So at this point, we all know that a non-negligible portion of Donald Trump supporters are also fans of anime. And Hitler. Right?
Indeed, when Republican consultant Rick Wilson shocked his fellow guests on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show by declaring flatly that a good portion of Trump’s followers are “childless single men who masturbate to anime” and have “a lot of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons,” the real shock was that it took the mainstream media so long to notice this.
For the benefit of future historians, here’s my half-assed attempt to document the Trump/Anime/Hitler fan nexus, as it has manifested itself on Twitter in recent days
In some cases, the Tweeters in question managed to convey their love of Trump, anime and Nazis all in the same tweet. In others, it took a couple of Tweets. See if you can determine the level of irony in each Tweet. I can’t.
Enjoy! If that is the right word for it. I have omitted some of the more overtly racist memes I ran across, as well as a few tweets that contained disturbing photos of concentration camps. I also censored one image that was mildly NSFW.
To see more of the, er, artistry of Trump’s terrible fans, see this post of mine documenting how they celebrated his New Hampshire primary victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe the frog.
A trifecta! Trump, anime, and Nazis. all in the same Tweet!
All that and a rape joke:
Anime Trump, slightly censored:
Trump and Hitler!
Anime Trump:
#Trumpanime #Trump2016 pic.twitter.com/fh10rbRlZ7
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 12, 2016
@WinstonBooth pic.twitter.com/GxWWZ61OT4
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 13, 2016
Guess who!
@caseysuperstar pic.twitter.com/C1a2c8LMqJ
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 14, 2016
Anime Trump:
Hitler and Daddy, in Viva Pinata I believe?
Simultanious Trump, anime and Hitler.
BONUS: This guy also hates Anita Sarkeestian. (And is an amazing artist.)
Another trifecta! Trump plus anime, responding to a Tweeter calling themselves Hitler:
Bonus scary right-wing stuff:
Trump and anime:
@KTMsuy trump chan approves pic.twitter.com/U8Zg0wf2sR
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) February 11, 2016
@realDonaldTrump @CNN you are a great man! #Trumpanime pic.twitter.com/giOwPUL2jP
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) February 13, 2016
Uses #altright hashtag
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) January 22, 2016
Trump and anime:
Anime, Trump and guns:
Anime and Hitler:
Bonus anti-Semitism:
And this:
What’s next for Trump’s most energetic meme-posters? Trump Valentine’s Day cards.
You have been warned.
No effin’ kidding. This old VF story theorizes that he actually murdered her to kill an incestuous scandal that threatened to grow out of control. I can well believe it.
@bluecat: Never mind public executions. Google “lynching postcards” and prepare to have any good feeling you had today shattered.
Look at this gem I found back on the 2nd page.
It’s too ridiculous to even craft a proper response to so let’s just point and laugh.
I know I’ve used that gif multiple times but I just really like it.
Oh wow. I can’t even muster an explanation why all of that shit is wrong, beyond “you’re so wrong wrong wrongity wrong” and “here’s a wiki link, liar”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_für_Sexualwissenschaft
These were the first books to burn.
Boom, done. Let me find a suitable pic for mocking this:
Everyone else:
@ Dexter
I catagorically disagree with your interpretation of that subject, as in The Conqueror of Shambala (the FMA movie from the first anime) Ed fights Nazis. Others have referenced this already, as well as made the arguments about the deliberate usage of Fuhrer and such within the various FMA canons to create an allegory about Nazis and fascism in general, and the all end with Ed opposed to the Fuhrer and all for which the constrictive, fascist government stands.
Thus, yes, Ed is not and never will be a Nazi, thank you very much.
@ Nequam
Oh lordie, I know! Not googling them today – I’m having a nice day thanks, apart from thinking about Hitler which is also interesting – but I’ve seen pics of people having a nice day out under the trees where people are hanging.
I worked in a women’s college in a country where capital punishment is enshrined in the law. The college is halfway along a major highway with a prison at one end and a zoo at the other (we were between a prison and a zoo: the men’s college was between the zoo and the sewage works). Executions did happen, but quietly and were never publicised. But about 12 years before I got there, there had been a high profile robbery and murder case, with several victims. One of the perpetrators turned out to be a policeman who abused his position to indentify and murder bank employees carrying money.
He and a couple of others were found guilty, executed and then their bodies displayed on the prison wall. Old-timers at the college remembered the traffic jam solid in all lanes on the highway as people came to see, bringing their children with them.
Guy, PoM, thanks for the sources and insights on Japan. Guy, I do have a quibble
Are you sure about this? You later quote a source that says the government considers all citizens to be Japanese, but Japan’s not America and that’s not the same thing. I believe there are Korean families, for example, who have lived in Japan for generations without ever receiving Japanese citizenship.
Since your source that 98% of the residents of Japan are citizens, that’s not directly related to the question of whether Japan is 98% Japanese, but it’s worth noting.
I know a little bit about the Ainu and Burakumin, but nothing about the other minority groups mentioned. Guy, PoM, do either of you have suggested reading?
Ah, yes, I’m not overly familiar with Japanese law in detail. Checking, apparently if both parents are stateless then the child is a citizen by default, but if neither parent is a Japanese citizen and at least one is a citizen of another country then the child is not a citizen.
No suggested reading, that was a complete list of my knowledge of the subject. It really doesn’t get talked about in pop culture.
How did I miss that deliciously absurd post on the second page? I really hope that it’s a poe of some kind, but poes are only poes because you can imagine that someone is this bad somewhere.
Irrational and illogical.
This can only be true if people are against Hitler for reasons thematically connected to trans people. So I suppose that you have something like this? I didn’t think so.
And if true this is connected to disliking Hitler for xenophobia, bigotry, pogroms and the holocaust how?
Only if the dissing has something to do with sex reassignment surgery. I think you want to defend Hitler but you can’t actually do so for the reasons that you want so you have to try to shield yourself with something that people here care about like a coward.
More shielding yourself with things people here care about. To avoid being a coward in the future you should actually address the reasons that people actually dislike Hitler for.
People that don’t like xenophobic bigotry, pogroms and holocausts.
Because no one could possibly have a reason to distrust Netanyahu beyond the fact that he is a Jew right? And who needs the evidence of what these Muslims might have told him, after all you Hitler loving types are known for your trust of Muslims.
(“fist of god” level sarcasm)
Well how awesome for Hitler! That makes it all better! Now that I know that his xenophobic bigotry led him to only want to tear people from their homes and lives and dump them in another country I’m totes fine with him now!
By now I’m pretty sure that you are utterly incapable of using liberal in any sense other than as an insulting caricature of whatever reality you are trying to describe.
Moderation queue; I use the wordpress subscription thing so I get an email whenever there’s a new comment, and that one got published when we were about halfway down the third page. Presumably first-post auto moderation.
I see now. Thanks!
I’m aware that many of the white nationalist / white supremacist types admire Japan for being “racial pure” however, I still find it rather strange that they would be admiring any type of artwork made by non whites, since after all these people believe that everything about “white culture” is inherently superior to other cultures, just like the “white race” is inherently superior to all other “races” in these sick people’s eyes.
Besides, since many of the characters that look “white” to us are not really supposed to be “white” it seems like that alone would make these people not enjoy these cartoons. Most if not all of these people strike me as the type of people who wouldn’t let their kids watch a show if one of the characters was black and portrayed in a positive light.
Note that “hafu” or “haafu” is just the Japanese pronunciation of the English word “half”, and is used to refer to a mixed-race person with one Japanese parent.
japanese became Honorary Aryan because of their pride in their race and their warlike features and things like samurai code.
i’m pretty sure hitler wouldn’t like them for “anime”
Also, burakumin is not an ethnic group, but rather a holdover from fedual Japan. Japan used to be a caste-ridden society, and the burakumin were at the bottom of the social hierarchy, akin to the untouchables in India. They were often those who did jobs considered “unclean”, which led to them being ostracised. So, in rural areas they tended to concentrate in their own deprived communities: “burakumin” means “hamlet people” (no, nothing to do with dressing up and singing about the YMCA).
The caste system was officially dissolved under the Meiji Restoration, but deprivation and prejudice can’t be solved with the stroke of a pen, and such comminities still exist, though it’s something most Japanese people are reluctant to speak about.
With White Nationalists, which I assume most of them are, the mantra is the 14 words(We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children). Beyond that, individual creeds vary but most believe that every race should have a homogeneous society to call home.
Some will view Japanese as equal or near equal to Whites because they are generally well behaved and have high average IQs. Most racism is aimed at Jews(for their positions of power and influence and wide support of open borders immigration), Blacks(for the high contribution to crimeand low IQs), Mestizos(for crime and job displacement) and Arabs(for low integration and spreading of Islam).
Do not also forget that the svastika is a hindu and a buddhist symbol. On the japanese maps, the svastika symbol represents buddhist temples (“tera”). Some persons wear the svastika as an indication of their faith, the same way Christians may wear cross as ornaments/jewelry or Jew may wear the David star, and so on.
No, this picture does not show the path to not-so-secret-nazi-hideout-with-surfer-zombi-nazis-in.
Now, how many of these haters take the meaning of this symbol in japanese arts for the one they prefer ? Sadly a lot, i fear.
Have a nice day.
::puppy eyes::
If you’re covering the Rick Wilson episode, you should probably cover this facet, too: Wilson’s college-aged son administers an elaborate “red pill” subreddit and corresponding website. The Wilsons insist that the content on this site, including sadistic rape fantasies and rampant use of the n-word, constitutes a “harmless joke.”
Trigger warning, this stuff is revolting:
Yeah, that Uranus comment was sitting in moderation for a while before I got to it. I let it through because it was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read, then banned the guy because we’ve already got that other new troll to play with.
David Furtelle, I agree with you the vast majority of the time but this post was entirely inappropriate. Simply happening to like anime has nothing to do with liking Trump or being an MRA or whatever.
Effectively you are saying a person’s random lifestyle choice (such as liking Anime) automatically guarantees what their political beliefs would be, or that they would be a bigot.
Fighting Misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism etc are all perfectly respectable. But by saying “hahaha, they’re all a bunch of anime nerds” you become just as bad as they are.
So what. *some* people who happen to like Anime or video games or whatever also like Trump and misogyny. There are plenty that don’t.
Roosh V, for example talks about how anime and video games are a waste of time and ‘real macho men’ wouldn’t bother with them.
Again, there isn’t a connection one way or the other between liking Anime and being a bigot. The fact that you are attacking the ideological ‘other side’ by attacking lifestyle choices some of them may happen to have makes you a bigot as well, in my eyes.
Nick, I’m not suggesting that anime fans are all, or are even disproportionately likely to be, either Trump fans or Nazis. I’m pointing out that a bunch of trolly Trump fans/nazis (many from or influenced by 4chan) have started using anime in their memes or using anime for their avatars. There were also a lot of gamergaters with similar politics that started adopting anime iconography. Probably some of the same people. I don’t know how many of them are genuine anime fans or if they’re just seizing on anima for the lulz.
If you read this thread you’ll see a lot of the commenters here are anime fans.