Hmm, according to Urban Dictionary, that bastion of objective truths, “Stuff White People Like” is what the acronym stands for. But reading UD’s description, and “related words”, and seeing how it’s used in the screengrab, it seems like “Smug Wanker Promoting Leftism” works too.
I guess you’re a more honest white person for supporting Trump, in this bigot’s mind? No surprise then that someone who uses “Stuff White People Life” unironically (to show other white people how much more cool and hip he is than other white people; which seems like the most “stuff white people like” thing to do) also uses the f-word to describe Sanders supporters. (Also, nice to read about a Bernie bro who isn’t, you know, a “Bernie bro”!) He probably also uses hipster as an unironic insult as well.
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Which coherent sentence was that?
None. That’s the problem. FFS.
Leda Atomica
9 years ago
And anyone can take any text and re-hash it in a hostile or patronizing manner.
And it’s especially easy when the text is hostile or patronising.
But can you do that with a gif? Try this one.
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Have you ever talked to humans before? Do they talk back to you?
weirwoodtreehugger | February 11, 2016 at 6:06 pm
It’s the sealioning of orange tango drinker mixed with the incomprehensibility and conspiracy mongering of NWO slave. Not a pretty combo.
NWOSlave was before my time, but I have read some posts of theirs thanks to the Random Posts function, and whoof.
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns – they/their) | February 11, 2016 at 6:16 pm
And you wonder why Trump is where he is, and Hilary is your best bet.
OOPS. Forgot that you’re supposed to be not-/pol/ there for a while, huh? :p
No shit.
I mean, had they spent any time lurking here, they’d know we don’t like Hillary and don’t agree with her policies.
Jackie and I were actually just discussing the comments made by so-called “feminists” who were saying that women are only voting for Burnie because “that’s where all the boys are” and we should be ashamed and vote for Hillary solely because she’s a woman.
Needless to say, I went off on a tangent about that one.
But, of course, they can’t possibly think that we’d consider the openly Jewish candidate instead of the one who they just think is Jewish because “reasons”.
But, even if Bernie doesn’t win, and we end up with Hillary, the /pol/ tears would still be delicious. We’d still have to worry about Hillary’s shitty policies, but the Trump supporters not being happy would make me feel a bit better about it.
Fifth Sibylline | February 11, 2016 at 6:24 pm
have absolutely no sympathy nor shared goals with any of your targets, but I find the overtly aggressive group think engaged with here to be more detrimental and more importantly, demonstrative of the failures of American politics that goes beyond the overt stupidity of the fringe aspects. To make fun of the “fringe” is one thing, and one that needs to be done; however, the aggressive over-reaction to any criticism that’s demonstrated here only shows that the entire system is broken, bartered on a chemical dependency on dopamine.
Shorter Fifth: “You not agreeing with me when I barged in here with my unwanted and wrong opinion on the situation you presented means this system is broken, because how very dare you not make me feel like my opinion is valid and equally worthy of consideration despite being wrong and not asked for.”
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
When Steinem was on Maher, they also rolled their eyes at Caitlyn Jenner being a woman, and got laughs and cheers from the audience. It was so gross.
9 years ago
When i started posting we had a troll who went with Fourth Survivior is that the one?
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
@ Leda Atomica
Don’t you get the irony of posting The Young One’s memes?
You do realize that people other than Alt-Right can use the term “group think” and see a mass dogpile immediately, right?
None. That’s the problem. FFS.
No, you’re just being silly.
You were copy/pasting a thought from MF without much details and I answered (perhaps incorrectly) as if I was there.
Condensing a legal case into “Here is Joan De Arc” leads you into issues.
And you wonder why Trump is where he is, and Hilary is your best bet.
Hilary is your best bet because she has the backing of major power players in DC.
She has already won. Trump has 0% chance of winning.
Again, this highlights the biases on this board.
If you really imagine I’m an Alt-Right thinker, I’ve some depressing news: I really am a radical left feminist.
You peeps: not so much.
9 years ago
@Fifth, wow. Wow. Your first post to the this thread was a condescending rant about how awful and stupid someone else’s comment was, and a lot of people quite naturally responded angrily to that, and somehow you think that’s the same thing as /pol/? Wow. Physician, heal thyself.
9 years ago
You know, I am one of those who has fun engaging trolls most of the time, but Fifth is even getting on my nerves. Anyone else think an email to David is order?
9 years ago
I have no idea what FS is even saying. I see there are words formed into a sentence, but they don’t seem to go together to form a thought.
Is there a tl;dr version?
Also, what the heck with the “m[redacted]”? Is this an SCP file?
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
Shorter Fifth: “You not agreeing with me when I barged in here with my unwanted and wrong opinion on the situation you presented means this system is broken, because how very dare you not make me feel like my opinion is valid and equally worthy of consideration despite being wrong and not asked for.”
You had an opinion.
I stated (yes, a little worn out, but I’ve just spent a few hours watching the joy that KIA etc have been making over it) some issues that should be watched to prevent a mass boring fight and conflict and so on, to prevent ZQ getting another 3 months of bullshit twitter shit due to it being constantly rehashed.
You then went on the offensive and tore my opinion apart.
You know.
You can state something.
I can state the opposite.
We can disagree.
You called the dogpile, little Miss “douchenozzel”. And no, douche is fine: shoving a nozzle up there for non-Americans who’ve never had the psychotic culture that suggested that douches exist in the first place, then calling me out as sexist: No. You don’t get to do that.
You get the her, the ze and so on. You don’t get to dodge that.
look back, I even tried to disengage.
Wow. Physician, heal thyself.
Yeah, that’s the point.
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Hi! 🙂
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
Also, what the heck with the “m[redacted]”? Is this an SCP file?
It’s clearly a DC think tank who don’t like their names published.
You know, I am one of those who has fun engaging trolls most of the time, but Fifth is even getting on my nerves. Anyone else think an email to David is order?
“It must be a troll, ban it”.
:shakes head:
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Seriously, is this your first time trying to communicate with humans?
9 years ago
I actually don’t think you are necessarily trolling, Fifth. I think you’re an asshole who can’t admit you brought the anger of this community on yourself when you started the conversation by being a condescending piece of shit with an inflated ego and a gross overestimation of the value of your contribution.
Come to think of it, that’s probably why I want you banned.
An actual troll? I find them amusing.
You don’t even meet that standard.
9 years ago
Trolls just don’t try anymore.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
You don’t even meet that standard.
Having read the documents, do you not imagine that squashing a nobody who “use to be the mod for /r/narcissism on Reddit” would be a challenge? For people who have Senators on their side and go to the U.N.?
I have read the docs. All of them.
I’ve also spent 4+ hrs monitoring the KIA, /pol/ and other nasties who love this.
I can see their responses and so on.
Do you really think I’m going to waste my time trolling you?
I gave an honest appraisal of a situation to stop another 3 months of bullshit in real people’s lives. And I also know who the players are, which you’re now labeling “conspiracy theory” which is just playing into the hands of the people who you watch.
The rest?
Well, hey.
I’m suggesting that Janus isn’t a good place to inhabit, so let’s get beyond there.
Shorter Fifth: “You not agreeing with me when I barged in here with my unwanted and wrong opinion on the situation you presented means this system is broken, because how very dare you not make me feel like my opinion is valid and equally worthy of consideration despite being wrong and not asked for.”
You had an opinion.
My first post:
Kind of depressing news on the GG front. Zoe Quinn is dropping charges against her ex. Mostly because she’s tired of drawing this legal battle out and all the threats and bullshit that go with it because the justice system is too busy making sure she’s a “good victim” to actually deal with her ex.
I understand (and empathize) with the decision, but it still raises my hackles a bit that this is the way things had to be, and that GG will say this is a “victory” for them because they essentially bullied her into backing down for her own personal safety.
The only “opinion” I stated was that:
1. It was depressing news.
2. That I understand and emphathize with her decision
3. It still makes me angry
Those were my “opinions”. The rest was facts.
You took issue with the facts as I told them, and went off and said I was stupid and that Quinn didn’t have a case and none of us know how shit works.
So yeah, we got antagonistic with you, because you marched in here and gave an unwanted, condescending opinion. Cry me a river.
I stated (yes, a little worn out, but I’ve just spent a few hours watching the joy that KIA etc have been making over it) some issues that should be watched to prevent a mass boring fight and conflict and so on, to prevent ZQ getting another 3 months of bullshit twitter shit due to it being constantly rehashed.
No, you outright accused me of “creating a narrative” and told me that Quinn didn’t have a case because I could go check out all these places online and we don’t have any idea how things work because you are trying to convince us you work at the UN and then you went off about how you “wouldn’t give up on or abandon” her ect.
I can read what you’ve written. And none of it is coherent or factual.
You then went on the offensive and tore my opinion apart.
You know.
You can state something.
I can state the opposite.
We can disagree.
We can. Except you tried to accuse me of “creating a narrative” and went off on one and got super antagonistic because I dared suggest that Zoe Quinn had a case and dropped it to preserve her mental health, and apparently this is an affront to your sensibilities.
You called the dogpile, little Miss “douchenozzel”. And no, douche is fine: shoving a nozzle up there for non-Americans who’ve never had the psychotic culture that suggested that douches exist in the first place, then calling me out as sexist: No. You don’t get to do that.
One: No one’s dogpiling you. We’re having a conversation. People are responding to your (many) posts. That’s the way comments sections work.
Two: I wasn’t the one who called you a “douchenozzel”, Poopsie.
Three: I’m American too. So lay off the ableism and sexism.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
The lead story is some person (unique) who wore a fucking T-shirt.
Stop me while I put my apprehensions about Syria on hold, this is a top fucking story.
Is hinting at all this secret knowledge about who’s allegedly paying ZQ’s bills supposed to make you look cool? ‘Cause the last time that worked on me, Dan Quayle was Vice President.
You called yourself and your Super Kewl shadow government friends Orcas. Please go hunt sea lions somewhere else.
9 years ago
@Fifth Sibylline;
Aheh. I was willing to believe you up until the
f you do, then know that M[redacted] think tank would NEVER abandon a fellow sister in need, nor would they not give her support.
Sweet fancy Moses, Fifth. Adults who work with information that is supposed to stay private don’t name-drop it into a public forum to win internet points.
Real adults who work with sensitive information, if confronted about that information, will say “I can’t talk about it” at most, not hint at it like a Young Adult spy novel. You read like a conspiracy theorist, trying to keep M[redacted] secret, but bursting at the seams to gabble on about it.
I am getting this by comparison to my friends who work with the UN, and my own NDA agreements. Either you’re lying your face off or you’re grossly incompetent.
((addendum: I don’t like the various forms of the word ‘douche’ either! So there’s that.))
9 years ago
Honest question FS, what do you have against paragraphs? What did they ever do to you?
@ jy3
Hmm, according to Urban Dictionary, that bastion of objective truths, “Stuff White People Like” is what the acronym stands for. But reading UD’s description, and “related words”, and seeing how it’s used in the screengrab, it seems like “Smug Wanker Promoting Leftism” works too.
I guess you’re a more honest white person for supporting Trump, in this bigot’s mind? No surprise then that someone who uses “Stuff White People Life” unironically (to show other white people how much more cool and hip he is than other white people; which seems like the most “stuff white people like” thing to do) also uses the f-word to describe Sanders supporters. (Also, nice to read about a Bernie bro who isn’t, you know, a “Bernie bro”!) He probably also uses hipster as an unironic insult as well.
None. That’s the problem. FFS.
And anyone can take any text and re-hash it in a hostile or patronizing manner.
And it’s especially easy when the text is hostile or patronising.
But can you do that with a gif? Try this one.
Have you ever talked to humans before? Do they talk back to you?
NWOSlave was before my time, but I have read some posts of theirs thanks to the Random Posts function, and whoof.
No shit.
I mean, had they spent any time lurking here, they’d know we don’t like Hillary and don’t agree with her policies.
Jackie and I were actually just discussing the comments made by so-called “feminists” who were saying that women are only voting for Burnie because “that’s where all the boys are” and we should be ashamed and vote for Hillary solely because she’s a woman.
Needless to say, I went off on a tangent about that one.
But, of course, they can’t possibly think that we’d consider the openly Jewish candidate instead of the one who they just think is Jewish because “reasons”.
But, even if Bernie doesn’t win, and we end up with Hillary, the /pol/ tears would still be delicious. We’d still have to worry about Hillary’s shitty policies, but the Trump supporters not being happy would make me feel a bit better about it.
Shorter Fifth: “You not agreeing with me when I barged in here with my unwanted and wrong opinion on the situation you presented means this system is broken, because how very dare you not make me feel like my opinion is valid and equally worthy of consideration despite being wrong and not asked for.”
When Steinem was on Maher, they also rolled their eyes at Caitlyn Jenner being a woman, and got laughs and cheers from the audience. It was so gross.
When i started posting we had a troll who went with Fourth Survivior is that the one?
@ Leda Atomica
Don’t you get the irony of posting The Young One’s memes?
You do realize that people other than Alt-Right can use the term “group think” and see a mass dogpile immediately, right?
None. That’s the problem. FFS.
No, you’re just being silly.
You were copy/pasting a thought from MF without much details and I answered (perhaps incorrectly) as if I was there.
Condensing a legal case into “Here is Joan De Arc” leads you into issues.
And you wonder why Trump is where he is, and Hilary is your best bet.
Hilary is your best bet because she has the backing of major power players in DC.
She has already won. Trump has 0% chance of winning.
Again, this highlights the biases on this board.
If you really imagine I’m an Alt-Right thinker, I’ve some depressing news: I really am a radical left feminist.
You peeps: not so much.
@Fifth, wow. Wow. Your first post to the this thread was a condescending rant about how awful and stupid someone else’s comment was, and a lot of people quite naturally responded angrily to that, and somehow you think that’s the same thing as /pol/? Wow. Physician, heal thyself.
You know, I am one of those who has fun engaging trolls most of the time, but Fifth is even getting on my nerves. Anyone else think an email to David is order?
I have no idea what FS is even saying. I see there are words formed into a sentence, but they don’t seem to go together to form a thought.
Is there a tl;dr version?
Also, what the heck with the “m[redacted]”? Is this an SCP file?
Shorter Fifth: “You not agreeing with me when I barged in here with my unwanted and wrong opinion on the situation you presented means this system is broken, because how very dare you not make me feel like my opinion is valid and equally worthy of consideration despite being wrong and not asked for.”
You had an opinion.
I stated (yes, a little worn out, but I’ve just spent a few hours watching the joy that KIA etc have been making over it) some issues that should be watched to prevent a mass boring fight and conflict and so on, to prevent ZQ getting another 3 months of bullshit twitter shit due to it being constantly rehashed.
You then went on the offensive and tore my opinion apart.
You know.
You can state something.
I can state the opposite.
We can disagree.
You called the dogpile, little Miss “douchenozzel”. And no, douche is fine: shoving a nozzle up there for non-Americans who’ve never had the psychotic culture that suggested that douches exist in the first place, then calling me out as sexist: No. You don’t get to do that.
You get the her, the ze and so on. You don’t get to dodge that.
look back, I even tried to disengage.
Wow. Physician, heal thyself.
Yeah, that’s the point.
Hi! 🙂
Also, what the heck with the “m[redacted]”? Is this an SCP file?
It’s clearly a DC think tank who don’t like their names published.
You know, I am one of those who has fun engaging trolls most of the time, but Fifth is even getting on my nerves. Anyone else think an email to David is order?
“It must be a troll, ban it”.
:shakes head:
Seriously, is this your first time trying to communicate with humans?
I actually don’t think you are necessarily trolling, Fifth. I think you’re an asshole who can’t admit you brought the anger of this community on yourself when you started the conversation by being a condescending piece of shit with an inflated ego and a gross overestimation of the value of your contribution.
Come to think of it, that’s probably why I want you banned.
An actual troll? I find them amusing.
You don’t even meet that standard.
Trolls just don’t try anymore.
You don’t even meet that standard.
Having read the documents, do you not imagine that squashing a nobody who “use to be the mod for /r/narcissism on Reddit” would be a challenge? For people who have Senators on their side and go to the U.N.?
I have read the docs. All of them.
I’ve also spent 4+ hrs monitoring the KIA, /pol/ and other nasties who love this.
I can see their responses and so on.
Do you really think I’m going to waste my time trolling you?
I gave an honest appraisal of a situation to stop another 3 months of bullshit in real people’s lives. And I also know who the players are, which you’re now labeling “conspiracy theory” which is just playing into the hands of the people who you watch.
The rest?
Well, hey.
I’m suggesting that Janus isn’t a good place to inhabit, so let’s get beyond there.
But fine.
Feed off each other. Sick.
My first post:
The only “opinion” I stated was that:
1. It was depressing news.
2. That I understand and emphathize with her decision
3. It still makes me angry
Those were my “opinions”. The rest was facts.
You took issue with the facts as I told them, and went off and said I was stupid and that Quinn didn’t have a case and none of us know how shit works.
So yeah, we got antagonistic with you, because you marched in here and gave an unwanted, condescending opinion. Cry me a river.
No, you outright accused me of “creating a narrative” and told me that Quinn didn’t have a case because I could go check out all these places online and we don’t have any idea how things work because you are trying to convince us you work at the UN and then you went off about how you “wouldn’t give up on or abandon” her ect.
I can read what you’ve written. And none of it is coherent or factual.
We can. Except you tried to accuse me of “creating a narrative” and went off on one and got super antagonistic because I dared suggest that Zoe Quinn had a case and dropped it to preserve her mental health, and apparently this is an affront to your sensibilities.
One: No one’s dogpiling you. We’re having a conversation. People are responding to your (many) posts. That’s the way comments sections work.
Two: I wasn’t the one who called you a “douchenozzel”, Poopsie.
Three: I’m American too. So lay off the ableism and sexism.
The lead story is some person (unique) who wore a fucking T-shirt.
Stop me while I put my apprehensions about Syria on hold, this is a top fucking story.
Is hinting at all this secret knowledge about who’s allegedly paying ZQ’s bills supposed to make you look cool? ‘Cause the last time that worked on me, Dan Quayle was Vice President.
You called yourself and your Super Kewl shadow government friends Orcas. Please go hunt sea lions somewhere else.
@Fifth Sibylline;
Aheh. I was willing to believe you up until the
Sweet fancy Moses, Fifth. Adults who work with information that is supposed to stay private don’t name-drop it into a public forum to win internet points.
Real adults who work with sensitive information, if confronted about that information, will say “I can’t talk about it” at most, not hint at it like a Young Adult spy novel. You read like a conspiracy theorist, trying to keep M[redacted] secret, but bursting at the seams to gabble on about it.
I am getting this by comparison to my friends who work with the UN, and my own NDA agreements. Either you’re lying your face off or you’re grossly incompetent.
((addendum: I don’t like the various forms of the word ‘douche’ either! So there’s that.))
Honest question FS, what do you have against paragraphs? What did they ever do to you?
Worst flounce evah.