antifeminism gross incompetence memes misogyny MRA open thread

Correct Spelling is Misandry! A Memeday Open Thread

Stay in school, MRA kids!
Stay in school, MRA kids!

Dudes, seriously? If you’re this bad at spelling, run your damn memes by someone you know who can spell before posting them for all of the Internet to see.

The word is spelled "therefore."

Dudes: The word is spelled “therefore.” With an “e” at the end. Also, center your text properly! In addition, I would suggest that you 1) lay off the rape jokes and 2) try to make even a little bit of sense.


Dudes: it’s “than,” not “then.” They are different words, with different meanings, and you used the wrong one.

Also, that first sentence is a mess. Change “or have internalized misogyny” to “nor do they have internalized misogyny.”

Once again, a feminist has to do the work that MRAs should be doing themselves. At least this time they spelled “misogyny” correctly.

As for you, dear readers: Feel free to discuss the arguments (or the spelling) of any of these memes. But you can use this as an open thread, too.

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9 years ago


It’s not just them, you’re the one insisting on remaining ignorant, and you’re the one trying to inject your talking points into threads that have nothing to do with them in order to shout over others.

But you can use this as an open thread, too.

So open thread is not that open even if i respect the rules.
anyway i’m not into being a victim and won’t make a drama of out this situation. move on, everything is fine 😉

9 years ago

Ok if nobody’s interested, i try not to mention regressive-left (also i hope that some are a bit interested) but don’t expect me to just “go away” because i’m not popular, that’s not gonna happen.

9 years ago


Just because people don’t directly talk to you, doesn’t mean they are not displeased. They may just be avoiding the endless, boring, long worded discussions.

Am i supposed to be psychic?!i know i’m not popular, but that means commentators have absolutely no interest in what i write? hopefully this is not true.

Baby, I wanna know!
Lying that you’re sexing me
When everybody knows
It’s clear that you’re upset with me
Oh, oh, oh.
Sorry, got carried out.

You made me laugh:) i owe you one.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Open threads are for regulars to chat about their lives or random news events, not for genocidally Islamophobic turdmongers to whine about liberals for the fiftieth time this week.

9 years ago

Being tedious is a bannable offense.

9 years ago

don’t expect me to just “go away” because i’m not popular, that’s not gonna happen

Anyone else think he should be banned just for this line?

9 years ago

Am i supposed to be psychic?!i know i’m not popular, but the means commentators have absolutely no interest in what i write? hopefully this is not true.

Well, first, no one said you were supposed to know everything. I am just saying that you should consider such possibility. I, for example, am displeased at certain points you have been making every since the first comment, but I avoided to confront you exactly for that reason.
Second, being displeased is not the same as not having interest. This blog is made of things we are displeased to read but have interest in reading. Not comparing you to mras or anything, just saying.
If you don’t want to be regarded as troll, stop this “regressive left” bulshit, in a discussion with a major left majority, and that has nothing to do with politics. It’s disrespectful. What’s next, you’ll call us SJWs? Don’t act like a troll if you don’t want to be treated as one.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Since this is an open thread…

I shared with Mr. Parasol the truly amazing story about the Nazi veterinarians and those poor exploited puppies, and he immediately pointed out that (obviously!) the puppies got loaded aboard the invisible plane. I love being married to a smart man with a sense of humor.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Being tedious is a bannable offense.

9 years ago

not just straw man but also an implicit association fallacy.
So watching “religion” and “faith” constantly is equivalent to fascism which actually can prevent it!
You’re blurring the distinction between the religion and religious people but maybe you’re doing it deliberately.

Open threads are for regulars to chat about their lives or random news events

It’s getting more and more complicated, now the gospel needs interpreters!
Am i supposed to act upon unwritten rules that i don’t know?!

9 years ago

News: My dad’s doing a lot better– he’s out of the ICU and in a physical therapy rehab center. Once he’s walking well he’ll go home (my mom wasn’t sure she could help him if he couldn’t move under his own power, but she can take care of pretty much everything else).

Also, my first go at repairing a “perfect bound” paperback (the kind where it’s just individual sheets glued into a cover, so they become really annoying when they start to go) went well: FB album link for non-FB people.

George SJW Bush
George SJW Bush
9 years ago

I gotta admit: I’m not all that good at the grammar. Never was, and might not ever will be. I used to go to a good school, did okay and I think I’ve done and gone made my life worthwhile.

The grammar Nazis, I find to be pure and insidious. You can say something on the Youtube, and there are people who say “Hey! You mispelled ‘you’re’! That makes you a dummy!” without even acknowledging what you just said. Now, I’m not the smartest man on the internet, but I think my progressive worldview means I’m at least a couple of hairs above stupid.

Not only is grammar nazism reductive and unargumentative, but, as others have said already, it is also racist, classist, ableist, and probably some other things I’m drawing a blank on right now. We can’t rule out that there may be poor, non-white men who have been deceived by the MRA’s misogyny.

Thank you.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Glad to hear your dad’s doing better, Nequam!

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


“nobody cares” or “shut up” or repeated accusation of being a troll or MRA are brand new forms of rational argument and not methods of Silencing?!
I wished there was more meaningful communication but they’ve made their choices.
I’m quite familiar with methods of silencing and i’m experiencing it on regular basis being a minority in a muslim society, and because of this experience i’m nearly immune to such tactics but no i’m not using it so freely.

Did you even read what I said? I don’t agree that you were silenced. It’s a powerful word and you did agree you understand this.

Almost exclusively, ok?

No. MRA are not exclusive nor almost exclusive to the internet with their thoughts. I mean, I live in a country that has a small population and here a guy got famous for his thesis on the “Sexual Market Theory”. MRA is everywhere, and anti-woman thought is not separate from it. Misogyny is everywhere. These aren’t some individuals floating around in bit space. We even have artists and politicians speaking against women over MRA topics. Please do not belittle this.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@ Nequam

Really glad your dad is doing better! Many strenghts.

Also, those illustrations are so effing gorgeous. I’m an artist myself and a huge fan of this sort of thing!

9 years ago

@Dalillama: I never turn down hugs!

@Nequam: OMG, I love book binding. I took a class in college that included it, and it was seriously one of my favourite parts. I wish I had reasons to just bind books! Though this idea of repairing older books is really intriguing.

I’m also glad to hear about your Dad, having a sick parent isn’t easy.

9 years ago

I find your posts objectionable and boring, arash. Go away.

9 years ago


Second, being displeased is not the same as not having interest. This blog is made of things we are displeased to read but have interest in reading. Not comparing you to mras or anything, just saying.
If you don’t want to be regarded as troll, stop this “regressive left” bulshit, in a discussion with a major left majority, and that has nothing to do with politics. It’s disrespectful. What’s next, you’ll call us SJWs? Don’t act like a troll if you don’t want to be treated as one.

I try to avoid using “regressive left” as possible because i want conversation and if no one wants to hear it, there is no point in bringing it up.
But SJW is at least cute and i have no problem with it 😉
BTW rationalwiki is a fairly left leaning site and has made similar arguments regarding these words, so some parts of the left can be critical of some other parts:
Anyway i’m not sure that this will be the end of it, any strong disagreement and i would be called the “T word”.

9 years ago

@Leda Atomica

Did you even read what I said? I don’t agree that you were silenced. It’s a powerful word and you did agree you understand this.

Ok they didn’t tried to silence me, now happy?!

No. MRA are not exclusive nor almost exclusive to the internet with their thoughts. I mean, I live in a country that has a small population and here a guy got famous for his thesis on the “Sexual Market Theory”. MRA is everywhere, and anti-woman thought is not separate from it. Misogyny is everywhere. These aren’t some individuals floating around in bit space. We even have artists and politicians speaking against women over MRA topics. Please do not belittle this.

Not every form of misogyny or patriarchy is MRA, and not anyone who shares some views with MRAs is an MRA.
There should be boundaries in respect to definitions, how do you define MRA and how do you differentiate it from other forms of misogyny?

9 years ago

I shared with Mr. Parasol the truly amazing story about the Nazi veterinarians and those poor exploited puppies, and he immediately pointed out that (obviously!) the puppies got loaded aboard the invisible plane.

Where was there an invisible plane? I only remember the burning Spitfire and I hope the veterinarians weren’t loading puppies onto that!

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


Not every form of misogyny or patriarchy is MRA, and not anyone who shares some views with MRAs is an MRA.
There should be boundaries in respect to definitions, how do you define MRA and how do you differentiate it from other forms of misogyny?

As I said, there are actual self-defining MRAs in real life. Maybe I should have been more clear on that? Like, people who say “I’m a men’s rights activist” and they are artists or politicians.

Also, I am not certain why I have to differentiate between misogyny under different lables.

Ok they didn’t tried to silence me, now happy?!


Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Katz

The invisible plane was behind the windmill. That’s why you can’t see it. Plus, invisible.

9 years ago

@Leda Atomica


i think our discussion is not productive anymore, but anyway thanks for the conversation.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


So sorry for my lack of productivity.

comment image

9 years ago

Arash, seriously, stop posting links to regressive left bullshit.