Oh good. A false equivalency/golden mean fallacy troll who totally isn’t a gamergater but just coincidentally happened to arrive right after pol started discussing one of our threads.
The side of protection racketeering is a nice touch too.
I’m trying to widen your horizons into the world where these things matter.
I’m not an MRA/PUA/gamergate but here’s why you’re wrong about everything and need my sage advice and why are you so mean to meeeeee!!!!!! trolls are a dime a dozen around here.
You’re not expanding shit.
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago
David really needs to hire some mods.
9 years ago
The worst stench is the lies. Gads a I can’t bear the lies.
Quinn had a case. She dropped it for her mental health, you dishonest scum.
Now shoo.
9 years ago
I will have fun with cat gifs. Please go be a miserable fuckwit elsewhere. Don’t enjoy it. I hope it hurts to be such a pompus know-nothing supporter of vile bullshit.
Oh lookie here. Fifth troll* didn’t notice that this is a mockery site.
I’m actually a radical left feminist.
* Didn’t we have a troll with a similar name a while back? I distinctly remember referring to someone as fifth troll many times.
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago
OT: Kind of depressing news on the GG front. Zoe Quinn is dropping charges against her ex. Mostly because she’s tired of drawing this legal battle out and all the threats and bullshit that go with it because the justice system is too busy making sure she’s a “good victim” to actually deal with her ex.
You’re making a narrative that has no relation to how the legal system works.
You’re then taking a response just to see how much you’re pulling the opposite of “the Alt-Right” right back at you.
I am telling you how the Optics go from their side and exactly what the response type will be.
My personal response is that you’re not getting it.
You called me a “DoucheNozzle”
This is radically sexist.
It’s offensive.
Hint: on our side of the world we do NOT have douches, because they’re medically damaging.
This is not a game. I am telling you, as an adult, how this looks. Your immediate response across the board has been “BAN, TROLL”.
Do you think you have a chance at moving beyond this? Just for a little while?
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago
Quinn had a case.
And even if she didn’t (which is actually possible, given the government’s view of Them Inner Tubes as some sort of Lovecraftian horror dimension extraneous and irrelevant to our reality)…
… What the fuck makes him think the regulars of a FEMINISM BLOG would just bow down to a regressive-ass, abuser-protecting status quo that’s literally decades behind the rest of the world? Does he even know what feminism is? Duh.
“Oh those silly emotional feeemales. If they just knew that this is the way things are, they’d surely sit down and shut up like good wimminz!” Ahaha, no.
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Most transparent Buscemi we’ve had in a while?
9 years ago
I think I’ll listen to the actual practicing lawyers on the board here when it comes to the specifics of this case, and not someone what winned some moneys in a law suit sometime. Their discussion didn’t seem to mention what you’re talking about.
Am I allowed to have fun with Steve Buscemi and Meryl Streep gif? Or just cats?
I would hate to post in a way FS disapproves of.
I’ll give 2/10 on the flounce only because the “have fun with your cats” insults never fail to amuse me and because FS is acting like they’re all important for having David’s email even though it’s accessible to anyone who clicks on the email spot. But at least one of those points will be deducted if FS fails to stick to the flounce.
9 years ago
Fifth, you might be totally right, and for now I’m willing to take you at your word that you’re not trying to troll, but you are coming across very arrogant and condescending and you did so from your very first post. Additionally, and this might be something you’re not aware of, there is a troll who comes here intermittently who calls zieself ‘Fifth Interval’, which is who I thought of immediately when I saw your username.
Hold up, let me pull up Google Maps so you can show me where the fuck anyone asked you, Fifth.
I’m with Lea on this one. She stated in her own words that she’s dropping the case for her mental health, and having been following GG and this case for as long as I have, I have no reason to believe that she lied about this. You can try to spin this as “Well, she didn’t have a case!” but you’re full of bullshit, and we can all smell it.
Not to mention there were so many GGers who were like “If Zoe wins this case and Eron gets sent to jail, I’m going to track her down and [violent threat]”, so you can imagine what that could do to a person.
She did have a case. Eron has exacerbated harassment of her because he couldn’t get to her. He openly used and played GG and the people who hated her for daring to put her game on Steam as a bludgeon against her, and there’s proof of it, and Zoe has it. It’s all here on the internet, we’ve all seen it.
She dropped it because the courts were taking too long with the case, and as the case drug on, she was getting more and more threats, on top of being badgered in a courtroom about how horrible she is for talking about her experiences on the internet, while she’s got a full foot tall stack of screenshots of threats because she has to be a “good victim” and the courts have a long track history of not being good to women victims, especially women victims who have histories of sex work, like she does.
I’m nthing the “fuck off” sentiment here for Fifth.
weirwoodtreehugger | February 11, 2016 at 5:42 pm
Am I allowed to have fun with Steve Buscemi and Meryl Streep gif?
Quinn had a case. She dropped it for her mental health, you dishonest scum.
I’m not an MRA/PUA/gamergate but here’s why you’re wrong about everything and need my sage advice and why are you so mean to meeeeee!!!!!! trolls are a dime a dozen around here.
Oh good. A false equivalency/golden mean fallacy troll who totally isn’t a gamergater but just coincidentally happened to arrive right after pol started discussing one of our threads.
Actually, I turned up just before.
Not because I’m some kind of CONTROLLER but because we keep tabs on these things. We were actually more interested in getting a message of resistance against /pol/ across.
You have, quite convincingly, proved that you’re not doing anything but having a parasitical emotional relation to the scum you’re watching.
And on the hair-trigger of a response (which, notably: they will do), you react worse than a /pol/ thread towards LGBT people.
That’s fine.
We’ll keep actually fighting them.
Have fun.
I’ll email stuff in future.
Stupid. US Law doesn’t work like that.
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
I think I can imitate this troll:
Look, nobody understands anything. Only I understand things.
Yeah. Fuck off, troll.
Actually, no.
I’m actually a radical left feminist.
Calling someone a “douchenozzle” is horribly sexist. It’s terrible.
I’m pointing out the other side’s case before they make it.
If you don’t understand this, then fine.
But, please: if you can’t deal with adult responses, that’s fine.
Stating that a case didn’t make it due to Law and perhaps that’s because the Law needs a look at, and focusing on the case is counter-productive?
I guess that’s a Sealion?
We’re Orca.
You’re not.
Fuck off troll. You’re stinking up the thread.
Insulting and condescending shit that Fifth Sybilline said before anyone had said anything remotely rude to them, or even addressed them in any way:
“Just, please: get some perspective.”
“Please stop the nonsense.”
“The only people you’re helping with this narrative is the ex-boyfriend”
“It’s not a fair or Just world. So, please: stop pretending it is”
“The world is not black and white. Adults have to deal with grey”
“please. Go look up Idi Amin.”
“You need to get some allies who know their stuff”
Then they get called a “douchenozzle” once, and immediately they’re all “waaaah, INSULTS!!”
Fuck this troll. Ban immediately.
The puffed up faux self important douchey scent will linger too. You just know it will.
And, SCFC.
If you’re referring to me? The person who is quoting Latin and well regarding academic sources with their stuff?
You probably would want to know I modeled and sent out reports on the Trump – Chan connection to concerned parties a while back. About 6 months ago.
You know, on the not-fascist side?
But, ok.
Keep at the mature analysis, I’ll keep owners email tight and just send them direct.
This knee-jerk reaction is only showing /pol/ and Trump exactly how to play it.
*shakes head*
Have fun with the cat .gifs
Oh good. A false equivalency/golden mean fallacy troll who totally isn’t a gamergater but just coincidentally happened to arrive right after pol started discussing one of our threads.
The side of protection racketeering is a nice touch too.
I’m not an MRA/PUA/gamergate but here’s why you’re wrong about everything and need my sage advice and why are you so mean to meeeeee!!!!!! trolls are a dime a dozen around here.
You’re not expanding shit.

David really needs to hire some mods.
The worst stench is the lies. Gads a I can’t bear the lies.
Quinn had a case. She dropped it for her mental health, you dishonest scum.
Now shoo.
I will have fun with cat gifs. Please go be a miserable fuckwit elsewhere. Don’t enjoy it. I hope it hurts to be such a pompus know-nothing supporter of vile bullshit.
Oh lookie here. Fifth troll* didn’t notice that this is a mockery site.
* Didn’t we have a troll with a similar name a while back? I distinctly remember referring to someone as fifth troll many times.
OT: Kind of depressing news on the GG front. Zoe Quinn is dropping charges against her ex. Mostly because she’s tired of drawing this legal battle out and all the threats and bullshit that go with it because the justice system is too busy making sure she’s a “good victim” to actually deal with her ex.
You’re making a narrative that has no relation to how the legal system works.
You’re then taking a response just to see how much you’re pulling the opposite of “the Alt-Right” right back at you.
I am telling you how the Optics go from their side and exactly what the response type will be.
My personal response is that you’re not getting it.
You called me a “DoucheNozzle”
This is radically sexist.
It’s offensive.
Hint: on our side of the world we do NOT have douches, because they’re medically damaging.
This is not a game. I am telling you, as an adult, how this looks. Your immediate response across the board has been “BAN, TROLL”.
Do you think you have a chance at moving beyond this? Just for a little while?
And even if she didn’t (which is actually possible, given the government’s view of Them Inner Tubes as some sort of Lovecraftian horror dimension extraneous and irrelevant to our reality)…
… What the fuck makes him think the regulars of a FEMINISM BLOG would just bow down to a regressive-ass, abuser-protecting status quo that’s literally decades behind the rest of the world? Does he even know what feminism is? Duh.
“Oh those silly emotional feeemales. If they just knew that this is the way things are, they’d surely sit down and shut up like good wimminz!” Ahaha, no.
Most transparent Buscemi we’ve had in a while?
I think I’ll listen to the actual practicing lawyers on the board here when it comes to the specifics of this case, and not someone what winned some moneys in a law suit sometime. Their discussion didn’t seem to mention what you’re talking about.
Am I allowed to have fun with Steve Buscemi and Meryl Streep gif? Or just cats?
I would hate to post in a way FS disapproves of.
I’ll give 2/10 on the flounce only because the “have fun with your cats” insults never fail to amuse me and because FS is acting like they’re all important for having David’s email even though it’s accessible to anyone who clicks on the email spot. But at least one of those points will be deducted if FS fails to stick to the flounce.
Fifth, you might be totally right, and for now I’m willing to take you at your word that you’re not trying to troll, but you are coming across very arrogant and condescending and you did so from your very first post. Additionally, and this might be something you’re not aware of, there is a troll who comes here intermittently who calls zieself ‘Fifth Interval’, which is who I thought of immediately when I saw your username.
Hold up, let me pull up Google Maps so you can show me where the fuck anyone asked you, Fifth.
I’m with Lea on this one. She stated in her own words that she’s dropping the case for her mental health, and having been following GG and this case for as long as I have, I have no reason to believe that she lied about this. You can try to spin this as “Well, she didn’t have a case!” but you’re full of bullshit, and we can all smell it.
Not to mention there were so many GGers who were like “If Zoe wins this case and Eron gets sent to jail, I’m going to track her down and [violent threat]”, so you can imagine what that could do to a person.
She did have a case. Eron has exacerbated harassment of her because he couldn’t get to her. He openly used and played GG and the people who hated her for daring to put her game on Steam as a bludgeon against her, and there’s proof of it, and Zoe has it. It’s all here on the internet, we’ve all seen it.
She dropped it because the courts were taking too long with the case, and as the case drug on, she was getting more and more threats, on top of being badgered in a courtroom about how horrible she is for talking about her experiences on the internet, while she’s got a full foot tall stack of screenshots of threats because she has to be a “good victim” and the courts have a long track history of not being good to women victims, especially women victims who have histories of sex work, like she does.
I’m nthing the “fuck off” sentiment here for Fifth.
I’m going to be avoiding Meryl Streep gifs for a while, considering her recent “We are all Africans” nonsense.
Quinn had a case. She dropped it for her mental health, you dishonest scum.
I’m not an MRA/PUA/gamergate but here’s why you’re wrong about everything and need my sage advice and why are you so mean to meeeeee!!!!!! trolls are a dime a dozen around here.
Oh good. A false equivalency/golden mean fallacy troll who totally isn’t a gamergater but just coincidentally happened to arrive right after pol started discussing one of our threads.
Actually, I turned up just before.
Not because I’m some kind of CONTROLLER but because we keep tabs on these things. We were actually more interested in getting a message of resistance against /pol/ across.
You have, quite convincingly, proved that you’re not doing anything but having a parasitical emotional relation to the scum you’re watching.
And on the hair-trigger of a response (which, notably: they will do), you react worse than a /pol/ thread towards LGBT people.
That’s fine.
We’ll keep actually fighting them.
Have fun.
I’ll email stuff in future.
Stupid. US Law doesn’t work like that.
I think I can imitate this troll:
Look, nobody understands anything. Only I understand things.
note: only me
note: don’t be upset. i’m great
you are probably stupid
note: grow up
I come back from feeding the pets to see that I got ninja’d by FS failing to stick to the flounce.
0/10 Both points deducted.
Who are the lawyers on this board, incidentally?
Do you know about the Senator attached, the Think Tank and so on that actually IS backing ZQ?
If you don’t, then fine.
If you do, then know that M[redacted] think tank would NEVER abandon a fellow sister in need, nor would they not give her support.
You’re insulting the fuck out of us, while calling us trolls / bigots / MRAs!!!
We don’t abandon our sisters!!