misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

An Icelandic woman has come forward to accuse Roosh V of rape, blogger reports

Roosh Valizadeh: Accused

Things may be about to get very messy for pickup artist and most-hated-man-in-the-world candidate Roosh Valizadeh.

S. Jane Gari, the author of Losing the Dollhouse, a memoir dealing with emotional abuse, writes in a recent blog post that an Icelandic woman has come to her to tell her story of being raped by Roosh.

Up until this point, as Gari notes, Roosh has responded to accusations that he is a rapist — a conclusion many have come to by simply reading his own deeply creepy and unsettling accounts of his past sexual exploits — by proudly declaring that not a single woman has come forward to accuse him of rape.

“You would think that one girl would have come forward by now and say, ‘Roosh did it. He raped me,'” Gari reports Roosh as saying during his bizarre recent press coference. “Not one has come forward. Not one.’”

“Now she has,” Gari declares.

One of Roosh’s victims read my blog back in November and reached out to me, asking for my help in exposing him. She finally agreed to be interviewed after seeing how he continues to spout his poisonous, misogynist rhetoric with sickening bravado. I hope her courage will inspire other possible Roosh victims to come forward as well.

Here’s the story of the woman Gari calls “Susan” to protect her anonymity. (You can find more details on her blog.)

When Susan left a nightclub with her friends, Roosh, approached her on the street and insisted on walking her home. She asked him to leave her alone. Later, when she became separated from her friends, she noticed he was following her.

“You have a beautiful but sad walk. I know a great place to have a drink. You can join me. It will be fun,” he said.

Susan, Gari writes, told him several more times she didn’t want his supposed help, but he continued following her anyway.

When they reached Susan’s house, Gari continues, Roosh

asked politely if he could just use the toilet. Sleepy and still drunk from her night out, she acquiesced and let him in to use the bathroom.

Up until this point, Susan’s story matches one of the stories in Roosh’s book Bang Iceland almost exactly. The disappearance of Susan’s friends, which Roosh saw as an incredible bit of luck for him; Roosh following her home despite her clear and repeated protests; his insistence on coming in to use the bathroom — all of this is in Roosh’s own account.

It’s at this point that Roosh’s and Susan’s stories diverge wildly.

In Roosh’s version of events, she thanks him for walking him home, and after heating up some soup on the stove, joins Roosh on the couch

putting her legs over mine. Her wet feet were tiny and I compared them to my hands, which were a few inches larger. I went into horny creep mode and started rubbing her legs while talking.

Yes, even in Roosh’s own account, he comes across as a creepy predator.

After a brief conversation, they start kissing; she gets up, pours herself a bowl of soup, then heads into her bedroom.

“I followed her,” Roosh writes.

It went so fast in her bedroom that even I felt weird. Clothes ripped off. “Do you have a condom?” Jam the dick inside. Barely any kissing. I was too drunk to feel anything and she was too drunk to produce much in the way of lubrication, so after five minutes we stopped having sex, if that’s what you want to call it, and lay on our backs. She fell asleep and started snoring.

The next morning, Roosh says, he got up and left while she lay there sleeping.

As Roosh tells the story, in other words, he had brief, bad sex with a woman who was so not into it she was bone dry, and so drunk she passed out shortly after he gave up. It’s not clear even from his own account whether she was lucid enough to give meaningful consent. (This, by the way, is NOT the Icelandic woman Roosh has said he had sex with even though “in America” she would have been considered too drunk to give consent; that story comes later in Roosh’s book.)

Susan’s account of what happened after Roosh emerged from her bathroom is even more troubling. As Gari tells the story, Roosh asked her if she was home alone. When she said yes,

he asked her to touch his penis. When she refused, Roosh grabbed her.

Susan started crying and said, “Why are you doing this? You’re crazy.”

He laughed and overpowered her with force, saying, “All girls like this. It’s every woman’s fantasy. You don’t even know what you’re saying. You’re drunk, but I like drunk girls.” And then, according to Susan, he raped her.

So which account is more plausible — Roosh’s story of drunken but consensual sex or Susan’s story of forcible rape? If the latter, is Roosh’s version of events a lie, or is it his attempt to convince not only his readers but himself that what happened was just bad sex, not rape?

It’s worth noting, as I did in a previous post, that Roosh has admitted elsewhere to using force to get his way during sex. In Bang Ukraine, for example, Roosh describes using “muscle” to hold a woman down after she told him she wanted to change positions when the two were having sex. “I refused and we argued,” he wrote.

She tried to squirm away while I was laying down my strokes so I had to use some muscle to prevent her from escaping. I was able to finish, but my orgasm was weak.

Afterwards I told her she was selfish and that she couldn’t call an audible so late in the game.

This, too, Roosh presents as perfectly consensual sex.

Even if Susan’s account of Roosh raping her is 100% true, it’s unlikely Roosh will ever be prosecuted for this alleged crime. “He’s an American and she lives in Iceland.,” Gari notes. “She feels she has no recourse.”

Gari ends her post by urging any woman who may have been victimized by Roosh to step forward as Susan has done.

As Gari is careful to point out, Susan’s allegations against Roosh “have not been brought formally, nor has he been found guilty of a crime in court.” And I should note as well that I have not spoken to Susan myself; I am simply relaying what Gari has written. You can draw your own conclusions from the story she tells. I know I have.

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9 years ago

Well I agree that for whatever reason for fear or for not wanting to seem unpolite then women can be pressure into doing things they feel are bad. My point was the toilet line is the weakest line he could of picked showing super clear his intentions were not to be trusted.

9 years ago

The comments on S. Jane Gari’s blog make me want to remove my eyes with a spoon.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago

> Alan Robertshaw
This. And also the reciprocity principle, which can be used as a way to somehow manipulate someone (here again, i am referring to Cialdini), as in “i bought you a drink, now let’s have my dink”. Some may think that it is easy to shrug off this principle, but due to social expectations, the fact that you may not be at the top of your lucidity, and so many other factors (gender, obviously, but also age, social situation, and so on), it is far from easy to resist.

Let us just hope they are not going to accuse Susan of having forged her report by inspiring herself of what Roosh had written. And also hope he is not going to say that all his payable writings are just mere fantasies and thus that Susan is just a liar trying to false accuse him.

9 years ago

Everyone that knows Roosh personally , can attest to the fact that Roosh has no empathy for any woman, and his obsession with sex breaks all barriers. It doesn’t matter that girls are crying “No! No” ” for hours, as Roosh explained several times.

I think it is very important to assist and help his victims, especially those who already reported Roosh to Police:

details about why Aurelie Nix reported Daryush Valizadeh at Montreal Police (SPVM):

Roosh sends his armies of fanatics to harass, terrorize, and make death threats to his rape victims, female journalists and mostly any women who speak against him:

“Roosh V found some of her photos, and went after her online.
“He posted it and incited people to wonder if they would sexually assault me, saying that he would.” she says. “I received a lot of death and rape threats on Facebook, online, on his forum, my pictures have been posted everywhere.”

Nix has pressed charges against him with the Montreal police.**”
(The article doesn’t mention it, but RooshV did revenge porn to her, because the pictures that RooshV spreaded everywhere were naked photos of Aurelie.)

9 years ago

What you say reminds me of how often women are told to ignore their instincts when interacting with men they don’t really trust, then blamed for not “seeing the warning signs” if they’re raped by said men. It’s an infuriating double bind. What if we DID see the warning signs but are so used to being told off for “assuming a man is a rapist” that we give in to social browbeating and take a chance in the name of being nice – a chance that then turns around and assaults us?

*flips table*

9 years ago

I would really like to see this man behind bars for a very longtime.

By the way, have any of you seen his microblog? He openly says “If you’re being attacked viciously and have no way out, dox your enemy. SJW’s do it to us, so we’ll lose no moral authority if we do it to them. SJW’s used for their dox against me. Post it on Facebook, delete it 12 hours later to not get your account dinged.”

Very classy

9 years ago

There are much more sick advices that Roosh pushed in his newsletters with pickup advices:

Roosh also boasts abut the fact that HIV and AIDS doesn’t matter,
and that he didn’t take a HIV test since 2002.

Roosh has apparently never had consensual sex. He says he’s always told No! by women, usually many times. He brags about raping a woman who said no 50 times

“How Many No’s Does It Take To Enter A Vagina?” Roosh V blog and “Best of Roosh volume 1” rape guide

“It will be rare that you have sex with a girl who gives you no resistance before sex. You will always receive some No’s

Receiving a “No!” simply begins the seduction process.

Therefore when you first try to take off her clothes, she will resist even though she may absolutely want to have sex with you. Simply pause your escalation and try again a few minutes later. If you really believe the first “No!” that she gives you in the bedroom, she will think of you either as a fool or a homosexual.

I haven’t measured how many average “No!”’s I received before banging, but sometimes it surpasses ten.

I also get three or four “No!”’s when it comes time to sex. If you aren’t getting no’s at these stages, that means you are taking way too long to escalate (God knows how many bangs you’ve lost out on because of it).

With one of my more recent seductions in Poland on a girl of accomplished beauty, I received over fifty No’s from start to end. Thankfully, I did not give up before receiving my wonderful prize.

American Girls Don´t Use Condoms Anymore by Rooshv

“Middle class white girls are, hands down, the dirtiest, filthiest type of girl I’ve been with. Most of them only care about using condoms for the first instance of sex, and a sizable percentage don’t even care if you use one at all for that first time, whether or not it’s a one-night stand where she has only known you for a couple hours.

Raise your hand if you’re scared of AIDS.

I don’t see many hands out there. The only people scared these days are OCD freaks who can’t get laid, because it’s just not on the radar anymore. It’s a way they can rationalize their miserable, sexless existence. I even sense that a lot of people have accepted they’ll contract HIV at some point in their lives. Girls have told me in sweet embrace that I probably have it, but are willing to bang without a condom anyway.

If I was as dirty as them, I could probably have raw dog sex with 95% of all white girls, regardless of socioeconomic background. I only have met one girl that was super serious about using condoms, but I eventually fucked her without a condom too, so actually I change that to 100%. I could bang every white girl who lives in the United States without a condom if I desired, within three dates. I’m not kidding. I could do most of them raw dog on the same night. Here’s how to do it…

For the first time appear really studious about using condoms.Tell her “I like to be safe” and “I’m very careful.””

Now, Roosh explains that he lies about his STDs, and that all the men should lie about their STDs or if they were ever tested, this way assuring that raw unprotected sex will happen.

” 2. Ask her if she’s been tested a few minutes after the first bang. Say, “I’m not trying to get anything.” This makes her think you’re extra cautious. She’ll ask if you’ve been tested. Say “Yes.” Don’t worry, she won’t ask when you were tested, how many girls you fucked raw since you were tested, and what you were actually tested for. Even if you’ve never been tested, you can say “Not recently, but I’m 99% sure I don’t have anything,” and that’ll be just fine for her.”

At the next step, Rooshv simply instructs men to straight out rape:

“3. When gearing up for the second act of sex, just diddle her vagina with your dick and stuff it in. If she objects, try again next time. By the fourth of fifth time, you’ll be banging raw guaranteed.
I’ve had several girls insert my beautiful naked cock inside them while chanting “Get a condom !” ”

Then Roosh rationalizes his rapes, by saying it was the girls´ fault, because they are all “sluts”:

“At first I thought I was just sleeping with the sluttiest of sluts, but I looked at their middle class background (sometimes upper class), and their circle of seemingly normal friends, and realized that it wasn’t the type of girl but the culture that she was raised in.

I’ll tell you when I should’ve been scared straight. Years ago I was dating this girl for a while (“a while”—hah) and did it raw dog one time. She wasn’t on the pill so it was the exception, but in that moment of weakness I ravaged her with my snake.

Girls who love sex can’t go long without it, so some prying on my part revealed that she fucks quite a bit. In order words, I was on the tail end of a cock bender so legendary that it’s a miracle her vagina offered any resistance at all upon penetration.”

9 years ago

It works to tell people like that that you’ve just painted the bathroom floor, or that you have muriatic acid in the toilet bowl.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

He has a “microblog”? Quite appropriate for a microbiologist gone online lifestyle writer, regardless of the content of his writing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ occasional reader

I’d never heard of Cialdini. I’ve been having a bit of a read though now, so thanks for that.

Does seem there’s a lot of overlap between what he writes about in terms of marketing etc. and the tactics of predators. It seems to all be about creating a false sense of obligation to manoeuvre someone into a position they’re not comfortable with, but feel socially obligated not to object to.

Amongst the classics we see are:

Unsolicited favours – insisting on carrying someone’s shopping (even if they don’t want help) then guilt tripping into getting something in return (“I carried your shopping all that way and you won’t even offer me a cup of tea in return”)

Forced Team Building – “Look at the two of us waiting in the rain for the bus, let’s share a cab”

Stereotyping – as mentioned above (“Oh, you won’t let a black/white/asian/etc. guy walk you home? Didn’t know you were racist”). That can be one of the hardest to deal with. No one wants to begin a sentence with “I’m not a racist, but…”

Appeals to kindness – “Sorry to be such a bother but I really need to use the lavatory!”

All the above work because people don’t want other people to think ill of them. Whilst that tendency can be even stronger in the prescience of third parties, there’s such social pressure on women that they find it hard to someone to get list even if they are making the woman highly uncomfortable.

On a related note I wonder if the ‘creep shaming’ thing is a forlorn attempt to play on this? Do they expect all the women to suddenly think “Gosh, I don’t want to come across as judgmental. I’ll immediately sleep with a creepy guy to show I’m not”?

9 years ago

Kat – the most famous example of a book written by a criminal about his crime was by O J Simpson ‘If I did it: Confessions of the Killer’, the latter part of the title added when the victims families got the rights to the book.

9 years ago

Oh shit – that whole social pressure thing takes me back to a pretty horrible place. Now I don’t give a shit, and have said ‘I don’t give a shit’ if some man accuses me of unfriendliness, but it wasn’t always like that.

For eg I was 22 at a Tunisian youth hostel on the own. I had a bad stomach upset and felt very weak. The man who ran the place – who was a t least 60 took the opportunity to sit next to me on the bed and put his arms round me and sleaze on me.

Combination of feeling ill and not wanting to ‘make a fuss’ meant that I said nothing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ ellesar

I don’t give a shit, and have said ‘I don’t give a shit’ if some man accuses me of unfriendliness

Oops, sorry if any of that was triggering. I like your above quote though. When we do the women’s self defence things, if we could only teach one thing it would be how to say “Fuck off!” at any guy who made them uncomfortable.

9 years ago

He has a “microblog”? Quite appropriate for a microbiologist gone online lifestyle writer, regardless of the content of his writing.

Small blog, small mind, small…well, you get the picture.

Speaking of Roosh ridicule, get a load of this:

Amsterdam: feminists here put their spy game on fleek and got the real location for the meeting of the He-Man Woman-Haters club! They rolled up on the two sad sacks who showed up for that meetup in time to catch part of their exchange of tips on how to manipulate women into fucking them and mocking the demonstrators at the “fake” meetup point, but were unable to join in that conversation as the two doods ran as soon as they saw who was coming for them.


Helsinki: Well this was weird: none of the misogynist dickbags turned up to the counter demo but guess who did? Those sad, sad “Soldiers of Odin” goofs! Who apparently turned out because of a rumour that refugees were organizing to go out and harass women that night. A rumour completely fabricated by the Finns Party paper and then (of course) picked up without question by the mainstream media. No word if the Loldiers of Odin also turned out.


London: Cleverly learning of the *real* meetup location, a large group of angry women tromped down to the spot in masks and large boots. When no actual “meninists” turned up, they went to the pub, in true London style.

Manchester: a large group of very angry Manchester feminists ran both of the pro-rape scum who crawled out from under their rocks right off the streets. Both took shelter from the mob in a gay bar for their own protection (ironic given the blatant homophobia of Return of Klowns). One of the two got doxxed as well.


Montréal: about a dozen women and a few men confronted maybe three would-be “PUAs” who were then run out of downtown in short fucking order – one under police protection! An amazing video has been circulating; we’ll post a copy as soon as we can.


Ottawa: This one is pretty sweet. Again, no actual mouth-breathing cavemen appeared to their own meetup point, but the counter-protest attracted dozens of people, most of whom were teenaged boys, which is very encouraging! What’s even better is it turned into a teach-in on topics like consent and modern masculinity and money was raised for a local women’s shelter. Way to make lemonade out of lemons (so to speak), Ottawa!


Seattle: People in Seattle will be able to identify at least one of the PUA scum by his newly-broken nose.


Toronto: One is the loneliest number. Especially when you’re a sad, 50-year-old divorcée named Gerry (Jerry?) who, instead of being greeted by his fellow misogynists upon arrival at the meetup point was treated to a frank discussion concerning feminism and violence against women by about a dozen men and women, all of whom were eager to demonstrate what they were willing to do to defend women. Gerry scrambled home, tail between his legs, not long afterwards.

So, surprise: “Neomasculinity” is an Epic Fail. The counterdemos have consistently attracted more takers than the Rooshite meet-ups. Puke-ahs are running scared. And I have a feeling it’s only a matter of time before Roosh tucks his (increasingly sad, limp and tiny) tail and goes into permanent hiding, too.

That day can’t come any too soon for me.

9 years ago

On a related note I wonder if the ‘creep shaming’ thing is a forlorn attempt to play on this? Do they expect all the women to suddenly think “Gosh, I don’t want to come across as judgmental. I’ll immediately sleep with a creepy guy to show I’m not”?

Maybe not immediately, but that is the same basic principle. (Negging falls under a similar tactic, where you basically mock/undermine what someone feels is their strong suit, so they overcompensate to prove you wrong.)

9 years ago

It sounds like I should read some Cialdini. I’ve heard the the reciprocity effect before, though. The classic example seems to be Hare Krishnas, which is funny to me because I’ve never met one. Apparently they used to hang out in airports and beg for money. Their trick was that they’d show up with a bundle of flowers. They offer a flower as a “gift” to someone passing by, then as soon as their mark took the flower, they’d ask for a donation. I’ve been advised that if I want to hang onto my money, it’s imperative that I not accept the flower, because having taken the gift it becomes nearly impossible to resist the request.


I’d say the MRA meme of “creep shaming” is intended to do for creeps and manipulators what the “false accusation” myth does for outright rapists — protect their social license to operate. They know they’re creeps and they know the women they creep on know they’re creeps. The intent of the “creep shaming” talking point is not to make individual victims more pliable so much as to silence them so the creep can move on to a new target with a clean slate.

Miss Andry
9 years ago


I think for legal reasons, people should be careful what they put here.

To what exactly are you referring to, and for what legal reasons?

9 years ago

The level of the danger is very high with this particular serial rapist,

because he keeps seminars and world tours in which he teaches thousands of young men to never take “No” for an answer, no matter how many times is repeated,

Roosh teaches men to never ask for permission and to always give out fake names to the girls they meet,

and get them as drunk as possible, so that they will encounter less resistance to sex.

Also Roosh teaches to ignore “No!” no matter how many times is repeated by his rape victims, because “No! means Yes!” according to his advices

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Roosh’s and “Susan’s” accounts of the incident are similar to many cases that people think of as “he said, she said.” Many rapists will use common strategies to explain what happened, like that both people waited awhile and sobered up or both were so drunk that they could barely even have sex. The accused version’s of the story often sounds like an attempt to explain away the accusation.

9 years ago

It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that his own published accounts *describe* rape. It’s a toss-up as to whether he’s so stupid he doesn’t realize what he did was rape. or so arrogant that he knows it & doesn’t even believe that WRITING IT OUT, LIKE A CONFESSION could even harm him! Probably a bit of both. Now watch his lick-spittle toadies insist that it’s all “made up”, they way they ALL SUDDENLY have decided that his ‘legalize rape” garbage was “just a satire”.

9 years ago

Oh lordie… just found out a friend of mine was raped after a guy used the bathroom trick on her. He was a business client of her then husband’s – who was away, which in retrospect, he probably knew – so the politeness thing was working heavily in his favour.


It was years ago, but where the hell is my time machine? I have a list of people I want to punch just before they do their nasty crappy business and other people I want to warn.

@ Leda Anatomica

There was also a dutch guy who murdered his wife and then wrote a book called “7 Ways to Murder Your Spouse” or something similar to that.


I must say, if your spouse has disappeared in mysterious circumstances, you’d have to calculate that the police – or the relatives at least – would be watching your publication output with some interest.

9 years ago

Roosh never wrote satire never in his entire life.

He is a pickup artist since 2004, and he always wrote pickup artist advices on how to get sex with women.

He never writes satire, there is a video which is super obvious that Roosh really wants the legalization of rape, he sees it as a solution.

Roosh explains why he obsessively hates women so much, and why he commits rapes against them:

“My default opinion of any girl I meet is “worthless dirty whore until proven otherwise.” When so many girls have opened their legs up for me so quickly and easily, it’s hard for me to respect them (and their opinions or ideas)

I do not feel any closer to a girl when I pump her, and most of the time I respect her less because my opinion of her as a worthless dirty whore who probably likes being choked was proven correct.”

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I personally suspect he knows what he’s doing but he’s gotten away with rape so many times that it fed his pride (not in the sense of giving food to cute lion cubs). He probably figured that he could write about it, change a few details, and then claim it’s fictionalized “humor” if he has to. You can’t convict someobe of a crime in the US at least (probably other Western democracies also) based solely on a confession.

I’d guess also that he went to Eastern Europe because many former Soviet Bloc countries have even more problems with their legal systems than North America and Western Europe when it comes to sexual assault. The Nordic countries happen to be somewhat better on that, so of course he hates them.

Chris O
Chris O
9 years ago

It was only a matter of time.

And odds are this is just the tip of the iceberg.

He belongs in a prison.

Yes he does…preferably a maximum security one.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
9 years ago

Further up someone pointed out the problematic nature of citing the fact that his victims were ‘dry as the Sahara’ or similar. I agree that this is problematic, as I’ve heard the fact that the victim had an orgasm used as evidence of consent, when orgasm is an involuntary reflex. So, arguably, lack of arousal does not mean lack of consent.

We are all different, anyway. I’ve never had a problem with dryness in my life, even after hysterectomy including ovary removal. I’ve often wondered if it was due to excess oestrogen, as I suffered severe PMS, and I’m fat (apparently fat stores it). May be why I’ve never had thrush, either, I don’t know.

I’ve tried investigating these things, but it seems like it’s understood about as well as the g-spot and female ejaculation.

I think most of the men I’ve been intimate with (admittedly over thirty years ago and all very young, but even my husband to some extent) only ever bothered with 30-60 seconds of foreplay after the first couple of times because they think being anything other than ‘bone-dry’ means you’re ready. It’s akin to women thinking that a ‘morning glory’ is sexual. Maybe I’m wrong and I’m just horny as fuck 24/7 but don’t know it. There is evidence to suggest women’s awareness of arousal is very separate from physical evidence of arousal, i.e. it’s felt mostly in her head, but surely lack of lubrication in a young woman is due to a lack of it? It’s just that the reverse is NOT true.

As for the toilet ruse, most guys happily pee in the bushes or on the street, but they know most women won’t. My house still has an ‘outside’ toilet that’s accessible without going through the house. I’d direct him there, but that’s rare.