heartiste literal nazis misogyny PUA racism

More manosphere miscegenation mania: Heartiste on losing one’s daughter to “dinduville”

Fighting "white genocide," one awkward first date at a time
Fighting “white genocide,” one awkward first date at a time

Vox Day isn’t the only manosphere manbaby who’s been pitching a fit over the specter of “race mixing” in recent days.

“Game” guru and great white dope Heartiste has also weighed in on the subject. Naturally, Heartiste being Heartiste, his contributions to the, er, debate are overlong, overwrought, and overwritten, filled with ingroup jargon that at times makes it almost unreadable to those who aren’t already intimately familiar with internet Nazis.

Some “highlights” from a recent post of his on the dangers of “mudsharking” — that is, white women dating black men.

Every father, every parent, has a perfectly justified and legitimate grievance when a daughter strays from the Good and White to slum it with vibrancy.

For some reason, the alt-right thinks it’s hilarious to use “vibrant” and its assorted variations as a sarcastic way of saying “non-white.”

What miscegenation comes down to is defilement — of family, of thousands of years of irreplaceable genetic legacy, of Truth and Beauty. This is why, if people (including shitlibs) are honest, they will admit that the thought of their daughters getting f**ked — yes, F**KED… let’s not prettify the gutter rebellion with softened odes to intimacy — by a man of another race, especially of a genetically and phenotypically distant race, disgusts them to their very marrow. …

My sentiment is that White fathers have a MORAL DUTY to keep their daughters off the coal. To abandon this task, or worse to welcome the reproductive dispossession, is tantamount to betraying one’s own identity. … If as a father you’ve given it all you’ve got, and you still lose your daughter to dinduville, then the option to disown is available.

“Dindu” is another alt-right synonym for “black person,” derived from the phrase “dindu nuffin,” which is supposedly what every black criminal says when confronted with evidence of his crimes. Again, this is what passes for humor in the white supremacist crowd.

Whites currently constitute less than 10% of the total world population, and shrinking fast. Pretty White women are, by a global accounting, as rare as blue lobsters. Throwing that precious gift away and destroying thousands of years of evolved preternatural uniqueness to, in most scenarios, spite a parent or an ex-lover, is the height of folly and the banality of evil.

Banality of evil? Really? That’s pretty much the least appropriate, most ironic Hannah Arendt reference I’ve yet seen.

There’s much more along those lines in his post, hundreds of words of it, but I think you’ve probably gotten the gist of it already.

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9 years ago

Wow so I don’t even have time to finish a huge Teal Dear in the other thread on why “the fatherly duty to protect daughters” is horrendously sexist and here it is again! This time with ALL CAPS:

My sentiment is that White fathers have a MORAL DUTY to keep their daughters off the coal. To abandon this task, or worse to welcome the reproductive dispossession, is tantamount to betraying one’s own identity.

My only duty is to ensure that my kids lead a happy life full of opportunity. Also, I’m not sure how I can possibly fulfill this ‘duty’ to the white race when I live in the bay area. Sometimes, I am even *gasp* the only white person in the ‘group’.

This is why, if people (including shitlibs) are honest, they will admit that the thought of their daughters getting f**ked — yes, F**KED… let’s not prettify the gutter rebellion with softened odes to intimacy — by a man of another race, especially of a genetically and phenotypically distant race, disgusts them to their very marrow. …

I love this tactic so much. “these darn liberals disagree with me. Clearly I am right so they must all be closet racists as well!”

When your best insult is “Haha, you’re as bad as meeeeeee!!”, it’s time to re-think your life choices.

9 years ago

Guess who’s coming to dinner?

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

I can’t even laugh at these weirdos anymore. It all just seems so sad.

9 years ago

Apparently Neanderthals did seem to be stronger and had larger braincases, but whatever that meant apparently did not translate into weapons R&D and homo sapiens sapiens made better weapons. Though scientific consensus is that we did not wage a genocidal war and something else happened. There is less agreement on what.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
9 years ago

Why would the idea of their daughters getting “fucked” by a man of another race upset a liberal dad any more than getting “fucked” by a white man? If you think about it, why would their daughter having consensual, safe sex (when they feel ready/are old enough and as long as they are not being forced or coerced) bother liberal or progressive parents in the first place? (aside from it being TMI and that “ew, squick!” feeling of thinking about family members engaging in sexual activity)

The manosphere is chock full of projection.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ guy

There was some recent research that indicated asymmetrical muscle development in Neandertal arms. The hypothesis was that this was as a result of Neandertals using a particular type of spear thrust. However when they tested this they found that the hypothesised technique actually had a mirror effect (ie it was the other arm that should have been stronger). They seemed to gave missed one obvious conclusion though so I’d like to get on record now my theory that Neandertals were predominantly left handed.

9 years ago

This is why, if people (including shitlibs) are honest, they will admit that the thought of their daughters getting f**ked — yes, F**KED…

Dude, telling them to picture their daughters having sex is pretty damn perverted. You’re basically advising them to commit mental incest, or something equally gross.

I know Wiedmann has no shame, but I’m gonna be vicariously embarrassed for all of them, with plenty left over.

9 years ago

Moocow, Bay Area Represent. *holds up fist*

Racial purity stuff always confuses me. I try to look at things from both sides, but obsession with purity doesn’t make sense socially, scientifically or logically. So I try to follow this train of thought and my brain just starts throwing up ‘divide by zero’ errors and the only thing left to do is grab a cookie and hug a kitty.

9 years ago

Isn’t the Banality of Evil the sequel to the Audacity of Hope?

9 years ago

If white women are “rare as blue lobsters”, then the old stereotypical Jewish-mother admonition to find a nice Jewish girl must be a statistical impossibility, given that Jews make up less than 0.2% of the world’s population. Funny how just tossing around percentages of world population completely ignores stuff like the distribution of said population. 10% of the world’s population turns out to be an awful lot of people.

9 years ago

BTW, Bruce Cockburn really said it best:

Who needs supremacy of pink people
There’s no such thing as a pure racial strain
It takes all colours to make a rainbow
Takes every part to make a working brain
The whole of history is a growing together
If you want pure, you’re gonna have caves again
Anyway who needs a geek like the Grand Dragon
So full of shit his breath makes acid rain

I think I might have to cross-stitch that and hang it on my wall sometime.

9 years ago

Amazing how Heartiste throws a fit over a 0.1% genetic difference between races.

I can’t find a specific number on this, but it seems to me that one of the greatest genetic disparities in the human species is the immune system. Another great genetic disparity among people is the subtypes/different mutations of microbes we’re carrying. It makes sense if you think about it.

So, I guess by Heartiste’s logic, we start separating people by subtypes/genetic differences based on intestinal bacteria?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Victorious Parasol | February 23, 2016 at 4:43 pm
And here I thought purity balls were a creepy way for a father to control his daughter.

“Like father, like daughter! Or else.

It’s always really disgusting when you mix racism and sexism. It’s like pouring sludge into gone-off, curdled milk.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Whites currently constitute less than 10% of the total world population, and shrinking fast.

Good at this point, honestly. Breed the Heartsie out of the human race.

Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ PI

Two bad tastes that taste worse together!

9 years ago

I thought fucking as many girls as possible (and I apologize for that terminology) was the aim of all these PUAs? Shouldn’t they be applauding people for doing that?

No, because that would be consistent.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

It can’t be a coincidence that the rise of “Dindu” matches up perfectly with the rise of #BLM. By which I mean it’s not, it’s as much an anti-#BLM pro-murder dog whistle as it is a racist slur. Because these people are the sticky brown scum left at the bottom of the toilet after a particularly drunken Thanksgiving.

George SJW Bush
George SJW Bush
9 years ago

When I was a boy, whites were pretty darn racist. Now I’m a man, and whites are still pretty darn racist. Now, oppression is a thing, an onslaught, that is ongoing and outstanding. We are all of us responsible, and if the likes of Vox and Heartiste cannot agree, then they shall be cast aside with history!

Thank you.

9 years ago

Fair skin = gets sunburned easily, and requires a lifetime of sunblock expenditures to maintain.

That’s about it.

9 years ago


*fist bump*

It seems there are quite a few of us!

Harri Karri
Harri Karri
9 years ago

Oddly enough, these white supremacists don’t have a problem with white males dating or F****** Asian women.

Then they deny that there is a double standard.

The whole idea is to have a monopoly on access to wombs. Next will come a resurgence of the female chastity belt.

Harri Karri
Harri Karri
9 years ago

I forgot to add – pretty white western wimmin and their fugly feminazi counterparts are nation wreckers because they let darkies up their wazoo (or something like that) :

9 years ago

I find it so funny how he only talks about the hypotetical father having to control the hypotetical daughter.
What do the racist moms do – sit around and nod? And what if it’s the son who wants to marry a POC, how is that to be settled? Do father and son fight for dominance? Do they pee all over the dining table to show who is the most alpha? Questions, questions.

9 years ago


If white women are “rare as blue lobsters”, then…

Not white women, Pretty white women. I guess us fat and ugly ones don’t matter. ;-p

9 years ago

Why do Heartise and Roosh think that they have anything to say on the subject?

Have they given up the singles scene to marry?

Have they given up a newly married-with-disposable-income status to have children?

Do they work fewer hours so that they can spend more time with the kids? Sit up nights with them when they’re sick? Take them to Little League? Braid their hair? Help them with homework?

No? Nothing? They’re just single guys whose claim to fame is that they’ve had sex with lots and lots and lots of women? I don’t know about Heartiste, but apparently lots of times sex for Roosh ranges from meh to depressing. So Roosh can’t even do promiscuity right.