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Viking-bearded manbaby predicts end of civilization if feminists keep being so feministy

Uh oh.
Uh oh.

Ok, so I don’t want to alarm you or anything but one of those Men’s Rights Activists they have so many of over on Reddit has some genuine concerns about western civilization, specifically with regard to its possible imminent collapse, due to feminists being so damn feministy and making men so mad — totally justifiably, bros! — that they’re going to stop wanting to have babies with ladies any more, thus leading to the end of civilization, as referred to earlier in this sentence.

Well, shoot, I think that might have been his whole argument right there, but let’s take a look at his post anyway, which he has helpfully if ungrammatically titled “Genuine concern that due to the actions of 3rd wave feminists and the rise of MGTOW The western world is reaching a point of possible collapse.”

Oh, and if you’re wondering about the viking beard thing, I looked at some of his older comments and he seems to like talking about his beard, so I thought I would mention it.

So let’s move right along and get into the meat of Mr. BlightedArrow91’s warning re. that impending end of civilization thing.

Mr. BlightedArrow91 starts off his post, which as you may recall was entitled “”Genuine concern that due to the actions of 3rd wave feminists and the rise of MGTOW The western world is reaching a point of possible collapse” by noting that he’s worried “that the actions of feminists and SJW’s … will lead to the decline of western civilization.”

Ok, so like the first thing you need to sustain a civilization is babies. Specifically, 2.1 babies per family. But alas, feminists hate babies! And so, due to

the lack of and attack on new families and the family lifestyle, and several other factors caused and perpetuated by feminists as a whole, I’m genuinely worried that western civilization will be dead within the next 30-100 years.

Ok, so to sum up what we’ve learned so far: feminists hate babies and, wait, what was the other thing? Oh yeah, this dude is apparently worried about western civilization, with regard to the whole “possible collapse” thing. I think he might have mentioned that a couple of times.

Now bear with me, I know this sounds a little crazy at first, but let’s take a look at a few of the finer details here, Over the last 20 years there has been two major surges of sjw and third wave feminist culture, it’s been there the whole time, it was just much bigger during the 90’s, and now.

Ok, twenty years, two big surges of feminism.

During both surges the birthrate and marriage rate of the western world has dropped significantly.

Uh oh!

With the current justifiable rise and increase of MGTOW and the ever increasing craziness, aggression, and regressive nature of third-wave feminists,and the needed TFR(total fertility rate) of 2.1 annually, This number of decreased births and decreased marriages will grow and grow.

Ok, look, you just have to get used to the fact that this dude doesn’t really understand when to capitalize words. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, oh no!

If that number does grow, the likelihood of a TFR and subsequent population replacement level decline will be inevitable, which will eventually lead to the fall of western civilization.

In other words, there’s going to be a baby shortage. I don’t want to cause a panic or anything, but you may need to start hoarding babies.

Luckily, they’re generally pretty small, if noisy and a bit smelly.

Now, obviously — obviously! –feminism can’t last forever. I mean, even a viking-bearded manbaby who can’t capitalize words correctly can see that.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do understand that the SJW and third-wave feminist cultures will die down eventually, but will the backlashes created from both movements be let go of, and will we not see another resurgence of them in the near future afterward?

I don’t actually understand the question, so let’s just say “maybe?”

Now that MRA’s actually are making headway and will eventually show the average male exactly how stacked society is against them are we going to see an even larger rise of MGTOW and men just saying fuck it?

I guess maybe yes? I mean, the standard reaction most dudes have when they hear about or run into MGTOWs is “I want to be more like these bitter manbabies who spend their entire lives complaining about the women they supposedly totally don’t need and that means you too mom, I hear you out there in the hall!”

I mean, it’s not like most dudes hear about MGTOW and say, what the hell is wrong with these sad, angry doofuses?

Anyway, Mr. BlightedArrow91 isn’t done talking yet.

Going by the fact that two PC culture and SJW surges have happened both in 1991-2000, and 2011-present, is it not possible to surmise that by 2031 we will see another rise of both?

Wait what? I’m going to go with “maybe” again.

I fear, that if the future follows the past 20 years history of whining over trivialities,lies,and myths, and the constant demonizing of men, we will see this pattern continue, and we will see a large population decline from men refusing to mate, which could possibly lead to the same happening from the opposite gender, and if this does happen, we very well may be on the beginning trail of the end of the west.

Wait, is this just the first paragraph again?

Are we in some kind of weird Groundhog Day time loop, but instead of gallivanting around Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and rescuing kids who fall out of trees and learning how to ice sculpt and play the piano and basically get in touch with our own soul, we have to read half-baked MRA manifestos over and over again until our brains fall out?

I’m going to go with “maybe” again.

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EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

If that number does grow, the likelihood of a TFR and subsequent population replacement level decline will be inevitable, which will eventually lead to the fall of western civilization.

If he said it in 1900 it would have been prescient. You know, back when 40% of the world was white and when China and India weren’t the two biggest boys on the block?

Western civilisation done fell, dude. It fell in 1914. What we have now is called global civilisation, and it’s far better. We have contraceptive pills, electricity, cheap ammonia, the measles vaccine and the internet. I can talk about pecans with a friend in Brazil and about rugby to family in South Africa and Saudi Arabia at the same time. Tell me that isn’t ballin’.

Tell me that you aren’t excited that your grandchildren – or if not yours then someone’s – might live to see Kardyashev 1. Tell me that.

8 years ago

I am completely certain that this prediction will come to pass. Not a chance of it not happening. Not a chance of more predictions such as this being put forward after the next 100 years and until the end of the human species. No way.

8 years ago

I thought we ruled the world with babies and steal sperm to do it. I thought single moms are a scourge and children destroy men’s lives?

These guys need to get their stories straight.

8 years ago

The humans are dead!
Once again without emotion
The humans are dead!
Do the robo boogie!

8 years ago

That persuasive-essay assignment in high school freshman English class didn’t go entirely to waste with this one, no.

His focus is clear, but the essay requires definitions and some citations if he’s to convince a reader of his thesis. Repetition of theme is not enough here.

Grammatical and spacing issues aside, this is a reasonable first draft. I don’t care to see a revision, but if it’s to happen the writer would be advised to pull his head out of his ass.

Grade: D

8 years ago

All together now:

“It’s the end of the world as we know it,
It’s the end of the world as we know it,
It’s the end of the world as we know it,
And I feel fine”

I’d love to hear Bob Dylan sing this.

But seriously, warnings of the downfall of western civ don’t phase me in the slightest, since it is usually code for whatever racial, gender, economic, social class and other hierarchies the reactionary of the moment seems to defend. I’m all for those collapsing. And I have a sneaking suspicion that by “babies “, this guy means “white babies “

Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

If this pattern continues, it could possibly lead to giggling, from the same and the opposite gender, and if this does happen, we very well may be on the beginning trail of the end of civilization as we know it, plus also other bad stuff too.

snork maiden
8 years ago

Is it my imagination, or does that guy just repeat the same assertion over and over in different ways?

Has anyone told this guy that the world’s population is still growing?

8 years ago

Has there ever actually been a large civilization that collapsed because they had a low birth rate (of babies that were almost guaranteed to survive into adulthood)? Several civilizations have met their end due to over-populating beyond what their resources could sustain. He does know that there are 7 billion people on this planet right now, right?

Also continued lol at these guys complaining about 3rd wave feminism like they know what that even means. I’d love to know which 2nd wave feminist is his favourite, and which 2nd wave text he finds most compelling.

8 years ago

It’s a question of point of view. The western country still have an unduly big influence, and they haven’t collapsed and aren’t that much worse off on the macro level.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

@snork maiden:

Has anyone told this guy that the world’s population is still growing?

Ah, but it’s growing because of brown babies, which (as I’m sure he’d tell you) are yucky and incapable of growing up to be good citizens. This might mean that white people stop being the default, which is exactly the same as civilisation ending.


Also continued lol at these guys complaining about 3rd wave feminism like they know what that even means. I’d love to know which 2nd wave feminist is his favourite, and which 2nd wave text he finds most compelling.

It’s an antiprogressive talking point; they like to pretend that they’re the real feminists and that modern feminists are just a fringe movement who’ve perverted the noble line.

Bonus points: I think I’m right in saying that Sarkeesian is ideologically closer to second-wave than third-wave feminism? If that’s true then I suggest we rub it in the nose of every misogynist who raises the issue.

8 years ago

My knowledge of feminist history is pretty amateur, but I agree there’s a lot of Sarkeesian that could be linked to 2nd wave feminism. Feminist literary critique (or I guess in her case, video game/movie/etc critique) started way back in the first wave, but it really took off in the second wave. I’ve seen more than one of these dudes complain that criticizing the media they build their identities on is part of the 3rd wave attack on free speech blah blah. I suspect what they think 2nd wave feminism was is actually that “equity feminism” nonsense that a bunch of conservative women cooked up with the singular goal of silencing victims of sexual harassment and assault.

8 years ago

If I recall, Sarkeesian has an element of “anything involving dominance and/or violence is masculine” in her critique, which seems pretty second-wave. But the wave metaphor isn’t the greatest anyway, and it isn’t like these things are simple, discrete blocks.

Damian Hammontree
8 years ago

What I love is his description of “SJW/PC surge” in society as a quantifiable and measurable entity which it’s meaningful to correlate to other things. It’s like Poochie from the Simpsons – “Rasta-ize him by another 10%!”.

8 years ago

I think that you mean ‘faze.’

8 years ago

‘This number of decreased births and decreased marriages will grow and grow.’

That is a beautiful sentence. I’m going to incorporate it in my ‘how (not) to rite gud’ workshops.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

So, uh… From a purely mathematical point of view, how are 50-odd MGTOWs supposed to affect a population of over a billion? At all? Especially when they’re all lying about GingTOW?

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago

…the needed TFR(total fertility rate) of 2.1 annually…

Um, annually? So most women will have to have twins EVERY SINGLE YEAR and one in ten women will have to have triplets?

I’ll be taking that hysterectomy now, thank you.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

I’m worried about the collapse of (white and male dominated) civilization, says man who idolizes a romanticized version of a historical civilization. One that no longer exists. Although, when it did, it sustained itself in part by plundering other civilizations.

Also, if MGTOWs/MRAs are the inevitable future of all 7+ billion humans because something something ess jay double-u and made up statistics, then maybe humanity would deserve a boot stamping on its face forever?

“Egads, my dear sir, your planet is a barren wasteland! Things seemed to be going so well, too. What happened after penicillin, space travel, the internet, birth control, and the very funny Aziz Ansari?”

“Oh, well, you see humanity was reduced to a tribalistic anarchy because women got the right to vote and could refuse men–actually refuse men–the right to sleep with them!”

“Oh my monocle!”

I’m not worried about that coming true, mind you. But if MRAs/MGOTWs actually got the world they want, I’d be fine with a planetary reset button in the form of an impact event.

Unrelated to any of this, a really excellent piece on white privilege and Macklemore was published on Slate today. Figured it’d be relevant to the interests of people who read WHTM.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

As magnesium said, generally empires and dynasties collapse because they grow too big and run out of resources to sustain themselves, not because “too few white babies”.

By their own simplistic evo pysch logic, MGTOW is a maladaptive movement, and it doesn’t make sense to argue for making more MGTOW if they’re genuinely concerned about the future of Western civilization. It’s a belief system that, like the Shakers, has to rely solely on recruitment, or risk going extinct. Their only hope of survival is to convince all men to GTOW. (There’s also a dog-in-the-manger element too: “If I can’t reproduce, I don’t want anyone else to either!”) Thus, their exaggerated claims about the size and influence of their movement, and why they resort to scare tactics about the End Of Civilization.

Oh well. All it takes is a few treasonous beta men willing to mate with those silly feminists, and Western civilization will continue on, albeit in some other (hopefully more equitable) form.

8 years ago

I’d love to hear Bob Dylan sing this.

Well, he did do “Gates of Eden”.

8 years ago

It’s the fault of capitalism that people aren’t breeding as much. Who can afford kids anymore?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

It’s funny how many MRA talking points ultimately boil down to a dislike of the consequences of capitalism, isn’t it?

8 years ago

comment image

How touching of him to be so concerned. Has it ever occurred to him that HE is the one who needs to change for this problem to be remedied?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

In the UK were nearly at the 2.1 rate (1.97). That is unusual in Europe. There’s an article here about it.

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