So at this point, we all know that a non-negligible portion of Donald Trump supporters are also fans of anime. And Hitler. Right?
Indeed, when Republican consultant Rick Wilson shocked his fellow guests on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show by declaring flatly that a good portion of Trump’s followers are “childless single men who masturbate to anime” and have “a lot of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons,” the real shock was that it took the mainstream media so long to notice this.
For the benefit of future historians, here’s my half-assed attempt to document the Trump/Anime/Hitler fan nexus, as it has manifested itself on Twitter in recent days
In some cases, the Tweeters in question managed to convey their love of Trump, anime and Nazis all in the same tweet. In others, it took a couple of Tweets. See if you can determine the level of irony in each Tweet. I can’t.
Enjoy! If that is the right word for it. I have omitted some of the more overtly racist memes I ran across, as well as a few tweets that contained disturbing photos of concentration camps. I also censored one image that was mildly NSFW.
To see more of the, er, artistry of Trump’s terrible fans, see this post of mine documenting how they celebrated his New Hampshire primary victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe the frog.
A trifecta! Trump, anime, and Nazis. all in the same Tweet!
All that and a rape joke:
Anime Trump, slightly censored:
Trump and Hitler!
Anime Trump:
#Trumpanime #Trump2016 pic.twitter.com/fh10rbRlZ7
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 12, 2016
@WinstonBooth pic.twitter.com/GxWWZ61OT4
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 13, 2016
Guess who!
@caseysuperstar pic.twitter.com/C1a2c8LMqJ
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 14, 2016
Anime Trump:
Hitler and Daddy, in Viva Pinata I believe?
Simultanious Trump, anime and Hitler.
BONUS: This guy also hates Anita Sarkeestian. (And is an amazing artist.)
Another trifecta! Trump plus anime, responding to a Tweeter calling themselves Hitler:
Bonus scary right-wing stuff:
Trump and anime:
@KTMsuy trump chan approves pic.twitter.com/U8Zg0wf2sR
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) February 11, 2016
@realDonaldTrump @CNN you are a great man! #Trumpanime pic.twitter.com/giOwPUL2jP
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) February 13, 2016
Uses #altright hashtag
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) January 22, 2016
Trump and anime:
Anime, Trump and guns:
Anime and Hitler:
Bonus anti-Semitism:
And this:
What’s next for Trump’s most energetic meme-posters? Trump Valentine’s Day cards.
You have been warned.
Well, he also killed 6 and a half million people in camps, which kinda overshadows any single thing he did to any individual, no matter how awful it was.
Weren’t some of the SS uniforms designed for looks to the point that their wearer’s couldn’t sit down without removing their trousers?
But I’m not talking about what drove him, I’m talking about what he did. Something as simple as copy-pasting a paragraph or two from Wiki, stating the what without getting into the why, that’s all I want.
… I get way too overprotective of other child abuse victims, don’t I. =P
I honestly don’t think that’s possible.
David Futrelle,
Do these racist, neo Nazi losers, realize that anime is made in Japan, a non white country? I wonder if any of them are aware of the fact that most anime characters, are not technically supposed to be white.
“Why Do Japanese Characters Look White?”
I wonder if they’d still be anime fans if they understood that.
“Childless single men who masturbate to anime, indeed. I just don’t understand why you’d wank to bug-eyed caricatures of women instead of, y’know, porn. It’s not like it’s difficult to find or anything.”
Because porn is made of caricatures of women too. 99.99% of all pron, japanese or otherwise, is so caricatural and feel so wrong I could not masturbate to it if my life depended on it.
What WWTH said. A thousand times that. People just seem to be uncomfortable living in a world where the correct response to anything isn’t violent dominance.
Re: ‘Fashy neko’ = fascist catgirl
Technically, ‘neko’ is just ‘cat,’ though perhaps mainstream anime fans assume the catgirl thing is implied.
The yaoi fangirl contingent knows that ‘neko’ is also slang in Japan for a man who bottoms in a gay relationship.
Which, you know, makes that particular account pretty funny to me, even as I rage that these asshats are using my fandoms (seriously, Edward Elric would Not Stand for This Shit) to further a disgusting idiology.
I can definately see where you’re coming from. Still, there’s actual human beings involved, which makes getting aroused by it much, much more understandable to me than jacking it to cartoons.
People comment on the anime big eye thing a lot. Strictly speaking, it’s more the Disney big eye thing; the characteristic anime style is significantly inspired by early Disney movies (notably Snow White). You’ll see the same thing in modern Disney movies, including Frozen. The reason is actually visible in the first picture; imagine drawing Trump’s expression by hand. Now imagine doing that for ~25 minutes of runtime at 24 FPS. You have one week.
So by drawing a few relatively simple exaggerated facial features, it’s relatively easy to convey an emotion. Curve the top down a bit and you get anger. Switch to a dull color and you get despair or blankly emotionless.
As for the Nazi chic thing, I think it’s generally preferred in anime for villains that are generically Nazi-like. If you see it on a protagonist odds are it’s a German military protagonist. If you see the actual Nazi flag the character is specifically a Nazi and almost certainly the villain. Also, slight subtle point: in the US a red armband brings to mind the Nazi flag armband, in Japan school club presidents wear red armbands.
I’ve heard a little about it elsewhere in Asia. First, the Swastika is actually an Indian religious* symbol. The actual Aryans controlled parts of India for a while, you see. So its display obviously isn’t banned outright. Second, in WWII Nazi atrocities were mostly in Europe and Asia mostly saw Imperial Japan’s. Fewer gas chambers, more biological warfare. The doctors responsible turned over their results in exchange for immunity from prosecution.
My knowledge of racial issues in Japan is basically that official records say it’s 98% Japanese and also that everyone born in Japan is Japanese and there is no reason to provide a further breakdown because they are all one race. I gather that this is no more true than if the US said it.
But when it comes to anime and militarism/conquest, it’s generally not positive. There’s a presently ongoing series called GATE, which is the most pacifist military propaganda I have ever seen. It’s got a lot of showing off the JSDF’s weaponry but also just as many scenes of committed diplomatic efforts to reach a peaceful solution.
*Used by several of them
Oh goddammit, every time I switch comment pages my browser shows me a glimpse of the top of it
and then all the damn images load in and push the comments out of sight
so I have to scroll past all those icky pictures again.
Not at all teal deer. I’ve been through similar obstacle courses to get to the same conclusion – and I think there is a connection between that and the OP.
Even more so perhaps because in this country it’s been a while since we had the death penalty (even quietly dropped from being on the books for treason and arson in the royal dockyards, I believe) and the memory of some of the more flagrant miscarriages of justice have faded.
It’s even longer since we had public executions, but I’m pretty sure if we brought them back, some people would take their kids along and a picnic.
War is hell, and even when you win, you still lose.
Right now I wish there was a proxy to deliver a swift kick to Cruz’s behind on the behalf of all who are disgusted with his announcement that he’ll filibuster on anyone who Obama selects as a supreme court nominee – we remember how instrumental Cruz was to that government shut down not so very long ago, and this is just more of the same shit from that asshole.
And a sinkhole opening up underneath Trump would be nice…he has to go to Florida sometime, make it happen Florida!
But the crank pseudoscience has fuck-all to do with his relationship with underage girls, which is a well-documented historical fact.
BTW, if anyone’s interested in this topic, Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman is a great novel on the subject.
“I can definately see where you’re coming from. Still, there’s actual human beings involved, which makes getting aroused by it much, much more understandable to me than jacking it to cartoons.”
I am annoyed by the way you say it, which kind of make it look like it’s a bad thing. It’s not. It’s just another of the million forms of sexual arousal. Human imagination is infinite when it come to sex after all. And it allow representation of phantasm who aren’t realisable by real people.
Given what I know about the adult film industry, I personally would actually prefer regular porn to just disappear. That’s based on my heavy scepticism about porn influencing people, so I am concerned only by how it is done.
About Hitler the possible sexual abuser, Hitler managed his image extremely carefully, especially anything connected with his private life. Before he was in power he posed as an austere working man with no family connections (in spite of having his half-sister and her children living in as his housekeeper), and once in power ‘reworked’ and/or had destroyed a lot of the records connected to his family life.
Afterwards, of course, his surviving relatives didn’t particularly want to brag about the connection either. Plus his enemies may have embroidered matters (as if the facts weren’t bad enough). So there’s a certain amount of mystery there, even today and it’s not easy to find clean sources of information.
Even people relatively close to him and living in the Fuhrerbunker in the last days had no idea who Eva Braun was or what their connection between them was, for example.
Geli’s is a grim story.
The tale about the testicle may be based on fact, though. The record of his injury in the trenches came to light only a few years ago – he got a shrapnel wound to the groin in 1916, which got him the nickname “screamer” from his battalion mates (my, how we laughed!)
The injury is apparently confirmed in the doctor’s notes made when he was in prison in 1923, but the documents relating to his imprisonment are not published yet – due out this year.
Although the details of Hitler’s personal life are difficult to determine, I agree with you.
In college, Isaac Deutscher’s famous book Stalin: A Political Biography was assigned in my political science class. I was dismayed that this 700-page volume had, IIRC, 10 pages devoted to his personal life, all in the same section. Yes, it is a political biography, but as a feminist I believe that the personal is political.
As a (kind of former) Yaoi fangirl, I was not aware of this.
Suddenly Loveless makes a whole lot more sense.@CriticalDragon1177
Yes, they realise this. Japan is admired as an example of how European nations should be, racially homogeneous and able to enjoy a low crime rate, high average IQ and foster a strong national culture because of it.
Quai, Edward Elrich was a Nazi, in case you were unaware than individuals who work for the military under rule of a Fuhrer are nazis, no matter if they are infantry or alchemy.
Some people masturbate to books. Words on paper look even less like real women than anime girls do.
There’s lots of reasons people go for animated porn. Many of those reasons are horrible, but one reason is actually ethics. I know people (women mostly) who watch anime porn because they have moral qualms about live porn.
??? I’m not sure why you think that can’t be true. Japan is not a major immigration center like the US. For ~100 years, Japan wouldn’t even let non-Japanese onshore. They’ve never welcomed immigrants, or made it simple for immigrants to naturalize. The only other ethnic group on the islands is the Ainu, who have been resisting slow-motion genocide in a similar manner to the Native Americans in North America.
I find this claim completely plausible, personally.
What I mean is that I am aware of the Ainu. The breakdown counts them as Japanese. Via Wikipedia.
Basically the sum total of my knowledge is that the dominant ethnic group in Japan is the Yamato, there are others, there is some level of discrimination, and the government is conspicuously unwilling to discuss the subject. Which I generally take to be a bad sign rather than a good one.
Fuck off, Nazi troll.