So an angry dude wandered into the S**t Reddit Says subreddit recently — one of the few feminist-friendly, largely manbaby-free hideouts on Reddit — and left a pretty amazing rant, attacking the SRSers as, well, see for yourself.
I’m not even going to bother fisking this one. I think it’s probably best experienced in its original wall-of-text form.
In case that image is hard to read, here’s the text:
You’re the most f**ked up group of people currently alive (self.S**tRedditSays)
submitted 1 day ago by LewisExMachina
I’m sure you’re gonna devour this account too, but whatever. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that every time I call you out my account gets spammed and your cronies try to doxx me, but I can’t let you keep doing what you’re doing. The harassment you put people through on a daily basis is way worse than anything /fatpeoplehate was ever accused of. Who knows how many men you’ve driven to suicide just because they have something between their legs. But you don’t fucking care, because they made a rape joke and that makes them worse than Nazis. I guess rape is worse than murder now. And since men can’t be raped any man who says he was raped has to deal with it while a female who says she was raped is instantly believed and rewarded for her bravery. And you think women have it worse? Fuck off, women are treated like little princesses while men are treated like shit. Maybe you have a point with the catcalling thing, but everything else you say is bullshit and based on lies meant to devalue men and increase the value of women. Soon you’ll force the government to add the ability to make more money (27% more) by just checking off a “I’m a woman” box on a job sheet. Us men will just say that we’re transwomen (since that’s also something you support) and get that money too, so you’ll be back to square 1 where men and women make the same salaries. If you want to make the same money then don’t take maternity leave, dipshits.
And what’s with all the hate on video games? You don’t even like video games, and we do. Why is that a problem. If something makes a group of people happy and it doesn’t inherently hurt anyone else then why is that such a bad thing? Women don’t want to play video games, they just want to police the development of video games and its community. !??!?!? Seriously just fuck off. Go fight for unisex bathrooms or showing your tits or something I can get behind rather than video games that you don’t even play. All of the girlfriends I had wanted nothing to do with video games and that was okay. How would you feel if we started policing makeup, saying that makeup led to violence and should be banned? You’d hate it, because it’s a stupid baseless accusation meant only to hurt one gender. Which is exactly what the attack on video games is.
I don’t know what to say here other then you probably all need to get laid, then you’ll calm down.
Indeed, a thing of beauty.
The 27% thing has to be a wage gap reference. The number most often cited these days for the US seems to be 77%, so the math is wrong, but the number moves over time (and I’m not sure the person is US based) so I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they saw a 73% somewhere.
And a diaper change.
A language when one is absolutely seething with rage. Angrish is very difficult to translate.
Epic stuff there. I particularly liked the line “All the girlfriends I’ve had wanted nothing to do with video games.”
Odds on that number being statistically significant?
It’s derisive snort time for me. This crybaby isn’t having to live with any of the crap women actually deal with day after day, and he thinks he has it rough?
Newsflash, poopy pants. Feminism doesn’t require men to be devalued. You’re doing a good job of devaluing yourself, though.
And he’s obviously had hundreds of girlfriends.
It’s a Redpiller’s Digest of the most simplistic view of their grievances. Not that nuanced versions are appreciably less wrong!
I’m just going to reply to this as if this actually was SRS
This is the thread in question.
Sure, feeemales do play games, but not game games, you know? Any game a woman likes to play is, by definition, not a real game, because reasons.
Also, I’m not surprised none of Mr Ranty’s tons of girlfriends wanted to play… with him. Can you imagine what that would be like?
Women have been coding and developing video games from the start. Look at the credits of something even old like half life and you’ll find plenty of women. These men see the world the way they want to and always have done. Now women get credit and speak their minds it’s suddenly not okay. Apparently if women conribute to anything that belogs to teh menz then they need to shut the fuck up about it and just be greatful to be included. Yeah so you work super hard to make things that these dickbags like only to be ignored? You’re just whining about not beinh in ‘male spaces’ even though youve ALWAYS BEEN THERE. -_-
Also on the topic of playing with girlfriends my ex loves counter strike and l4d2 but she would never play with me cos I’m not good enough! 😉
Is it a given that this chucklefuck has never heard of Roberta Williams?
Newsflash, asshole: men don’t commit suicide because they’re asked to treat women like fellow human beings. They do, however, commit suicide because assholes they know tell them that the measure of a man is how many women he beds, and how frequently.
No one has ever said such a thing, you disingenuous asshole.
See above. Also, something doesn’t have to be worse than murder to be extremely fucking horrible.
Who is it that tells men that they can’t be raped because men are uncontrollably horny beasts who love sex so much that they will take it in any form they can get it? You seriously think it’s feminists who think that?
You seriously think that when a woman says she was raped she is instantly believed? Certainly not by you, nor the millions of angry manbabies you represent. And did I miss the moment when the documentary The Hunting Ground was released to no controversy or pushback from universities and famous athletes and their admirers?
Good for you. Unfortunately, you seem to have used your inability to reason to come to the conclusion that this means that: a) women, in general, don’t like video games, and b) women shouldn’t be concerned if video games routinely objectify and de-value women. It does not follow that women should not argue for more diverse portrayals of women in video games even if not a single woman anywhere plays video games.
And, yes: Cernovich wrote:
…which is apparently some sort of joke — one of his followers, Owen Lynn, tweeted back,
Oh, belly laughs. Such funny. I’m in stitches.
Aside, “chucklefuck” is a great word and should be used more. I move we synonymize “the MRAs” with “the chucklefux.”
@ Button
and his house is directly on the beach, I tell you!
Am I the only one a bit concerned about why this guy wants unisex bathrooms? The only reason I bring it up is that the other thing he “can get behind” is allowing women to go topless, so it sounds like he is supportive of things that he thinks would benefit him (like, haha, I get to see boobs). Those two statements together make me question why he would support unisex bathrooms and none of the reasons I’ve come up with for him to support that are about gender equality.
The rest of it is just whining, but that statement has some uncomfortable or even scary connotations to it (depending on how you interpret it).
I really think these guys need to spend a month living without the internet. Get new hobbies, take some time off.
Because the internet is the ONLY place in this world where you can go to a site (but only some) talk about how you’ve been raped and be instantly believed and supported. The view that men are always ignored and women are always believed can only be remotely true on the internet, a place thoroughly removed from the realities of day to day life except when we discuss those realities. Avoiding the truth and seeing things only the way you want to see them is so easy when you can find the perfect echo chambers.
Even this place is kind of like that, I’m sure there are moderate MRAs out there, but it’s hard to believe that they exist if you only look here. Now, moderate men that actually want to do something about men’s rights are probably not in the right place if they’ve found MRAs, but I’m sure they exist.
I just think it’s interesting, because this summer I was starting to feel overwhelmed by the shitty people I was encountering on the internet. Just tired of all the negativity and the nasty pushback to people discussing all of these things that I care about deeply. And I just decided I was done, before I got more and more angry, I just needed to get away from it, tune out, unplug, stop caring about changing people’s minds and informing myself of other’s opinions, just for a while. I just needed to get away from everyone else’s thoughts swirling in my head.
So I took a vacation, I went hiking, and swimming and smoked a joint in a canoe with my boyfriend and ate birthday cake on a boat in the middle of a lake and it was an amazing week. And I came back and found myself able to separate my feelings from those of the people who’s blogs and comments I read, to be more critical and think deeper about what people are saying, who’s saying it, and whether or not that information is supported.
I wonder how many of these guys would chill out and stop being so damn angry at everyone if they just tuned the hell out for a while and tried to figure out who and what THEY are, instead of focusing so much on what other angry jerks in the echo chamber tell them to be.
edit: I’ve made like 3 posts, but I’m new here, Hi!
Yeah, the Huckabee vibe is strong with this one.
Except of course for this little headline: Adult women are now the largest demographic in gaming
“Congratulations, gamer girls—you’re officially at the top of the food chain when it comes to games. A new study released by the Entertainment Software Association has revealed that adult women now occupy the largest demographic in the gaming industry. Women over 18 made up a whopping 36 percent of the gaming population, followed by adult men at 35 percent.
Teenage boys, who are often stereotyped as the biggest gamers, now lag far behind their older female counterparts, making up just 17 percent of the gaming demographic.
The picture that emerges from the study is one of expansion across the board. More people are playing more games of various genres across more platforms, with social games on mobile and casual games on PCs emerging as huge leaders.
According to the study, last year saw a significant boom in women over 50—their numbers jumped by a whopping 32 percent between 2012 and 2013. The study also revealed that 59 percent of Americans play games, with gaming consoles present in 51 percent of all U.S. households.”
I love video games. It’s been a huge part of my identity since I was a kid. I still remember when we got Ms. Pac Man for our Atari and my brother told me I couldn’t play until after my nap, so I pretended to sleep so I could play. It’s one of my earliest memories.
Despite loving video games, the sexism in them does hurt me in a number of ways. It creates a climate in the industry that makes me very uncomfortable and unwelcome. For example, booth babes at E3 (not the cosplay kind, the women dressed in bikinis to hand the controller to the people playing the demos). Or the after parties at strip clubs. Or the need for women developers, testers, designers, etc, to “have a good sense of humor” so the guys can keep saying sexist things.
I want to be a video game dev. But I know the environment I’d have to work in (yes, this varies by studio, but I have no way of knowing which are safe beforehand unless I know someone working there), so I develop software people use to do their jobs instead. I’d rather work on something I’m passionate about, but the risk of harm is too high.
I’m literally playing a game on my other monitor while reading this…
(first comment, hi)
Well he seems very nice. And yes make up needs to be monitored because it leads to violence.
Feminazi makeup was design for style, not practicality. I heard the Femi-SS officers couldn’t even sit down without taking their makeup off.
Still, being a Feminazi wasn’t all bad. Men in the Allied forces always hoped to capture Feminazi heels and brushes in the field because they were milled and not cast.
Well I went on an adventure looking through this guy’s reddit history. And in doing so, I’ve learned some very interesting things about the ‘men’s rights’ movement:
Certainly explains a lot.
Anyhooo, DouchebagExMachina mostly posts in “SRSsucks”, a reactionary subreddit to ‘ShitRedditSays’ and in Kotaku In Action, the Gamergate subreddit. Shocking, right? Oh and here is by far the best line I could find:
Oh and also, in answering the incredibly important question of “why do SJW twist the truth so much?” he had this to offer
Funny, especially coming from the idiot who wrote this:
or this:
Yeah, no victim complex here!
No persecution complex here either!
Or any sexism!
Or any straw man arguments!
or any friend argument!
and of course, no false equivalencies at all!
OT: Is there any way of following the comments without commenting?