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Quiz! Complete this MRA sentence: Women are “manipulation devices attached to … .”

Totally not a hint, really uh huh.
Totally not a hint, really uh huh.

Pop quiz!

Today, dear readers, I present you with the following one-question pop quiz to test your knowledge of Men’s Rights Activism.

QUESTION: Complete the following sentence, recently posted in the Men’s Rights Subreddit: “[Women] are nothing more than manipulation devices attached to ______________.”

  1. ” … other human beings by bonds of empathy and love.”
  2. ” …  portray Marita Lorenz in Marita, a hot pitch from Eric Warren Singer, co-writer of American Hustle.”
  3. ” … a spending deal to avoid a shutdown and fund government operations over the coming year.”
  4. ” … wet slimy holes.”

ANSWER: Let’s go through the possible answers one by one.

Answer 1) NO CREDIT. Obviously wrong as women are widely known to be incapable of empathy or love.

Answer 2) PARTIAL CREDIT. This answer is true for one woman, actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Answer 3) NO CREDIT. This applies to several regressive Republican riders attached to the big spending bill agreed upon last December, not to women, who everyone knows will never accept limitations on their spending, amirite fellas high five!

Answer 4) CORRECT! To most Men’s Rights Activists, the vagina is the only thing of value that women possess.  (Note: I lied to you earlier. The picture totally was a hint.)

Here is the original quote, in context:

8767asdfsd687676 2 points 19 hours ago Here is the looking glass -- Jump through it Women are attracted to monsters -- this is why humans are what they are. Women are liars who don't admit this so they go through extreme rationalizations or don't talk about it. Women lie. It's what they do. Treat them like shit. Treat them less than dirt. Then they will fuck you. It's what they want, think about it, think about how that nice treatment doesn't matter. Think about how they shame you then go fuck someone who is the exact opposite of what they say they want. They are not good people. Women are not good people. It's that simple. Women are evil, it's in the bible, it's in the torah, it's in every major book. Women are evil. Think about it -- we're all equal but they have "preferences" which are requirements that 80%+ of men can't reach. Are we really equal? They don't think so. Being nice won't get you anywhere because if being nice was what attracted women we would be in utopia and not this shitty fucking planet. They are manipulative and will hurt you if given the chance. They will take your resources and stab you in the back. They will give nothing and take everything. They are not to be trusted or given anything. They are nothing more than manipulation devices attached to wet slimy holes. If you think otherwise they will make fun of you relentlessly and shame you to suicide, then fuck a murderer on your grave.

If you passed the quiz, congratulations! You’ve been paying attention. Your reward: more posts here on We Hunted the Mammoth for you to read.

If you didn’t, well, you clearly haven’t been reading this blog very carefully. Your punishment: more posts here on We Hunted the Mammoth for you to read.

Let’s start with this video, in which “philosopher”/cult leader/self-described MRA Stefan Molyneux explains that women are evil beings who are attracted to monsters, and why that is pretty much the cause of everything bad in this world.

What a lovely man.

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9 years ago


9 years ago

Crap, I’m late for my murderer-fucking date at the cemetery. BRB.

9 years ago

Poor, bitter shithead. Him so mad women won’t make the world perfect while simotaneously being his slaves. Boo boo. Too bad. So sad.
That victim blaming pos thinks he is nice. How fucking hilarious is that? So women are to blame for all the world’s ills because we don’t fuck him, and laughing at his ridiculous bullshit is what he calls evil? Thats funny. I’m happy to laugh at him. What else could anyone do?

I would never fuck on his grave though. Not with all the piss that will surely be there.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Dang, I don’t even get credit for having a great rack?

9 years ago

men are evil, it’s in the bible, it’s in the torah, it’s in every major book. men are evil.

9 years ago

It is exactly in societies where women are disempowered from acting directly that they must become manipulative to survive, and no woman is more pitiless towards men than the antifeminist.

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
9 years ago

So women are to blame for all the world’s ills because we don’t fuck him, and laughing at his ridiculous bullshit is what he calls evil?

Well presumably it’s not just because they don’t fuck him, but also because women dare be unattractive to him, and have personalities, and generally don’t like being treated like trash.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ah yes, this old Manospherian Chestnut of MAYUN Lojik:

“All of society’s ills are women’s fault because they won’t fuck MEEEEEEEEEEE, and always fuck some other guy who I think is an asshole because he’s not MEEEEEEEEE (and I’m such a nice guy), so that must mean women want assholes because they’re fucking all these asshole men who aren’t MEEEEEEEEE, so I’ll treat all women like shit because this is what all women must want, because women are a hive mind and they’re all the same (not like us MAYUNLY MEN), and then scratch my head and wonder why women won’t fuck MEEEEEEEEEE (because I’m such a nice guy).”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Sometimes when I look at the MRA output I think I’d love to see what an anthropologist or mythologist would think. What I mean is, when you analyse some of their stuff you can almost see where it originated from before it was distorted to something that totally misses the point; a bit like how the idea of mermaids can supposedly be traced back to sailors spotting manatees. It’s like a Chinese whispers sort of thing.

So you have:

Myth – Women only like arrogant douches
Origin – Some women find confidence attractive

Myth – Women are gold diggers
Origin – Women are less than enamoured by guys who sponge off girls for their own ends but refuse to ever contribute anything themselves.

Myth – Women only like ‘jocks’
Origin – Taking absolutely no interest in your personal wellbeing to the point of slobbery is a turn off for some women.

Obviously that’s me coming from a bloke’s perspective but would any of the women here like to comment on this?

9 years ago

So, let’s see:
1) I like myself, therefore I’m a Nice Guy.
2) Women I find attractive don’t have sex with me, therefore women are against me.
3) Since I’m good, everyone who is against me is evil, therefore women are evil.
4) ???
5) Women are the downfall of humankind.

9 years ago

I’m noticing DAVE that you seem to win readership in all these scenarios…


9 years ago

It’s worth noting that even by the definition of ‘nice’ that these guys incorrectly think applies to them, they’re still in the wrong. Being ‘nice’ merely means being inoffensive. So no outright abuse or cheating. But that’s the sum total of it. Other than that, you just hang around her a lot and hope she decides that she’s tired of jerks (and of course, any guy whom she ever dates but doesn’t marry must be a jerk) and therefore must accept you as a consolation romance, without you ever putting in any actual effort or emotional risk.

Gods, some days I wish I could go back in time and Gibbs-smack my 18-year-old self.

9 years ago

Decided to read up on ol’ Stefan and…dude is married? Best evidence of his theory right there.

If anyone ever challenges his viewpoint, all he has to do is point to his wedding ring.

Well played Stefan.

9 years ago

“They will take your resources and stab you in the back.”

You’re damn right we will. I didn’t settle this hexagonal island to make friends, I’m here to make roads. Specifically 5 or more, for 2 victory points.

9 years ago

Ah yes. More “expertise” on women from a guy who’s never talked to one. And who is bitter at what he perceives as their collective snub.


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | February 11, 2016 at 2:45 pm
Obviously that’s me coming from a bloke’s perspective but would any of the women here like to comment on this?

I think that’s part of it, but I also think that there’s a part of it where men will turn to other men (and other men who share their biases, no less) to confirm this and get feedback, rather than just ask individual women that they would like to get with what’s up.

Either because that would be “demeaning”, or it would show that men don’t know everything, or they “reason” it away by saying that “Women don’t know what they want!”, and that’s because they claim that women “change their minds all the time”, when they don’t realize that one, women aren’t a monolith, and two, people change their minds sometimes. It’s a thing.

The whole “Women are mysterious and no one knows what they want, not even them.” myth is one I sincerely wish would die, along with the rationalization hamsters that go with it.

9 years ago

I think that’s part of it, but I also think that there’s a part of it where men will turn to other men (and other men who share their biases, no less) to confirm this and get feedback, rather than just ask individual women that they would like to get with what’s up.

That’s a good point, but also if a guy were to ask a gal the reason they’re not interested, she’s likely to avoid the truth for a number of reasons. We’re socialized to spare others’ feelings, for one. A good number of us have been met with a lot of scary anger from men when we have been honest, for another.

masque d'étoiles
masque d'étoiles
9 years ago

Well I know I’m charmed! *swoon*

What is this guy, six years old? He’s got a really bad case of “Yucky girls have cooties!” I’m surprised he wants to go anywhere near one, let alone touch the, er, slimy bits.

Decided to read up on ol’ Stefan and…dude is married?

I really can’t even don’t want to imagine his courtship technique.

9 years ago

I want to start a dating profile for kicks. My profile will be terse, simply stating “Alright, cut to the chase: I’m not here for sex. I’m just looking to hire someone to fuck a murderer on my grave. $1000 and new shoes to the first lady to sign on.” Heh.

9 years ago

Ohhhh Swales. You clever, clever girl. I likes the motion of your ocean, lady! 😀

9 years ago

Dear Mr. “Nice Guy,”

It’s not that all women are evil, monster-dating, manipulative people with impossibly high standards. It’s that being nice is the baseline for acting like a decent human being. If you want to actually date someone, you have to be a little more than a blank slate with niceness written on. I suggest you try cultivating an actual personality (preferably one that doesn’t involve acting like an MRA), some hobbies and other interests because surprisingly enough, women enjoy spending time with men who have more to offer than the declaration, “But I’m a nice guy!” It’s about as effective at getting women as declaring, “But I’ve never raped anybody!” We kind of expect that in a partner.


The women of the world who want more to a partner than just “nice”

9 years ago

Wait, so women are classified as ‘evil’ for… liking the wrong people? For finding assholes attractive? What kind of definition of evil are these chucklefucks operating with, here?

I could see calling someone evil for, like, being wildly attracted to someone who kills and eats people, BECAUSE they kill and eat people, or for setting kittens on fire or something. But for dating jackasses? Wut.

Oh, that’s right, I forgot that the sum total of what is good in the world is ‘what pleases this particular dude’s boner’, and not being able to point to any woman he wants and go “You’re my sex toy/domestic servant now.” is a HUGE boner-killer, and therefore, evil.

I’ll give him one point for referring to women as women, and not as girls.

9 years ago

If there’s an asshole gene and a nice gene and the nice gene is a recessive beta and the asshole gene is a dominant alpha as this rant implies, then why are there so many nice guys around to whine about how the head cheerleader in high school wouldn’t fuck them? If the world is terrible because women only fuck assholes and have asshole spawn with them, the nice guy gene should have been bred out of existence millennia ago. Also, if all women have always been evil, does that mean that the nice gene lies on the Y chromosome?

MRA evopsych makes even less sense than regular evopsych.

9 years ago

I also wonder if women sometimes being in abusive relationships or being cheated means women all like assholes, therefore being abusive towards women is justified, does that men also like assholes and women should abuse them because sometimes men are cheated on or abused?

I would say it’s always wrong to abuse whether it helps you get laid or not because I have morals. But by manosphere logic hurting men should be the right thing to do. Right?

And is anyone else shocked that no one wants to fuck a guy who thinks vaginas are gross and slimy? Seriously. Is that his pick up line? Hey baby, can I get access to your slimy hole and then punch you?

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

I was under the impression that the vagina is part of the person, but MRAs seem to believe a person is “attached to” the vagina, which presumably can be detached?

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