![Not Pictured: Hitler](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/trumpanime.jpg?resize=580%2C327&ssl=1)
So at this point, we all know that a non-negligible portion of Donald Trump supporters are also fans of anime. And Hitler. Right?
Indeed, when Republican consultant Rick Wilson shocked his fellow guests on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC show by declaring flatly that a good portion of Trump’s followers are “childless single men who masturbate to anime” and have “a lot of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons,” the real shock was that it took the mainstream media so long to notice this.
For the benefit of future historians, here’s my half-assed attempt to document the Trump/Anime/Hitler fan nexus, as it has manifested itself on Twitter in recent days
In some cases, the Tweeters in question managed to convey their love of Trump, anime and Nazis all in the same tweet. In others, it took a couple of Tweets. See if you can determine the level of irony in each Tweet. I can’t.
Enjoy! If that is the right word for it. I have omitted some of the more overtly racist memes I ran across, as well as a few tweets that contained disturbing photos of concentration camps. I also censored one image that was mildly NSFW.
To see more of the, er, artistry of Trump’s terrible fans, see this post of mine documenting how they celebrated his New Hampshire primary victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe the frog.
A trifecta! Trump, anime, and Nazis. all in the same Tweet!
All that and a rape joke:
Anime Trump, slightly censored:
Trump and Hitler!
Anime Trump:
#Trumpanime #Trump2016 pic.twitter.com/fh10rbRlZ7
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 12, 2016
@WinstonBooth pic.twitter.com/GxWWZ61OT4
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 13, 2016
Guess who!
@caseysuperstar pic.twitter.com/C1a2c8LMqJ
— Kurisu Kitsune (@Kurisu_Kitsune) February 14, 2016
Anime Trump:
Hitler and Daddy, in Viva Pinata I believe?
Simultanious Trump, anime and Hitler.
BONUS: This guy also hates Anita Sarkeestian. (And is an amazing artist.)
Another trifecta! Trump plus anime, responding to a Tweeter calling themselves Hitler:
Bonus scary right-wing stuff:
Trump and anime:
@KTMsuy trump chan approves pic.twitter.com/U8Zg0wf2sR
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) February 11, 2016
@realDonaldTrump @CNN you are a great man! #Trumpanime pic.twitter.com/giOwPUL2jP
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) February 13, 2016
Uses #altright hashtag
— DONALD TRUMPかわいいです (@Trump2016Anime) January 22, 2016
Trump and anime:
Anime, Trump and guns:
Anime and Hitler:
Bonus anti-Semitism:
And this:
What’s next for Trump’s most energetic meme-posters? Trump Valentine’s Day cards.
You have been warned.
@ A. Noyd
Little do they realize, racism is an all-or-none viewpoint. That’s what it is, inherently: arbitrary, vague value X is better than arbitrary, vague value Y.
One of those Fashy Neko tweets is actually of a catgirl. The word neko, in fact, means catgirl, so “Fashy Neko” = fascist catgirl.
So there you have it. Trump-supporting neo-Nazi anime catgirls. Now all that’s left is to incorporate My Little Pony in some way, too.
I always go back to my favorite Vonnegut quote. “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” This applies equally well to the politicians they support.
Make Anime Real is one of those things that has a few layers to it, probably more layers than I even know but here goes:
On 4chan way back when the joke among the anime fans was self-deprecating assertions that they were all sad, lonely, pathetic etc for watching anime. So there was lots of ironic humour about leaving this world to join the anime world (funnier when non-specific otherwise you start a fight about which anime), having an anime “waifu” and pretending they were real (as a replacement for the GF you’d never have) and so on.
Recent technological advancements have also pushed the joke of “make anime real” further by creating some elements in reality. Hatsune Miku appearing live on Letterman was probably the high water mark for “ANIME IS REAL” jokes, but other stuff like virtual reality, Alternate Reality Games, Holograms etc pushes this joke.
This is a favourite of mine:
At this point “making anime real” is the anime nerd equivalent of the generic wish, like when little girls in fiction always wish for “a pony”.
So “Make Anime Real” as a joke applies to both Bernie and Trump in the sense that they are the candidates seen to be promising ice cream and ponies for all.
As for these Trump supporters in particular, they are harassers, trolls and general purpose trash and in Trump they see the personification of themselves as a candidate. They see Trump as the huge jerk and bully they want in a politician, who brushes his opponents aside with the rhetorical equivalent of “you mad?” and “You’re nothing compared to me”.
One of those twits has the name, “Donald Trump kawaii desu.” That roughly translates to Donald Trump is cute (but with poor grammar — I’m not great at Japanese but I think it may be a little closer to [I am] cute Donald Trump because it’s missing a particle and subjects are often implied). And wtf is up with those creepy af anime eyes on Trump?
I think my brain just quit.
You know, he may have been history’s greatest monster and all, but I don’t remember it ever being reported that Hitler was a child molester.
Congratulations, TotalWar45. You’re such a horrible person, you’re actually capable of defaming Hitler.
No matter how many times you think the Trump presidential campaign and the advocates thereof can’t become even more of a brain-stabbing circus than they already are, you’re wrong.
I hate to invoke them when an obvious troll cited them just this week, but I do love Ken White of Popehat’s quote that “if you’re fucking goats ironically, you’re still a goatfucker.
Thanks, Mortarius. I learned something.
@Rabid Rabbit: One of Hitler’s few genuinely good features was that he was always extremely kind to children and animals, and loved being photographed with them.
(It didn’t stop him from, you know, giving orders which would have huge numbers of them killed; but then that’s statesmen in a nutshell.)
@Professor Snugglesworth Would’ve used that one again if you hadn’t.
and I still really really need to re-read Mother Night.
Yeah I guess you have a point there JoeB
Never underestimate the irrationality of broken cuckoo clocks in Hell…
I don’t think even his own wife would say that. That is creeeeeepy.
(Also, it reeks of mothballs, since I doubt very much that the twit in question is female.)
A whole bunch of these have got to be making fun of Trump supporters, right?
Like Die Antwoord fans, it’s no longer possible to tell whether they’re being ironic or not, and to an extent it doesn’t matter.
@EJ: So what you’re saying is: They’re either Poes, and something something goatfuckers.
If those were not my precise words, then they should have been.
The Auschwitz one says “(((white)))’s go to a special place”…is he saying white people should be put in concentration camps?
@David, that made me think someone could lure Trump fans away from the election with some fictional white supremacy convention out in the wilderness
Yeah, it should be “Donald Trump-wa kawaii desu.” Or you could use -ga, but in this case, Trump is obviously the topic of conversation, not just the subject of that sentence.
Excuse me, I forgot the honorific. Shitsurei shimashita. It should be Trump-san-wa kawaii desu, or the ever-popular Trump-senpai-wa kawaii desu.
Was Hitler kind to young people? Not so much to his half niece, Geli, who he said was the only woman he ever loved. She was in close contact with Hitler, who was 19 years her senior, from the time until she was 17 until she committed suicide at age 31. At the very least, he was domineering and possessive. There were rumors of a sexual relationship, physical abuse, and possibly her murder.
And then there was Eva Braun, whom he met when she was 17 and he was 40.
Here’s a quote from the article below:
Some of these are so weird, I can’t tell what the creators’ feelings are about Trump at all.
STAHP. STAHP PUTTING YOUR GREASY MITTS ALL OVER MY ANIME. Sorry for the capslocks, guys. Decided to step out from lurking for the first time due to the ongoing fuckery that is the memes. Have a pleasant day!
To be… fair? Ish?
Some of the Trump Valentine’s Day cards may be for the Jacksfilms recent YIAY episode of Valentine’s Day cards… There were a few Trump joke cards on there.
I have to say that the pic with anime eyes and mouth photoshopped on Trump has to be the most disturbing thing I’ve seen for a while.