
“How would you feel if we started policing makeup,” extremely irate Redditor asks in epic rant

Mr. Furious from Mystery Men. Getting really mad is not actually a superpower.
Mr. Furious from Mystery Men. Getting really mad is not actually a superpower.

So an angry dude wandered into the S**t Reddit Says subreddit recently — one of the few feminist-friendly, largely manbaby-free hideouts on Reddit — and left a pretty amazing rant, attacking the SRSers as, well, see for yourself.

I’m not even going to bother fisking this one. I think it’s probably best experienced in its original wall-of-text form.

You're the most fucked up group of people currently alive (self.ShitRedditSays) submitted 1 day ago by LewisExMachina I'm sure you're gonna devour this account too, but whatever. I've resigned myself to the fact that every time I call you out my account gets spammed and your cronies try to doxx me, but I can't let you keep doing what you're doing. The harassment you put people through on a daily basis is way worse than anything /fatpeoplehate was ever accused of. Who knows how many men you've driven to suicide just because they have something between their legs. But you don't fucking care, because they made a rape joke and that makes them worse than Nazis. I guess rape is worse than murder now. And since men can't be raped any man who says he was raped has to deal with it while a female who says she was raped is instantly believed and rewarded for her bravery. And you think women have it worse? Fuck off, women are treated like little princesses while men are treated like shit. Maybe you have a point with the catcalling thing, but everything else you say is bullshit and based on lies meant to devalue men and increase the value of women. Soon you'll force the government to add the ability to make more money (27% more) by just checking off a "I'm a woman" box on a job sheet. Us men will just say that we're transwomen (since that's also something you support) and get that money too, so you'll be back to square 1 where men and women make the same salaries. If you want to make the same money then don't take maternity leave, dipshits. And what's with all the hate on video games? You don't even like video games, and we do. Why is that a problem. If something makes a group of people happy and it doesn't inherently hurt anyone else then why is that such a bad thing? Women don't want to play video games, they just want to police the development of video games and its community. !??!?!? Seriously just fuck off. Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind rather than video games that you don't even play. All of the girlfriends I had wanted nothing to do with video games and that was okay. How would you feel if we started policing makeup, saying that makeup led to violence and should be banned? You'd hate it, because it's a stupid baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender. Which is exactly what the attack on video games is. I don't know what to say here other then you probably all need to get laid, then you'll calm down.
Someone needs a nap!

In case that image is hard to read, here’s the text:

You’re the most f**ked up group of people currently alive (self.S**tRedditSays)

submitted 1 day ago by LewisExMachina

I’m sure you’re gonna devour this account too, but whatever. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that every time I call you out my account gets spammed and your cronies try to doxx me, but I can’t let you keep doing what you’re doing. The harassment you put people through on a daily basis is way worse than anything /fatpeoplehate was ever accused of. Who knows how many men you’ve driven to suicide just because they have something between their legs. But you don’t fucking care, because they made a rape joke and that makes them worse than Nazis. I guess rape is worse than murder now. And since men can’t be raped any man who says he was raped has to deal with it while a female who says she was raped is instantly believed and rewarded for her bravery. And you think women have it worse? Fuck off, women are treated like little princesses while men are treated like shit. Maybe you have a point with the catcalling thing, but everything else you say is bullshit and based on lies meant to devalue men and increase the value of women. Soon you’ll force the government to add the ability to make more money (27% more) by just checking off a “I’m a woman” box on a job sheet. Us men will just say that we’re transwomen (since that’s also something you support) and get that money too, so you’ll be back to square 1 where men and women make the same salaries. If you want to make the same money then don’t take maternity leave, dipshits.

And what’s with all the hate on video games? You don’t even like video games, and we do. Why is that a problem. If something makes a group of people happy and it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone else then why is that such a bad thing? Women don’t want to play video games, they just want to police the development of video games and its community. !??!?!? Seriously just fuck off. Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind rather than video games that you don’t even play. All of the girlfriends I had wanted nothing to do with video games and that was okay. How would you feel if we started policing makeup, saying that makeup led to violence and should be banned? You’d hate it, because it’s a stupid baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender. Which is exactly what the attack on video games is.

I don’t know what to say here other then you probably all need to get laid, then you’ll calm down.

Indeed, a thing of beauty.


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Paradoxical Intention
8 years ago

“Women don’t even like games! All the girlfriends I’ve had didn’t like games and that was fine!”

And apparently, I’m wasting all my time with my YouTube channel, my 375 Steam games (kinda counting the ones I’m sharing with friends because Steam family sharing is actually super cool), my 20+ console games for three different consoles, my 3DS, ect. And so much money wasted on those games too. Shame.

Because, you know, feeemale. All of those games don’t count because I’m feeemale. All my hours poured into games don’t count. All the money I spend on gaming stuff doesn’t count because feeemale.

comment image

(And yeah, men already do police makeup, shitlord. Which is hilarious, because all the men who do police makeup don’t know a goddamn thing about it!)

8 years ago

I didn’t even read the whole thing. We get it, buddy! You’re mad because women want to be treated like human beings.

It’s so hard being a little princess…

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
8 years ago

I met a real life gamer girl earlier today. :p

I was on the tram, on my way home from work, playing Pokémon Shuffle on my 3DS. Suddenly I heard someone go “Hi, Petal!” When I looked up, there was a girl waving at me. She had her 3DS on (Pokémon stickers all over it) and caught me on StreetPass (which means my Mii character and user name show up in her 3DS). Then we talked about Pokémon and shared Shuffle strategies for 15 minutes until we got to her stop.

Real life is so much better than MRA fantasy land.

8 years ago

I was a kid when the first Mario game came out and almost everybody played it. Other games too, but that was the most popular. Most of the girls played NES. Including the girliest girls. It’s baffling that 25+ years later, there are still so many guys who can’t wrap their heads around the notion of girls and women gaming.

And lol forever at the threat of policing our appearance like it’s some sort of new thing.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
8 years ago


I think that reddit poll has been found to be not quite legit. Can’t remember, but we’ve talked about it before.

8 years ago

When I was younger me and my sister bonded a lot over games; we probably rented every single one of the local video store’s SNES games at least once, and I used to love watching my sister play because she was quite a bit better at it than me and so I still got to see more of the later stuff in the games that was too hard for me. She didn’t keep interest as much as I did, but still asks me for game suggestions and loves “real games” like Assassin’s Creed and GTA. “Video games aren’t for girls” is and has always been a load of bullshit.

8 years ago

Women don’t want to play video games


I’m 27. I’ve been playing video games with my older siblings since I was five. I’m a woman, and so are my siblings.

And for your information, Mr. Fedora Man, I DO want to play some vidja games… after my piano practice and evening tea. 😛

How would you feel if we started policing makeup

Um… I don’t wear makeup myself (because I’m too lazy to apply AND remove it most of the time, which is why the only makeup that I DO have usually involves lipstains and glosses… before I had to toss them out because they got old, but I digress), but that’s also a damned lie. I’ve seen so much makeup policing that it even extended TO FICTIONAL WOMEN (see: Juri’s Summer Vacation outfit from Ultra Street Fighter IV).

And the tip of the iceberg:

Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind

“SOMETHING I CAN GET BEHIND”? Now you KNOW he made that rant all about himself. So he’s salty that he’s not being catered to. Yeesh.

8 years ago

@kupo: If you do want to make games, perhaps you could find a local equivalent to Dames Making Games, a Toronto group that describes themselves as “[offering] a wide range of free events, workshops, resources and services to our community of trans and cis women, nonbinary, queer and genderqueer game-makers and their friends”.

I haven’t gone, but I really want to. I really want to make a game, but I haven’t found an idea I can stick with enough to actually do anything yet. ONE DAY.

Also I love video games so much. I wear my N7 Mass Effect hoodie every day at work, and I’m wearing it right now. I also played the shit out of each of those games, because I was playing a female Commander Shepard (highly recommended!) and I had read somewhere that some small number of the female Shepards actually finished.

I did every mission I could, and am still annoyed that I couldn’t do one in ME1 because of story reasons. I found all the little doodads I could, I spent a SUPER long time in the Mako (I can’t seem to get the gif to link, but it’s the ‘f you I’m the Mako’ gif that I love so much) driving over everywhere to find everything, I mined every planet to depleted in ME2, etc etc. I’m not typically a completionist, and I didn’t get all the trophies, but in this case I wanted to prove a point.

I need to ‘finish’ Skyrim still, I want to play the earlier Elder Scrolls games. I’m working my way through DA:O again, so I can play dragon age 2 and finally Inquisitions!

My point is this guy needs to stop thinking that his ‘experiences with his girlfriends’ illustrate every possible iteration of a woman. I’m sure there are things he doesn’t like to do, does that mean that no one does? I mean, does he even lift? If he doesn’t, then no one likes that, right?

(Edit: Drat, that is supposed to be a LINK to the Mako thing!)

Paradoxical Intention
8 years ago


Steam has a free packet of games featuring Jet Set Radio, Golden Axe, and Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (with two DLC packs) they’re giving away right now but only for a little while!

And if you have these games and you play more of them, then you can unlock more games for everyone else too!

So, get playing (especially you ladies who like to make war and not love~!)

8 years ago


That’s really awesome! Thanks for the tip!

8 years ago


Later in the week, Streets of Rage II, Binary Domain, and Condemned: Criminal Origins might also be free if some people go ahead and make more war.


8 years ago

Oh, hey, a Reddit post I actually saw on Reddit before here. Cooooooool.

8 years ago

Whenever I read something that includes the ‘get treated like a princess’ I always wonder who is doing that? Obvs not the angry men, presumably not women, so I guess we are back to those white knight betas we hear so much about. I have met men who are clearly the passive one in the relationship with a woman, but they stand out, they are not very common. Most men, contrary to the RPs opinion, are not doormats.

They do police wearing make up don’t they – by telling women how vain and deceptive they are when they wear it (I say they because wearing make up is pretty alien to me), thereby presumably seeking to shame a woman into not wearing it?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
8 years ago

Who knows how many men you’ve driven to suicide just because they have something between their legs. But you don’t fucking care, because they made a rape joke

So…we criticize men just because they have something between their legs? (Vulvae, apparently, are not “something”.)

Or we criticize men “because they made a rape joke”?

…I’m so confused.

How would you feel if we started policing makeup, saying that makeup led to violence and should be banned? You’d hate it, because it’s a stupid baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender.

So, when women are told they should shut up about being raped because “didn’t they leave the house with makeup on?” you believe that’s a stupid, baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender?

Well: climb aboard the Shit Reddit Says train, junior.


They do police wearing make up don’t they – by telling women how vain and deceptive they are when they wear it (I say they because wearing make up is pretty alien to me), thereby presumably seeking to shame a woman into not wearing it?

Well, that and the literal police literally asking women how they were dressed & whether they were wearing makeup and what kind of makeup and can I see a picture? when a woman reports rape.

I mean, if you want to talk, like, policing.

Kylo Ronin
Kylo Ronin
8 years ago

Wow. Just wow. What do I even say to that? How do I even comprehend any of that nonsense?

8 years ago

I read the whole thing. And my response can be summarized with ”Huh?No”. Seriously, after pretty much every sentence I went ”Huh? No”, there was not one single sentence in this ….thing…that sounds close to reality. It was like a 8-year-old that was crossed with his older sister tried to explain what a woman is. ”Girls only care about make-up and money and think they’re princesses and I always get treated WORSE and they don’t like video games”. I was half expecting him to add that women are stinky and have cooties.

But the biggest ”No” goes to this:
”And since men can’t be raped any man who says he was raped has to deal with it while a female who says she was raped is instantly believed and rewarded for her bravery.”

Sooo, he’s making the claim that women don’t think men can be raped? And that women are instantly believed when they report they’ve been raped? I can’t even……

8 years ago

That whole “women get more benefits than men so I might as well pretend to be a transwoman” thing… I give him slight props for not using anti-trans slurs here, but all I have to say is… good luck with that.

Though I’m slightly concerned with what would happen if actual men in dresses pretending to be a woman became a thing, and not in the crossdresser sense. I mean, almost certainly never going to happen because very few misogynists and antifeminists have the necessary levels of both dedication and stupidity, but still.

8 years ago

So…we criticize men just because they have something between their legs? (Vulvae, apparently, are not “something”.)

Or we criticize men “because they made a rape joke”?

…I’m so confused.

I think he’s one of those manospherians who thinks obtaining consent is an assault on male sexuality. But don’t you dare fear being raped by men because that’s misandry!

8 years ago

I know several women into gaming, one about the spend $1500+ on a new PC. Obviously didn’t get that memo.

Sure, most women would want to avoid run ins with angry tools like this guy over the CS:Go/COD chat, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t generally into the same things.

8 years ago

I’ll really never understand why MRAs get so upset with feminists over the culture not taking male rape victims seriously. I’m sure there are a few feminists out there somewhere who do not believe that men and boys can be raped but really, feminists are just about the only people who do believe and sympathize with male victims. Almost all of the people I’ve seen claim that men can’t be raped are other (non-feminist) men. Especially when the victim is a boy who has been statutory raped by a “hot” woman. The last time I saw a woman joking about the subject of raping men, it was Judgybitch’s post where she brags about being a rapist.

The only reason to accuse feminists of not caring about or believing male rape victims is if you either don’t give a shit about it and are using it to derail a conversation about female rape victims and/or male rapists. Or if you’re just trolling for funsies.

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal

Aw, I guess that seemed a little too easy. Although I would like to see some actual demographics

(sweet handle btw!)

Also, adding to the ongoing list of ‘badass feeeeeeeeeemale characters’ and to the list of ‘characters who are gay but you wouldn’t even realize they’re gay cause they are treated like any other romantic couple’. Here we have Undyne and Alphys:

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
8 years ago

I’m not a gamer, BTW.

I don’t have any use for games. Neither does my partner. That’s why when we went looking for electronics, she didn’t check her iPad’s specs against any games, nor did I with my mac. I wanted it for law school.

The fact that Steam says I’ve racked up 200+ hours on civilization 5 in the last 8 months isn’t because I play games. That game is old. And it’s not an FPS (and what an FPS is, I don’t know b/cuz FEEEMALE). My partner’s constant play on some Tetris-descendent puzzle-game also doesn’t count. Because we don’t own a TV and don’t play it through an Xbox.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


Oh hey, you play Shuffle? Got any tips for Blaziken? I really want to catch that barbecue chicken but I can’t beat it even with Mega Aerodactyl. =P

(Completely unrelated, but try asking this elsewhere without the usual OMG CASUAL bollocks.)

8 years ago

Even if literally no women did play video games, that wouldn’t mean we couldn’t criticize them. They don’t have a right to be shitty just because the people they’re being shitty to aren’t present.

8 years ago

You don’t even like video games

ACTUALLY, just last night I got the no squad size upgrade achievement on xcom 2, the one only 0.2% of “gamers” have

(sorta just looking for an excuse to brag because i’m proud of it)