Happy Valentine’s Day! Or, as it’s known by a small and bitter segment of male humans who base their very identity on hatred of women, International MGTOW Day.
On Twitter, some of these lovely fellows are celebrating their freedom from having to possibly buy some evil succubus a box of candy.
Oh, and fantasizing about putting feminists and “Social Justice Warriors” in concentration camps.
Sorry, I should have specified that these concentration camps would be very nice concentration camps.
Speaking of which, our old friend Andrea Hardie/Janet Bloomfield/JudgyBitch popped into the #MGTOW hashtag today to make a joke about how Hitler killed himself because Eva Braun nagged him too much, or something.
In general, though, it seems like the annual MRA/MGTOW freakout over Valentine’s Day is a bit more subdued this year than it has been in the past. Over on A Voice for Men they’ve gotten so lazy that all they did was to repost a couple of rants about the holiday they ran in previous years. (See here for my many dissections of Anti-V-Day rants from years past.)
Are these guys actually getting tired of their own stupid schtick?
Anyway, here’s a reminder that even beta orbiters can enjoy V-Day.

These MGTOWs haven’t gotten a date since the ’50s, which is probably why they assume the man must pay for everything.
Anyway, did anyone else see Deadpool? I took my BF to it (I bought the tix and cab ride, he smuggled in concessions) and I thought it was pretty good. Not like, see-it-twice-in-theaters good, but would-watch-again on Netflix good. That’s like 70-80% good.
I spent the day with my kids. We baked. They played with friends. There was candy. It was nice. I got a homemade card. Sure, Valentine’s Day is silly and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. But is there any day these people use to celebrate their loved ones or just have fun?
It must be truly horrible to be in such a state of hate every single day.
Happy Valentine’s y’all. Hope you have some fun.
Valentine’s day is awful. So lets put SJWs in concentration camps! How does this even make sense? If there’s one segment of the population that doesn’t make a big thing about V-Day, it’s the “SJWs.” Feminists tend to be uncomfortable with the culture coercing men into spending lots of money and/or making a romantic gesture and women being coerced into doing sex acts to pay for all this romance. A lot of the people on the left are pretty anti-capitalist and aren’t really down with the holiday because of that.
So what’s his problem?
Oh yeah. MRAs and MGTOWs aren’t actually fighting oppressive traditional gender roles. They just hate women!
I spent the day with my cat. WAY more fun that MGTOW or Andrea Fucking Hardie.
Or their idiotic memes.
Can we talk about steak and bj day? It pisses me off so much that some guys who decided valentine’s day is all about pleasing women, so they hijacked pi day and made it all about them instead of maybe talking to their significant others about wanting to get something for Valentine’s day, too.
I had a huge fight with my so because he insisted on using “savage” as a synonym to despicable and “civilized” as a synonym to decent. I talked about some awful things men do to women here and he said they are not civilized, nor is my country, if this is considered normal. I very politely said “Yes, I agree, it’s horrible, but I don’t think ‘civilized’ is very nice word. So, what did you do today” he said he didn’t mean it this way, I said “I know, but this expression is offensive, especially you being European and me being Brazilian of amerindian ascendancy”, he didn’t let me finish my sentences and started raising his tone at me. He denied all my explanations, insisted on using the word, then said I was making a big deal out of nothing.
This ruined the entire day. I swear I didn’t want to make a big deal out of this, it was supposed to be a friendly remark. He called me SJW. He said I ruined the day. I made a big deal out of nothing.
I will never understand why privileged people are like this. For him, it’s just a word. For me, it’s a big deal. So why can’t he just use one of tens of synonyms, or at least use the word while respecting what I said? I would never say such horrible things just because someone corrected a single word of mine.
Thing was so bad I descended into full panic attack because everyone freaking hates me, because they think I either care too much or I don’t care enough. And at the same time life is so difficult and honestly just expect a tiny bit of respect because I am human too, but apparently, I don’t deserve. Either because I am a woman or because I am brazilian or because I am bisexual, or I fight and care too much or I fight and care too little, and I honestly, I HONESTLY don’t know what is so wrong with everything I do and am.
He agreed to stop using that word and wondered what word will I forbid tomorrow. He suggested that tomorrow I have a clean start and a second chance in our relationship. Not “us”, only “I”. I don’t want to break up. Not because of something so small. I just want him to be more respectful. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I am being abusive, even.
I honestly think the best thing I can do to the world is get my head 24/7 into some kind of volunteer work and give up any kind of relationship with any human being forever. I am so tired of existing in a world like this. I am so tired of trying to help and making everything worse.
Rant is over. I am sorry, I know I always do this. It’s pathetic, I know. People may take a print and mock me, I know. Happy valentine’s.
I spent a lot of the day knitting and chatting with my best friend. Then I made chicken paprikash for dinner with Mr. Parasol. No cards or other gifts exchanged. There are many ways to say “I love you,” after all.
But then you’d have created an echo chamber…Doh!
Bragging about being single is odd, because it’s actually pretty easy, it requires you to do literally nothing.
My life is abuse. My life is harassment. There’s no man in the world who thinks I am worth of flirting, who thinks I am worth anything other than crude sexual remarks or something forced and when I find a man who truly loves me and helps me and wants a family with me and even finds me attractive, I ruin it to defend people who never did anything good to me. I don’t know what is my goddamn problem. Can anyone explain? I am sorry for doing this pathetic shit here. It’s like I am a teen asking for attention. But I just needed to talk to some strangers to think like me. Thank you for the space.
A world of hugs coming your way! I’m so sorry this is happening to you. 🙁
EDIT: Let me know if there’s anything I can do?
I feel like this is a good opportunity to repost this Pierre.
TW: gaslighting/emotional abuse, suicidal thoughts
I’m sorry you’re going through that. There’s nothing wrong with you. I’ve been in a similar relationship. It really sucks. You love him, but he does these little things that upset you and when you try to talk about it he freaks out and turns it against you, and you’re both too sensitive and not empathetic enough in his eyes. I’ve been there.
I wish I could tell you it gets better. For me, it got harder. I kept trying to leave and it would turn into these drawn-out arguments where I became the bad guy for wanting to leave. I did love him, and it broke my heart to see him upset and it broke me every time and I never managed to leave. I made up my mind to leave, again, but then he got cancer and I had to put everything on hold for him. He was still my best friend; I couldn’t just leave him to die. So I took care of him for those last months and it took everything out of me and nearly killed me, too. If I’d had more energy, I might have managed to kill myself.
It took years to get better, but I did. I no longer had him spending all my money on frivolous crap, pushing me further into credit card debt, so I was finally able to pay it off. I was able to afford college and get a degree. And I was free to date again. I ended up meeting a man who treated me well, respected me, put my needs before his sometimes and understands when I sometimes can’t put his needs before mine. I thought, like you, that there was something wrong with me and that I would never find that in a partner.
I know it’s not easy to pull yourself out of that thinking, especially when you don’t have the support you need from your partner. But just know that it could be better, that you could find better.
Hugs, if you want them.
If the word is “nothing,” then why did he insist on using it?
And the word isn’t nothing to you. He should care about your feelings.
If he asked you not to use a word because it was offensive to him, what would you do?
Thought so.
Anyway, it’s easy to think the world is against you when you’ve had a fight with someone. That doesn’t make it true.
Take a walk. Turn on some happy music. Treat yourself really well.
All best wishes.
I think for my husband and I our real Valentine’s celebration was last Wednesday the 10th. We went out to a local favorite restaurant for supper, split a small box of candy (remember Toffifay? You can get a 15-pack at Cost Plus World Market), and then enjoyed an organ recital/screening of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari with live accompaniment.
Today we mostly lazed and dozed. I’ve been pretty stressed out about my dad, so I think I needed to just rest.
Isn’t Janet Bloomfield married?
@ Chiomara
You’ve gotten some good advice here already, so I’m just going to send you best wishes, and I hope you find someone who values you for everything you are, not despite the things about you that “ruin his day.”
All the hugs, Chiomara! Don’t worry about wasting my time!
@Chiomara: That he “wondered what word will I forbid tomorrow” doesn’t speak well for his maturity level. I’m sorry. We don’t know each other as I’m a pretty new commenter here, but you have my best wishes. Be kind to yourself.
@katz: That’s how I imagine my intended shops for flowers (or as he calls them, “weeds”). Not candy, though. He’s alllll about the candy.
I’m fairly sure you’ve posted here before about your partner doing similar stuff – gaslighting, denying privilege, getting a bit “mra”.
In the time you’ve been with him has it generally got better or worse? If it’s getting worse then leaving him might be the best option.
I hope you find the right answer for you.
You did nothing wrong at all. The word “savage” absolutely has racist and xenophobic connotations and your discomfort with it is entirely valid. Same with civilized, which is often used as shorthand for a culture is white, therefore good.
@Chimera I’m sorry you’re with someone so immature. I’m white so I know I’ll never be able to understand you’re perspective totally, but I really get why civilised and savage would be offensive. Colonialism was predicated on “civilizing the savages”. Methinks you ought to find yourself a new man.
This Valentine’s day was great. My boyfriend and I had sex for the first time, then I went home, and in the morning told my wife all about it. She was happy for me, she and I spent V Day just hanging out around the house with our kids. (For the record, I’m bisexual, married, and have a boyfriend which my wife is perfectly cool with, because she is awesome like that).
That meme is slightly odd; going by the standard MGTOW/MRA alpha/beta obsessed worldview why wouldn’t Hitler have had a girlfriend?
i spent the day playing 13 hours straight of video games with my boy. very fun, and i didn’t even have to siphon his wallet ♥
I’d also like to add that if I can help in any way, please do let me know. Even if it’s just to send you some pecans (I hope I’m remembering correctly that you like pecan pie).