Vox Day isn’t the only manosphere manbaby who’s been pitching a fit over the specter of “race mixing” in recent days.
“Game” guru and great white dope Heartiste has also weighed in on the subject. Naturally, Heartiste being Heartiste, his contributions to the, er, debate are overlong, overwrought, and overwritten, filled with ingroup jargon that at times makes it almost unreadable to those who aren’t already intimately familiar with internet Nazis.
Some “highlights” from a recent post of his on the dangers of “mudsharking” — that is, white women dating black men.
Every father, every parent, has a perfectly justified and legitimate grievance when a daughter strays from the Good and White to slum it with vibrancy.
For some reason, the alt-right thinks it’s hilarious to use “vibrant” and its assorted variations as a sarcastic way of saying “non-white.”
What miscegenation comes down to is defilement — of family, of thousands of years of irreplaceable genetic legacy, of Truth and Beauty. This is why, if people (including shitlibs) are honest, they will admit that the thought of their daughters getting f**ked — yes, F**KED… let’s not prettify the gutter rebellion with softened odes to intimacy — by a man of another race, especially of a genetically and phenotypically distant race, disgusts them to their very marrow. …
My sentiment is that White fathers have a MORAL DUTY to keep their daughters off the coal. To abandon this task, or worse to welcome the reproductive dispossession, is tantamount to betraying one’s own identity. … If as a father you’ve given it all you’ve got, and you still lose your daughter to dinduville, then the option to disown is available.
“Dindu” is another alt-right synonym for “black person,” derived from the phrase “dindu nuffin,” which is supposedly what every black criminal says when confronted with evidence of his crimes. Again, this is what passes for humor in the white supremacist crowd.
Whites currently constitute less than 10% of the total world population, and shrinking fast. Pretty White women are, by a global accounting, as rare as blue lobsters. Throwing that precious gift away and destroying thousands of years of evolved preternatural uniqueness to, in most scenarios, spite a parent or an ex-lover, is the height of folly and the banality of evil.
Banality of evil? Really? That’s pretty much the least appropriate, most ironic Hannah Arendt reference I’ve yet seen.
There’s much more along those lines in his post, hundreds of words of it, but I think you’ve probably gotten the gist of it already.
All the lobsters I have seen alive where blue. Or maybe I confuse them with another specie ?
@ohlmann I think he’s confused. Lobster are blue abd only turn orange when they are cooked.
Because it’s OURS, I tell you, all ours! And anything of ours is better than anything of anyone else’s.
(Except as far as I know, Heartiste’s “ours” probably doesn’t include folk from the near and middle Eastern areas where Neanderthals seem to have made a genetic contribution too, and longer ago… ah well).
I’ve lived in a society where first cousin marriage is absolutely a thing, and has been for centuries for a variety of reasons (women don’t mingle with men, but they will have met their cousins in childhood, so they’re not marrying a stranger: children belong to the father’s line so if both sides have the same grandfather it makes divorce less disruptive, and so on).
There are even penalties and disincentives for women marrying foreigners even from closely related countries – taking the “Who would you allow your daughter to be with” line to a national obsession. Basically they have to be over 25 (hit “the wall”) and to petition the government on the basis that nobody wants to marry them.
(The men often marry a relative first time around, but then are free to marry as they choose).
I don’t know a single family there without a severely disabled member, and conditions like diabetes are off the scale. A friend who is a neonatologist delivered two babies on the same day who had complete situs inversus – everything on the opposite side from standard – which is vanishingly rare elsewhere.
Purity is grand for foodstuffs, pretty terrible for critters.
My grandfather once researched his ancestors and found out that cousin marriage was common in my region until about four generations ago, to keep the family fortune together and also because people didn’t really get a chance to travel and meet other people. May be a reason why my region barely produced noteworthy scholars and poets over the centuries.
Blue crayfish are sometimes called ‘blue lobsters’. It still doesn’t mean he isn’t confused. 😀
He makes me want to projectile vomit.
Speaking of athletic type pursuits that are thought of as being for white people, I just watched A Ballerina’s Tale last night and recommend it. It’s about Misty Copeland, the first black principal at the American Ballet Theater. It also covers racism in ballet and to a lesser extent, sizism in contemporary ballet. It’s on Netflix. The American version anyway.
No, there are actual blue lobsters. According to the cbc:
“The blue colouration is caused by a genetic defect that causes the lobster to produce an excessive amount of a particular protein that gives the lobster the unique colour. (Courtesy of Sheldon Trenholm)”
There are also apparently orange lobsters?
The whole ‘genetic defect’ line made me laugh, because OBVIOUSLY being blue when you should be camo-mud coloured is a bad thing. Why would you want to compare something you hold as ‘superior’ to a clear genetic defect?
Every time I read these articles I wonder what language Internet Angry Men are speaking. Dindu? Really? Now you have some sort of Juvenile code speak?
The one you show is indeed bluer than the one I have ever seen. Like, bright light blue instead of deep blue.
I guess that make them sucky at chess too.
So glad my children are already mixed! Also the older one mostly wants to date girls, so I’ve done my part to extinguish the white race!
Oh, it was this goofy theory that Neanderthal genes are what make people brilliant and creative and built civilization and shit, and Homo sapiens genes are what make you a sheeple. A very transparent (and completely unsubstantiated) attempt to present creative types as superior and STOP COMPLAINING THAT I DIDN’T CLEAN MY ROOM, MY NEANDERTHAL GENES BUILT CIVILIZATION, MOM!
But when you add in the “Neanderthals are from Europe” element, it pretty obviously turns into “If it hadn’t been for us white people and our civilization-building genes, you’d all still be living in mud huts!”
MRA race-baiters have a fraught relationship with “beautiful white women”. On one hand, they can’t dream of possessing any other kind of woman to nurture their superior sperm to fruition.
But darn it, white women just aren’t BEHAVING. They have “stopped” being submissive (this pre-supposes some halcyon past where all white women were characters in an adorable little Victorian novel who sat around a tea room wearing lace and fainting if they saw anything dangerous, like a brown-skinned person) and do essentially as they please.
So they hate white women at the same time they laud them, sometimes going back and forth between these views in the same paragraph, in a form of ideological whiplash.
Today in a discussion re: the similar murders of two white girls, ages four and nineteen – I saw many MRAs state they had no sympathy for the nineteen year old because she was a “coal-burner” and therefore already “ruined” in their world, plus her behavior meant she was asking for it, so who cares? Others said they didn’t care about ANY white “woman” over elementary school age, since they all get so uppity once they become teenagers and older.
So there you have it – the only white females they can bring themselves to care about can’t be much older than toddlers. After that we’re all tainted.
Most lobsters are blueish, but some (one in a couple million) are bright blue. There are some rare bright yellow and bright red lobsters too.
WWTH: I watched that Misty Copeland doc. It was very good. I wanted my young niece to watch it. Like a lot of little girls she loves ballet and read Mistys book. I’m a huge Misty fan now.
Moocow and Cleverforagirl – fellow Bay Arean here. My family would be a Vox Day nightmare – I’m married to a Black man, we’re raising two Black sons, and none of us are Christians.
Monzach – I thought of Charles II also. Also Alfonso XIII, the only King of Spain born King of Spain, had four great grandparents due to pedigree collapse.
I read a rather rollicking book on the sexual and reproductive issues of European royalty and nobility a while back. The argument of the writer was that the ruling elite formed a breeding subpopulation that encouraged inbreeding. Thus, recurrent genetic problems. Even the apparently healthy and robust Victoria distributed the gene for hemophilia all over Europe.
This might also explain the relative vigor of the illegitimate children of royalty.
Finally – poor bulldogs! I will never have a purebred pet. I’d like a black moggie from a shelter, though.
Is it worth mentioning the Ptolemies in Egypt? They were so obsessed with ‘keeping it in the family’ that someone who smelled of fish got selected as Pharaoh as he was deemed to be only eligible candidate.
The amazing thing about Cleopatra VII isn’t just that she was a polymath, it’s that, unlike most of the family, she wasn’t a drooling idiot (hence the speculation as to who her mother might have been.
It’s about as logical as ranking cis men by penis size.
Seriously though, fuck heartiste and his racism. And the fact he thinks fathers can dictate their daughter’s sex lives. He’s just such a shit.
So, the Ad Choices ads on my phone didn’t quite load and it’s just listing the categories of ads they were supposed to show me. They are PUA, father-daughter, and military dating.
I uh, just…
I wish for no.
There’s actually decent evidence that, if you just keep inbreeding, (and, horrifyingly enough kill any offspring that are…um…demonstrating undesirable traits…) in about 7 generations you will have weeded out most of the major defects…thus why Egyptians were able to keep it going as long as they did. Please note that this is still 110% awful.
Methinks the Heartiste protests too much… because he probably jerks off to interracial porn.
Also, the Egyptian royal dynasties claimed legitimacy from divine descent, so consanguinity was the rule and not the exception. I don’t know which Ptolemy went Kemitic first, but by Cleopatra VII they were as inbred as any indigenous dynasty.
I once had an Afrocentrist argue with me that Cleopatra VII *must* have been Black because her family had been in Egypt for so long. I pointed out that F.W. de Klerk’s family had been in South Africa even longer. Hilarity did not ensue.
I have to say that there’s a certain appropriateness to basing your theories on racial superiority on the contents of people’s shit.