Ten days ago, author S. Jane Gari wrote an explosive blog post (which I wrote about here) about the now notorious pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh. In the post Gari relayed what she said was the story of an Icelandic woman who claims that Roosh raped her several years ago after following her home from a Reykjavik bar.
Now Roosh is threatening to sue Gari for defamation, claiming that the story Gari tells is “completely fabricated” and suggesting that the accuser herself, whom Gari calls “Susan,” may be nothing more than a figment of Gari’s imagination. In a post on his website Return of Kings, Roosh not only denies raping “Susan,” he declares flatly that he’s never “[f]ollow[ed] a girl home.”
As Roosh tells it,
[t]his is not a case of a girl I know making up an encounter, but a girl who I’ve never met and who I believe doesn’t even exist inventing a situation after skimming through publicly available excerpts of Bang Iceland.
In a letter evidently sent to Gari, and later posted on Return of Kings, Roosh’s lawyer, Marc Randazza, declares “Susan’s” story as “a complete work of fiction” adding later that
The story on its surface does not even sound credible. There is no possibility that if you examined this story with any amount of rigor, that you could believe it to be true.
These denials — from Roosh and from his lawyer — strike me as frankly bizarre.
The story that Gari tells, and that Randazza evidently deems so incredible, matches in most of its key details a story that Roosh tells in his book Bang Iceland, and which is also posted on his blog.
Roosh’s claim that he’s never followed a “girl” home is even more bizarre, because in Roosh’s version of the story he describes in detail how he followed this “girl” home.
In an excerpt from Bang Iceland posted on his blog, Roosh describes how he approached a drunken woman outside of a Reykjavik bar after her
friends had ditched her and left her all by her lonesome. She desperately looked for them, fiddling with her phone, but they were all gone. I couldn’t believe my luck.
“I guess I’ll walk you home,” I said. She didn’t say anything. Once she started walking I followed her.
Roosh doesn’t know the woman; by his account he had “barely exchanged three words with her” on a previous evening. Unsurprisingly, the woman makes clear she doesn’t want his “help.”
“Fuck you!” she said. “You don’t have to walk me home!”
But Roosh continues on anyway. As they make their way to her house, Roosh writes,
She kept telling me to leave and I kept saying it was my duty as a man to make sure she got home safe.
When they get to her house, Roosh insists he needs to use her bathroom; she says “yeah, whatever,” and lets him in.
Remember, this is Roosh’s account I’m relaying here, not “Susan’s.” I have no idea how Roosh squares his account of following a “girl” home with his current claim that he’s never followed a “girl” home.
What’s makes this claim even more remarkable is that he has written numerous times before about following women.
In his book 30 Bangs, a collection of Roosh’s putatively true sex stories, he describes two instances in which he followed (or tried to follow) women into taxicabs. In one account he says that when the taxicab a woman called arrived, he “hopped in with her like a stray dog.” In another account, he describes how he tried to follow a different woman “into the cab without her permission, but she was too quick for me and escaped into the darkness.”
Following women isn’t just something that Roosh sometimes does; it’s actually one of the key “techniques” he teaches his readers. In Day Bang, in which Roosh lays out his strategies for meeting women in the daytime, Roosh urges men to “trail behind” attractive women they see walking down the street.
The best method for street approaching is to pick a street with medium traffic, hide behind a bush or utility pole, and then emerge from your spot to start following any cute girl that walks by until she hits a Don’t Walk signal.
While she’s waiting to cross the street, you see, she is a captive audience for whatever pickup like you want to try on her.
Roosh offers similar advice on his blog, telling his readers that “[w]hen a cute girl walks by, follow her until she hits a Don’t Walk signal. This may take a few blocks of stalking.”
In another post on his blog, Roosh declares that “[s]ometimes the best way to get into a girl’s place is to say nothing and just follow her in.”
And while we’re talking about Roosh’s standard operating procedures, Roosh regularly uses the excuse of having to use the bathroom as a way to get into a woman’s house or apartment. He describes this “bathroom weasel technique” in some detail in his book Bang, and uses it so often that it becomes something of a running joke in his later works.
In Roosh’s post responding to, and flatly denying, the accusations set forth in Gari’s post, he makes several other blanket denials that are similarly problematic.
In an attempt to rebut “Susan’s” story, in which she claims Roosh raped her after determining that she was home alone, Roosh declares that he’s never had “sex in an Icelandic girl’s home while she was alone.”
But in Roosh’s version of “Susan’s” story, he simply assumed that her parents were in the house with her, sleeping — even though she was acting as if they weren’t.
She was talking loud, as if no one was home, but I did notice a shut door that I assumed was her parents’ bedroom.
The next morning, in Roosh’s account, he snuck out of the house shortly after waking up “in case her parents woke up early.” But at no point did he ever encounter the parents, and the woman he says he had consensual sex with never mentions them being in the house either.
In “Susan’s’ account of that night, as described by Gari, she says that shortly before raping her, he asked her to touch his penis. When she refused, Roosh grabbed her.
In his Return of Kings post, Roosh says he’s never asked “a woman to ‘touch my penis.'”
Perhaps, but in his book Bang, Roosh describes something he calls the “hand-on-crotch move, the most important bedroom move we have.” This “move” is as straightforward as it sounds. Roosh explains:
At this point you have been doing most of the touching, but what you want to do now is open the floodgates and give her permission to be the sexual being that she really is. When one of her hands is near your waist, gently grab it and place it right on your cock over your clothes.
This is evidently a move Roosh uses on a fairly regular basis. In Poosy Paradise, his latest collection of putatively true sex stories, he describes one encounter in which he made use of this not-so-subtle technique,
“I’m tired,” I said. “Let’s lay on the bed.” After a couple minutes I did the move. It’s the best move I have and I remember when and where I learned it 13 years before. I grabbed her hand and gently placed it on my penis, as if setting a teacup on its saucer.
Several pages later, Roosh recounts how he used the exact same technique on another woman, complete with the same phony complaint about feeling tired:
“I’m a little tired,” I said. “I want to lay down.” I lay on my bed and told her to join me. She did with her shoes hanging over the side. I kissed her and then unzipped the boots and took them off. She did not resist. Then I put her hand on my dick, and within five minutes that dick was inside her.
Elsewhere in the same book Roosh describes how he “tried to press my boner into [yet another woman’s] body but through our coats I don’t think she felt it.”
So it may well be technically true that Roosh has never asked a woman to touch his penis. By his own account, he prefers to place a women’s hand on his penis without asking first,
In “Susan’s” account, as told by Gari, she started crying after Roosh grabbed her, but her tears did not convince Roosh to back off.
In his Return of Kings post, Roosh claims that he’s never attempted “to make physical advances on a crying girl.”
Perhaps, but in 30 Bangs, Roosh describes how he has sex with a reluctant young woman who whimpered the whole time.
After dinner we went upstairs and I eased her onto my king-size bed. It took four hours of foreplay and at least thirty repetitions of “No, Roosh, no” until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina. No means no—until it means yes.
The sex was painful for her. I was only the second guy she’d ever had sex with. I didn’t think she was lying, because pumping her was like jamming my cock through a medieval keyhole. She whimpered like a wounded puppy dog the entire time, but I really wanted to have an orgasm, so I was “almost there” for about ten minutes. After sex she sobbed for a good while, talking about how she had sinned in the eyes of God, but in an hour she got horny again and we went at it once more.
According to Gari, “Susan” also claims that Roosh, shortly before raping her,
laughed and overpowered her with force, saying, “All girls like this. It’s every woman’s fantasy. You don’t even know what you’re saying. You’re drunk, but I like drunk girls.”
Roosh says he’s never told “a girl that rape is ‘every woman’s fantasy.'”
I haven’t found an example of Roosh doing this in the writings of his I’ve searched through, though in one blog post he talks about his love of rape scenes in movies and declares that both men and women “have rape fantasies and that’s normal.”
As for using force to overcome female resistance, Roosh has admitted doing that in at least one instance. In Bang Ukraine, as I’ve noted before, Roosh describes how he used “some muscle” to hold a woman down after she told him she wanted to change positions during sex.
And I need not remind most of you of the many times that Roosh has described other sexual encounters that have led many people to describe his books as “rape guides.” (If you do need reminding, I have examined many of these instances in a post you can find here.)
So, far from being the literally incredible story that Roosh’s lawyer insists that it is, one so implausible that no one who “examined this story with any amount of rigor … could [possibly] believe it to be true,” “Sarah’s” story not only matches Roosh’s own version of events in many key details but it also describes Roosh using tricks that are consistent with his MO, as spelled out in his books and blog posts. What’s more, most of Roosh’s specific denials, as I’ve shown above, are contradicted by his own writings.
In Roosh’s version of the story. he follows a woman he’s only spoken to very briefly home from a bar even though she tells him repeatedly not to; he uses the excuse of having to use her bathroom to get into her house, after which she thanks him for walking him home and then has consensual sex with him.
In “Susan’s” version of the story, as told by Gari, Roosh follows a woman he’s only spoken to very briefly home from a bar even though she tells him repeatedly not to; he uses the excuse of having to use her bathroom to get into her house. After learning that she’s there alone, he tries to get her to touch his penis; when she resists he grabs her and rapes her.
Again, I ask you which seems the most plausible.
There is one detail to “Susan’s” account, as Gari tells it, that seems to me to add to the plausibility of her account: As he follows her home, he tells her that she has “a beautiful but sad walk.”
This detail is not in Roosh’s version of events, and might seem a bit strange, But, as one of my readers pointed out to me, Roosh has actually been filmed using a variation of that line in an attempt to pick up a Romanian woman.
In 2013, you see, a Romanian news program did a brief feature on Roosh, and Roosh posted two versions of the story that aired on Romanian TV. Neither is translated, but in both versions Roosh can be seen telling a young Romanian woman, in English, that “I couldn’t help but notice the way you are walking. It is very sad walk.”
You can watch the clip here; it should start right at the point Roosh approaches the woman.
You can find a slightly different version of the TV segment here.
I don’t know if “Susan’s” story is true, but Roosh’s defense, so far, is not exactly enhancing his own credibility.
How can we actively help or support Roosh’s rape victims?
At this moment, it seems that the whole massmedia felt victim
to Roosh’s threats and intimidations, and they are not publishing anything about him in the last days, after this:
Pro-rape campaigner Roosh V is now targeting journalists who disagree with him
Sick pro rape pick-up artist Roosh V is unhappy with the coverage his views are getting – and has begun posting the personal details of journalists who criticise him.
The hate figure, who believes rape should be legal on private property and who has published 15 books widely described as ‘rape guides’, wants to see journalists who disagree with him targeted.
Which means he’ll probably be compiling the names of every media person on the planet.
He urged his followers – alarmingly he does have them – to gather photos, Facebook profiles and addresses ‘for possible future use’.
Valizadeh has previously stated: ‘My default opinion of any girl I meet is that she is a worthless dirty wh**e.’
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs: Wait. Castaigne, are you just relaying information or do you agree with them? I thought it was the former, but now I’m not so sure.
Relaying information. Sadly, I was unaware of Randazza’s MRA/Red Pill positions, and while I supported his support of free speech, now that I am aware of his other proclivities I have to stand way, way aginst him. And Greenfield.
It actually makes me sad. Ruins all the good work they’ve done.
Clark is actually gone, thank God. Unfortunately, Randazza was his fucking replacement. So fucking hell.
Ugh. UghughughughUGH.
And yeah. Ayn Rand made up women who liked being raped, too. She had to, because in real life, no such women exist.
Also, Ayn Rand and this dude are assholes. So.
I can’t help but wonder if part of the motivation of this is so Roosh can get the identity of Susan and sic his followers on her for dating to speak out.
There is literally nothing creepier than Roosh’s writing about his “bangs” – he is the absolute worst. I hope he gets his ass handed to him in court.
He also seems to be willing to attack those same guys; https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20141116/09070629164/marc-randazza-emasculates-pick-up-artist-legal-counsel-hilariously-brutal-response-to-bogus-takedown-demand.shtml
It does not seem that his practise is to be the lawyer to the MRA/PUA/RP but rather that he is (at worst) a mercenary without care for which side of the fight he is on, but to go to he who hires him.
One must admit that his searing attack on another MRA was a harsher rebuke than what he sent to S Jane. Perhaps revealing that his sympathies may not lie where you think.
I am not sure that is better. If he believes in the principles in the letter to Julien Blanc but he is just mercenary-for-hire for Roosh then I do not know if I have faith in mankind.
#Rooshieisarapist and DS
Not got time to read all, just wanted to post something I had to re locate. You are absolutely right that he does not see it as rape Unless there is Violence (and incidentally I found one last night) if you use drugs / spiking a drink. If it is just persuasion (PRESSURE) then it is not rape “How many no’s does it take to entre a vagina.
He has an article of his favourite film rapes. Likes the ones where it shows that it is the womans fantasy / there is plenty of eye contact – shows intimacy and she is won over / falls for him in the end. He said “I do not ger aroused during that scene like I normally do watching rape” for one scene where there was violence. Put him right off and said that because he did not like that, that means he is not a rapist. Issue is however, define consent and informed consent when he has slept around and is collecting trophies for his next book etc. Given the article again here and also a lovely one on How to avoid a rape charge. Why would anyone write such an article? Oh and another one. When no means yes?
As I said, if there is no violence or drugging, it is just a matter of pressuring. Yuk
@Darawak The only men who are likely to genuinely emotionally support Roosh and his ilk are men who’ve ‘suffered’ the same as MRA’s, i.e. either men who’ve lost custody of children or money due to divorce, men who’ve been falsely accused of rape/sexual harassment, or men who can’t get a gf for whatever reason.
I’d imagine these men are actually a tiny minority of men in general, and it’s highly unlikely to apply to this lawyer.
If he’s happily married and has good relations with his female relatives he’ll be even less sympathetic.
If he investigates Roosh’s writings he may even get to feel sympathy for Roosh’s victims and disdain for his methods and teachings.
It would be hilarious if he takes his money but fails to succeed due to lack of conviction, or if he gives up the case and turns him over to the police. But I’m not holding my breath. He doesn’t sound particularly scrupulous. Roosh has likely deluded himself that most men agree with him and support him.
Iceland is not in the EU.
A good focus can be to saveguard all instances (I counted so far well over 100) when Daryush Roosh Valizadeh have described himself raping girls, and was teaching advices to his readers to do as well.
Like for example the original version of “When No Means Yes” by Roosh,
when he describes how he forced 2 girls who were resisting,
and crying “No! No!” how he penetrated them anyway by holding them down with his muscles.
Roosh himself describes and admits to:
– few actual rapes in Bang Iceland where he says that he went with the intention to “rape white girls”
– few rapes in Bang Poland, 2 rapes in “No Means Yes” original post (that, the same as many others, he edited and deleted partially, this way destroying evidences against him)
– few rapes in 30 Bangs,
– few rapes in Bang Ukraine, etc
@ Ashara, I found this about him. https://cyberlawradio.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/clbr-155-iamsarkeesianandicann51/
He promotes the hashtag #iamsarkeesian when nobody paid him to but now he is representing MRA-PUA poster boy? I wonder if he is schizophrenic or playing fifth column tactics.
It is bizarre that the same man that wrote that is now helping Roosh silence his victims.
I hope that all those plans to ban Daryush Roosh Valizadeh terrorist group from European Union to become true
As long as Roosh is still in liberty, he creates thousands of new rapists
with his advices and his how-to-rape-and-get-away-with-it manuals:
I hope that all those plans to ban Daryush Roosh Valizadeh terorist group from European Union to become true
As long as Roosh is still in liberty, he creates thousands of new rapists
with his advices and his how-to-rape-and-get-away-with-it manuals:
I hope that all those plans to ban Daryush Roosh Valizadeh extremists group from European Union to become true
As long as Roosh is still in liberty, he creates thousands of new rapists
with his advices and his how-to-rape-and-get-away-with-it manuals:
I hope that all those plans to ban Daryush Roosh Valizadeh extremists / terorist group from European Union to become true
As long as Roosh is still in liberty, he creates thousands of new rapists
with his advices and his how-to-rape-and-get-away-with-it manuals:
As long as Roosh is still in liberty, he creates thousands of new rapists
with his advices and his how-to-rape-and-get-away-with-it manuals:
David – when is your book of putatively true sex stories going to be released?
Who is this Jenny and why are they spamming the same thing over and over?
Jenny here. The browser had an error and it posted 2 or 3 times the same thing. Sorry for that.
These are some reasons why Roosh should be in prison already
(his own admissions)
Hey sorry to necro a thread but I just got an idea about roosh and his whole “satire” thing. I think he’s not satirizing rape culture in his head but instead he’s satirizing how he thinks society throws the word “rape” around for any sort of sexual act or at least that’s what I think he means when he uses the word rape. Sorry to be a bother and no I don’t agree with him.
I dont think he is satirizing anything at all. I found a video defending his statements. He only says things are satire WHEN he realises he is in trouble. I have various examples of where women were obviously using satire, but he squeals that it is serious. I also have a piece where he REMEMBERED later that he had sex with a woman in the morning (So it could not have been rape!!) The piece actually said he always bragged about his exploits. So how come he forgot that they continued in the morning then. He said that this was his best conquest in Iceland. Surely he would have remembered that. Just added it in retrospect I am willing to bet, to try and con people that it was not rape once accused.
Elsewhere he is currently saying why is everyone looking at him INSTEAD of (Muslim / middle Eastern) rape gangs – the REAL rapists in his view and Conservative Muslim Families, though in the past he has posted articles about the Merits of Muslim tradition which he admits to taking from and a video saying that the reason people are having a go at him BECAUSE of ISLAMOPHOBIA. His parents are Armenian and Iranian. He is ripping into people of the same ethnic background therefore as himself and his parents and I suspect at the moment this is because he believes / likes to portray that it is only REAL rape if it involves Violence and not just consent issues. Pointing to them (though there is evidence it was overhyped due to a Neo Nazi agenda anyway) is him saying look at them – they are real rapists. Real nice, total disrespect when he was hiding out at his parents. Terrible habit that – of changing his story after he is pulled or just chopping and changing depending on what he is trying to portray.
My reporting of this passage – I posted Roosh V’s own words about one of his encounters the other day, in response to his post on GROOMING Indian GIRLS, when grooming is a word used to describe what Paedophiles do. I have added my accents to it to indicate the parts that I consider questionable, both in relation to Rape / Consent and also his possible thoughts on young girls.
“I told her I wanted to take her home. “No sex,” she said, a phrase that she could pronounce
very clearly. I made the universal sign for sleep, telling her that I was tired anyway. IT TOOK ABOUT TWENTY MINUTE TO GET HER TO UNDERSTAND THAT JUST BECAUSE SHE CAME TO MY PLACE, IT DIDN’T MEAN WE HAD TO HAVE SEX.
Her TINY size really hit me when she took off her heels. I asked her how much she weighed.
“Thirty-five kilograms”. Besides her surprisingly round ass, she had the body of a gymnast who
I got her down to her bra and panties but she kept saying “No !!! No !!!” I was so turned on by
her beauty and petite figure that I told myself SHE’S NOT WALKING OUT MY DOOR WITHOUT GETTING FUCKED.
The best way to visualize our sex is an elephant mounting a kitten.
My dick was half the size of her neck. I put her on her stomach and went deep, POUNDING HER PUSSY LIKE A PAEDOPHILE.”
Somebody came back at me with a further quote that they felt PROVED that this was not indicative of rape.
Here it is –
“The excerpt that is often used to falsely portray me as a rapist is the following, which I wrote in Bang Iceland (2011):
While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. IN AMERICA, HAVING SEX WITH HER WOULD HAVE BEEN RAPE, SINCE SHE COULDN’T LEGALLY GIVE HER CONSENT. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.
I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do. IF A GIRL IS WILLING TO WALK HOME WITH ME, SHE IS GOING TO GET THE DICK NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHE HAS DRUNK. I’ll protect MYSELF by using a condom (most of the time), but I know that when it comes to sex, ONE OUNCE OF HESITATION OR A FEELING OF MORALITY WILL GET ME NOTHING.
In this quote, which was taken out of context, I admit to sleeping with a girl who appeared more inebriated than me, and nothing more. MY EXAGGERATED “I’M A NONSTOP SEX MACHINE” BRAVADO, which I ALWAYS INCORPORATE INTO MY SEX WRITING, is irrelevant. Now let’s put the quote in full context and see how the story continued:
I woke up first in the morning and looked over at her. I fully expected to be greeted by a beast, but I was pleasantly surprised that she actually looked better. I studied her face in the morning light and concluded that it was magnificent. She was the hottest Icelandic girl I had gotten with, and definitely in the top 10% of my all-time bangs. I pulled the covers down and examined her flawless creamy skin and her perfectly proportioned body with big tits and round ass. My dick was getting hard again and I gently poked her with it, fully expecting the typical awkward after-sex Icelandic vibe, but instead I was greeted with, “So you want to fuck again?”
Yes please!
Two more times we went, and by the end of it I had no semen left. Then we started to get to know each other. First we exchanged names, then ages, then professions. I’m pretty sure that guys know more about the prostitutes they fuck than I do about the Icelandic women I got with.
The morning after this girl was “raped,” and when she was completely sober, she asked me to have sex again. We did it two additional times and began to develop a connection that was deeper than my other Icelandic bangs (i.e. we knew each other’s first names).
Well aside from the fact that it was written in retrospect, AFTER he had been criticised for raping her, he refers to “MY EXAGGERATED “I’M A NONSTOP SEX MACHINE” BRAVADO, which I ALWAYS INCORPORATE INTO MY SEX WRITING.” However, he then goes on to say “Now let’s put the quote in full context and see how the story continued”
Also the article defending his legalize rape statement and his claiming Islamophobia.
OMFG I’d not seen that video before. He claims his views about women are from Islam? And therefore anyone opposing him is Islamophobic? What a tool. I have no words.
You’d think a lawyer who writes for Popehat would understand the Streisand Effect.
The Streisand effect has nothing to do with Roosh
Roosh on BBC and on DR OZ and in the news in february 2016 was seen
by over 800 million people
Guess how many of 800 million people became his followers
An amawing grand total of 600 new instagram followers for Roosh
and 2,700 new twitter followers
So 0.001 percent become Roosh followers
and 99.999 percent hate him or know that he is an evil bigot