So an angry dude wandered into the S**t Reddit Says subreddit recently — one of the few feminist-friendly, largely manbaby-free hideouts on Reddit — and left a pretty amazing rant, attacking the SRSers as, well, see for yourself.
I’m not even going to bother fisking this one. I think it’s probably best experienced in its original wall-of-text form.
In case that image is hard to read, here’s the text:
You’re the most f**ked up group of people currently alive (self.S**tRedditSays)
submitted 1 day ago by LewisExMachina
I’m sure you’re gonna devour this account too, but whatever. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that every time I call you out my account gets spammed and your cronies try to doxx me, but I can’t let you keep doing what you’re doing. The harassment you put people through on a daily basis is way worse than anything /fatpeoplehate was ever accused of. Who knows how many men you’ve driven to suicide just because they have something between their legs. But you don’t fucking care, because they made a rape joke and that makes them worse than Nazis. I guess rape is worse than murder now. And since men can’t be raped any man who says he was raped has to deal with it while a female who says she was raped is instantly believed and rewarded for her bravery. And you think women have it worse? Fuck off, women are treated like little princesses while men are treated like shit. Maybe you have a point with the catcalling thing, but everything else you say is bullshit and based on lies meant to devalue men and increase the value of women. Soon you’ll force the government to add the ability to make more money (27% more) by just checking off a “I’m a woman” box on a job sheet. Us men will just say that we’re transwomen (since that’s also something you support) and get that money too, so you’ll be back to square 1 where men and women make the same salaries. If you want to make the same money then don’t take maternity leave, dipshits.
And what’s with all the hate on video games? You don’t even like video games, and we do. Why is that a problem. If something makes a group of people happy and it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone else then why is that such a bad thing? Women don’t want to play video games, they just want to police the development of video games and its community. !??!?!? Seriously just fuck off. Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind rather than video games that you don’t even play. All of the girlfriends I had wanted nothing to do with video games and that was okay. How would you feel if we started policing makeup, saying that makeup led to violence and should be banned? You’d hate it, because it’s a stupid baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender. Which is exactly what the attack on video games is.
I don’t know what to say here other then you probably all need to get laid, then you’ll calm down.
Indeed, a thing of beauty.
@Imaginary Petal
sadly you’re right and and i said it too
but i’m not a perfectionist and my (well not truly mine!) solution is very practical.
i said before, i’m no fan of him(which probably nobody believed), new atheists lack philosophical knowledge and don’t notice how religious their scientism and atheism is.
Sorry, but I also have to object to the implication that religion is both irrational and incorrect. That’s a huge assumption right there.
ok, would you care to say what you mean by religion, rationality and correctness?maybe we can agree on something.
also i’m more critical of religious thinking rather than religion itself.
In my definition of religion I include faith in some supernatural entity or effect, without verifiable evidence. That necessarily entails at least irrational thinking, although of course the conclusions could be correct by random chance. But the “incorrect” part should be viewed as my opinion, or rather my conclusion based on the available evidence, keeping in mind that I could also be wrong but it’s unlikely. :p
Debunking this crazyrant would be giving it too much credit. I agree with the synopsis that OP needs a diaper change and a nap. Poor thing, he’s so ANGRY.
I see Arash is trying to stir shit up again.
What, does he just lurk, waiting for the topic of atheism to come up?
Didn’t he promise not to spill over into other threads? Or was that the other identical guy.
is there something wrong with that?! or maybe it’s against some rules that i can’t see.
@Imaginary Petal
come on, don’t be mean
*flicks paint at Road Rash until he shuts up*
That was One True Dingleberry. arash has made some non-tedious comments, not related to religion/atheism, in other threads recently (such as arguing with the troll in last week’s “gotcha” memeday thread). I’ve also not noticed them using the argument “you’re wrong because [youtube link]“.
Here’s a very important piece of context for what littlethinker is talking about.
He is discussing movement atheism worldwide, not just in the West, as he repeatedly makes clear. Atheism is not the exclusive province of cishet white men, and not everyone who wants to promote it does so out of bigotry.
i think another illusion is that the problem of religion in the west is “solved”. well it’s subdued but not “gone” and the only reason is that people stand against its advances.
it doesn’t stop, it doesn’t vanish, it doesn’t “go away”, it’s just in every human soul and if people forget how dangerous it is, if they let it thrive in public domain and if there is no organized force to restrain it, it will take over the society.
when there is a constant danger there is a need for unrelenting watchers.
“You’re a fascist, Rashy.” – Hagrid, probably.
You can just say that you’re an atheist and if clarification is needed, then provide it.
I’ve lived as an atheist for a good long time now and that has come up exactly never. Maybe it’s happened to other people, but frankly, because atheism is so low on my list of how I define myself, it honestly wouldn’t bother me in the slightest to have to clarify it to someone. *shrugs*
I think we’re talking past each other here. If there’s a context in which Dawkins is somehow the atheist equivalent of, say, Bin Laden, then you have a point. However, apart from the fact that they’re public figures, I view these contexts as so different that any comparison will be deeply flawed.
See, that’s where I differ. Some theocratic regimes like the one in Saudi Arabia are propped up over here. Over there, they enjoy little popular support. In other cases, US intervention was a contributor to the rise of theocracy, like Iran and Irak, for instance. The problem with religious extremism in these countries can partly be traced back to western intervention. Doesn’t absolve the criminal acts of anyone, but it does suggest a course of action.
Which is why I argued for branching off rather than remaining on the same boat as them. The Dawkins, Harris and Maher branch have become or are in the process of becoming immune to reason and evidence: they won’t change their mind and there is no point being affiliated with them.
See, the distinction I make is between orthodoxy, dogmatism and rigid fundamentalism. These things are hardly unique to religion, nor are they inherently part of it, and I also think that what makes fundamentalism, be it religious or non-religious, appealing on a broad scale is largely a combination of social, political, and economic factors.
I don’t know about that: Dawkins, Harris and Maher all come from a place of privilege and yet, there they are.
I dismissed it because it had nothing to do with anything I wrote, and it still has nothing to do with anything I wrote, so no, I don’t feel compelled to address it.
The thing is, movement atheism isn’t exactly friendly to women and sexual minorities, nor can you paint religion with such a broad stroke.
Congratulations, you killed that strawman dead. What I actually argued is that what makes a religion benign or toxic is a broader set of circumstances and that changing these circumstances is more likely to have a greater impact than promoting atheism. They are not mutually exclusive options, but it does suggest something about how much effort should be directed where.
The thing is, you can have religion with or without oppression and oppression with or without religion, so I’m fairly convinced that making atheism the lynchpin of one’s strategy to fight oppression can’t find anything but limited success.
It’s context dependent. In places where atheists have to struggle for their rights, something more activist. In places where they don’t, it’d be more like a social club or support group. Doesn’t necessarily mean that those in comfortable situations can’t lend a hand to those in dire circumstances, but you get the point, I hope.
Eh, I’ll throw my lot in with the movements you mentionned before atheism any day of the week.
@David N-T
how do you define religion?and do you think unrestrained religion is not oppressive?
Timothy Cardinal Dolan a Catholic asshole who is the Archbishop of New York. He has ~400k google hits. Bill Donohue is a Catholic asshole who goes on FOX News a lot. He has ~800k google hits. If I were a Catholic thinking about leaving that church, I think I would be much more concerned about Dolan than Donohue.
It seems like you are or have been “in deeper” with movement atheism than I have, so you may have a clearer sense of the facts on the ground than I do. I think there’s an important difference between a face and a leader, and that a bad leader is often a good reason to leave a group, but a bad face or rarely a good reason to give up a label. I have the impression that Dawkins specifically is more a face than a leader.
A leader gets their power from the group or movement they lead. They may or may not be well known outside the group, but they’re effective because they can ask for and receive money and labor, because they have authority in group institutions, or because they set behavioral norms for the group.
One of the biggest atheist events there is is the American Atheists’ annual convention. The director of American Atheists is a man most people have never heard of, named David Silverman. I can ask David Silverman not to invite Dawkins to the next conference, but I can’t ask him not to invite himself, nor can I ask Dawkins not to invite Silverman. If I buy a ticket, Silverman and not Dawkins will decide what my money is supporting.
A face relies on followers for advertising more than for labor and draws power from both inside and outside the group. Dawkins is wildly popular among atheists, but in some ways he doesn’t even need atheists any more. If every atheist in the world rejected him overnight, he could probably work as an atheist spokesman on TV for the rest of his life because he’s the atheist people have heard of.
I’m not 100% sure what you actually mean when you say “stay” or “leave,” but I don’t think being less active or less visible can do much to weaken the presumption that Dawkins speaks for you.
If a guy tried to take my makeup away from me, I would either punch him or laugh in his face, and then continue to apply it.
If a guy tried to take my makeup away from me, I would either punch him or laugh in his face, and then continue to apply it. Especially the new foundation I just got-L’Oreal True Match Lumi Cushion, where the foundation’s in a little sponge in the compact and you push the little puff (like a powder puff but not as thick) down on the sponge and tap the foundation on your face.
David, please delete my previous comment-it was an incomplete thought and I don’t want it up there.
@Falconer: Thank you for all the recs! I will peruse those. :DDD
I like how Orion just ignored everyone but EJ there. I guess those of us who haven’t read the sacred texts aren’t worthy of a reply.
@Imaginary Petal
To clarify my earlier post, I just get tired of people using rationality as an instrument to bludgeon others (not that I think you were doing that). For a lot of people, religion is about how they feel, and people are often told they’re being irrational for having feelings of any kind. To say that the only rational choice is atheism of some kind is pretty insulting to anyone who is religious.
I don’t think you see religious people as irrational, deluded people or anything, I just get tired of hearing fellow athiests treat religious people like they’re inferior and this was starting to souls a lot like that. It probably comes from hanging out in a lot of atheist spaces before, where the racist, sexist douche-fedoras would attack anything and everything they disagreed with as being irrational, illogical, and objectively wrong, regardless of any actual facts.
@Rhuu: I guess it all boils down to, “You know the modern editions? You’re going to run into the problems they were designed to fix.”
It can be fun, but stay on your toes. Be prepared to accept that things sometimes don’t make sense. The more philosophical grognards might explain that, of course it doesn’t make sense, the dungeon is a place where the safe logic of the towns does not pertain.
EDIT: Oh! And if you have a little money and want to check out some of the earlier stuff, all of the rule books and a good selection of adventures are available at
Kupo, dhag, SFHC,
I made an ill-considered and inappropriate comment. I’m sorry for that. In the future I will make sure to refrain from personal attacks.
I’ll state my atheism credentials just in case.
– Read The God Delusion
– Read The Moral Landscape
– Read God Is Not Great
– Met my wife on Atheist Nexus
– Watched The Atheist Experience for 6-7 years
– Was a regular on the old JREF message boards
– Watched every Dawkins/Hitchens video on youtube up until a few years ago
– Read Pharyngula regularly for years
– Played Minecraft with PZ Myers
– Helped organizing an atheist Meetup group together with my wife
– Attended the American Atheists national convention
– Attended a Richard Dawkins lecture in NYC in 2010
Am I allowed to have an opinion yet, or should I go on?
EDIT: Didn’t see Orion’s latest comment before I posted this.
I do believe that religious thought is irrational, and that faith is irrational. But in my mind that doesn’t amount to saying religious people are all irrational or stupid. I recognize that all people have the capacity for irrational thought, and not having faith only means you aren’t irrational in that one respect. Atheists can be irrational elsewhere, including myself.
However, I don’t conflate having human emotions with irrationality. There’s nothing irrational about feeling things.