#gamergate 4chan anti-Semitism ironic nazis literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism rape culture rape jokes sarkeesian! TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

Donald Trump continues to kill it in the Anime/Nazi fanboy demographic

Not Pictured: Hitler
Not Pictured: Hitler

So at this point, we all know that a non-negligible portion of Donald Trump supporters are also fans of anime. And Hitler. Right?

Indeed, when Republican consultant Rick Wilson shocked his fellow guests on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show by declaring flatly that a good portion of Trump’s followers are “childless single men who masturbate to anime” and have “a lot of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons,” the real shock was that it took the mainstream media so long to notice this.

For the benefit of future historians, here’s my half-assed attempt to document the Trump/Anime/Hitler fan nexus, as it has manifested  itself on Twitter in recent days

In some cases, the Tweeters in question managed to convey their love of Trump, anime and Nazis all in the same tweet. In others, it took a couple of Tweets. See if you can determine the level of irony in each Tweet. I can’t.

Enjoy! If that is the right word for it. I have omitted some of the more overtly racist memes I ran across, as well as a few tweets that contained disturbing photos of concentration camps. I also censored one image that was mildly NSFW.

To see more of the, er, artistry of Trump’s terrible fans, see this post of mine documenting how they celebrated his New Hampshire primary victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe the frog. 


A trifecta! Trump, anime, and Nazis. all in the same Tweet!

All that and a rape joke:

Anime Trump, slightly censored:


Trump and Hitler!

Anime Trump:

Guess who!

Anime Trump:

Hitler and Daddy, in Viva Pinata I believe?

Simultanious Trump, anime and Hitler.

BONUS: This guy also hates Anita Sarkeestian. (And is an amazing artist.)

Another trifecta! Trump plus anime, responding to a Tweeter calling themselves Hitler:

Bonus scary right-wing stuff:

Trump and anime:

Uses #altright hashtag

Trump and anime:

Anime, Trump and guns:

Anime and Hitler:

Bonus anti-Semitism:

And this:

What’s next for Trump’s most energetic meme-posters? Trump Valentine’s Day cards.

You have been warned.


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8 years ago

The witch, ahem, justice, is dead !

More on topic, thoses people either never looked at some of the actual anime they used images from, or saying that they are as dumb as rock is an insult to rocks.

8 years ago

@ Kat

Was Hitler kind to young people? Not so much to his half niece, Geli, who he said was the only woman he ever loved. She was in close contact with Hitler, who was 19 years her senior, from the time until she was 17 until she committed suicide at age 31. At the very least, he was domineering and possessive. There were rumors of a sexual relationship, physical abuse, and possibly her murder.

Oh my God. I never thought I’d actually expect better from Hitler. Even his own family wasn’t safe from his desire to dominate others.

8 years ago

I swear to god some of these just look like shitty 4chan jokes, and I’m sure some of them are, but some are serious and I just…. =.=

8 years ago


It didn’t stop him from, you know, giving orders which would have huge numbers of them killed; but then that’s statesmen in a nutshell.)

I am reminded of a bit from Illuminatus! in which the leaders of the US., US & PRC all, in the space of a few pages, are described with the same paragraph, which ended “…and genuinely loved children and puppies, unless they were somewhere that had to be bombed in the National Interest.”

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

The Auschwitz one says “(((white)))’s go to a special place”…is he saying white people should be put in concentration camps?

I was wondering about the very same thing. I can’t tell if some of these are making fun of Trump supporters, but then again something something goatfuckers.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

What Chaltab said. Ugh. That’s sickening.

Heee! I love that book.

Also, off-topic, Chapter 01 awaits your orders for destination.

I spent about an hour trawling through white-supremacist websites to see if (((white))) meant anything in particular, to no avail. Annoyingly, did you know that the Googles can’t tell the difference between “(((white)))” and “white”? It made it much harder.

Maybe those /pol/ers were right: humans really can’t understand them.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

For anyone interested in UK politics, there are tory valentines cards too. My personal favourite cards are the Jeremy Hunt and Iain Duncan Smith ones.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
8 years ago

I never thought I’d actually expect better from Hitler.

Possible the best thing I’ve heard all year.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago


I thought about researching too so thank you for the dirty work! I’m actually kind of pleased that “white” as a search term doesn’t immediately return a bunch of “white rights” bs. Humanity, are you trying to get back together with me?

@ Dr. NicolaLuna

My personal favourite cards are the Jeremy Hunt and Iain Duncan Smith ones.

I read the funniest headline: “Jeremy Hunt to replace James Blunt in cockney rhyming slang”.

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago

February 13, 2016 at 9:41 pm

I wonder which way round the cause and effect is – do anime fans like Hitler? I’m not sure why that would be the case. But I can’t think why nazis would enjoy anime, either.

There’s a lot of Nazi imagery in anime going back decades, and WWII-era weapons and equipment are very popular for model kits, cosplay and other related hobbies. However, this all seems to be related to the asthethic – Nazi uniforms are well designed (and were designed to specifically look good, as we all know), and their mlitary hardware was the best in terms of technology and performance, subjects which are frequently obsesed over by anime fans/nerds in general.

However, this doesn’t seem to translate over to Nazi idology. There’s an infamous moment in the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime, for example where one character – a high ranking leader in a faction which has a lots of Nazi imagery in their uniforms and weapons – is directly compared to Hitler, it’s meant as an insult (and he takes it as a compliment because he’s that evil)

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

There’s a whole fashion movement in Thailand based on Nazi uniforms. A very odd thing and I’m not even sure they know about the ideology behind the costumes.

ETA: Google ‘Nazi chic’.

8 years ago

The witch, ahem, justice, is dead !

A friend just posted this on Facebook:

Antonin Scalia requested cremation in his will, but millions of women will meet tomorrow to discuss if that’s really best for his body.

The anime eyes on Trump are truly disturbing, but I’m not sure whether more or less disturbing than his own real eyes.

And… the Hitler thing. Oh dear lordy.

Let’s leave aside, for half a nano-second, the hideous crimes against humanity and all of that stuff, not because it doesn’t matter, but because it’s pretty obvious that some of these meme makers think they were simply brilliant ideas that Trump would do well to emulate.

But have they not noticed that he failed horribly, disastrously, and brought his entire country to an appalling ruin?

As AJP Taylor says, Hitler “…promised a Reich that would last a thousand years. It barely lasted twelve.”

You would have thought these super-mensch-worshippers would have noticed that.

After all, part of Trump’s selling point is his “success” (much exaggerated, apparently – if he’d just kept his money in the bank he’d be much richer than he is after all his wonderful deals).

8 years ago

Asians in general see Hitler as slightly less bad than we do. On average, of course.

Japan, in my opinion, still have a decent fraction of his (generally older) inhabitant who think highly of the Japan in WWII. And by consequence, they are disposed to not find the nazi awful, since the japanese did pretty much the same thing.

Now, do that mean that anime glorify nazi or imperial japan ideology ? Not really. As some people said, the esthetic of nazis is often recycled, but almost all the time it’s in a form so washed down they aren’t actually bad guys at all. In one of the most (in)famous one, they are allied with the other country against extraterrestrial. In most, for some reason, all the nazis are female, with heavy feminine homosexuality subtext. That’s not even meant as an stealth insult, but simply because they go for maximum heteronormative appeal, and not for political subtext. The closer to an endorsement of Nazi ideology I have seen is showing colonialism in a good light ; most of the time, anyone who do anything the nazis are infamous for are shown as being eviler than evil.

Anime go all the way from veeeery conservative socially to very progressive. Often it’s a strange mix of both. But it’s actually hard to find them glorifying racism, so I guess it’s just because it’s a now common source of porn and of cheap entertainment that Trump supporter like them.

8 years ago


But have they not noticed that he failed horribly, disastrously, and brought his entire country to an appalling ruin?

Well, that was just because the SJWs held him back, of course. When you see brutality as the answer, failure must be because you weren’t brutal enough. How often have you heard right-wingers say that America’s wars would be less clusterfucked if they just nuked a few cities, openly tortured more civilians, and generally courted a reputation as history’s greatest butchers? Oderint dum metuant, and all that.

Just passing by
Just passing by
8 years ago

Their German sucks as much as their Japanese. “Machen Amerika Great” is not a proper sentence. It’s not only mixing up two languages, but also lacking a subject.
I’m not even going to address the rest of these memes because that might cause me to lose all hope in humanity.

8 years ago

@ Moggie

When you see brutality as the answer, failure must be because you weren’t brutal enough.

I think you are right.

I wonder if it doesn’t even go further than that and shade into brutality for its own sake, whether it leads to success or disaster. Like brutality is the point after all.

I’ve had arguments with people about torturing prisoners, or capital punishment and such, and sometimes, after all the pragmatic arguments against have been aired, the argument seems to reduce to “But anyway they deserve it and I’d really like to think about doing it.”

I think of the last days of Hitler, when he evidently ordered actions which would further destroy what was left of Germany and which would cause greater hardship to the surviving Germans, because they didn’t deserve to survive. They’d let him down by following his policies to disaster, or some excuse of that kind. (Some of the generals, I believe, subverted some those orders when they thought they could get away with it).

Oderint dum odissent in fact.

8 years ago

I actually like the idea of trump valentine’s day cards if they could be satirical and a lot less rapey.

8 years ago

IIRC, Hitler asked for Paris to be destroyed, but the order wasn’t carried out. Or something to that extent.

8 years ago

I don’t know how you do it, David.

I got through half of those before thinking “that has to be a joke… so does that… what the fuck are they doing okay I’m getting stupider by the minute I need to stop.”

And that’s just looking at them. you had to go through them multiple times.

How the hell do you do it? Is there a booze and/or drugs fund I can donate to?

8 years ago

Ian Kershaw, I think, says that in the last days Hitler constantly demanded that the army take positions that could not be defended – basically suicide missions – and that nobody was to discuss surrender or even negotiate the evacuation of children and non-combatants from Berlin, preferring to have them and it destroyed with him as his funeral pyre. I believe he also gave orders for medical and food supplies to be destroyed as well. He is said to have ranted that the German people deserved to be wiped out.

When he found out someone (I think it might have been Heydrich) had actually been discussing surrender he was distraught. Admittedly, he was on a heavy dose of methamphetamines, but the being in love with death for its own sake seems a bit of a theme.

All of which is just a complicated rationale for posting this again…

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

I really feel they should search up ‘Europe’ on Google. I mean, we’re not all Germanic or Nordics, in fact old textbooks in Swedish referred to Finns as a “short-skulled Eastern race” you should not make babies with. We also have those cursed hispanics in our regions, you know the ones Trump wants to get rid of. Europe is not a country and you cannot cherry-pick your europeanisms (is that a word? Well, I just made it one if it isn’t).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I wounder how many of trumps supporters will fail to actually vote for him because they’re too busy posting neo-nazi memes to the internet?

And how many can’t vote for him because they’re not legally old enough?

@Hitler (probably) being an incestuous paedophile

I wonder why this isn’t mentioned in history books the way everything else about Hitler is. General fear of sex (inasmuch as child rape can be considered sex)? Or something more sinister?

8 years ago

The Funniest thing about Touhou Project (a video game, many of the “anime” characters are from there), that the fictional place where it takes part is literally a safe space for the youkai. But I doubt that they actually played the games, because I knew multiple weeaboo nazis who just enjoyed the hentai made by various amateurs. I wonder what would Hitler thought about porn, especially the ones featuring drawn children.

8 years ago


How the hell do you do it? Is there a booze and/or drugs fund I can donate to?

No, but I think his kitties keep him safe. You should totes donate for the kitties! 😀

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ bluecat

(Some of the generals, I believe, subverted some those orders when they thought they could get away with it).

Hitler had ordered a complete scorched earth policy. It was Speer who ignored and countermanded this. That’s one of the reasons he got off so lightly at Nuremberg.

Hitler’s ‘all or nothing’ attitude was quite useful to the allies. There had originally been a plan for a guerrilla campaign to continue after any surrender. These ‘werewolves’ could have caused problems for years, as we’ve seen on other post war scenarios.

Hitler couldn’t countenance the idea of surrender though. He expected every true German to fight to the death, so he blocked the idea. Doenitz and Speer, both independently, used the set up for activation werewolf to broadcast orders for any aspiring werewolves to stand down and cooperate with the allies in rebuilding the country.