Pop quiz!
Today, dear readers, I present you with the following one-question pop quiz to test your knowledge of Men’s Rights Activism.
QUESTION: Complete the following sentence, recently posted in the Men’s Rights Subreddit: “[Women] are nothing more than manipulation devices attached to ______________.”
- ” … other human beings by bonds of empathy and love.”
- ” … portray Marita Lorenz in Marita, a hot pitch from Eric Warren Singer, co-writer of American Hustle.”
- ” … a spending deal to avoid a shutdown and fund government operations over the coming year.”
- ” … wet slimy holes.”
ANSWER: Let’s go through the possible answers one by one.
Answer 1) NO CREDIT. Obviously wrong as women are widely known to be incapable of empathy or love.
Answer 2) PARTIAL CREDIT. This answer is true for one woman, actress Jennifer Lawrence.
Answer 3) NO CREDIT. This applies to several regressive Republican riders attached to the big spending bill agreed upon last December, not to women, who everyone knows will never accept limitations on their spending, amirite fellas high five!
Answer 4) CORRECT! To most Men’s Rights Activists, the vagina is the only thing of value that women possess. (Note: I lied to you earlier. The picture totally was a hint.)
Here is the original quote, in context:
If you passed the quiz, congratulations! You’ve been paying attention. Your reward: more posts here on We Hunted the Mammoth for you to read.
If you didn’t, well, you clearly haven’t been reading this blog very carefully. Your punishment: more posts here on We Hunted the Mammoth for you to read.
Let’s start with this video, in which “philosopher”/cult leader/self-described MRA Stefan Molyneux explains that women are evil beings who are attracted to monsters, and why that is pretty much the cause of everything bad in this world.
What a lovely man.
The always complain about what a “b****” “Stacey” is for only being interested in “Chad”, yet all these “nice guys” still want “Stacey”. Thus, in their theory, both men and women are attracted to assholes. But only women are to blame for it, of course.
TL;DR: “Women are to blame for men being assholes.”
@Imaginary Petal and WWTH
Yes! It seems pretty hypocritical to complain about how all the people you’re attracted to are assholes because they’re only attracted to assholes.
“Women are horribly manipulative! Now excuse me while I go look at Heartiste’s top 5 things to say that are guaranteed to get me laid. Then blame women for not sleeping with me when those things don’t work.”
Also, on the “women are attracted to assholes”, so what? Butt stuff is a personal choice.
If one person thinks you’re an asshole, you can probably blow them off. If ten people think you are an asshole, you should probably wonder why. If over 50% of the world’s population think you’re an asshole, they maybe, just maybe, might be right.
Or maybe not. Yeah, that’s it. Their the assholes. You’re the nice guy.
I’m sorry, I was unable to take the quiz because as a woman, I’m automatically wrong about everything I think. /s
Seriously, where do these guys come up with this? They can spin one interaction with one person into a web of lies that spans the entirety of human history. I would be impressed if they were using this power for anything other than misogynistic anger. That’s world class storytelling power right there!
“I’m a nice guy who wants women to be less awful and stop fucking shitty men–if they could!” That, coming from a presumably adult man who describes the female genitalia as “slimey” and thinks it’s biologically impossible for women to ever appreciate sweet, nice guys like him.
Speaking of major books, the last time I read about a man who called girls slimey, he was 6 years old and a selfish, though funny, prick. It was his wiser, feline friend who got all the positive attention from girls and actually treated them nicely.
@ WeirwoodTreeHugger
Stop with the logical reasoning and with spotting contradictions in pop evopsych!
Next thing you’ll do is tell me that projecting my loathing about perceived inadequacies onto external scapegoats is an unhealthy way to live. T’would a whirligig of balderdash, m’lady! Blaming women for my problems, while also hating myself for wanting sex with ’em so much, is a perfectly sane way to live! *puts on fedora, opens umbrella, and lifts up and away to a bros only smoking bar*
(Seriously, though, your posts are spot-on accurate. By their own logic, they’d have to come to the same conclusions you do.)
@ Alan
I like your theory.
To borrow one of Paradoxical Intention’s myths:
Myth – women are mysterious
Origin – a woman refused my romantic or sexual advances and it’s a mystery to me as to why (plus, it insults my masculine identity to be refused by any woman ever).
I swear, there’s so many guys who need this lesson. When they figure out that Hollywood was lying to them about ‘nice guys’ getting the girl like in the movies, they can either be mature, go out and develop an actual personality (preferably, one built not on the desire to have a girlfriend, but rather, one that actually grabs their interests and passions, because THOSE are what make people interesting to others), or they can go the “Nice guys finish last, must be because girls like assholes” route.
Once upon a time, that second view generally didn’t survive too long in contact with reality–localized socialization meant that you had too many counter-examples being shoved into your face. One downside of the internet is that fringe views that are only held by one-tenth of 1% of the population can still form into an online community numbering in the tens of thousands, all feeding one another the same set of lies and entitled grievances.
I just want to applaud this line. It’s brilliant in its elegance.
Myth — Women are attracted to assholes; being an asshole is an attractive trait
Origin — Attractive people are more likely to be assholes than the general population is.
Yeah, in my experience the people who are attracted to assholes are assholes themselves. So if Nice Guy is attracted to a woman who is attracted to someone else who is genuinely an asshole it means there are three assholes in this story.
I hope most of these people are just assholes because they’re immature, and that they’ll figure it out someday. (I suspect I was a bit of an asshole when I was in my 20s until I grew up some.)
And that is the greatest ratio of “asshole” to other words I think I’ve ever said.
So by “assholes,” I think he means “guys who aren’t me.”
I will play my monopoly card and take that wood, thankyouverymuch. All the roads for meeeeeee~
On topic: I love how no one seems to value the other things that you get from having any sort of relationship with another human being. Someone to ask you how your day went? Someone who maybe notices that you got a hair cut? People to go out drinking with? Someone to play D&D with?
You know, a friend? That friend could be a lady, and you could have a really fulfilling time hanging out with her and not even THINKING about any sex the two of you could be having. Because maybe all dudes don’t want to bone all ladies, but have preferences of their own?
(I assume. full disclosure: I am a lady.)
I missed Swales’ Catan reference originally. Clearly, I’m a fake nerd. X-D
Also, I’ve got plenty of ore and brick for trade. Sheep, wood, grain? If you’re buying, I’m selling!
Maybe they think women are all cyborg ex-but-maybe-not-really-KGB agents?
If it wasn’t so pathetic overall I’d have to giggle at the “wimmin denying me the magic of sexy sex” juxtaposed with the insistence that our only attraction is those “wet slimy holes.”
Decided to read up on ol’ Stefan and…dude is married?
Well, that’s definitely one woman who married an asshole. She’s also falling down on her driving-to-suicide-murderer-fucking mission. Hmmph. Lazy, like all women.
Ok, now I’m imagining if that detachable penis song were about detachable vaginas instead.
I also think that their definition of ‘nice’ is different. In my experience, most people tend to think of niceness as an active trait – the sort of person they describe as nice will be actively generous and kind to others, will go out of their way to help someone in need, encourages people and generally promotes positivity. Then there’s the passive niceness that people like this seem to mean, the one where you don’t say or do anything awful and hope that’s enough to win you the girl when that’s pretty much the base standard of human behaviour we expect.
Also, it gets to the point where being nice isn’t enough, particularly when it involves money. I get that the job market is rocky and it can be difficult to find a job, and as such a man might have trouble contributing financially and need his partner to pick up the slack for a while. I do get that, but at the same time being nice doesn’t pay the bills and it’s not unreasonable for the woman to get tired of it, particularly if the guy shows no signs of trying to do more than be nice. I know a guy who lost both his awesome girlfriend and tenancy of my boyfriend’s house because he used the fact that he wasn’t getting any work as an excuse to not pay my bf rent (and my bf gave him mates rates, and still the only time it ever got paid was if his girlfriend paid it for him) and live off his girlfriend and spend what money he did have on alcohol and takeout. And he was surprised when my bf lost patience and evicted him and his hard-working girlfriend dumped him and didn’t want to pay for him anymore, because he was a friend/her boyfriend and in his mind that was enough reason to expect them to just politely not mention it and let him continue. (Let’s not even get into how he mistreated our cat). And the truth was, being ‘nice’, a friend, a boyfriend, wasn’t enough when he wanted all the benefits of having a house and a girlfriend without wanting to do any of the things that come with that.
@ kupo
Now I’m reminded of the Wanda Sykes bit about having a detachable vagina.
Can we have a WHTM Catan party? Please?
Also, re: detachable vaginas – now I’m thinking of that Wanda Sykes bit about how convenient it would be for people with vaginas if we could just leave them at home.
Bah, accidentally entered my name as “Commons” rather than “Commas” in this and another thread. Still the same person. Sorry for any confusion.
@ mels
I was thinking about that too!
This reminds me so much of a post on the red pill where a guy, trying to justify that women don’t know what they really want by saying something along the lines of “Every woman I’ve ever met said she likes sex but when I have sex with women, they don’t actually seem to enjoy it.”
He decided that meant that women lied about liking sex to attract alpha males and other assholes (or make betas thirst for them while they extracted resources like women are so good at doing) instead of making the obvious conclusion that he is just not good at sex.
In every major book?
I don’t recall reading anything to that effect in Winnie the Pooh.
@ Paradoxical Intention
Also, remember they believe there are ways to trick or game women into sleeping with them. Of course you can’t ask women how to do that. Subconscious manipulation doesn’t work if the target is aware of what is going on. Dating isn’t a friendly, cooperative activity; you can’t ask the enemy how to best conquer their base.
@ Alan
It goes deeper and dumber than that. These guys just don’t have a fucking clue what it even means to be nice to other people.
Flirt, for example, often takes on the form of banter or light teasing. Which is clearly gigantically douchey behavior, and women like it. QED
Many of them have formed a narrative and force all of their observations to fit into it, and simply filter out evidence that doesn’t fit. “I wasn’t popular at school. The popular kids were bullies. I am not confident because I was constantly made to be ashamed of myself. The popular kids are confident because they made themselves that way by oppressing kids like me, who didn’t hurt anyone. Therefore, everyone who displays confidence and charm is evil. The whole world is set up to benefit bullies at the expense of people like me. It’s so unfair. I will continue to see this pattern everywhere for the rest of my life. Women like guys who are charming and confident. Therefore women are awards bestowed upon guys favored by the System that perpetuates the oppression of good guys like me by the bullies.”
Some of them are so confused they think expressing a contrary opinion is “not nice”. I’ve been on many dates where I was trying to get to know my date and find out if we were compatible, and he was desperately trying to prevent me so he could avoid giving me any reason at all to reject him and get further with me. (For them, dating appears to be kind of like Tetris. You proceed until the inevitable doom, and your score is whatever you accumulated before that happens.) These same guys would then be baffled and upset when I move on and show more interest in men who disagree with me occasionally. And undoubtedly conclude I like them because they’re “douches”.
This is nothing but a nice way to once again blame the oppressed for their oppression. Historically, women were “gold diggers”, since the system was rigged up so that the best economic asset any woman could possibly have was marriage to a wealthy man. Society can change, but it doesn’t ever seem to make any form of misogyny go out of fashion.
Jocks are popular, so there’s a lot in common with this one and the one about arrogant douches.
There’s no reason to deny that athletic people tend to be more physically attractive, and that being physically attractive will put you at an advantage when it comes to dating. But it’s really, really something when men bitterly complain how women are putting them under too much pressure to look good.
If I supposedly don’t know what I want, why the hell do these jerks think they’re going to know what I want either? I actually can come up with a list of things I *do* want through process of elimination of the things I *don’t* want…
Don’t want:
sharp pointy things in my eyes
A hot pink faux fur lady carpet
and so on…:P
@ msexceptiontotherule
How, how can you not want weasels? öööö


EDIT. Sorry for forcing my weasels on you, after all you just said you didn’t want them. ;_;