homophobia irony alert racism trump

Dude is mad [homophobic slur] and [ethnic slur] think his Trump shirt promotes hate

He mad
He mad, too

Oh, Trump fans, never change!

Ted • 20 hours ago Bernietard in Lit told me that I was promoting "hate" by wearing a Trump shirt. This dude is your quintessential SWPL faggot. Even before Trump he hated me. All because I called dramakids fags like a year ago. Aside from that and a few glares from spics, I got nods and thumbs ups from peers . My friends didn't make comment on it. They already know me as that trump supporter lol Being a vocal Trump fan hasn't damaged my life...yet. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Det. Snide Ted • 20 hours ago Fuck the spics. Keep up the good work.



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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Additionally, and this might be something you’re not aware of, there is a troll who comes here intermittently who calls zieself ‘Fifth Interval’, which is who I thought of immediately when I saw your username.

I know who you’re talking about, but it’s not FifthInterval, it’s… Some guy with a red avatar whose name I can’t remember.

9 years ago

I think the mention of Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn being UN approved is a pretty convincing tell that FS is a gamergater who is trying to fake SJW. That alone is enough. Only reactionaries make such a huge deal about the UN.

The grandiosity and delusions of great wisdom and importance that look just like the pol grandiosity and delusions is also not helping.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Fifth: You really are incoherent, you know that? Take off your tinfoil hat and pull down the red yarn off the corkboard, Poopsie.

And more importantly: Who the fuck asked you? No one. I was showing people a link that relates to things we’ve covered on this blog before.

No one asked for your sealioning. No one cares about your opinion on whether or not I’m “building a narrative” you don’t like by stating facts directly from Zoe Quinn, who would know more about this than you do. Shoo.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago


Nothing I said was meant to offend.

If you know the group that begins with M, we’re not setting out to do anything but help women. If you don’t know the group, they help women out, have put ZQ into contact with Senators and helped her put a case to the U.N.

I thought you’d all be impressed.

The narrative that the Legal system failed is just wrong in this case: it failed because there’s no real bite to online harassment and so on. ZQ might state she stopped the case due to reasons X, but it’s actually more useful to address the legal aspects of the case.

As a feminist. As a woman. As a dog owner. (eek).

I was merely pointing out that if you take that narrative as stated by PI, you’ve just got another 4 months of bullshit and angst to deal with.

There are better ways to deal with this.

I can understand why you’re all very hostile. And anyone can take any text and re-hash it in a hostile or patronizing manner.

I happen to like cat .gifs.

9 years ago


Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago


Have you any idea how difficult it is to get things to the U.N.?

Having interned for one of the environmental groups there, it’s impressive.

Or do you think you can just email them and book a response in a couple of weeks?

I think the mention of Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn being UN approved is a pretty convincing tell that FS is a gamergater who is trying to fake SJW. That alone is enough. Only reactionaries make such a huge deal about the UN.


Reactionaries imagine the U.N. is the NWO and they’re gonna take your guns.

People who work with the U.N. know exactly what’s involved and know the channels.

Fact: A US group used some favors to fast-track a panel.

If you want to have a contest over this, I’m happy to provide you with details of how long it takes to get a paper even considered by a U.N. panel.

The amount of bad information here is huge. It’s like “HA GG THINK THIS BUT IT’S REALLY”… then no.

I’ve worked in the U.N.

Have you?

9 years ago

You really are incoherent, you know that? Take off your tinfoil hat and pull down the red yarn off the corkboard, Poopsie.

It’s the sealioning of orange tango drinker mixed with the incomprehensibility and conspiracy mongering of NWO slave. Not a pretty combo.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

Oh, Katz



I expected a certain level of actual knowledge under the snark.

It’s cool you don’t have it, but you’re poking psychotic bears who are total weirdos.

But, yeah. Totally trolling and a GamerGater and a /pol/ person who is just here to threaten you all.


9 years ago


Thank God for the edit button.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

Literally nobody is buying this incredibly transparent act. Just stop.

How exactly do you “work in the UN” when you can’t even form a coherent sentence.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


If you’re going to spray everywhere like a cartoon arse, can’t you at least put paragraph breaks between paragraphs, not after every second word?

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago


And you wonder why Trump is where he is, and Hilary is your best bet.

The point being made is very simple:

You’re making fun of idiots, which is a given.

You’re supposed to be smarter than them.

(If you want the UN docs, and the fast-track details, just ask. It’s not actually hard to find them.

Oh, wait.

I forgot. The UN is like Congress or Senate: it only takes 2 years to get legislation to the floor…


Snark only works if you don’t all look like total tools doing it.

9 years ago

@Tragedy of the Commas

What does “SWPL” stand for?

Scottish Workers Party Liberal?
Smug Wanker Promoting Leftism? (this one is my guess)
Stuff White People Like?
Southwest Public Library?
STEM-Wide Police Liaison?
Security With Probable Leads?
Swipe With Pressure Leading?

9 years ago

Fifth troll,
None of your boasting has a single thing to do with what I actually said about the UN.

Nobody is impressed with you or your concern trolling. No matter how much knowledge and wisdom you claim to have.

Not that I believe a feminist who moves in powerful political circles is really going to spend time having a chanspeak filled meltdown on a mocking misogyny blog because a few commenters expressed sadness over Zoe Quinn dropping her suit.

Go be super important and wise somewhere else.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Fifth Sibylline:

You’re not a radical feminist at all. I don’t think you know what the term means.

A radical feminist is someone who believes that existing institutions and power structures (for example in this case, the legal system) are irreparably the tools of patriarchy and cannot be turned to good use. Whether you believe that said institutions must be torn down entirely or simply circumvented depends upon your personal feelings or could be decided on a case by case basis. However, the statement “that’s just the way things are and you need to live with it” is inherently the antithesis to the central premise of radical feminism.

By “radical feminist”, you may mean that you’re a liberal feminist who adopts a hardline attitude whilst still believing that one can cooperate with the system. However in this case, an honest liberal feminist must conclude that the system is broken: it may be possible to reform it but only if the system itself appreciates that it’s broken. No compromise is possible until the profession of law holds up its hand and says “We fucked up, we betrayed your trust, we need to get this shit sorted out better.”

In a case like this, one cannot say “that’s just the way it is and you need to learn to cope with it”, because if that was a mindset we believed then the female half of us would still be barefoot in the kitchen, and the male half of us would believe that we were entitled to beat them if they complained. Sometimes shit is fucked up, and it is a moral imperative to not tolerate that up-fuckery.

The word you’re looking for to describe yourself is quisling.

9 years ago


The random obsession with mentioning Idi Amin was kind of entertaining, but now that you’ve dropped it you’re just really boring.

9 years ago

I just have to say I love Imaginary Petal, especially when they say stuff we’re all thinking, like

GG or not, you come across as a bit of a douchenozzle.

For the record, if you’re a feminist you should know why feminists like the word douche as an insult, FS.

9 years ago

By the way, count me among those who don’t give a fuck whether Zoe had a case or not. She’s facing horrifying, never-ending harassment, and if law enforcement has no way of dealing with it, then it’s a shitty system that needs to be fixed.

9 years ago

Fifth, part of the problem here is that, like SO MANY TROLLS, all you post here are assertions that we have no way to verify and no reason to believe.

9 years ago

And you wonder why Trump is where he is, and Hilary is your best bet.

Not everyone here is USian. I would have expected someone as all knowing as you to realize that.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

And you wonder why Trump is where he is, and Hilary is your best bet.

OOPS. Forgot that you’re supposed to be not-/pol/ there for a while, huh? :p

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

FS reminded me: Has anybody here actually referred to other women as ‘sisters’? I mean, outside of nuns and maybe old timey nurses?

But then, these lousy “parodies” seem to come out of some collective anti-feminist arsehole.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago


Aww, too sweet. 🙂

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

How exactly do you “work in the UN” when you can’t even form a coherent sentence.

Which coherent sentence was that?

I have absolutely no sympathy nor shared goals with any of your targets, but I find the overtly aggressive group think engaged with here to be more detrimental and more importantly, demonstrative of the failures of American politics that goes beyond the overt stupidity of the fringe aspects. To make fun of the “fringe” is one thing, and one that needs to be done; however, the aggressive over-reaction to any criticism that’s demonstrated here only shows that the entire system is broken, bartered on a chemical dependency on dopamine.

It’s a strange thing when you don’t see it happening in reverse.

And, no.

This isn’t a /pol/ rant.

Hint: Look up the Senator involved with ZQ and the M group.

Or is that a “conspiracy theory”?

FTR, UNEP, 1992-6
Oxford Uni 1987-1990
MSC 1991



The points you’re not getting.

Douche is now a colonized insult. Adding Nozzle to it is not. Penetrative aspect, not cool.


Look at this thread.

Look at it.

Now look at the /pol/ threads and so on.

Do you see the point already?

Do you get the point that you’re all amazingly willing to jump on the band-wagon yet, which is precisely the mechanics that /pol/, Trump etc use?

Are we getting it yet?