alpha males entitled babies irony alert misogyny oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit red pill transphobia vox day

Vox Day: Move to the suburbs to keep your daughter from dating a “rapper with a sub-80 IQ”

Vox Day and his readers: these dudes, except on the internet
Vox Day and his readers: these dudes, except on the internet

Fantasy author and sentient colostomy bag Vox Day has taken a few moments from his previously scheduled Muslim bashing to remind us all that he hates black people, too.

In a recent post on his Alpha Game blog, Vox posted a plaintive query from one of his racist-as-hell readers concerned that his daughter might be, as Vox puts it. a “mudshark in the making.”

In case you’re not up to speed on all the latest white supremacist slang, a “mudshark” is a white woman who dates black men.

My daughter is a junior high cheerleader and has the hots for a mixed boy on the basketball team. I have a problem with this. My main issue is that she will become a target, a mark so to speak for other black males. They will then think they can press up on this white girl. The Caucasian males will depart from her quickly as she has become a girl who is on the other side.

Vox advises racist dad to be blunt:

There is no reason a white father should hesitate to tell his daughters what sort of young men are approved and what sort are not, regardless of what his criteria might be. … If you’re not okay with it, then it is your duty as her father to tell her that you’re not okay with it, even if her reaction is to denounce you as a racist, sexist, transphobic bigot while filming herself being urinated on by an African rapper with a sub-80 IQ.

Apparently after writing this, Vox realized that he hadn’t said anything terrible about trans folks in hs post yet, and quickly rectified it with this, er, observation about the person he insists on calling Bruce Jenner.

If you don’t think fathers influence their daughter’s decisions, take one look at Bruce Jenner. Think that just MIGHT have a little something to do with the spectacularly bad decision-making of the girls he helped raise?

Then Vox returns to the issue at hand, advising racist dad to spare no expense to keep his daughter out of the clutches of black athletes:

[I]f you are seriously concerned about the situation, take drastic measures. Put her in private school. Move, if necessary. The historic white flight to the suburbs wasn’t all about crime.

Or at the very least, Vox suggests, don’t let her be a cheerleader for any team that has black guys on it.

It’s not surprising that she is drawn to the basketball players because she is a basketball cheerleader. As The Book of Basketball informs us, it is a black sport and therefore the alphas in that world are predominantly black. Girls always go for the alphas of their acquaintance …

If you don’t want your daughter to mudshark, then don’t encourage her to get involved in activities and sports that are dominated by black culture, particularly in her sexually formative years. Get her involved in gymnastics or tennis or skiing or swimming.

Save the cheerleader, save the world!

Naturally, Vox’s readers were totally on board with that whole racism thing.

One reader, perhaps drawing inspiration from Émile Coué, the French psychologist who urged his followers to improve their life by endlessly repeating the phrase “every day in every way I am getting better and better,” suggested that white parents inculcate “white pride” in their children with a slightly different mantra:

Ideally the parents should have begun inculcating pride into her ancestry at an early age. It can be as simple as “I am a White, Christian, American girl and I’m proud of my family and people.” Repeat often, and have them repeat the phrase as well so that it locks in.

Others thought the best bet would be to convince the cheerleader daughter that black people are ugly, and mixed-race children even uglier. To Michael, the best way to do this would be to take her to a soup kitchen:

If she thinks they are ugly( besides stupid), she won’t be dropping her drawers. You might think about volunteering at a soup kitchen with lots of them present. You can show her her future. In my mind, cheerleading would for basketball and other black sports would be a thing of the past a distant memory.

Bob Wallace had a simpler solution:

Show her a people [picture?] of the late mixed-breed Redd Fox and ask her if she wants her kids to look like that.

Cecil Henry managed to work Tiger Woods into the mix:

The first thing any human being thinks of when someone brags about having mulatto kids is how UGLY they are. When Tiger married that Swedish model he was destroying what he appreciated. Her kids will look like any other mulattoes. …

The product of miscegenation is generally ugly children and a dead society.

In addition to being racist as hell, Mr. Henry is apparently unaware that Tiger Woods is himself mixed-race, and that there aren’t a lot of people out there who think he’s especially ugly.

What a lovely bunch Vox Day’s readers are.


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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scaly llama

Yes they are. Even the seemingly cute things are just lulling you into a false sense of security. Unsolved murder? Koala assassins (they’ll do a hit on anyone for a few kilos of eucalyptus)

There’s an interesting theory about the KT2 extinction. Asteroid strike triggers Deccan Traps and messes up ocean chemistry. A sort of cascade effect. (I wrote a story once about dinosaurs trying to shield the earth from a lethal gamma ray burst by manoeuvring an asteroid to eclipse the source, and fucking it up)

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

Page three comments are a riot! I’m LOLing all over my office!!

I’m currently fascinated with and appalled by a show (What on Earth on the Science channel) about stuff scientists discover looking at satellite data. Some of it involves volcanoes. The most recent one I saw was about big holes in the Russian tundra from exploding methane. O.o

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago


Dinosaurs shielding the Earth? Reminds me of this:

(no, I can’t get it to embed , sorry ?)

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago


Giant exploding methane holes would be a great name for a band (and a not inaccurate description of much of the scum this blog is about).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scaly llama

Giant exploding methane holes

That would be a great swearword for a clean cut 1950s sci if adventure character. I might start using it.

9 years ago

Actually, mixed race people are generally considered the most attractive.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
9 years ago

My immediate reaction to the colostomy bag reference was to think that it was a bit unfair on colostomy bags. They’re only full of shit sometimes. Unfortunately it’s sometimes hard to make a joke without someone being offended and it’s not always obvious where to draw the line.
For instance this joke is a rape joke and should come with a trigger warning:

I’ve been raped myself and still think it’s funny. Others may disagree. So, maybe with disabilities there should be a consensus. I can see the need to be careful.

And I totally agree about the lack of mothers in fiction. It’s annoying. There is a meme about how Disney princesses would be so different if they’d had mothers. But they’re based on fairy tales.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

One of the things I really love about integration is the fact that it practically makes it impossible for racist morons like this to stay away from black people. The fact is no matter where Vox Day or any of his pathetic supporters live, there’s always the possibility that someone who isn’t white will move into the neighborhood tomorrow.

8 years ago

whale barf is called ambergriese .

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