antifeminism bad boys beta males empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies ha ha I tricked you mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit vaginas

Quiz! Complete this MRA sentence: Women are “manipulation devices attached to … .”

Totally not a hint, really uh huh.
Totally not a hint, really uh huh.

Pop quiz!

Today, dear readers, I present you with the following one-question pop quiz to test your knowledge of Men’s Rights Activism.

QUESTION: Complete the following sentence, recently posted in the Men’s Rights Subreddit: “[Women] are nothing more than manipulation devices attached to ______________.”

  1. ” … other human beings by bonds of empathy and love.”
  2. ” …  portray Marita Lorenz in Marita, a hot pitch from Eric Warren Singer, co-writer of American Hustle.”
  3. ” … a spending deal to avoid a shutdown and fund government operations over the coming year.”
  4. ” … wet slimy holes.”

ANSWER: Let’s go through the possible answers one by one.

Answer 1) NO CREDIT. Obviously wrong as women are widely known to be incapable of empathy or love.

Answer 2) PARTIAL CREDIT. This answer is true for one woman, actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Answer 3) NO CREDIT. This applies to several regressive Republican riders attached to the big spending bill agreed upon last December, not to women, who everyone knows will never accept limitations on their spending, amirite fellas high five!

Answer 4) CORRECT! To most Men’s Rights Activists, the vagina is the only thing of value that women possess.  (Note: I lied to you earlier. The picture totally was a hint.)

Here is the original quote, in context:

8767asdfsd687676 2 points 19 hours ago Here is the looking glass -- Jump through it Women are attracted to monsters -- this is why humans are what they are. Women are liars who don't admit this so they go through extreme rationalizations or don't talk about it. Women lie. It's what they do. Treat them like shit. Treat them less than dirt. Then they will fuck you. It's what they want, think about it, think about how that nice treatment doesn't matter. Think about how they shame you then go fuck someone who is the exact opposite of what they say they want. They are not good people. Women are not good people. It's that simple. Women are evil, it's in the bible, it's in the torah, it's in every major book. Women are evil. Think about it -- we're all equal but they have "preferences" which are requirements that 80%+ of men can't reach. Are we really equal? They don't think so. Being nice won't get you anywhere because if being nice was what attracted women we would be in utopia and not this shitty fucking planet. They are manipulative and will hurt you if given the chance. They will take your resources and stab you in the back. They will give nothing and take everything. They are not to be trusted or given anything. They are nothing more than manipulation devices attached to wet slimy holes. If you think otherwise they will make fun of you relentlessly and shame you to suicide, then fuck a murderer on your grave.

If you passed the quiz, congratulations! You’ve been paying attention. Your reward: more posts here on We Hunted the Mammoth for you to read.

If you didn’t, well, you clearly haven’t been reading this blog very carefully. Your punishment: more posts here on We Hunted the Mammoth for you to read.

Let’s start with this video, in which “philosopher”/cult leader/self-described MRA Stefan Molyneux explains that women are evil beings who are attracted to monsters, and why that is pretty much the cause of everything bad in this world.

What a lovely man.

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9 years ago

comment image
Weasels are adorable and all, but crows pick better mounts.

9 years ago

Pictures of weasels are a-ok. I simply do not want any weasels in my house. For one my dog will insist on not being silent for even a second as long as there are small rodent-esque creatures scurrying and slinking around – it was bad enough that I had to confiscate her small collection of tails (the rest of the lizards I managed to encourage to exit the house for their safety and continued lives)…I imagine the rodent in Mr. Snow Weasel’s mouth would have preferred to skip the weasels too.

I don’t want any geese either, they’re mean and they kill the ducklings if they get a chance or one of the adult ducks living in the ponds here is distracted briefly.

dust bunny
dust bunny
9 years ago


Okay. I don’t know why I objected to that anyway, I mean, I want all the weasels and obviously we can’t both have them. It works out for the best this way.

@ Tessa

I don’t know, if I got to choose between the eagle and the woodpecker, I’d prefer the woodpecker too. It’s flashier and has more style, and that’s what really matters in a ride. A bird of paradise would be even better. I don’t doubt the weasel would have gone for one too, if the ranges of weasels and birds of paradise overlapped at all. Weasels have impeccable taste and very smart priorities.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Tessa: Crows and ravens are such little shits and I love it.

They “hitch rides” on bigger birds, they pull the tails of animals far bigger than them,

and ravens also have a really cool co-operational relationship with wolves, where they’ll lead them to their prey, and the ravens get to pick at the scraps once they’ve finished eating as a reward.

They also like to play in the snow,×297-CwQ.jpg

can remember human faces (And if you’re a person who is cruel to them, you better watch your back, because they’ll tell the entire flock about your ass and what you look like), use tools,


and they even go visit their elderly parents.

Seriously, I love the adorable little shits.

(That first bird looks rather surprised at the situation though. Like terrified even.)

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention:
Coolest crow experiment I’ve seen was where two crows were given the choice of a straight wire and a hooked wire to pull food out of tubes. One crow got the hook first and used it to get the food. The other crow took the straight wire and bent it into a hook to use to get the food. They were not trained for make a hook, and it wasn’t an expected result. They just wanted to see if they could recognize which tool was better suited.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago

> Imaginary Petal
I was under the impression that the vagina is part of the person, but MRAs seem to believe a person is “attached to” the vagina, which presumably can be detached?

Yeah. At least for Marinella the inflatable doll which (or who, if you are really into her, no pun intended) can harbor a removable fleshlight at a strategic place (because even inflatable dolls are devilish manipulative strategists).

About the attraction exercised by assholes, shall we remember that anus are often stereotyped as black (even if it is wrong if you have a minimum hygien – ask Roosh), and thus, that make them blackholes, which are supposed to have a great power of attraction. This is science !

9 years ago

This makes me think of a conversation I had with a man who insisted that women were – the usual crap. I pointed out that his mother was a woman. His mother was different – of course! HOW his mother was different was unclear as I did not want the conversation to deteriorate into a slanging match and he could not give me any answer beyond ‘she just is’ .

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ ellesar

You live in in the east end, how often have you heard this conversation?

“Too many darkies round here now. It’s not safe like it used to be. If it was up to me they’d all be on the first boat back home”
“But you work with a black guy, and you get on great with him!”
“Yeah well, he’s alright”

9 years ago

Gotta love how the sad state of humanity is apparently all due to women being attracted to monsters, while the the men who are monsters don’t get so much as a mild rebuke.

9 years ago

If this thread turned into a series of weasel and raven/crow pics and videos, that would be ok 🙂

They will take your resources and stab you in the back

Hey, I have a ton of settlements that need resources, and supply lines to stock. To be fair, I’ll only do that if you’re a Raider or a Supermutant who has been stealing from and killing other wasteland settlers. Even then, I’ll shoot you from the front – it’s not like you don’t have a chance (though my robot butler will kick your ass regardless). The OP is talking about Fallout 4, right?

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

Only finished with the first page of comments, but here goes:

Is it weird that I was hearing it as a Trump speech in my head when I read that screed in the OP?


Either because that would be “demeaning”, or it would show that men don’t know everything, or they “reason” it away by saying that “Women don’t know what they want!”, and that’s because they claim that women “change their minds all the time”, when they don’t realize that one, women aren’t a monolith, and two, people change their minds sometimes. It’s a thing.

This made me think of my dear, departed dad when he used to tell me (quite often) that “a wise man changes his mind, a fool never does.”

dust bunny – OMG!! Weasels!!! they’re like dachshund kitties! *dies from cute*

9 years ago

@dust bunny

All the weasels to you then! 😛 But all the goats are *mine*.

dust bunny
dust bunny
9 years ago

@ msexception

Great! But please only use your monopoly power over the world’s chèvre supply for good. Otherwise my weasel army will have to wage war on you, and none of us want that.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

I love the eagles’ faces in those. A cross between “What” and a schoolbus driver who’s had a really long day.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

It’s scary that any man thinks that women are just things with wet holes but I guess that is a real sentiment out there. Hopefully these men hate women so much that they stay the hell away from us.

9 years ago

Two more-or-less random thoughts inspired by various posts in this thread…

Firstly, people, I am appalled. All this talk about “detachable vaginas” and no one has referenced Cards Against Humanity? “The Hawaiian Goddess Kapo and her flying detachable vagina”, anyone?

And secondly, all the stuff about guys whinging about women not having sex with them is reminding me of two (female) friends, whom I heard commiserating the other day about a guy they’d both dated, and been extremely frustrated by the fact that he wouldn’t have sex with them…
(Not to mention that, well, I’m a guy. And there’s this ‘girl’, or in adult-human-speak, woman, that I’m rather fond of. In the sense of wanting a serious, committed, intimate relationship. Which sex may or may not be a part of, I’m cool either way. She, on the other hand, wants no-commitment sex, but nothing else. So yeah, that’s not happening.)

9 years ago

@Dust bunny

Well there’s that march planned for the spring where we’ll be going to D.C. to protest against the government for allowing goat videos only a small fraction of the total in funny/cute animal videos on Youtube and demanding they fix the problem immediately…And the campaign to make petting zoos an ear-pulling/tail-yanking/other bodily actions that upset and cause pain or discomfort-free zones for all animals but especially goats has been going well!

Other than that the goats will be clearing hillsides of dangerous fuel for brush fires where humans have difficulty getting to said brush to clear it themselves, hanging out in petting zoos which have agreed to the petting zoo goats & friends policy from the campaign mentioned above for the current goat agenda on schedule along with all the other goat-y things goats do day to day…

9 years ago

Last summer, I had the pleasure of watching two crows eating at a loaf of bread while making a huge flock of hungry seagulls keep their distance. Once the crows had eaten their fill, they took to flight and chased the whole flock away. It was hilarious. Doubly so because the seagulls here are real greedy assholes who don’t shy away from stealing hot dogs from children.

9 years ago
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
9 years ago


Gotta love how the sad state of humanity is apparently all due to women being attracted to monsters, while the the men who are monsters don’t get so much as a mild rebuke.

True that!

Also, a woman who is battered by her husband is often vilified: Why doesn’t she just leave? (Of course, there are many reasons why she might not leave, including a lack of money, their children, and the fact that the danger to her might increase if she left.)

But no one (or hardly anyone) asks, Why doesn’t he just leave? It’s obvious that the relationship has broken down, so why doesn’t he leave?

9 years ago

eh just more classic abuser victim blaming. women depend on men for money due to oppression therefore theyre gold-diggers. Women are too often sbused by men therefore women Looooove jerks. which is just a way to say, if other men abuse women so can I.