antifeminism gross incompetence memes misogyny MRA open thread

Correct Spelling is Misandry! A Memeday Open Thread

Stay in school, MRA kids!
Stay in school, MRA kids!

Dudes, seriously? If you’re this bad at spelling, run your damn memes by someone you know who can spell before posting them for all of the Internet to see.

The word is spelled "therefore."

Dudes: The word is spelled “therefore.” With an “e” at the end. Also, center your text properly! In addition, I would suggest that you 1) lay off the rape jokes and 2) try to make even a little bit of sense.


Dudes: it’s “than,” not “then.” They are different words, with different meanings, and you used the wrong one.

Also, that first sentence is a mess. Change “or have internalized misogyny” to “nor do they have internalized misogyny.”

Once again, a feminist has to do the work that MRAs should be doing themselves. At least this time they spelled “misogyny” correctly.

As for you, dear readers: Feel free to discuss the arguments (or the spelling) of any of these memes. But you can use this as an open thread, too.

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9 years ago

It’s not misandry, but it is kind of classist and ableist to shame people for bad spelling (as opposed to the horrible things they’re actually saying).

9 years ago

they might be on to something, with the sharks. i’m picturing an undersea oceanography lab.
i’m a little bit obsessed with Dragon Age these days. i was fighting the archdemon just now when the game crashed.

9 years ago

I thought MRAs were supposed to be concerned about male rape victims. By their logic, shouldn’t men have to go live in the ocean with sharks?

I just really don’t understand this meme. It seems to be saying that women aren’t really worried about rape. We just say we are to use it as an excuse for misandry. Because if we were really so concerned about a too high number of rapists, we’d go live in the ocean with sharks. But the reason women don’t go live in the ocean with sharks is because humans aren’t aquatic mammals. We’re land mammals. We physically can not live in the ocean. They could’ve solved this very silly problem by requesting we live with a lion pride or grizzly bears or something.

Anyway, on the more personal stuff side of things, I’m taking Amoxicillin prophylactically because my last wisdom tooth extraction healed badly and got a minor infection (not dry socket I don’t think). Why, why, why do they make pills that are so huge? I actually got a little scared when I opened the bottle. And I didn’t scared at all by the novacaine shots or the extractions. Just the gigantic freaking pill that I’m probably going to choke on. I’m feeling very fortunate right now that I don’t have any chronic conditions that require me to take medications regularly and I only have to swallow lots of pills on a temporary basis. It’s a huge pain!

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago


It’s not misandry, but it is kind of classist and ableist to shame people for bad spelling (as opposed to the horrible things they’re actually saying.)

Not when they’re reasonably sophisticated internet users attempting to disseminate ideas, it’s not. These memes aren’t the work of isolated individuals crying in the wilderness. You’re part of a “human rights movement” and you want to communicate with the big wide world? Try spellcheck, or Google. Or at least have somebody double check your damn spelling.

9 years ago

What Lady Mondegreen said. Also, these guys pretend to intelligence. They’re constantly telling us how much smarter they are than women and beta orbiters, because they know The Truth and are Going Their Own Way. Any day now. You’ll be sorry. Just you watch us.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

It’s not misandry, but it is kind of classist and ableist to shame people for bad spelling (as opposed to the horrible things they’re actually saying).

Only if we know that they’re lower-class or have a mental disability/disorder. It can also be racist if we know that they’re ESL.

… But when we’re talking about middle-class neurotypical Anglophones, as we are here, this complaint kinda just comes across as a silencing tactic.

It’s petty, sure, but it’s not bigoted.

9 years ago

The last meme just needs a comma: “It is nothing more, then a division of labor.”
See? Makes perfect sense now 🙂
(I even left the ‘u’ out of ‘labor’ despite the pain it caused. You’re welcome).

9 years ago

(a) I think the shark meme is basically suggesting that women should drown themselves
(b) hope you’re feeling ok. Can you break the pills up?

9 years ago

So far I’m fine. Hopefully it sticks! I could see if my grandmother has a pill splitter. She lives right next door. I’ll probably just suck it up though.

9 years ago

I can never figure out whether women are supposed to be stay at home moms because biotruth assfax. Or if SAHMs are evil because it’s misandry to sit at home eating bonbons while their husbands work themselves to death.

I mean, it’s not like MRAs have to be a hivemind. But as far as I know, this isn’t an issue they discuss that much amongst themselves and the same MRA will often hold both opinions simultaneously. Really, it’s just that women are bad and any choice we make is misandry.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
9 years ago

“It is nothing more then[sic] a division of labor”.

Indeed. Labor is made up of the prefix “la” and the suffix “bor”. La, as the knowledgeable linguistic nerds of this blog will know, is a French article. It translates to “the” in English. “Bor”, meanwhile, is Ye Olde French for the animal the boar. It’s the etymological root of the word! Literary nerds will recall that Sir Bors was one of King Arthur’s knights in Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. Bors was also a boorish man with all the sophistication and tact of a boar. (But without literal tusks.) Thus, we see that MRAs have unwittingly admitted that their various ideas are nothing more than the divisions of a misogynistic whole: a boorish ideology of boar-like people.

In conclusion? MRAs are pigs. QED.

9 years ago

Hey, you all. I just wanted to come around and tell you that, every since my valentine’s day post there hasn’t been any fighting. We started clear and he agreed to my terms, to be more respectful and start respecting my place of speech and life experience, and every since we had one discussion, and it went along fine. It’s amazing how well you can understand something when you are not screaming or interrupting, and it’s amazing how well you can explain something when you are not crying out of frustration for seeing someone you love getting drowned in an antifeminist litter. Let’s see how long this good wave lasts.

Oh, and Orion (it was you, right?), thank you again. I showed your texts to my therapist and she is currently researching about “gifted children”. We made a little test and she says it does sounds viable. Feels so good to finally understand myself a bit better!

Depression is still strong and I recently had a ptsd dream, after a blissful almost a month long hiatus. I freaking hate this. But on the bright side, I seem to finally have managed to get a routine going for a while now. I wake up, work out, shower, learn German, study under the sun, shower again, work, and leisure. I know my “updates” are the most boring thing (seriously, who considers “I have a routine and had a nightmare” an update?), but only getting out of bed really is a huge achievement for me. So having a productive routine even when problems and ptsd kick me is really a champaign popping event for me! :p

OH! And I am soon going to be an aunt and godmother in 5 weeks! Let’s all send good energies or prayers if you are religious, and pecans if you are not (seriously, send me pecans) for the birth to be peaceful and for me to have strength to change diapers :3

9 years ago

What Lady Mondegreen said. Also, these guys pretend to intelligence. They’re constantly telling us how much smarter they are than women and beta orbiters, because they know The Truth and are Going Their Own Way. Any day now. You’ll be sorry. Just you watch us.

Dittos. And I’d add that these guys’ spelling reflects their general pattern of thinking: Sloppy, slipshod, and shitty.

Also, I’m an English major. I went to a lot of trouble, expense, and school for this. Dammit, I demand satisfaction!

PS to WWTH: Monster pills go down best with a good drink. Preferably wine, but water or tea will do.

9 years ago

@Chiomara: good to hear!

9 years ago

What if I told you that it’s pretty funny when MRAs use imagery from The Matrix in their memes and posts when The Matrix was co-written and co-directed by Lana Wachowski, a transwoman and featured a major strong female character. What if I told you it’s even funnier when you consider that the Wachowskis previous movie, Bound, was about a lesbian couple taking revenge on one of the women’s mafioso boyfriend.

9 years ago

I know my “updates” are the most boring thing (seriously, who considers “I have a routine and had a nightmare” an update?), but only getting out of bed really is a huge achievement for me.

Not boring at all. Very good news to hear, and I’m glad things are going well for you right now.

9 years ago

PS to WWTH: Monster pills go down best with a good drink. Preferably wine, but water or tea will do.

I wish for wine. I’d rather to wine + ibuprofen + antibiotic than water + Norco + antibiotic. But, alas. Alcohol, hot beverages, and carbonation all supposedly increase the risk for dry socket so for the next few days it’s only juice, water, and those Starbucks frapp bottles. 🙁

9 years ago

My first thought on the shark one is that it’s analogizing men with sharks. Women expecting to share spaces with men without fear of rape is like trying to live among sharks and expecting not to be mauled.

9 years ago

I think that the shark thing is an attempt of “satire”. Like if the woman was saying this and mras who read should think like “haha, dumb feminists are so dumb they think living under the sea is safer than living with men”.
Or maybe the meme maker saw someone saying like “people consider sharks, for example, a real danger while they don’t consider rape as such. We should take more measures against rape.” and made an attempt at “gotcha”.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Chiomara: I’m glad things are looking like they’ll work out between the two of you. I know my (and a few other users’) advice was to dump him, but I’m still glad you two managed to find a way to work it out.

As for the shark thing: I think it’s in response to a meme I saw floating around saying that women had a greater chance to be raped than to be attacked by a shark, but it also pointed out that having a fear of sharks was considered a good thing, but having a suspicion of men is considered “misandry” and gets women yelled at by MRAs because they don’t assume that every man they meet is a Nice Guy (especially if it’s them she’s suspicious of). In other words, it’s another example of MRAs completely misunderstanding and misrepresenting a feminist argument.

As for the last meme: I personally don’t feel like women who choose to be SAHMs have internalized misogyny solely because they’re SAHMs. If they can afford to be a SAHM and their husband wants to work and they want to stay home with the kids, more power to ’em. However, if they start getting snotty with women who choose to not do that and come at them with some shit about how “It’s a woman’s place to be at home with her kids! You’re so selfish to be thinking about your career instead of your poor husband! Who’s taking care of them?!”THEN she’s touting some serious internalized misogyny.

The other problem I have with that meme is that MRAs want all women to be SAHMs, whether they want to or not, and they’re most likely just mad that people called them misogynists over it.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago


You could try the Miracle Max approach and coat it in chocolate? ?

Seriously though, melted chocolate really works well – I’ve used it before to get down the horse-pills-masquerading-as-vitamin-tablets I have to take every day.

Thick hot choc works. Custard is also nice, as is ice cream and puréed apples. Almost anything mushy will help ? Just take a spoonful, pop the tablet in your mouth, and swallow.

It’s all about tricking your mind into thinking you’re just swallowing a mouthful of food, not a tablet. Throat muscles tend to constrict on tablets, but know how to relax for food.

I know how you feel – only long experience has made it easier for me, plus learning a few tricks. Hope that’s somewhat helpful.

9 years ago


Make sure you take proper care to moisturize your skin well, I know the climate where you’re at does tend to lead to additional showering, but that doesn’t mean the skin won’t appreciate moisturizing to compensate for what is lost.

Good skin is good skin after all.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’m really glad to hear that things are better, Chiomara.

9 years ago

OT but has anyone else been falling Kesha’s case in the news? My heart broke for her when she started crying. I’ve been there, feeling the system has let you down and the world’s a poisonous place. I really hope she has a good network of people that support her. AND there’s still awful people that accuse her of lying. Ugh just ugh, bet they’re the same people who like those ridiculous memes

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