So an angry dude wandered into the S**t Reddit Says subreddit recently — one of the few feminist-friendly, largely manbaby-free hideouts on Reddit — and left a pretty amazing rant, attacking the SRSers as, well, see for yourself.
I’m not even going to bother fisking this one. I think it’s probably best experienced in its original wall-of-text form.
In case that image is hard to read, here’s the text:
You’re the most f**ked up group of people currently alive (self.S**tRedditSays)
submitted 1 day ago by LewisExMachina
I’m sure you’re gonna devour this account too, but whatever. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that every time I call you out my account gets spammed and your cronies try to doxx me, but I can’t let you keep doing what you’re doing. The harassment you put people through on a daily basis is way worse than anything /fatpeoplehate was ever accused of. Who knows how many men you’ve driven to suicide just because they have something between their legs. But you don’t fucking care, because they made a rape joke and that makes them worse than Nazis. I guess rape is worse than murder now. And since men can’t be raped any man who says he was raped has to deal with it while a female who says she was raped is instantly believed and rewarded for her bravery. And you think women have it worse? Fuck off, women are treated like little princesses while men are treated like shit. Maybe you have a point with the catcalling thing, but everything else you say is bullshit and based on lies meant to devalue men and increase the value of women. Soon you’ll force the government to add the ability to make more money (27% more) by just checking off a “I’m a woman” box on a job sheet. Us men will just say that we’re transwomen (since that’s also something you support) and get that money too, so you’ll be back to square 1 where men and women make the same salaries. If you want to make the same money then don’t take maternity leave, dipshits.
And what’s with all the hate on video games? You don’t even like video games, and we do. Why is that a problem. If something makes a group of people happy and it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone else then why is that such a bad thing? Women don’t want to play video games, they just want to police the development of video games and its community. !??!?!? Seriously just fuck off. Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind rather than video games that you don’t even play. All of the girlfriends I had wanted nothing to do with video games and that was okay. How would you feel if we started policing makeup, saying that makeup led to violence and should be banned? You’d hate it, because it’s a stupid baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender. Which is exactly what the attack on video games is.
I don’t know what to say here other then you probably all need to get laid, then you’ll calm down.
Indeed, a thing of beauty.
What was your lineup? The Sharpshooter feels very dispensable to me so I’d be tempted to put a Psi in the 4th slot. Would also consider a 2nd Grenadier.
I used a psi op, a grenadier, a gunslinger sharpshooter, and a specialist. you just cant beat the raw damage a gunslinger can put out. very useful against things like sectopods and gatekeepers, especially if you give them a superior stock and bluescreen ammo. a second grenadier could work instead of a psi-op but you’d be missing out on all those sweet sweet support abilities!
I thought about it for a minute and I don’t think I actually know any girls who don’t play video games full stop. Even my roomie who “hates video games” has a PS2 with basically all the Jak and Daxter and Buzz Quiz games.
Physician, heal thyself.
I think they’re mad women are starting to be accepted and treated like actual people in video game communities more than anything. I’ve been playing Elder Scrolls online for six whole months, and haven’t got ONE PENIS PIC. It’s almost spooky. I keep waiting for the penis ax to fall.
I read somewhere that when Adolf Hitler banned makeup on the grounds that it was “un-German”, German working women went on strike. The order was soon rescinded.
Could be apocryphal, but I like to hope it really did happen.
And if Diaper Dude thinks women don’t like video games, he should know that some of us have been playing them, in one form or another, since long before he was born. Now, maybe some of us don’t like multiperson shooter games…but thankfully, they’re not the only games in town. I like offline solitaire mahjongg, for instance. Still a video game, even if it doesn’t involve a console, headset, or thousands of trollish dudes threatening to SWAT me for being a woman in “their” gamer realm.
Seriously though, reading through this page makes me wonder precisely how badly someone has to mistreat logic in order to reach the conclusion that feminism and Nazism is somehow compatible and similar.
I mean, that famed Shitler said this:
Does that sound feminist like at all?
But you’ll find some stuff about make-up from the same source.
Control-freak dudebros have been trying to domineer women throughout the ages when it comes to make-up, yeah…
Thanks for the steam hookup PI!
Venice: Awesome. 🙂 My best moment in XCOM 2 is My Brave Little Tailor of a Sharpshooter; seven in one go.
I set her on “Serial” and went to work. Popped two Mutons, Deadshot/crit a Heavy MEK, then got a free reload from the Advanced autoloader. She then made the two 60% shots, taking out the Shieldbearer (AP rounds) the Andromedon shell, and then a really lucky 40% shot on a slightly wounded Officer. Free reload #2.
With nothing else to target, she polished off the hacked turret, leaving the board clear.
Nope…unless you’re talking about bogus feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers, who seem to think that when real feminists talk about the social disadvantages women face, they’re actually CREATING those disadvantages out of thin air, thus rendering the level-from-the-beginning playing field suddenly all wonky. When, in fact, all the wonkitude is on THEIR part, because “equity feminism” is not a real thing.
(Also, Hitler couldn’t logic for shit. Neither could his followers, which is no doubt why he sounded brilliant to them. Especially when hopped up on crystal meth.)
*sigh* I want xcom 2 but it would explode my computer. I pray nightly to the video game gods they port it to PS4.
We don’t hate video games. We hate you. well not you personally (OK, you personally).
I’ve almost definitely played video games longer than you’ve been alive, yet you get to be all ranty and self righteous and deem that you own my hobby more than I do. So screw you.
The problem is assuming women don’t play video games when we do.
Weeeelll. Somehow your idea of video game “community” has made you believe it’s an only male thing when it’s not and that women don’t play games, which we do. This has caused you to be hostile to women who play games… Then it does effing hurt us. So I repeat. Screw. You.
Is this a question? But, yes, women do want to play games, and we do! We just don’t want your idea of the community excluding us and making our hobby hostile to us because douchepotatoes like you think you get to own it.
*sigh* I wonder if the guy wrote this thought he was being all rational and logical. He finally stuck it to those feminists! And from the first part, he worked really hard to build his cross and climb onto it.
People send dick pics through MMORPGs? How is that even possible, technologically?
Sometimes I think the toxic gamer culture is a heavily US centered thing. I’ve played Day of Defeat (a multiplayer Half-Life mod) on and off for over ten years. Things are pretty sweet on the ANZAC Aussie server, most people are decent and respectful, and yes women are playing. Not many but they’re there. There’s an occasional off-colour joke but the admins generally keep everyone in line.
It’s a different story on the US servers: thinly disguised ‘I’m not racist but’ anti-immigrant rants over the voice chat; homophobic insults every 30 seconds and just general obnoxiousness. A trainee nurse talks for 5 minutes straight about what a [c bomb] his manager is. Someone else uses the chat to advertise a free HD weekend on a porn website – that’s a small sample of what you’ll hear.
Women play games.
Just ask all the women and girls who were harassed offline through the chat system and who were repulsed enough by a game to stop playing.
But, there are great games where problems like that don’t happen, that women feel safe and happy playing! All games should make it a point not to alienate anybody, even if it’s aiming for a specific demographic.
They don’t want to police game development and then not play the games. They just want games they can actually play.
@ Bina & Skiriki
As ever, there was a double standard. German women were not supposed to wear makeup and were shamed and stigmatised if they did. But Eva Braun did wear makeup.
According to people who survived the bunker, Hitler used to nag her about it and say that lipstick was made from rendered down corpses.
PFFFT, point and click games aren’t REAL games. Not any MORE. Not since LADIES started liking it.
I mean, the first eight King’s Quests? The Dark Crystal? Phantasmagoria? PFFFT! Covered in girl cooties, every one of them. TOTALLY not worth the time of a REAL MAN™ who owns ALL 23 CALL OF DUTY GAMES and ALL 5 GEARS OF WAR and FUCKING LOVED DUKE NUKEM FOREVER. Those are REAL games for REAL men.
*plays capture the babe* Haha! Feminist hate this!
(I am being very sarcastic btw)
They already do try to police makeup. “Those lying bitches tricked us into thinking they’re hot, this should be illegal, prosecute her for fraud” yadda yadda. They’re very boring, self-important people.
This meme from the alt-right GamerGate/MRA/whatever crowd has always been so baffling to me. I was taught to play video games by a woman. A gay woman, even.
She worked at the pizzeria/arcade run by my parents.
Nice to see you here, Sir!
Thanks for “Downtown” (even though I have to admit liking “Elusive Victory” better)!
I used to date someone who was very into Team Fortress 2, and played with a competitive clan. I would play with her sometimes, and the voice chat on the European servers was sometimes just as bad as you mention the Americans are. She used to use a mumble server with her clanmates so that she could discuss tactics without having to come across the main chat channel as having a female voice.
I’ve heard other women get hounded for that, often by boys whose own voices didn’t sound like they’d broken, which is sad on several levels. What’s even more sad is that about half the time all it takes is a “hey, cut it out” from me and the hounding ends. That just creeps me out.
Blaziken is a notoriously difficult stage, and even if you beat it you probably won’t catch it on the first try due to low catch rate. I used:
Mega Garchomp (Lv. MAX, 100)
Tyranitar (Lv. MAX, 100)
Palkia (Lv. 8, 96)
Landorus (Lv. 7, 94)
And I used tons of coins for items. No sense in getting just 1 upgrade since you’ll probably waste that money anyway. I got all of them:
Complexity -1 (9000)
Mega Start (2000)
Disruption Delay (1500)
Time +10 (800)
In retrospect, the Time +10 was pointless. I missed with my first poké ball, missed with my first great ball (if I remember correctly) and caught it with my second great ball.
So in total I spent 18300 coins on this stage. Coin grind at Meowth stage 37, as I’m sure you know. 🙂
Good luck!
At the very least he´s not the worst thing ever. He actually concedes some points and doesnt attack feminism directly but some causes it supports. That said. The second he said the thing about maternity and salary I facepalmed.