Vox Day isn’t the only manosphere manbaby who’s been pitching a fit over the specter of “race mixing” in recent days.
“Game” guru and great white dope Heartiste has also weighed in on the subject. Naturally, Heartiste being Heartiste, his contributions to the, er, debate are overlong, overwrought, and overwritten, filled with ingroup jargon that at times makes it almost unreadable to those who aren’t already intimately familiar with internet Nazis.
Some “highlights” from a recent post of his on the dangers of “mudsharking” — that is, white women dating black men.
Every father, every parent, has a perfectly justified and legitimate grievance when a daughter strays from the Good and White to slum it with vibrancy.
For some reason, the alt-right thinks it’s hilarious to use “vibrant” and its assorted variations as a sarcastic way of saying “non-white.”
What miscegenation comes down to is defilement — of family, of thousands of years of irreplaceable genetic legacy, of Truth and Beauty. This is why, if people (including shitlibs) are honest, they will admit that the thought of their daughters getting f**ked — yes, F**KED… let’s not prettify the gutter rebellion with softened odes to intimacy — by a man of another race, especially of a genetically and phenotypically distant race, disgusts them to their very marrow. …
My sentiment is that White fathers have a MORAL DUTY to keep their daughters off the coal. To abandon this task, or worse to welcome the reproductive dispossession, is tantamount to betraying one’s own identity. … If as a father you’ve given it all you’ve got, and you still lose your daughter to dinduville, then the option to disown is available.
“Dindu” is another alt-right synonym for “black person,” derived from the phrase “dindu nuffin,” which is supposedly what every black criminal says when confronted with evidence of his crimes. Again, this is what passes for humor in the white supremacist crowd.
Whites currently constitute less than 10% of the total world population, and shrinking fast. Pretty White women are, by a global accounting, as rare as blue lobsters. Throwing that precious gift away and destroying thousands of years of evolved preternatural uniqueness to, in most scenarios, spite a parent or an ex-lover, is the height of folly and the banality of evil.
Banality of evil? Really? That’s pretty much the least appropriate, most ironic Hannah Arendt reference I’ve yet seen.
There’s much more along those lines in his post, hundreds of words of it, but I think you’ve probably gotten the gist of it already.
Racists disowning their children for loving partners of a different race is a blessing for those children and their offspring.
YOU see, When you Capitalize WORDS, it Makes YOU sound WAY More Important. I Think it WAS an Old ENGLISH Rule, and I want Nothing More than TO return To Our Golden AGE. That May have existed. I THINK.
And here I thought purity balls were a creepy way for a father to control his daughter.
It’s bizarre that in 2016 there are people who still believe whites are genetically ‘superior’, both morally and intellectually. I’m sorry but if you love someone enough to say ‘yes, I could spend the rest of my life with that person, yes I could bring more people into the world and raise them with that person’ and they feel the same about you? Then you should do it.
Once more, with feeling:
Sorry to spam, but damn. This guy needs to google two-tone ska sometime and STFU.
I wonder what these racists think of the latest genetic research that says that unless you are a black person from Sub-Saharan Africa, your genetic material contain a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Vox and Heartiste’s beloved Europeans are the original mongrels.
Racists are embarrassingly behind the times. I don’t just mean in terms of their attitudes. I mean scientifically. Every time there’s a large global DNA project, it becomes increasingly clear that racial purity is not a real thing. Humans have always travelled around the globe, making babies along the way. The waves of migrations out of Africa were not one way and permanent. A lot of people, especially in the Americas, have the DNA of more than one race. This obsession with miscegenation that the far right still has is just so weirdly old fashioned to me. It’s pretty well known by now that you can’t assume that fair skin = pure European.
This from a man who believes that the cycle of abuse is an inspiration for how to manage a relationship.
This also from a man who believes that women, including white women, lose value when penises touch them.
I shouldn’t be surprised, though: almost everyone who goes on about how women need to be protected also tends to hate actual women as soon as those actual women insist upon being humans rather than rhetorical devices.
Oh, not to fear. They’ve just shifted the goalposts. The scientific racism line of thinking used to be that whites were fully human, blacks last evolved and closer to our primate ancestors. Now that it’s common knowledge that Europeans are part Neanderthal, being fully human is bad and the Neanderthal DNA is evidence of European superiority. I forgot why they think Neanderthal DNA is supposed to make us superior, I just remember that it does. Because reasons.
“Dindu” is another alt-right synonym for “black person,” derived from the phrase “dindu nuffin,”
So that’s what all that ‘Mace Dindu’ stuff was about
I’m fairly certain it’s not typical for a parent to go around thinking of “their daughters getting f**ked — yes, F**KED…”
Why do these perpetually scared types think people of any other than white background are somehow always violently taking white women sexually? He might as well have typed “their daughters getting stolen — yes, STOLEN from the people who own these wimmins!”
It’s just further in the lines of “women are property” type of thinking, this time under headline of racist phobia.
As I said above about women as property. Also, dinduville? Really? The Finnish version of this same racist dindu nuffin’ joke is probably not as old as the English language one, and it’s still ridiculously old. Tropes die hard in the minds of these types. Is it so difficult to poke your head out the door one of these days? Although I realise they make the very same argument about “libshits” (this was a new expression to me – catchy), that everyone who isn’t a racist fearmonger should get a “reality check”. Eurgh.
To go through life THIS terrified. I’m not feeling very coherent plus I’ve taken my night-night pill so I’ll just say this: Fuck you. My whiteness is not a gift, it’s a chance of birth. It is a privilege in a racist society, but I do not want it to be. And it’s not up to you to tell me what to do or who to love because you think my whiteness makes me a, er, blue lobster.
It’s interesting to note that in many places here in Finland, a country that as a whole has been quite isolated from the wide world for most of history, we have genetic diseases that are pretty much unknown elsewhere. And I’m sure that I don’t have to tell the Mammothteers why this is: inbreeding. That’s right, when you don’t get a healthy injection of new genetic material every once in a while, you get genetic diseases and lots and lots of trouble.
And as an example of extreme inbreeding and the problems it can cause at the highest level, I give you the last de Habsburgo monarch of Spain:
Yeah, Vox Day has mentioned this. As a matter of fact, I think he referenced it during the racist rant he threw at N.K. Jemisin, that got him kicked out of SFWA a few years ago.
MexicanHotChocolate, basically they say that those with some Neanderthal genes are superior to those without. I’m not sure how they square this with their obsession with purity.
A couple years back there were some manosphere dudes obsessed with trying to spot evidence of neanderthal blood in themselves, celebrities, etc, based on their brows, etc.
Every time I see that guy I think of this:
(Watch that video from the beginning, too. It’s awesome.)
I can’t speak for James “Heartiste” Weidmann, but a lot of white supremacists seize onto that as a point of pride since they claim that it makes them biologically inherently different from the “lesser races.” It’s their defence against the troubling fact that there’s no biological entity as a “race”, only a social construct.
ETA: Ninja’d by David.
I don’t think “banality” means what he thinks it means…
also, gross. this guy is the worst.
The Afrikaners have the same thing. It turns out that when people are obsessed with keeping their “white” blood pure, you get troublesome things like porphyria and schizophrenia coming up a lot.
@EJ (The Other One)
I guess that’s true of any group of people who are desperate to maintain some form of fancied “purity of blood”. At least here in the Nordic countries we had the (still poor) excuse of not having much contact with the outside world. Like I said, it’s still much better if you allow some outside genetic material to reinvigorate your gene pool. As Raj says in “The Big Bang Theory”: Why not add a little mocha to the family latte? 😀
The talk about the myth of racial purity reminded me of my latest grumble. At work, the TV in the lunchroom is set to one channel–that happens to play Maury Povich during my lunch break.
In addition to the ongoing classist, racist and sexist content of the show itself, lately they’ve been pushing this company that offers to do a DNA test that supposedly will tell you what continents your ancestry came from. Of course, it took ten seconds of Googling to confirm my suspicion that the entire concept is bullshit.
Apparently the Ashkenazi also have it really bad for the same reason.
While there’s plenty of DNA testing that is not BS as far as I know, I definitely wouldn’t trust the DNA testing that Maury uses. They’re the same company that claimed to have found sasquatch DNA a couple of years ago.
I have to admit I don’t want to think of my (prospective) daughter getting fucked by someone of a different race. But I don’t want to think of her getting fucked by someone of the same race either. Nor my prospective son, nor my siblings nor parents nor cats.
I definitely would want them to have a healthy and fun relationship, I just find it creepy to go into detail with the intimate details.
WWTH: Basically, there’s decent DNA testing, and there’s hoaxterism. The Maury stuff falls well within the latter category. (I also have to wonder why his Lie Detector operator hasn’t been drafted into the FBI/NSA already. They invariably claim that the polygraph tests they administer are “98% accurate”–putting them about well above what even the strongest proponents for LDTs will actually claim–the biggest fans put the rate at around 90%, and critics push it down at low as 70%.)
I knew that goofy theory about Neanderthals being superior had to be connected to something nefarious.