope goes at least as far back as the Romans. Augustus’ wife Livia assassinating most of the Julio-Claudian Emperors is a probably untrue theory that has been a thing for basically forever. Also it’s repeated throughout the next couple centuries of Roman history, maybe even being right accidentally.
I think it’s partly that and partly that fathers, being Dudes, are more likely to be important characters with personalities and plotlines and stuff. So they’re more likely to kill the mom and keep the dad because they actually have something to do with the dad, whereas it is apparently beyond any writer’s ability to give a mom a plotline.
@katz: I dunno, the fathers in “Hansel and Gretel” and “Cinderella” (among other fairy tales) are total ciphers.
One of the things behind the stepmother trope in Europe was the very high death rates for birthing women from the middle ages onwards. Historically, giving birth has always been dangerous to an extent, but mortality increased when birthing assistance behaviours changed. It reached its peak in Victorian times, leading to very, very high rates of maternal mortality.
This left a lot of remarried fathers with women who were there, in bad cases, to provide sex and raise another woman’s children while being very aware that the first wife had died due to giving birth. Not exactly a great situation to learn how to parent in. You have the angelic ‘real’ mother who is now gone and is a construct of people’s memories, and the step-mother who is there for the sake of convenience. The story writes itself…
But the death of the mother was not unusual as a reality – the later you go, the more common it is, and the Victorians were really mawkish in retelling everything to eradicate the mother because ‘real’ mothers were so pure and make such a great story sacrifice.