![Definitely not a freebleeder.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/maxi.png?resize=580%2C402&ssl=1)
Do you remember “freebleeding,” that phony “radical feminist movement” protesting the tyranny of maxipads and the joy of free-flowing menstrual blood that 4chan tried their hardest to convince feminists was a totes real thing they should all sign up for right away?
While a tiny number of real feminists were discussing the idea before 4chan got hold of it, 4chan tried to turn a protest of sorts against menstrual shaming into a fun fad that involved pretty much bleeding on anything and everything one could possibly bleed upon.
The irony, of course, was that the only people gullible enough to fall for the hoax hook line and tampon weren’t feminists but antifeminists, always ready to believe the worst about a movement they really don’t understand very well at all.
I ran across what I think is my favorite example of this amazing gullibility while poking around Facebook recently in search of inadvertently hilarious Men’s Rights memes. I found the following screenshot posted on an energetically antifeminist Facebook page called the Anti White Knight Coalition.
Be warned: this is a bit gross.
![Ew ew ew ew ew.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/11108332_972693766094404_8699579705104585866_n.jpg?resize=580%2C732&ssl=1)
I have to give some credit to whoever came up with this; it’s an amazing mixture of hilarious and disgusting.
But no one could possibly have taken it seriously, right? No one literally believes that feminists are making and eating period blood popsicles, right? That they think are “really heathy” and “overall good” except for a “little … fishy smell,” right?
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Here’s how the Anti White Knight Coalition’s fans responded to this obvious prank pic.
These are literally all of the responses to that post, except for one that contained a not-particularly relevant NSFW pic. Only one of the commenters is sure it’s a fake.
Everyone else is like, yeah, you could totally make popsicles out of menstrual blood and they’d totally look like regular popsicles and yeah that’s something feminists would totally do.
I fell for it, when I saw the title my first thought was ” Hes gonna talk about popsicles stuffed into female genitalia isnt he” and then I saw the picture without reading the text… Am I a bad person or a stupid one for thinking somebody could actually do that?
Puh-lease, whoever makes period blood popsicles?
Everybody knows menstrual blood is much better when you macerate it in grain alcohol for a month.
It’s really healthy, has a fishy smell, overall good AND it gets you drunk to help you forget such a thing as 4chan exists!
PS: I love love LOVE memedays. Today’s was a specially good job ^^
Yep, that’s enough Internet for me today.
It does seem absurd, and the MRAs seem profoundly gullible, but then again, some people genuinely advocate eating placenta after birth, so there’s that…
Before I went veggie I was a big fan of black pudding. That’s basically a mix of blood and sawdust, so I probably wouldn’t have a problem with this, if it was someone I knew.
TMI warning!!!!!!!!
In fact, I know I wouldn’t.
How much blood do these clowns believe is released during menstruation? Certainly not enough to make popsicles (not that anyone would want to )
No, He-Man Woman-Haters, there’s no such thing as menstrual popsicles. But since you morons will plainly swallow anything, can I interest you in some poopsicles?
“One born every minute” may have been a conservative estimate.
Back in the ’80s when I was in college, I heard about a woman I went to high school with joining a group of “free-bleeders”. So, they probably were a thing that existed at one point. At the very least, 4chan didn’t invent the idea. While I appreciate the in-your-face guerrilla tactics to demystify menstruation, I also view it as the act of sheltered, privileged people with no consideration for the working people who would have to clean that mess up. No word if they made menstrual blood popsicles.
I mean the major reason I’m against women freebleeding is communicable disease. I don’t think there should be a stigma associated with it though beyond the “please keep your blood to yourself” thing though; that would be backwards.
Just for shits ‘n’ giggles, I hope somebody tries this on every one of those bozos in the “coalition” of the stoopid:
(Note: This is obviously satire. But I can see those guys being terrified for real.)
Fishy smell? This person has never smelled menses before.
As for the free bleeding thing, I can understand why some people might opt to do that, considering how dangerous tampons can be to your health, but now there are lots of other options like cups, cloth pads, and panties.
When I was a teen from a family on welfare, I more often than not had to fashion pads out of wads of school bathroom TP and scotch tape. Even my best designs leaked like hell and I got noticed by bullies a lot. I can imagine welfare kids today will get it twice as bad, now that channers have gotten it associated it with straw feminism.
Even if this has been a real thing, what the matter with this guy ? Do they never eat boudin ? Or do they always have bloodless meat ? Why do i have the bad feeling that they are the kind of guys who would eagerly ask their partner to swallow when you-know-what ?
So many questions, so little time.
Have a nice week-end.
The best standard I’ve seen for a responsible approach to de-stigmatizing period bleeding is this: compare to nosebleeding.
@Dodom – thanks for the reminder that donating menstrual supplies is a very good, very important thing! That must have been awful for you. Would be nice if high schools had menstrual products available for free.
I love their absolute refusal to accept that people with vaginas can’t just pump out all the menstrual blood they want to.
I’d gladly risk my health to enjoy such a healthy summer snack…
I never make popsicles out of menstrual blood. That’s gross. I only make popsicles out of the blood of my male victims. It’s a perfect complement to the martinis I make where I substitute male tears for vermouth.
Yeah, that is a good one.
This is girl blood, so it has cooties in it.
I definitely don’t want to know what you use for olives or those little onions!
Have these people ever SEEN blood? That isn’t even the right color.
How long would you have to sit still to get enough, um, ingredient for even one popsicle?
Fuzzbuckets. I was trying to embed a baby goat video.
“Every man is born with a pair of olives and a cocktail sausage.” That’s how my parents taught me about my anatomy.