It’s tough to be a Red Piller, apparently. I mean, once a man has mastered the fine art of Red Pillery, he quickly becomes so irresistable to the HB7’s through HB9’s of the world that he needs advice on which of these lovely ladies deserve to be treated to Long Term Relationships (LTR’s) and which deserve only to be plated.
Happily, the good fellows on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit have made this tedious sorting procedure much easier and more scientific, providing numerous examples of “red flags” that men should watch out for in the ladies they’re dating.
Some of their advice is fairly standard relationship advice: avoid manipulative or abusive women, as manipulation and abuse are only ok when Red Pill dudes do them. Other “red flags” are standard Red Pill bugbears like tattoos (never ok for women); dyed hair (it’s only ok to dye hair if you’re, say, a well-known Red Piller with scary grey hairs sprouting in your beard); antidepressants (getting treatment for depression is apparently a terrible thing); and of course getting fat.
But. as a public service, I thought I would share some of the more, well, unique “red flags” that should instantly disqualify women as LTR material. If nothing else, this should be a useful list for any woman who would like to know some simple things they can do to repel Red Pill dudes.
So here, in the words of assorted Red Pillers, are the Top 18 Often Overlooked Red Pill Red Flags for men seeking long-term relationships. If any of the following are true, your potential special lady is actually a filthy whore only good for sex.
1) She uses birth control
2) She has a “squeaky 5 year old voice”
3) She went to law school
4) She has “many bins of chopped carrots in fridge”
5) She doesn’t wear dresses “without being commanded to”
6) She owns a dog
10) She’s two years older than you
11) She “wants to wear [a] slutty bikini to music festival”
15) She is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse
17) She previously worked at a flight attendant
18) She “frequently [goes] to the hospital and has family with a history of health issues”
So there you are!
There is, of course. a much shorter Red Pill Red Flag list for women considering a long-term relationship with a guy. There is only one item on this list.
- He gets dating advice from the Red Pill subreddit (or any other Red Pill site)
In a future post I will look in more detail at several of these Red Pill Red Flags.
Sources: The first six in the list come from Red Piller abdada, a frequent maker of red flag lists, in comments here , here, and here, The rest are linked directly to their sources on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.
I’m glad you’re doing well, Bonelady! That’s great to hear. Good for you 🙂
The dogs thing makes sense that way too. Dogs take up valuable affection that might otherwise be directed at him. These people have no empathy. Blegh.
The “two years older” bit is actually pretty reasonable in context. If you read the thread, it’s not some guy saying “never date someone older than you are.” It’s a 24-year old man currently dating a woman but worried whether they’ll work out long term. Among the “cons,” he lists “she’s 26 and likely to want kids and marriage before I do.”
One shouldn’t assume that any random 26 year old woman must be desperate to have the babies. But since he actually has been dating this woman seriously I’m assuming they’ve discussed this and he knows that she specifically does want to have children in the near future.
I’m pretty sure this list discounts every woman over the age of 18 on planet Earth – and that’s not even accounting for their usual “Supermodel or better” attractiveness requirements, which’d leave the entire Subreddit with negative numbers of women to split amongst themselves.
This is a good thing. *thumbs up*
I’m honestly baffled by the fridge carrots thing. Does it mean to them that she eats healthy and might expect him to do it too? What’s wrong with that? Apart from the fact that carrot sticks are seen as a “girl thing” (which is a feature of night terrors for these guys), how will she remain the Red Pill Required Weight of 100 pounds or less if she doesn’t eat healthy?
Even if several items on this list didn’t disqualify me from accidentally dating a red-piller (does broccoli count? I have more of that in my fridge than carrots) – overweight, over 50, and over 9th grade education (I didn’t study law; will science do as a disqualifier) – I can’t imagine that I would find any of these whiny juveniles to be even a fraction, a millionth, as attractive as my loving librarian husband who willingly dusts and does the dishes, because he feels the house is for both of us. And on top of that, while my husband doesn’t like vegetables himself, he is not on a vendetta against them and has no grumbles unless my carrot sticks should accidentally fall into his peanut butter.
They may call him a beta-male all they wish; both of us just laugh and dismiss their disdain as envy because we realize that a long-term relationship is about much more than just hot sex.
If I’ve never had sex with a football-playing black dude but have had sex with a soccer-playing black woman, do I get half a misandry point or double misandry points?
(Apologies for the TMI, but thinking about this made me laugh.)
Not a demographer or biologist, but I believe this one is rational. Horrible, but rational. Weight gain in adulthood appears to be a matter of biology as much as habit, and while recent research suggest that it’s not all genetic biology — intestinal flora seem to be important — as far as I know genes are important. If you are terrified that your partner might gain weight, checking her parents’ weight would actually help predict how likely that is.
It’s a stereotype that airline crews in general hook up a lot because they’re often stranded in unfamiliar cities at odd hours and thus have nothing better to do with their time. Flight attendants in particular are thought to be promiscuous because they work with pilots, who are well known to sex gods, and because only sluts would take jobs where they have wear uniforms and be nice to strangers.
That’s actually what the poster says. He throws in the “you go, girl” comment as a joke/exaggeration but he says explicitly that he’s afraid gay men won’t judge and shaman a woman’s behavior. Actually, he says gay men won’t care if a woman cheats on her boyfriend. I’m pretty sure he’s mistaken about that. [quote] I wound up with sexuality as one of my Asperger’s-related areas of interest. (That can happen, right? I can’t be the only Asperger’s-person that’s happened to.)[/quote]You’re not.
double misandry! lesbian miscegenation! not making white babies for entitled ubermensch! independent thought! So terrible!
“I’m also hoping to get on antidepressants.”
Admitely, I hope you won’t need them. And if you do, that it will be for as few time as possible.
(I do have a very bad experience with antidepressant and sleep pills)
I suppose if I had to guess the rationale behind the carrot thing, it’s probably because if she had lots of carrot sticks in her fridge, that means she probably only buys healthy foods which means she won’t be keeping tasty junk food in stock for his enjoyment. So again, it just comes down to entitlement.
Honestly, what an entitled pissbaby.
This list makes me want to buy carrots, get a dog, go to law school, and add a few more gay friends to my circle.
This is a problem WHY? Aren’t these guys always afraid of being spermjacked/spermburgled/forced to raise someone else’s kid unawares? Dudes, she’s just being prepared. Like they teach you in Scouts, y’know?
Which might be a problem if she’s actually five years old, because at that age, they never stop talking. But again: Aren’t these guys all about Teh Youth, and all its youthful manifestations? Don’t they like girls with high-pitched voices? If she had a Diamanda Galás contralto, she’d scare the piss out of them! (Which might not be such a bad thing either, except maybe for her shoes.)
Yes, heaven forfend that she should be well educated. Especially in point of law. Or that she should make more money than you, and possibly also while helping battered women divorce their abusive husbands. Or sue them for child support. Your penis shall never rise again!
Oh noes, healthy snacks! Or stuff ready for stir-frying! Which is also healthy! Health-conscious women are Teh Debil!!!
Srsly, though: Don’t these guys WANT health-conscious women who eat a lot of raw veggies and stay slim? What is their problem with all this?
Oh noes, practicality and comfort, every man’s worst nightmares! And what’s this “commanded” shit? You don’t give her orders, bucko. She’s not a fucking dog.
The dog because it could bite you (on her command), and the horse because it could kick you (ditto)? Or are you afraid she secretly has sex with them?
Any guy who’d reject a woman on these grounds probably deserves to be bitten and kicked.
Literally what? Just because her parents named her after their favorite make of stained-glass lamp? Picky, picky.
Are you also planning on schtupping her mom? Why is this even important to you?
Oh dears. My sister is five years older than her husband. My brother is also a couple of years younger than his wife. And I myself have dated more younger men than older ones, and frankly prefer them younger; more respectful, less controlling, and also CUTER. If this is what it takes to scare off a Red Pillock, I’m cool with it.
Yes, heaven forfend that she should dress comfortably for the sticky summer weather! Only sluts do that!
Snooping is a good way to get yourself kicked to the curb as an untrustworthy, controlling jackass, dude. And what if, like me, she doesn’t have a cellphone? Whatever will you do to spy on her then?
Does this ever actually happen? Or is this just another of their humiliation fantasies, cleverly coded?
Again: Does this ever actually happen? Because I have lots of LGBT friends, and I don’t have sex in bathrooms. Nor do I brag about my exploits, nor do they high-five me for them. We’re all adults and boring as fuck, dude.
Because then she’s not a virgin, and worse yet, Daddy got there first, amirite? And of course, DAMAGED GOODS.
(This is in direct conflict with the OTHER Red Pillocks, who think sex-abuse survivors are good to hit on because no boundaries and other sickening shit like that.)
Oh noes, social competition! And other men as a yardstick to measure you against! However will Precious Snowflake cope?
Because handing out packets of salted nuts and bottled water at 30,000 feet is sooooo slutty. And so is cleaning up all the well-used barf bags and scrubbing all the toilets after a particularly turbulent trip.
Because eugenics. And because these guys are obviously such prime physical specimens themselves, eh?
On the carrots thing, I have a theory: it could be bunnies!
If she has bunnies, and chops carrots for them, she definitely won’t be paying you enough attention!
“Accidentally,” huh? Pull the other one, it’s got bells on.
It was not in quotes in the red pill original. David has put in quotes because he is quoting it.
@ Lady_Zombie
Oooh! Oooh! Or maybe he’s upset because when she makes him stir-fry, she buys pre-cut carrots and therefore he can’t judge her knifework, plus she’s a LAZY cook for buying pre-cut carrots.
That reminds me … it’s been a while since I made lettuce wraps. It may be time for that again.
I like how the defining characteristic of a slut is “wanting attention,” but it’s totally acceptable for a RP dood to get jealous of the attention showered on his girlfriend’s dog.
These kids are always so obsessed with the thought that every attractive woman is somehow a size queen looking for the so-called “Chaf Thundercock”. Thing is, several studies have confirmed that the average vaginal length is 9.6cm with a range from about 6.5cm to about 12.4cm. That’s in the 4-6 inch range.
Yes, there are probably some women who enjoy having their cervix bludgeoned by the head of a penis, but when you actually read stories from guys with these fetishistically-long penises, you realize they can’t ever get the whole thing in a woman and that they often hurt their partners if they aren’t careful.
Ass such, I don’t understand the insecurity of these cats. Sex is fairly hard to mess up: locate nerve bundles in genitalia, stimulate, repeat. Keep at it in a manner your partners is keen on and you’ll be keeping the Kleenex brand in business in no time flat!
Bonelady, glad you’re doing well.
Some answers to other puzzling things — maybe some of these needed more context?
The quotes aren’t scare quotes, they’re just quotes from red pillers.
The hospital thing isn’t because of fear of hospitals, it’s because oh no she might have health issues and that would get in the way of sex and sandwich making.
The carrot thing is because the guy who posted it (abdada) thinks that indicates bulemia.
The flight attendant thing is because the dude posting it thinks that she would have met a lot of alpha dudes and had a lot of sex with them, sort of a throwback to the “sexy stew” stereotype in the 60s and 70s.
Well, dogs can get jealous, and of course tend to be protective, so I suppose there could be a risk there, even without her telling the dog to attack you. If you mistreat her, the dog will pick up on this. But, horses? They’re generally not kept around the house, and pretty easy to avoid. If you go to her apartment, and there she is, just hanging out on the couch with her horse, sure, that’s a red flag.
Bina, you had me at Diamanda Galas. Come, let us ride into the sunset together to the tune of Littanies of Satan. <3 hehe
Diamanda Galas scared the crap out of me with Plague Mass. Not exactly easy listening.
I think the carrot sticks may be a variant of the idea of ‘cool girl’ in ‘gone girl’: she has to be a size 2 but still eat burgers and fries and drink beer. Carrot sticks in the fridge is a well-known dieting advice for hunger pangs. Better to eat ice cream or chocolate bars because if she can do that and stay thin she’s less likely to ever get fat. It’s like all those nasty wimmin who want someone ripped but don’t like them staring in the mirror constantly or at the gym all the time. Effortless perfection. It’s not good enough to work at looking good, it’s got to be natural and something she doesn’t think about.
@ moggie
But if the horse isn’t on the couch and just stood behind, that’s ok yeah? (Otherwise I might have to rethink a hand-binding)
#4 might make sense. I think the key is that there are many bins of chopped carrots in the fridge. One or even two plastic tupperware containers of pre-chopped carrot slices for snacking is understandable. But it’s a bit of a red flag if the refrigerator filled to bursting with bin after bin after bin of carrots, with two lonely bottles of carrot juice crammed into the back somewhere. I don’t know if I’d end an otherwise-good relationship over just that, but I’d try to encourage my partner to maybe eat some celery every once in a while.