homophobia irony alert racism trump

Dude is mad [homophobic slur] and [ethnic slur] think his Trump shirt promotes hate

He mad
He mad, too

Oh, Trump fans, never change!

Ted • 20 hours ago Bernietard in Lit told me that I was promoting "hate" by wearing a Trump shirt. This dude is your quintessential SWPL faggot. Even before Trump he hated me. All because I called dramakids fags like a year ago. Aside from that and a few glares from spics, I got nods and thumbs ups from peers . My friends didn't make comment on it. They already know me as that trump supporter lol Being a vocal Trump fan hasn't damaged my life...yet. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Det. Snide Ted • 20 hours ago Fuck the spics. Keep up the good work.



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9 years ago

N’awwww, poor guy’s just a sensitive, tender flower in the monochrome field that is white power! I understand why someone so delicate and self-conscious would rally behind a guy who makes cowardly insults about women and then can’t handle it when women fire back at him. Oh, and apparently trump can’t take debate rooms that aren’t air-conditioned either.

Yes, truly this is a master race right here. -.-

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Trump supporters are stupid bigots. In other news water is wet. Film at 11.

9 years ago

I’m actually more surprised that this guy correctly used ‘quintessential’ in a sentence, considering how poor the rest of his vocabulary is. He’s really breaking out the big words for his commenting game.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

“I don’t hate people! I just think that certain sub-groups of humanity should be okay with me flinging slurs and shit at them because they’re not like me!”

OT: Kind of depressing news on the GG front. Zoe Quinn is dropping charges against her ex. Mostly because she’s tired of drawing this legal battle out and all the threats and bullshit that go with it because the justice system is too busy making sure she’s a “good victim” to actually deal with her ex.

I understand (and empathize) with the decision, but it still raises my hackles a bit that this is the way things had to be, and that GG will say this is a “victory” for them because they essentially bullied her into backing down for her own personal safety.

9 years ago

I’m actually more surprised that this guy correctly used ‘quintessential’ in a sentence.

He learned it from the dramakids.

I’m more surprised he’s actually taking a Literature class.

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
9 years ago

Questions going through my head while reading this?
Who even is this person? Why does he care so much about someone telling him his shirt was in poor taste? Why wouldn’t the person who called you out still hate you for calling people [homophobic slur] (writing that word feels dirty so no) when you’re still calling people [homophobic slur?] How is he doing good work by ranting on facebook?

also david why didn’t you include “[ableist slur]” in the tittle? it’s the first one he used, and you could’ve gotten three pair in the tittle, that would increase profits by at least 34%

9 years ago

Kind of depressing news on the GG front. Zoe Quinn is dropping charges against her ex. Mostly because she’s tired of drawing this legal battle out and all the threats and bullshit that go with it because the justice system is too busy making sure she’s a “good victim” to actually deal with her ex.

Ug. PI, I read your stuff all the time and I love you and your style of wit. I’m really sorry to hear this. #GG needs to fuck off and die, seriously.

I keep hoping someone in the legal system will do something right, but it seems that the status quo is quite bent on remaining the status quo >_>

For what it’s worth, Internet hug goin’ out your direction if you want one. Here’s hoping that we’ll have a less shitty future.

9 years ago

The status is not quo. I’m sad about Zoe, too.

9 years ago

Why am I not surprised that an immature, bigoted bully like Trump who uses homophobic, xenophobic, and racist slurs attracts followers who use those same slurs? He’s also attracted neo-Nazis and KKK members. Can we just give him and his followers their own island? Trump can play iron-willed dictator, his followers can parade around shouting slurs and slogans, and we can keep them very far away from American society.

9 years ago

Oh, those two sound soooo nice!

9 years ago

@Tulse: I’m betting it was an academic requirement and he thought Drama would be the easiest class.

9 years ago

“I got nods and thumbs up from peers.” Have a cookie!
comment image

Have two, even.

Bet this same loser later turns around and accuses his detractors of Hive Mind, or some such. If he hasn’t already. Because don’t they all?

Also: “Being a vocal Trump fan hasn’t damaged my life…yet.”×500.jpg

9 years ago

Isn’t so totally unfair when you’re an unpleasant asshole to people and it causes them to dislike you?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

I followed the link.

Oh crap, I followed the link. Thank you for linking directly to Disqus instead of whatever white supremacist neo-Nazi hellhole that comment section is on.

Unlucky Blackjack
Unlucky Blackjack
9 years ago

Now, I’m not one to judge a person, group, or… anything by it’s fans. I know that every group has a small section of “those guys”. You know, the ones the good, nice, non-jerk fans don’t like to talk about. However, it seems that Trump’s supporters are comprised almost entirely of “those guys”, with only a handful of non-jerks sprinkled in. And even then, the non-jerks are still tainted by association.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago



Ok, you won’t want to hear this, but:

Her lawyers are in the top #10 in the USA, and are very talented. They’re not cheap. The same people who put Anita & her to the U.N. were footing the bill (at a guess – that or family, it’s not in the realms of Patreon cash, it’s $4k+ a week).

The simple fact is that there’s no real case under US law.

Having read the documents, do you not imagine that squashing a nobody who “use to be the mod for /r/narcissism on Reddit” would be a challenge? For people who have Senators on their side and go to the U.N.?


Just, please: get some perspective. The Hatoful Boyfriend (deliberate) is a non-entity.

The case failed because the Law states it didn’t have a case.

Please stop the nonsense.

Note: The only people you’re helping with this narrative is the ex-boyfriend and others who can read the same documents available to all and be all like “OOOH BURN THE WITCH”.

This is a world where Idi Amin lived out his life in comfort. It’s not a fair or Just world.

So, please: stop pretending it is, it just makes hay for other parties.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago


She didn’t drop the case.

Her lawyers advised her that there was no case, despite the amount of switching they did during it.

There’s a huge difference. Hit up Pope Hat etc to see why.

Note: if you instantly imagine I’m on the opposite end of your spectrum or am a “GG” fan, stop.

The world is not black and white. Adults have to deal with grey, and in some cases, you end up on the side of Idi Amin.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago

GG or not, you come across as a bit of a douchenozzle.

9 years ago

Ted sounds like the kind of dude who would have been the douchey jock/bro in your typical high school dramady. Grow up, man. Calling people fags and ethnic slurs makes you look like a child.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
9 years ago

What does “SWPL” stand for?

Ironically, Marlon Brando–who I think is the dude’s avatar–likely would’ve hated this guy. What with Brando’s “politically correct” support for Native Americans and calling, in an interview with Dick Cavett, white people and their expansion across the continent “monstrous”.

And, yeah, my guess is he’s taking a literature class to fulfill a requirement. Although it’s not as if bigoted English majors are nonexistent. I once knew an English major who said, of gay people, that they don’t get that he can’t stand them because they’re gay, it’s “because gay is all they are”. He’d get along just fine with this Trump supporter.

Anyway, sure, there are many gay and bi men and women in drama. But the f-word is something they get to decide if they want to use, or if they’re comfortable with someone who isn’t gay or bi using the word around them. But I wouldn’t expect a Trump supporter to understand why this is.

9 years ago

Why are people so intolerant of my intolerance. Waaaaaaaaah!

I love it. Too many Trump supporters are shamelessly horrible people who know they are horrible people and revel in the negative attention.

It’s nice to see someone who actually does feel shame, completely baffled as to why acting like a 4chan dipshit causes people to not like them.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago

And note:

I wracked up a $175,000 award against another party for a case that had:

2 meetings of legal (no barristers)

5 weeks prep

1 court appointment (2 barristers)

And was about someone claiming damages over falling over in snow, on a ramp. (e.g. physical evidence).

They lost: $170k of that went against the other Law firm.

Now look over this case and start imagining the costs.

This case had significantly more wrangling and fees attached.

So, please. Go look up Idi Amin. You know, since you’re on a site that shows the worst of humanity, you might want a yard-stick.

You need to get some allies who know their stuff, otherwise you’re going to get eaten by a Gru.

Fifth Sibylline
Fifth Sibylline
9 years ago



I’m trying to widen your horizons into the world where these things matter.

Now, I’m happy to be called a “douchenozzle” (despite being female and that’s like weird: only Male driven advertising pushes for “douching” the vagina, it’s horribly sexist and out-dated Religious nonsense that actually damages the PH there and “nozzle” is overtly penetrative and if I don’t say so, Anime + Tentacles)

But I’m not going to insult you back.


Cause we’re adults.


Cool beans on the pronouns. Why not Ze?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I can’t even figure out why David let that Trumpishly-egocentric wanking walking teal deer through moderation. Upwards of five thousand words, not one of which is worth reading.

gb2/pol/, plz.

9 years ago

Does anyone besides me smell a sealion here?

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