You know, for a person claiming to be an ally to feminists, you’re spending an awful lot of time insulting feminists’ intelligence.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
Anyone else find it creepy that Sister Fifth Troll keeps on referring to David as the owner? This is isn’t a fucking chan. He isn’t an anon. His real name is all over the site. There’s even a FAQ about him.
I don’t know David.
I’m not sure of the naming conventions.
On the first use of “owner” – someone could have been friendly and said – “Just say “David” or “host” or “Our Divine Presence”.
Again, arguing from ignorance to claim an alterior motive is just…
Well, at best it’s hostile.
A veiled threat. That’s so feminist and ally-like of you!
Veiled Threat.
Three posts ago was about 4chan.
The implication was that you’re a small community who love pissing off radical threatening racists and so on, and so me saying…
Perhaps some of us aren’t the barbarian hordes?
Is a threat?
You know, like pissing off the Stormfront and /pol/ isn’t going to lead to loads of attacks?
EDIT: What is up with Fifth and assuming we were part of “dogpiling” Shirtgate guy? If anything, it’s making their claims of “Liberal feminist woman who works at the UN” far less credible (not that they had any in the first place).
Because, you literally did.
WHERE? Where did I, personally, or any of the commenters here do this?
You’re accusing us of doing this, provide proof.
EDIT: I think I just realized that Fifth might have been talking about the guy in the OP.
Apparently we’re “dogpiling” him because we made a comment about his racism. And then they came in here and derailed the thread.
Count the amount of call ins.
No engagement or de-escalation, all attacks (to users known to each other, track the common name checks).
What is this word salad? Is this supposed to be justification for saying that we “dogpiled” shirt guy?
Because I only made one comment on it, and then I posted the link to the Zoe Quinn story.
Have you ever considered that running this kind of site might interest third parties who aren’t part of your clique or the people being attacked?
Just a thought.
We have considered that, but when they come in here and start shit and act like smug little know-it-alls, we call them out for their behavior.
We don’t believe everyone’s ideas deserve the same consideration. Because some people are demonstrably wrong. Case in point, you.
Had you provided any actual proof and not acted like a smug, condescending asshole and then went on to say “You’re all stupid and don’t know how anything works!” when you were called out on it, then we might have listened to you. Too bad, Pookie, you fucked it up for yourself.
So stay mad that we didn’t pat your widdle head and put up with your shitty attitude.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
You know, for a person claiming to be an ally to feminists, you’re spending an awful lot of time insulting feminists’ intelligence.
Come on.
If you were smart, you’d have spotted the UN address, noticed it had “88” in it and started shouting that I was a member of StormFront / the Radical Nazi Trump /pol/ people.
And no, I’m not.
Accidental joke is accidental.
9 years ago
You don’t really need to do that for my sake; while there are occasional periods when I read and post a lot, I don’t consider myself a regular here. Most of the time I’m not here at all, and don’t bother to check the archives for things I’ve missed. It seems silly to cater to my personal issues when I’m not even here that much and it’s not even a safe space anyway.
But if you must refrain from doing it, then the number ninja-ing doesn’t bother me.
Care to compress your stream of conscious narrative there to something with a point in it? I mean, I get the point where you’re all
You accept that that’s her perceived reason for dropping it.
After that, though, you sort of fall into word salad.
As an aside there, I’m aware that victims often have distorted perceptions. I study that sort of thing for a living, and know that there’s a wide difference between being harassed and feeling harassed. Problem is, you don’t get to discount the latter because you don’t think there’s enough for the former. Not while you call yourself a friend of the victim. Instead, you accept them both and add them to your assessment.
You certainly don’t go wandering around the internet blabbing about how the thing they’re saying is actually false, and that abuse isn’t actually the reason.
Christ, and you say you’ve been following this? And you know that Gamgergate jerks read this website? And you know how much they love to spin the narrative that the targets of their harassment are fabricating the abuse they complain about? And you still feel totally comfortable with contradicting Zoe Quinn here, in the public intertubes?
And you’re an ally?
Again. Grossly incompetent or liar. Your choice.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
What is this word salad? Is this supposed to be justification for saying that we “dogpiled” Shirtgate guy?
I have never mentioned “shirtgate”, I’ve an idea it means that scientist person with the shirt and him crying on TV, but
Ok, you literally proved the point.
I’ve no prior knowledge of this, but you brought it in, which means you’re guilty of accusation in a prior time at any rate.
There’s a reason everyone laughed at ZQ/AS @ the UN – their paper was rubbish, it was yellow-cake levels of rubbish, and worse still: it ignored all the hard-working people who actually spend 8+ years of their lives working on solving violence against women.
You’re all a joke in the international community.
Your gamergate is showing, sweetie.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
You certainly don’t go wandering around the internet blabbing about how the thing they’re saying is actually false, and that abuse isn’t actually the reason.
You do know that on the other side are 1,000,000 evil gremlins reading over documents?
I never said “abuse wasn’t the reason” I said: It couldn’t legally be proven, and perhaps that was a fault of the Law.
Go re-read it.
Again. Grossly incompetent or liar. Your choice.
No, you lot are.
You’re poking into wasp nests and haven’t the basics of actual networking / defense / thought patterns.
And then you cry when the next wave of abuse cycles through.
Fifth Sibylline | February 11, 2016 at 8:27 pm
I’ve no prior knowledge of this, but you brought it in, which means you’re guilty of accusation in a prior time at any rate.
I did edit my comment because realized my mistake. I got one person whinging about a guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled” confused with other people whinging about another guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled”.
The two cases are very similar. Except shirtgate guy realized his mistake and apologized, rather than doubled down like OP did.
Though I don’t see how me bringing up shirtgate in my confusion means I’m somehow “guilty” of some sort of accusation that has been leveled at me in the past.
Then again, you’ve never made any fucking sense, so, fuck it.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
Your gamergate is showing, sweetie.
Um, newsflash.
It’s not only your niche of the internet or GameGate who read those papers.
There’s a lot of other people involved, some of whom I’m still friends with.
Did you miss the part where it was the UN?
You know.
A lot of people work there.
We do stuff like in that document, millions of lives at stake.
A couple work in the Humanitarian Aid bits (you know, a few million starving refugees here and there)
So, no, sweety.
Your blinkers are showing.
You’re literally attempting to bring the work of the UN into a small internet spat.
I’m guessing you don’t work with international agencies much.
9 years ago
So. Much. Wank.
FS’s pink parts must look like someone jammed a Vienna sausage against an orbital sander after all this frantic activity.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
I did edit my comment because realized my mistake. I got one person whinging about a guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled” confused with other people whinging about another guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled”.
Simple question (since I wasn’t here):
Was this site involved with that scientist sexist shirt drama?
Did you all twitter abuse at him?
Simple question.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
FS’s pink parts must look like someone jammed a Vienna sausage against an orbital sander after all this frantic activity.
Um, thanks for suggesting I use a sausage to masturbate with, I guess?
You’re doing so well in your fight against the radicals with that one…
It’s not only your niche of the internet or GameGate who read those papers.
That’s not what I said. For someone who is presenting themselves as the only intelligent person here, you sure lack basic reading comprehension skills.
You made the claim that everyone laughed at Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn when they spoke at the UN. Prove it. The only people who belittled them for this were gamergaters as far as I can see. So who’s this everyone?
I’m guessing you don’t work with international agencies much.
I did edit my comment because realized my mistake. I got one person whinging about a guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled” confused with other people whinging about another guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled”.
Simple question (since I wasn’t here):
Was this site involved with that scientist sexist shirt drama?
You’re literally attempting to bring the work of the UN into a small internet spat.
Actually, no. You were the one who brought up the UN first. I mocked you for it. You spent 3 pages wanking about how you’re an important UN insider.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
You made the claim that everyone laughed at Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn when they spoke at the UN. Prove it. The only people who belittled them for this were gamergaters as far as I can see. So who’s this everyone?
“Prove it”?
The paper was retracted after the session.
Do you need me to hold your hand on this one?
Note: since you don’t understand the UN, when you present papers, a retraction means the entire process / points made yadda yadda a whole lot of things including votes gets automatically rescinded. It’s like the first thing you never do: you cannot have your paper retracted.
That’s why I gave you a link to a working paper.
We spend months on them, negotiating positions and making sure no-one will challenge any piece of them.
Is this the new “do you even lift, bro?”
No, it’s the “do you even know how functioning government works, bro?”
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago
Wow, a lot happened here while I was out having dinner.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
Actually, no. You were the one who brought up the UN first. I mocked you for it. You spent 3 pages wanking about how you’re an important UN insider.
Um, no.
I brought it up, you mocked it, I showed you how you were wrong.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
David ran an article about GG starting the hashtag in a desperate bid to stay relevant, and that’s the only article I remember on the subject
Ok, wait.
Earlier you said I’d confused you with another poster, which is probably true.
But now you’re answering for another poster and claiming that the shirt thing (which is just bizarre to me) is about you?
Ok, explain.
I don’t understand this shirt thing, I’ve no interest in this shirt thing, so why are you answering for someone else here?
So, it’s our fault that Zoe Quinn gets harassed? Right. Misogyny only exists because meanie pants SJWs point it out and stand up to it. Sure.
Oh no, it’s not our fault that Zoe Quinn gets harassed, it’s just that we can shut it down by saying the exact right words in the exact right order. Want to know what words and what order? Never fret, here’s Fifth Sybilline to tell us!
@Fifth Sybilline
No doubt you already know, but a Sybilline is an oracular utterance in Greek hexameter. While no reasonable person would expect you to post in classical Latin or Greek, I’m noting a distinct lack of oomp pa pa oomp pa pa in your comments. Please correct this. You work at the UN, right? You’ll discredit the whole organization unless every future comment you make under that nym bounces like a carnival pipe organ!
9 years ago
I generally lurk, but have been jolted out of my usual introversion by Fifth’s extreme disingenuousness. I am a lawyer, and have followed Zoe Quinn’s case to some degree. She clearly had a case, as was shown by the court issuing a protective against order against her ex, such order being routinely violated.
Fifth’s claim to have inside knowledge that no case existed is absurd in light of the fact that the case had already been adjudicated in Zoe’s favor. She just dropped her continuing efforts to enforce the existing order due to the ongoing harassment and threats she received everytime she went back to enforce the order.
Fifth tries to justify this absurd claim (while offering no evidentiary support whatsoever) by arguing she is just trying to get the facts out so as to protect Zoe from future attacks by the real bad guys. As though claiming both that Zoe is a liar, and also filed for protection based upon unfounded and unsupportable grounds, are acts of an ally.
Just reminds me of that old adage: with friends like these, who needs enemies.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
Fifth’s claim to have inside knowledge that no case existed is absurd in light of the fact that the case had already been adjudicated in Zoe’s favor. She just dropped her continuing efforts to enforce the existing order due to the ongoing harassment and threats she received everytime she went back to enforce the order.
I never claimed “insider knowledge”
But your entire point rests upon…
Insider knowledge.
Reminds me of the old adage:
Get the fuck out of here.
As though claiming both that Zoe is a liar, and also filed for protection based upon unfounded and unsupportable grounds, are acts of an ally.
Warning sign:
I have never, and will never accuse ZQ of being a liar.
You’re slandering me to present a case that rests on your own insider knowledge and…
We know they’re a USA lawyer at least, dishonest at heart.
You know, for a person claiming to be an ally to feminists, you’re spending an awful lot of time insulting feminists’ intelligence.
Anyone else find it creepy that Sister Fifth Troll keeps on referring to David as the owner? This is isn’t a fucking chan. He isn’t an anon. His real name is all over the site. There’s even a FAQ about him.
I don’t know David.
I’m not sure of the naming conventions.
On the first use of “owner” – someone could have been friendly and said – “Just say “David” or “host” or “Our Divine Presence”.
Again, arguing from ignorance to claim an alterior motive is just…
Well, at best it’s hostile.
A veiled threat. That’s so feminist and ally-like of you!
Veiled Threat.
Three posts ago was about 4chan.
The implication was that you’re a small community who love pissing off radical threatening racists and so on, and so me saying…
Perhaps some of us aren’t the barbarian hordes?
Is a threat?
You know, like pissing off the Stormfront and /pol/ isn’t going to lead to loads of attacks?
So stating that some of us might be friendly…
Is an attack?
Ok honey-bun. Too much mead, time to go to bed.
WHERE? Where did I, personally, or any of the commenters here do this?
You’re accusing us of doing this, provide proof.
EDIT: I think I just realized that Fifth might have been talking about the guy in the OP.
Apparently we’re “dogpiling” him because we made a comment about his racism. And then they came in here and derailed the thread.
What is this word salad? Is this supposed to be justification for saying that we “dogpiled” shirt guy?
Because I only made one comment on it, and then I posted the link to the Zoe Quinn story.
We have considered that, but when they come in here and start shit and act like smug little know-it-alls, we call them out for their behavior.
We don’t believe everyone’s ideas deserve the same consideration. Because some people are demonstrably wrong. Case in point, you.
Had you provided any actual proof and not acted like a smug, condescending asshole and then went on to say “You’re all stupid and don’t know how anything works!” when you were called out on it, then we might have listened to you. Too bad, Pookie, you fucked it up for yourself.
So stay mad that we didn’t pat your widdle head and put up with your shitty attitude.
You know, for a person claiming to be an ally to feminists, you’re spending an awful lot of time insulting feminists’ intelligence.
Come on.
If you were smart, you’d have spotted the UN address, noticed it had “88” in it and started shouting that I was a member of StormFront / the Radical Nazi Trump /pol/ people.
And no, I’m not.
Accidental joke is accidental.
You don’t really need to do that for my sake; while there are occasional periods when I read and post a lot, I don’t consider myself a regular here. Most of the time I’m not here at all, and don’t bother to check the archives for things I’ve missed. It seems silly to cater to my personal issues when I’m not even here that much and it’s not even a safe space anyway.
But if you must refrain from doing it, then the number ninja-ing doesn’t bother me.
So, it’s our fault that Zoe Quinn gets harassed? Right. Misogyny only exists because meanie pants SJWs point it out and stand up to it. Sure.
For the love of cheesus, if you’re going to pretend you’re the Best Feminist™, at least try and get feminism 101 right first.
@Fifth Sibylline,
Care to compress your stream of conscious narrative there to something with a point in it? I mean, I get the point where you’re all
After that, though, you sort of fall into word salad.
As an aside there, I’m aware that victims often have distorted perceptions. I study that sort of thing for a living, and know that there’s a wide difference between being harassed and feeling harassed. Problem is, you don’t get to discount the latter because you don’t think there’s enough for the former. Not while you call yourself a friend of the victim. Instead, you accept them both and add them to your assessment.
You certainly don’t go wandering around the internet blabbing about how the thing they’re saying is actually false, and that abuse isn’t actually the reason.
Christ, and you say you’ve been following this? And you know that Gamgergate jerks read this website? And you know how much they love to spin the narrative that the targets of their harassment are fabricating the abuse they complain about? And you still feel totally comfortable with contradicting Zoe Quinn here, in the public intertubes?
And you’re an ally?
Again. Grossly incompetent or liar. Your choice.
What is this word salad? Is this supposed to be justification for saying that we “dogpiled” Shirtgate guy?
I have never mentioned “shirtgate”, I’ve an idea it means that scientist person with the shirt and him crying on TV, but
Ok, you literally proved the point.
I’ve no prior knowledge of this, but you brought it in, which means you’re guilty of accusation in a prior time at any rate.
You’re harassers, aren’t you?
Your gamergate is showing, sweetie.
You certainly don’t go wandering around the internet blabbing about how the thing they’re saying is actually false, and that abuse isn’t actually the reason.
You do know that on the other side are 1,000,000 evil gremlins reading over documents?
I never said “abuse wasn’t the reason” I said: It couldn’t legally be proven, and perhaps that was a fault of the Law.
Go re-read it.
Again. Grossly incompetent or liar. Your choice.
No, you lot are.
You’re poking into wasp nests and haven’t the basics of actual networking / defense / thought patterns.
And then you cry when the next wave of abuse cycles through.
I did edit my comment because realized my mistake. I got one person whinging about a guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled” confused with other people whinging about another guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled”.
The two cases are very similar. Except shirtgate guy realized his mistake and apologized, rather than doubled down like OP did.
Though I don’t see how me bringing up shirtgate in my confusion means I’m somehow “guilty” of some sort of accusation that has been leveled at me in the past.
Then again, you’ve never made any fucking sense, so, fuck it.
Your gamergate is showing, sweetie.
Um, newsflash.
It’s not only your niche of the internet or GameGate who read those papers.
There’s a lot of other people involved, some of whom I’m still friends with.
Did you miss the part where it was the UN?
You know.
A lot of people work there.
We do stuff like in that document, millions of lives at stake.
A couple work in the Humanitarian Aid bits (you know, a few million starving refugees here and there)
So, no, sweety.
Your blinkers are showing.
You’re literally attempting to bring the work of the UN into a small internet spat.
I’m guessing you don’t work with international agencies much.
So. Much. Wank.
FS’s pink parts must look like someone jammed a Vienna sausage against an orbital sander after all this frantic activity.
I did edit my comment because realized my mistake. I got one person whinging about a guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled” confused with other people whinging about another guy with a shirt getting “dogpiled”.
Simple question (since I wasn’t here):
Was this site involved with that scientist sexist shirt drama?
Did you all twitter abuse at him?
Simple question.
FS’s pink parts must look like someone jammed a Vienna sausage against an orbital sander after all this frantic activity.
Um, thanks for suggesting I use a sausage to masturbate with, I guess?
You’re doing so well in your fight against the radicals with that one…
That’s not what I said. For someone who is presenting themselves as the only intelligent person here, you sure lack basic reading comprehension skills.
You made the claim that everyone laughed at Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn when they spoke at the UN. Prove it. The only people who belittled them for this were gamergaters as far as I can see. So who’s this everyone?
Is this the new “do you even lift, bro?”
David ran an article about GG starting the hashtag in a desperate bid to stay relevant, and that’s the only article I remember on the subject.
And, nice try being cute, but no.
Feel free to check my twitter feed: @paradoxyintent. I didn’t even get my twitter until long after Shirtgate ended.
Actually, no. You were the one who brought up the UN first. I mocked you for it. You spent 3 pages wanking about how you’re an important UN insider.
You made the claim that everyone laughed at Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn when they spoke at the UN. Prove it. The only people who belittled them for this were gamergaters as far as I can see. So who’s this everyone?
“Prove it”?
The paper was retracted after the session.
Do you need me to hold your hand on this one?
Note: since you don’t understand the UN, when you present papers, a retraction means the entire process / points made yadda yadda a whole lot of things including votes gets automatically rescinded. It’s like the first thing you never do: you cannot have your paper retracted.
That’s why I gave you a link to a working paper.
We spend months on them, negotiating positions and making sure no-one will challenge any piece of them.
Is this the new “do you even lift, bro?”
No, it’s the “do you even know how functioning government works, bro?”
Wow, a lot happened here while I was out having dinner.
Actually, no. You were the one who brought up the UN first. I mocked you for it. You spent 3 pages wanking about how you’re an important UN insider.
Um, no.
I brought it up, you mocked it, I showed you how you were wrong.
David ran an article about GG starting the hashtag in a desperate bid to stay relevant, and that’s the only article I remember on the subject
Ok, wait.
Earlier you said I’d confused you with another poster, which is probably true.
But now you’re answering for another poster and claiming that the shirt thing (which is just bizarre to me) is about you?
Ok, explain.
I don’t understand this shirt thing, I’ve no interest in this shirt thing, so why are you answering for someone else here?
Oh no, it’s not our fault that Zoe Quinn gets harassed, it’s just that we can shut it down by saying the exact right words in the exact right order. Want to know what words and what order? Never fret, here’s Fifth Sybilline to tell us!
@Fifth Sybilline
No doubt you already know, but a Sybilline is an oracular utterance in Greek hexameter. While no reasonable person would expect you to post in classical Latin or Greek, I’m noting a distinct lack of oomp pa pa oomp pa pa in your comments. Please correct this. You work at the UN, right? You’ll discredit the whole organization unless every future comment you make under that nym bounces like a carnival pipe organ!
I generally lurk, but have been jolted out of my usual introversion by Fifth’s extreme disingenuousness. I am a lawyer, and have followed Zoe Quinn’s case to some degree. She clearly had a case, as was shown by the court issuing a protective against order against her ex, such order being routinely violated.
Fifth’s claim to have inside knowledge that no case existed is absurd in light of the fact that the case had already been adjudicated in Zoe’s favor. She just dropped her continuing efforts to enforce the existing order due to the ongoing harassment and threats she received everytime she went back to enforce the order.
Fifth tries to justify this absurd claim (while offering no evidentiary support whatsoever) by arguing she is just trying to get the facts out so as to protect Zoe from future attacks by the real bad guys. As though claiming both that Zoe is a liar, and also filed for protection based upon unfounded and unsupportable grounds, are acts of an ally.
Just reminds me of that old adage: with friends like these, who needs enemies.
Fifth’s claim to have inside knowledge that no case existed is absurd in light of the fact that the case had already been adjudicated in Zoe’s favor. She just dropped her continuing efforts to enforce the existing order due to the ongoing harassment and threats she received everytime she went back to enforce the order.
I never claimed “insider knowledge”
But your entire point rests upon…
Insider knowledge.
Reminds me of the old adage:
Get the fuck out of here.
As though claiming both that Zoe is a liar, and also filed for protection based upon unfounded and unsupportable grounds, are acts of an ally.
Warning sign:
I have never, and will never accuse ZQ of being a liar.
You’re slandering me to present a case that rests on your own insider knowledge and…
We know they’re a USA lawyer at least, dishonest at heart.