homophobia irony alert racism trump

Dude is mad [homophobic slur] and [ethnic slur] think his Trump shirt promotes hate

He mad
He mad, too

Oh, Trump fans, never change!

Ted • 20 hours ago Bernietard in Lit told me that I was promoting "hate" by wearing a Trump shirt. This dude is your quintessential SWPL faggot. Even before Trump he hated me. All because I called dramakids fags like a year ago. Aside from that and a few glares from spics, I got nods and thumbs ups from peers . My friends didn't make comment on it. They already know me as that trump supporter lol Being a vocal Trump fan hasn't damaged my life...yet. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Det. Snide Ted • 20 hours ago Fuck the spics. Keep up the good work.



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Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

No, you outright accused me of “creating a narrative” and told me that Quinn didn’t have a case because I could go check out all these places online and we don’t have any idea how things work because you are trying to convince us you work at the UN and then you went off about how you “wouldn’t give up on or abandon” her ect.

Have you read the legal documents?

I’m guessing no.

You made comments snarkily about the UN, I factually stated that I’ve actually worked for them (UNEP) and know how hard it is to railroad stuff.

Or did you miss ZQ/AS presenting to a UN panel?


Can you give me the chart-line (yep, it’s a bureaucracy, there’s charts) for getting a slot, and a paper and then a live TV panel presentation?

And tell us all who you have to contact, in which departments and so on and so forth?

I’m guessing no.

So, yeah.

Without that knowledge, you’re creating a narrative.

I can do that for you.

And instead of a “Ok, cool, we need to know that to combat the shit the monkeys will fling” y’all responded like you did.


Seeing the problem here?

9 years ago

This is a site for mockery of misogyny. It is not your local news. Please, pay attention. You’ll look slightly less like an asshole if you do.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I’ve just sent David an email about Fifth, so I’m going to ignore them and play the counting game. With cat gifs!


comment image

9 years ago

@Fifth, do you see how you keep making assertions we can neither verify nor have any reason to believe and expecting us to take you at your word? Do you see how you keep being a condescending asshole? Are you seeing the problem here?

9 years ago

The problem is you are still here and still pointlessly dull.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I am half expecting FS to claim she has to meet Deep Throat in a parking garage to get her inside information. You know, about who paid whom to get Sarkeesian invited to address a UN hearing.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

Real adults who work with sensitive information, if confronted about that information, will say “I can’t talk about it” at most, not hint at it like a Young Adult spy novel. You read like a conspiracy theorist, trying to keep M[redacted] secret, but bursting at the seams to gabble on about it.

It was a joke.

The group involved published some stuff to “GamerGhazi” via a proxy, and failed to keep their domains / users hidden. The proxy was an entirely made up entity posting anti-GG and anti-Syria stuff. (Funded DC)

It was quickly caught, and rectified (3 mins, I think), but the joke is that an outsider caught it and told them to clean up the traces.

In this case, it’s a little jab. Anyone who is anyone had already got the info that wasn’t supposed to leak, so it’s public.

Not that it was made public, that’s where people like me come in.

Next question?

9 years ago


9 years ago

Why do trolls think they get to tell David what to write about?
Make your own blog and go share your knowledge of what matters with the world.
So long as you go…

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

Can you give us some info on the cigarette smoking man who Mulder keeps talking about? I am bad at following those large story arcs.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

I am half expecting FS to claim she has to meet Deep Throat in a parking garage to get her inside information. You know, about who paid whom to get Sarkeesian invited to address a UN hearing.


I understand Trump now.

All Americans think that the political process is a conspiracy.

A Senator is on record (look it up) as funding A.S. visit to D.C and supporting her to the UN.


Y’all don’t get it yet, do you?

That Trump guy in the T-shirt?
That /pol/ Nazi twitter stuff?

That WHM thread where they didn’t understand how a US citizen would go via a US Senator to present to the UN (you know, not entirely a USA owned entity).

That’s the joke.

And screenshot that.

9 years ago

I’m a monster of the week fan, myself.

9 years ago


9 years ago


Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago


^5!! How in the world would I remember the face/name/back story of some demon the Winchesters dealt with 6 seasons ago? Ughhh.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

You can ban me.

But you just stated, in a forum that’s targeting the fringe, that having a US citizen go to the UN via a Senator and a DC think-tank is

“Conspiracy Theory”.

I’m guessing there’s another way? Perhaps they spent 4 years in the correct department and co-authored with a senior partner and then had the funding and did the study and then we had to argue for another 3 months about the schedule and why the fucking MENA block were stopping us …oh


4 months.

No objections.

This is why they win:

You have no fucking idea how the system actually works.

And you’ve no fucking idea how silly it looks to insiders when you game the system.

9 years ago

The lead story is some person (unique) who wore a fucking T-shirt.

Stop me while I put my apprehensions about Syria on hold, this is a top fucking story.

How many times does this have to be said? This is a blog for mocking misogyny. That is the topic. It’s not a news and politics site. We do get into conversations about news and politics, but it’s not the purpose of the blog.

If you want to read about Syria, go to The Guardian or Al Jazeera or any other news site.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago


There you go.

That’s why you’re losing.

The fringe are fucked, but so are your readers on the most obvious wheels of power.

Have fun, but never pretend reality doesn’t exist.

Get some Honesty in your lives, it helps.

Marked. 02:12:16

Archived. (even if is being attacked)

Silly creatures.

I’m an ally.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

Ha ha ha.

Have random caps ever lied? Ever?

9 years ago

Fifth troll,
Go back and read what I actually said regarding the UN. I never said a single thing about the process of presenting to the UN. Not once. All I said was that bringing the UN into the conversation was a gamergate tell because they had a meltdown about them presenting at the UN. Little did I know that innocent little remark would lead to two pages of you droning on and on about what a UN expert you are.

If you’re going to mock people for their ignorance, you might want to make sure your reading comprehension skills are in order.

By the way, your insolence is displeasing Sister Katie now.

9 years ago

I don’t want to deal with the rest of this nastiness but I saw this:


Cool beans on the pronouns. Why not Ze?

What an invasive and unnecessary post script to attach to a bunch of condescending nonsense.

Imaginary Petal, your pronouns are fucking awesome and you are fucking awesome. ?

9 years ago

I’m not defending Fifth Sibylline the slightest – nothing they’ve said so far remotely resembles good faith – but I do want to note that I find the whole -N/10 thing annoying, in part due to personal experience.

It was on a BDSM-related board, several years ago. I forget the exact details, but there was a side discussion on a long running thread, and I was talking about how certain attitudes that some of the board members seemed to have about consent appeared to be problematic. Immediately several of the members started calling me a troll. It’s possible that I was in the wrong – don’t remember the details, was approaching it from a feminist perspective, and was fairly new to BDSM. It was also possible that the board was dominated by highly privileged people who weren’t willing to listen.

I defended myself, of course, but quickly realized it was futile. So I wrote a brief apology and said that I would say no more on that subject until I understood more about consent in regards to BDSM. And I kept that promise. But when the thread went back to the original subject, I posted a few more messages on it (it’s not like I only jumped in during the sidetrack)… and I started getting things like “dumb troll didn’t stick to the flounce” and “minus N points” (though not out of any number in particular). And I was baffled. I didn’t declare I was leaving, nor did I blow up at anyone, nor blame anyone other than myself, and went out of my way to avoid saying anything likely to be perceived as a passive-aggressive parting shot. So I had no idea how it counted as a “flounce” (which is also a word I had to look up in the dictionary). Also, that’s the first time I’d ever seen that sort of reaction, anywhere.

Eventually, it spread to other threads – no one seemed offended by anything else I said, but there was a certain group of users who apparently couldn’t forgive and tried to harass me off the board. Two of the five mods were among them, and the others refused to do anything… one wonders why they didn’t just ban me or something, if I said something which was really that bad. I refused to engage and tried to stay on the board as long as I could, hoping it would die down… and eventually gave up, but not until after two other people quit in disgust over the whole thing.

So… I’m not going to ask anyone stop doing that. Mocking trolls and sealions and other bad-faith actors is part of what this blog does, after all, and this is not meant to be a “safe space”. I just felt like mentioning that I wince inwardly whenever this happens, and usually skip the rest of the thread, because it reminds me too much of my first real internet harassment.

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