homophobia irony alert racism trump

Dude is mad [homophobic slur] and [ethnic slur] think his Trump shirt promotes hate

He mad
He mad, too

Oh, Trump fans, never change!

Ted • 20 hours ago Bernietard in Lit told me that I was promoting "hate" by wearing a Trump shirt. This dude is your quintessential SWPL faggot. Even before Trump he hated me. All because I called dramakids fags like a year ago. Aside from that and a few glares from spics, I got nods and thumbs ups from peers . My friends didn't make comment on it. They already know me as that trump supporter lol Being a vocal Trump fan hasn't damaged my life...yet. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Det. Snide Ted • 20 hours ago Fuck the spics. Keep up the good work.



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9 years ago

@Scildfreja: that is a brilliant summary of this.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

Attempting to intimidate us concerning Gamergate. Yeah, you’re a radical lefty feminist ally all right. Not!

Oh boy.

You’re poking radical far right people, and a person who is honestly engaging is “threatening”.

I’m doing the opposite.

I’m talking about the Dominion boys, the Ted Cruz, the Evangelical Men with their Deus Vult theme.

Are you really this innocent?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Alan

Yep, that sounds like good generic advice. Though cats don’t always have to stick with their teeth and claws. The tabby once knocked a small (but heavy) lamp off the headboard and onto my pillow while I was using it. Missed my head by about half an inch. I moved the lamp after that. I figured it was easier than trying to convince her she shouldn’t try to kill the main food dispenser.

9 years ago

Otherwise, shut the fuck up about “meta” unless you’re talking about Red vs. Blue.

Or Scream 4

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

>shows up
>flings shit about
>thoroughly trounced
>declares victory

Yup, pretty clear.

Says hello.



Notes which sharks are lurking.

You know, hey.

It’s probably not about the text, it’s about the lurkers. And I’m pulling them in tonight.

But please, continue on commenting about how funny the far right is… [and how you don’t know how meta-fishing works]

9 years ago

I’m rubber, you’re glue? That’s your response?

You’ve claimed Zoe lied about why she dropped the matter, that I have insider information, that it’s confidential because of settlement, confused criminal and civil matters, and then demand I not call you a liar.

My momma had two great sayings that apply here:

(1) Some folks would rather climb a tree to tell a lie, than stand on the ground and tell the truth and ……(2) Never argue with a drunk.

You’re too invested in your own illusions to see you’re spouting falsehoods, and have no idea what you are talking about.

9 years ago

Way to miss the Django references.

If you can’t parse meta, don’t hunt mammoths.

That’s not parsing meta, that’s catching movie quotes.

I’m not a mammoth, I’m a big furry sabre tooth tiger.

That is the second time you’ve positioned us as prey and yourself as a predator. I’m beginning to feel threatened. Aren’t threats against the comment policy? Yes they are.

Watch you try to squirm out of this one by claiming you weren’t making threats, Miss Parse Meta.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ victorious p

Oh yeah, cats will use any available weapon they can. If they ever get opposable thumbs we’re stuffed.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

That is the second time you’ve positioned us as prey and yourself as a predator. I’m beginning to feel threatened. Aren’t threats against the comment policy? Yes they are.

Sabre tooth tigers don’t eat mammoth.

That’s kinda obvious, right?

Oh, wait. Squirm out of not knowing your ecology, mr ex-dinosaur?


This really isn’t what you imagine. It’s a churn and track, hunting /pol/ exercise.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Fifth Sibylline | February 11, 2016 at 9:37 pm

As far as you’re concerned I’m a woman, you condescending shitbag

Way to miss the Django references.

I don’t give a fuck where it was from, it was still fucking rude and uncalled for.

I’m sure you realize that that movie was about slavery and racism right? And how “boy” is a derogatory name?

On top of that, how the fuck do you know that any of the commenters you’re talking to aren’t transwomen (or in my case, people who are questioning their gender)? You don’t! So ‘grats on that rudeness too!

Or do you consider yourself equally treated under the current US government law at this point in time? (Read in a S.L. Jackson voice, the answer is no. So, surprise, mother-fucker, I’m actually making a point on your side).

No one gives a fuck. You’re a shitty “feminist”. And no amount of “good points” or “points on my side” is going to convince me otherwise.

And yeah.

If you can’t parse meta, don’t hunt mammoths.

I’m not a mammoth, I’m a big furry sabre tooth tiger.

No, you’re a shitty fucking troll trying to pretend they’re a big badass. Fuck off. You’ve announced your flounce twice now. Follow through.

And, again, what you’re doing isn’t “meta”, you’re being deliberately obtuse and then thinking you’ve got some sort of gotcha when we can’t understand your gibbering, so you shift the goalposts like you’ve got them wired to an RC car.

And no.

I’m on your side. Consider it a cathartic event.

I really do think you’re all great: it’s fine if it’s unrequited.

comment image

9 years ago

Notes which sharks are lurking.

You know, hey.

It’s probably not about the text, it’s about the lurkers. And I’m pulling them in tonight.

But please, continue on commenting about how funny the far right is… [and how you don’t know how meta-fishing works]

Yep, you just threatened us with

the Dominion boys, the Ted Cruz, the Evangelical Men with their Deus Vult theme.

If you honestly think they’d swarm us, and that it would be a bad thing for them to swarm us, why are you “pulling them in” ?

But enough about you. My evening’s passing. I have XCOM to play and D&D to write. You just keep trying to impress us, here, and I’ll write a haiku on the occasion of your banning when I check in in the morning.


Sabre tooth tigers don’t eat mammoth.

That’s kinda obvious, right?

Oh, wait. Squirm out of not knowing your ecology, mr ex-dinosaur?


This really isn’t what you imagine. It’s a churn and track, hunting /pol/ exercise.

No, it’s not. Saber tooth cats were found world-wide, co-existed with the mammoth, and have been shown to have eaten large herbivores.

Birds are still dinosaurs; and the falconer isn’t the bird, the falconer trains and hunts the bird.

Claim to superior intellect and cunning noted.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

And remember kids:

Are you not entertained?

Pull them in with combat, then the rest.

Ciao, been a blast.

Stay safe, we really do like you all (although you might not like us)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Alan

If cats ever get opposable thumbs, they’ll start clicking at us. “Service! Attend to my needs, human!”

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago
9 years ago

You’re poking radical far right people, and a person who is honestly engaging is “threatening”.

Honestly engaging? Please. You’ve done nothing but cloak your point and then declare victory when people don’t understand what your point is.

But yes, you’re trying to use gg to threaten us. You want us to shut up and stop standing up to misogyny or the radical far right will come get us. It is a veiled threat of the exact same sort that the manosphere does all the damn time.

But, you know what? David has been poking at them for 6 years. I’ve been here doing the same for two years and many other commenters have been here longer merrily mocking misogyny and we’re all still living our lives. I don’t give a fuck if gamergaters and MRAs and stormfronters or anyone else is mad at it. In fact, I welcome their hatred. Take your protection racket bullshit to a commentariat that is naïve enough to buy it. Because we’ve heard it before. Over and over again.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Sabre tooth tigers don’t eat mammoth.

As there’s no such thing as a sabre toothed tiger (as opposed to sabre toothed cats) that is of course correct.

(Although I do like the tiger appellation, but then again I still say brontosaurus)

ETA: ninja’d by falconer

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I’m just going to keep posting RvB gifs.

I really like RvB. It has it’s moments where I side-eye it a bit, but it’s still a really good show (with great badass female characters too! Doesn’t pass the Bechdel test, but it does pass the Mako Mori test a few times), and I really enjoyed the last season with Chorus.

Though I am still tore up about that ending though. Whoo. That…that hurt my heart quite a bit. And I can still hear the echoing, pained screams of the fandom ringing in my ears.

The last season of RWBY apparently didn’t help the emotions either. Different show, but holy shit.

I need to catch up on that too. I like to binge watch stuff.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ TiredTexan

Thank you for delurking. I love your momma’s sayings.

9 years ago





Bronto is back!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ victorious p

I think they’ll just use tazers. Or maybe guns with laser sights “Ha, who’s running around over a little red dot now eh?”

9 years ago

Says hello

Who says hello like this?

Please stop the nonsense.

Note: The only people you’re helping with this narrative is the ex-boyfriend and others who can read the same documents available to all and be all like “OOOH BURN THE WITCH”.

This is a world where Idi Amin lived out his life in comfort. It’s not a fair or Just world.

So, please: stop pretending it is, it just makes hay for other parties.

Has anyone been counting the flounces? I think there’s been about 10 now.

Oh, and while I’m back here on the first page, here’s Fifth Shitstain bringing up the UN first

Having read the documents, do you not imagine that squashing a nobody who “use to be the mod for /r/narcissism on Reddit” would be a challenge? For people who have Senators on their side and go to the U.N.?

9 years ago

Mea culpa. I’ll refrain from doing that in the future.
Thanks, I appreciate it. I know I’m probably in the minority here.

You might have more company than you think. 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scildfreja

Love that article! “In your (admittedly correctly identified) face Apatosaurus!!!”

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