#gamergate 4chan anti-Semitism ironic nazis literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism rape culture rape jokes sarkeesian! TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

Donald Trump continues to kill it in the Anime/Nazi fanboy demographic

Not Pictured: Hitler
Not Pictured: Hitler

So at this point, we all know that a non-negligible portion of Donald Trump supporters are also fans of anime. And Hitler. Right?

Indeed, when Republican consultant Rick Wilson shocked his fellow guests on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show by declaring flatly that a good portion of Trump’s followers are “childless single men who masturbate to anime” and have “a lot of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons,” the real shock was that it took the mainstream media so long to notice this.

For the benefit of future historians, here’s my half-assed attempt to document the Trump/Anime/Hitler fan nexus, as it has manifested  itself on Twitter in recent days

In some cases, the Tweeters in question managed to convey their love of Trump, anime and Nazis all in the same tweet. In others, it took a couple of Tweets. See if you can determine the level of irony in each Tweet. I can’t.

Enjoy! If that is the right word for it. I have omitted some of the more overtly racist memes I ran across, as well as a few tweets that contained disturbing photos of concentration camps. I also censored one image that was mildly NSFW.

To see more of the, er, artistry of Trump’s terrible fans, see this post of mine documenting how they celebrated his New Hampshire primary victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe the frog. 


A trifecta! Trump, anime, and Nazis. all in the same Tweet!

All that and a rape joke:

Anime Trump, slightly censored:


Trump and Hitler!

Anime Trump:

Guess who!

Anime Trump:

Hitler and Daddy, in Viva Pinata I believe?

Simultanious Trump, anime and Hitler.

BONUS: This guy also hates Anita Sarkeestian. (And is an amazing artist.)

Another trifecta! Trump plus anime, responding to a Tweeter calling themselves Hitler:

Bonus scary right-wing stuff:

Trump and anime:

Uses #altright hashtag

Trump and anime:

Anime, Trump and guns:

Anime and Hitler:

Bonus anti-Semitism:

And this:

What’s next for Trump’s most energetic meme-posters? Trump Valentine’s Day cards.

You have been warned.


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8 years ago

Nazi werewolves are the worst werewolves.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: nazi chic etc.

It’s important not to assume that just because something has a particular resonance on one part of the world, it had the same eleswhere. For USians and Europeans, WW2 is associated with certain things. In other parts of the world, like the old Indo-China, what was going on on Europe and parts of the Pacific, wasn’t especially relevant. Like on China, WW2 was just really a continuation of a campaign that had been going on for decades. Hitler may then be seen as just some a sort of generic historical figure. We wouldn’t think anything particularly odd about some wonderful dressing up as Alexander or Genghis Khan, but that would be the height of bad taste in say Afghanistan or parts of China. We can feature Cossacks in romantic advertising campaigns, not so much in parts of Russia.

Even the parties to a war may see it differently. For Americans, Pearl Harbour is obviously a significant event. It meant so little to the Japanese that it was only given the go ahead to stop Yamamato from sulking. Any even then on the understanding that the operation did not distract from the “primary aims” of the Japanese war effort (ie taking Singapore, Borneo etc)

8 years ago

@Lorcan Nagle:

Nazi uniforms are well designed (and were designed to specifically look good, as we all know), and their mlitary hardware was the best in terms of technology and performance, subjects which are frequently obsesed over by anime fans/nerds in general.

And katana blades are folded ONE MILLION TIMES!

Nazi uniforms looked great, but the field blouse had a fiddly internal suspender system intended to replace external suspenders. It didn’t work well and the army never left the external suspenders behind. Kind of a microcosm of Nazi futurism; grand ideas that leapt ahead of their materials.

Their weapons were over-engineered, too. We Yanks got by on far fewer parts in some of our field guns, and ours were stamped while theirs were milled. Which is not to say that their guns weren’t lethal.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

If were talking about Nazi uniforms, has anyone mentioned Hugo Boss yet?

ETA: @ falconer

You’ll probably be aware that during Overlord most allied troops first aim was to snaffle a German gun to replace their own, especially with sub machine guns (which was responsible for a number of blue on blue incidents when people were confused by their distinctive sounds)

8 years ago

In WW2, american were all about “let’s do tanks and weapon that are half as good, but 1/10 as expensive, and let’s see if they are able to cope with that”. The zerg rush nation was the USA, not anybody else. If only because nobody else had close to their industrial output at the time.

A thing often misunderstood with Russia is that a lot of people think they had shitty equipment and compensated by number. What they had was very durable equipment together with a subpar industrial capability. Not as durable and as overengineered than the german one, but quite often just better than the american one. That’s why they imported tanks and all from the US.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Apologies if you know the story already, but it’s worth the telling.

The people of Paris have never been fond of tyrants, and in 1944 when the British and American armies got closer they rose up against the Germans: first in a general strike and then in two separate simultaneous insurgencies, one led by the police and one by the Communist party. General von Choltitz, the garrison commander, had tried to rule with as soft a hand as possible and so didn’t immediately respond with violence. Hitler screamed at him for this and gave him strict orders to destroy the city, kill the inhabitants and then defend the rubble against the advancing Americans.

Instead of obeying this order, von Choltitz did the opposite: he surrendered his command to the Gaullists, and his 17,000 soldiers became prisoners of the French rather than of the Americans. It would be unkind, although not entirely false, to describe this as the first great French victory over the Germans in the entire war.

Famously, Hitler telephoned him directly and asked “is Paris burning?”, to which he replied “Paris is French.”

There are three theories as to why this was the case.

The French say that von Choltitz had been a fairly reasonable man and had grown to love the city; and as a result felt closer to the Parisians than to Hitler. Certainly, he was treated very well in captivity and De Gaulle asked for him to be given clemency afterwards, which supports this theory.

The Germans (including the von Choltitz family) say that it was rather that he realised the futility of the gesture and wished to spare the lives of his soldiers; added to which he didn’t want the von Choltitz family name to go down in the history books as the destroyer of Paris.

Both these theories are supported by the fact that von Choltitz had done his time on the Eastern Front and knew very well what an order to “destroy the city and defend the rubble” would actually look like if it were put into practise. As a result, his willingness to do anything to avert that eventuality seems pretty reasonable.

The Swedish point out that their ambassador in Paris, the great Raoul Nordling, persuaded von Choltitz to surrender in exchange for Swedish diplomatic protection of his family. Several films have been made based on this theory; whether true or not, Nordling was known to have got on well with von Choltitz and had acted as an intermediary in the negotiation in prisoner releases before.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

That’s not even to mention the suspension and transmission on the Tiger.

8 years ago

@Alan: Oh, they worked all right, but more parts means more things to break. Their reputations may have been a bit overblown, is all I’m saying.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ falconer

The ‘performance’ v ‘reliability’ thing with weapons is something that carries on today (AR-15 v AK for example); and like today there’s a lot of mythology involved. Some weapons just get a particular reputation. In WW2, the German 88mm is a legendary superweapon, and gets credit for the work done by lots of other guns; a bit like the Spitfire and the oft neglected Hurricane.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

@EJ: fascinating! I’m reading Kershaw’s biography of Hitler atm but would like to pick up a book more general about WWII. I mean, I have already exhausted the Finnish-related books on the subject. (Yes, we were allied with the Nazis, blah blah Russia we lost.)

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Hey, at least Finland achieved some success in the war. It is said that South Africa’s main achievement was ensuring that Churchill never ran out of brandy.

(We deployed some units to North Africa who proceeded to get brushed aside by the Panzers. Tragically a lot of young South African men died; even worse, they killed a lot of other young men.)

8 years ago


Actually, the Russian tanks were majority home-built. They did import tanks from the US, but when you’re at war there is no such thing as too many tanks. They were roughly equivalent by quality, though apparently the elite units did like calling dibs on Shermans. Not sure if that’s a general trend or if it had to do with the relative availability of variants with upgraded guns. But the main US contribution in Russia was actually logistical, providing transport capacity to keep the tanks supplied so Russian factories could focus on making tanks rather than trucks.

The US’s tendency towards cheap but low-quality is also somewhat exaggerated; their biggest problem was that they had planned on fighting heavy tanks using tank destroyers. Everyone had some at the time; they tended to be more lightly armored but extremely well-armed, meant to fire from ambush. The US tank destroyers carried very heavy guns and the variants built after being unpleasantly surprised by just how tough later German heavy tanks got were quite capable of killing Tigers at substantial range, but due to assorted deployment issues they often wound up sending Shermans up against Tigers. British forces retrofitted some of the ones they got through lend-lease with a heavy anti-tank gun and those performed admirably.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ EJ

South Africa did contribute in a few areas in WW2. It was the South African army and Air Force that defeated Mussolini’s forces in East Africa for example (that part of the war gets overlooked because most historians concentrate on Rommel and Montgomery)

Of course politics played a part; actually going to war with Germany only passed by a few votes and only people of pure ‘European’ descent were allowed to serve, which severely restricted numbers. South African soldiers and airmen though were to be found in most of the theatres.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

There’s this running joke in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books that in certain political circles, military success is measured by how many people you get killed – preferably on the other side but that’s optional.

8 years ago

Posting this just because I don’t want the number of comments on this post to stop at 88. Please continue!

8 years ago

WRT why we don’t hear much about Hitler being a pedophile: I assume it’s because most of the ink spilled about Hitler has been by military historians, who really only care about the marching-and-killing-people parts of the story. Or more generally, historians don’t care much about women’s history.

8 years ago

I’ve had arguments with people about torturing prisoners, or capital punishment and such, and sometimes, after all the pragmatic arguments against have been aired, the argument seems to reduce to “But anyway they deserve it and I’d really like to think about doing it.”

So much this. You can’t argue rationally with someone is really pro capital punishment. It never does any good at all. They throw out the usual talking points and I knock them down. They say it’s a deterrent. I point out that most of the US states with the lowest homicide rates don’t have the death penalty and most of the states with the highest homicide rates do have it. With Japan as the exception, all the countries with the lowest homicide rates have abolished the death penalty. Clearly, capital punishment does not prevent murder.

Then they move on to making it something that needs to be done for the victim’s families. I tell them that they shouldn’t speak for those people and not all loved ones of murder victims are necessarily pro death penalty. Plus, murder is, legally speaking in the US a crime against the state. It’s not prosecuted on behalf of the family of the victim.

Then they have to bring up the tired ass fiscal argument. They don’t want their tax dollars going to feed and house murderers. But as everyone should know by now, the process of actually executing someone is so long and drawn out that it costs less money to give murderers life in prison. From there comes the disturbing argument that we shouldn’t have a process where they get to continue to appeal up until the moment the execution is carried out, we should just give the firing squad immediately after conviction. Then I point out that doing this would mean that if someone were innocent or if the trial was improperly conducted, that would mean it’s too late. Death is permanent. We can’t just kill people on a whim.

That’s when they have a meltdown and accuse me of being pro-murderer because I don’t want them to get what they deserve. I say that emotionally, I do want sadistic and brutal murderers to suffer. I don’t have sympathy for these people. Not really. But, morals shouldn’t be dependent on the behavior of others. Your morals are about what you personally believe. I believe the death penalty is morally wrong. Partially because of the practical reasons it doesn’t work and partially because taking vengeance on people who do bad things is making yourself just as bad. Or at least almost as bad.

That’s when they’re backed into a corner and they reveal that they just really, really like the idea of others suffering. As long as they can be deemed an other, someone subhuman. I’m convinced that the people who are really strongly pro death penalty want, on some level to commit violence but for whatever varying reasons don’t want to do it themselves so they like that the state carries it out for them. Same goes for the people who are really hyped up on torture and war.

Sorry this turned into a teal deer. I didn’t mean it too. I’ve just been strongly opposed to the death penalty since I was a kid. I tend to go off when the topic comes up!

8 years ago

“Machen Amerika Great” is not a proper sentence. It’s not only mixing up two languages, but also lacking a subject.

The German word for one sense of ‘great’ (as in ‘Great Britain’) would be ‘groß’, i.e. ‘gross’ – a much more appropriate term!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: Hitler and Paedophilia

One reason this is an area that most reputable historians avoid is that the whole area of ‘what drove Hitler psychologically?’ is associated with crank pseudo science.

Lots of unqualified people have speculated endlessly, and luridly, about whether Hitler was a paedophile, a coprophiliac, a repressed homosexual, only had one testacle etc. There’s also that whole diagnosing mental states from a distance thing. As a result any serous research gets tainted by this.

We do know quite a bit about his medical history during his final years, but he surrounded himself with quack doctors, so again, any evidence from those sources must be treated with caution.

8 years ago


Who can forget Hitlers personal physician who prescribed him amphetamines and drugs that you can only buy today from a shady man at a gas station.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ dreadnought

It was quite a good scam being one of Hitler’s ‘physicians’. Not only could you market your own brand of patent medicines as ‘what the Fuhrer uses!’, you can also supply the military (whom of course have no choice in the matter).

8 years ago

Well, considering being against Hitler is transphobic, I would be careful when using him as a way to put people down. Sex reassignment surgeries began in 1930s Germany and Mendel’s discoveries in medicine were invaluable when it comes to that subject in particular. It’s very possible that without Hitler, we wouldn’t have a decent way to change a person’s sex, so dissing him is transphobic.

Not to mention that you’re also dissing job benefits, cafeterias at your workplace and paid vacations. So, who in their right mind would be against Hitler? Sure he killed a bunch of Jews, but if the Jew Netanyahu is to be trusted – which if you don’t what are you a Nazi – is because the Muslims told him. His original plan was to export them back to Israel, but Muslims were like “Oh, hell no. We don’t want them here, you have to kill them, m8. 360 noscope them and throw them in the gas chambers”

Let some liberal retard now act as if I meant that seriously. Or as if I used liberal as an insult in that sentence.

8 years ago

It didn’t take all of mainstream media that long to figure it out. For one thing, I read this blog, and I’m guessing some of the others in mainstream media do too.

8 years ago

Childless single men who masturbate to anime, indeed. I just don’t understand why you’d wank to bug-eyed caricatures of women instead of, y’know, porn. It’s not like it’s difficult to find or anything.

8 years ago

The Wehrmacht! We don’t have coffee or gasoline, but you can amphetamine yourself into a heart attack at the people’s expense!