
MRA: Women make bad soldiers because they’ll sleep with guys who aren’t you


Women in the military can be very distracting
Women in the military can be very distracting

The latest hot take on women in the military, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit:

ABunchofTards 1 point 11 hours ago Honestly, letting women in the military is a horrible idea. They make inferior soldiers for obvious reasons, and even in support roles, the amount of love triangles and gender strife will severely degrade unit cohesion. You're not likely to have your buddy's back if you have to listen to him fucking the girl you like every few nights or so. It's simply unrealistic to expect people not to be people. You can shake your fist at the heavens and damn humans for being the flawed monkeys that they are while refusing to take it into account, or you can plan around our species' flaws and actually get things done.

They’re “inferior soldiers for obvious reasons?” What “obvious reasons?”

Because they’ll sneak away in the middle of a firefight to have a tea party with their dollies? No, that’s little girls (and some boys), not adult women.

Because they can only live for a limited amount of time out of water? Oh, wait, that’s goldfish.

Because they’ll poke too many holes in their uniforms and possibly in other soldiers as well? No, that’s porcupines.

Because they’re 1,300,000 times the size of earth? No, that’s the sun.

Oh, wait, it has something to do with shoes, right? Women love shoes!

And if the whole shoe thing isn’t enough, we should definitely kick women out because when they engage in prohibited sexual activity, that’s totally their fault and not at all the fault of the guys having sex with them, and also because when a really cute women has sex with some dude it might make some other dude feel sad because that ungrateful slut should really be breaking military rules with me and not that dickhead Tony who thinks he’s so cool, but somehow Tony himself isn’t at fault, because I dunno, he’s basically all right, a real solid dude, when you think about it, he can’t help it that women are always throwing themselves at him, man I wish I were more like Tony.

Huh. So if we’re going to start tossing people out of the army for making other people upset, should we toss all people of color out of the military because some white solders are racist?

If there’s some soldier who really hates standing in line at the mess hall, should we kick everyone standing in front of him out of the army?

And if we’re preemptively tossing whole groups of people out for hypothetical things they might possibly do, why not toss gay men out of the military (again) because they might get some of those tiny yappy dogs — I mean, gay guys love those tiny yappy dogs, right? — and these tiny yappy dogs might chew through the wires of some really important piece of equipment? (Wouldn’t that make a great comedy? Email me if you want to buy the movie rights to this paragraph.)

Hell, I’m pretty sure everyone on planet Earth has the capacity to make some other person on Earth feel bad or suffer inconvenience, so let’s just toss everyone out of the military just in case.

I should point out that not everyone in the Men’s Rights subreddit agrees with ABunchofTards here. Indeed, the top response to his comment comes from a subreddit regular, blueoak9, who declares that the assumption that women are naturally terrible soldiers

is insulting. It insults the women I served with which means it insults me. There were women who were shit soldiers, and men too, but it had nothing to do with their gender or how people interacted with them.

And as for all that “love triangle” nonsense, blueoak9 informs Mr. Tards that women in the armed forces are actually very stinky.

I have news for you – human females smell about as intensely as human males; it’s just a feature of the species – and after a few days in the field they get pretty unappetizing, so all this rumpy-humpy you are imagining is pure fantasy. I never observed any of it. I’m sure it happened, but it was rare and surreptitious.

And besides, when this, er, rumpy=humpy does happen, you’ll get some too because these gals will have sex with pretty much anyone.

[A]s for not having your buddy’s back because you are somehow jealous of him – that’s a rather civilian perspective. Much more likely is telling him it’s your turn next. A lot of women get a lot of dick in the Army; it’s a perk of service.

So there you have it. Women are terrible soldiers except when they aren’t, and they will have lots of sex except when they don’t but even when they don’t they do.

I’m glad the fellows on the Men’s Rights subreddit were able to resolve this issue peacefully.

UPDATE: In case you’re wondering about the illustration I used for this post, you can read about the artist here. It was used as the cover of a men’s adventure magazine in 1971.

H/T — r/AgainstMensRights





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9 years ago

I don’t find that article very accurate at all. And for all the talk about treating women like humans, it still treats us like a puzzle to be solved. I had to stop when I got here:

Some of the same male traits that frighten you the most also seem to be the most attractive to you. The guys who pose the greatest physical threat are also the same guys you can envision making you feel the safest. The guy who seems like the most egotistical player in the bar is also the one making you laugh so hard that your ribs hurt. It’s all a giant, swirling, pulsating contradiction.

Because no. That’s so ridiculous and it promotes the idea that women are attracted to dangerous men.

9 years ago

Hmm. All the people of any gender who tend to make me laugh are geeky in some way. A couple of my college friends were the exception but one was a woman and the other a skinny guy with a friendly personality who never seemed the slightest bit friendly.

Maybe different women find different things funny? Shocking, I know.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
9 years ago

Seriously? They think letting women in the military will result in endless Angus/Heather/Mario love triangles, where Heather is also fucking Campbell on the side for career advancement? Note to MRAs: Not every mixed-gender workplace will end up full of emotionally-charged romance plotlines from medical dramas-actually, very few of them will, because those plotlines are just not something that happens much in real life.

The above emotionally-charged romance plotline I give as an example is from Code Black. Anyone else here watching it? I’ve found it to be really good (except for the Neal/Christa romance, but that’s because Christa gets on my last nerve and then twists it as hard as she can).

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Viscaria has said the truest thing that was ever said.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Katz

Oh, that body of water is the river bordering the farm/secret lab. Our intrepid hairdresser saviors had to make their approach via the river in order to draw enemy attention to their own position so that the windmill could get blown up real good. Alas, they had not packed any kind of swimwear, but a good agent is always willing to improvise, so they made do.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Actually, seeing the river changes things. Now the vets are evidently running to the river to get water to try to extinguish the fires.

Man, those hairdressers are assholes.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Hey! Those hairdressers are very savvy. They’re focused on their mission objective and utilizing available resources to achieve their goal.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Being good at accomplishing a mission doesn’t mean being a good person. They can be savvy and still a bunch of evil farm-incinerating assholes.

The word “good” has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man.
– G. K. Chesteron

There were probably puppies in that windmill. Puppies. With big eyes and diseases that the vets were trying to cure.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Still, they’re not assholes. They’re savvy. With a keen understanding of Nazi veterinarian behavior. I’d say they fall into the “Good Is Not Nice” category.

ETA: And if there were puppies in that windmill, they were likely being used as test subjects by those ruthless Nazis, who did not heed the puppies’ mute pleas for mercy.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

See this? That windmill was probably full of puppies like these. Fair enough, those puppies were working for the Wehrmacht, but that’s not their fault for being born in the wrong country. Those are patriotic puppies and they deserve better than to be set on fire by some river-wading assassins who don’t even understand about the importance of keeping your feet dry!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Pfft. Remember who set fire to that windmill? Obviously she was able to reassure them and find them good forever homes so that they could be loved by people who wouldn’t use them as test subjects for a bioweapon.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

What was she going to carry the puppies home in, her tasteful back-seamed thigh-highs? They’ve not only neglected sensible footwear, but are also not carrying proper packs.

Anyone would think that we don’t train our hairdressers in basic infantry skills.

Also, the dude in the flotation device obviously set the fire, that’s why the woman in the red top shot him and the one in the bra took away his bomb before he could blow up another windmill full of puppies.

9 years ago

@Kupo –

No, I don’t agree with that either if you look at that quote from that perspective. What I think the author was trying to say is that — using strength as an example, strength is often a positive trait in a man for a woman (I’m not saying always), but that that same strength could be a reason to stay away from him. She just can’t know at the time how he’s going to use that strength. Right? And that’s the thing. She has to be vigiliant always, and think of a myriad of complex things before she even considers opening herself up to a relationship.

But I did like the fact that the author asked the male audience to look at things from the woman’s points of view, to actually put himself there and see what she sees and what she has to deal with every day.

9 years ago

After all the jokes about women drivers, this dude crashes his burning Spitfire into a windmill.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

What, you think the Nazis were letting the puppies romp around happily? No. Those puppies were in CAGES. Cages where the poor puppies were identified only by a string of letters and numbers, not names. All she had to do was lash the cages together in a configuration suitable for transport.

And the hairdresser in red didn’t shoot him. That would be a waste of ammo. She slashed him with her scissors, duh.

9 years ago

The hairdresser on the right appears to have green hair. I think I know who she is: the X-Man Polaris. Also explains her wardrobe choices.

Obviously she’s crashing the Spitfire into the Nazi truck using her ability to control metal as part of a revenge scheme for torturing her father. The lead Nazi doesn’t know who she is, which is why he’s still holding her gun, and the one right behind him is going “No, you fool!”

The redhead is obviously Jean Grey, in her Dark Phoenix phase, judging by her red costume. She wounded Cyclops on purpose and stole his mask when he tried to stop their plan. Now he has to keep his eyes squeezed shut or else he’ll incinerate everything.

The Nazi officer beside the truck has figured out that regular guns won’t stop Polaris (or Dark Phoenix, for that matter) and has resorted to shooting the Spitfire with a finger gun.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Those cages were the barracks for the puppy scientists! Sure, they’re not entirely comfortable, but we both know what the military is never going to prioritise comfort for the brave dogs serving the Fatherland.

They had strings of letters and numbers because dogs can’t write very well, and so have to use MD5 hashes instead.

Pictured: Wehrmacht windmill scientists.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Interesting Spitfire fact is that the vast majority of them were pink.

It was a military secret so there are very few contemporary photographs; the War Office only allowed the publication of pictures showing the planes with the previously standard camo top/blue bottom paint job.

Hers a rare pic; although as it’s in black and white it sort of defeats the object.

9 years ago

That’s pretty much every MRA/MGTOW/Redpiller post in a nutshell:
“Wimmins won’t have sex with me waaaaaaa Imma make stuff up about all wimmins and call dem names.”

9 years ago

Also, that’s not a life preserver Cyclops is wearing. That’s just his uniform.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

You think the puppy scientists were happy to serve the Fatherland? Oh, probably once upon a time, when they were young and innocent. But these puppies … these puppies had seen too much. Done too much. They’d been forced to try to meet Hitler’s ridiculous demands to scale up as quickly as possible, and their little puppy hearts were no longer beating with joy in their work. No. These puppies were downtrodden and brokenhearted, their youthful innocence withering away under the glare of their superior officers.

And then … and then one day, a beautiful brunette came to the farm. A woman dedicated to truth and justice. A wonderful woman skilled in the arts of war, but who preferred to embrace peace. And when these overworked, shivering puppies looked up at her, and heard her speak soothingly to them, promising them their freedom….

Well, they just rolled over for belly-rubs.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Victorious Parasol, you are the winner. I lost it totally at belly-rubs.

9 years ago

@Taos, I haven’t clicked your link because it appears to have been written by Tucker Max, PUA and general all-around dbag.

@EJ, I am making grabby hands at the puppy pics. MUST PET. MUST SMOTHER WITH LOVE.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Never underestimate the power of the belly-rub, EJ.

9 years ago

But I did like the fact that the author asked the male audience to look at things from the woman’s points of view, to actually put himself there and see what she sees and what she has to deal with every day.

Yeah, that’s great and all, but maybe he could ask a woman to describe her experience instead of making up some kind of evo-psych explanation about how women experience dating. Also his constant use of the term “mating technique” felt gross.