a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism entitled babies grandiosity gynocracy incoherent rage irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Misogynist shocked that people think he has anything in common with other misogynist

MRAs are shocked, shocked that anyone might think they have anythhg in common with Roosh
MRAs are stunned that anyone might think they have anything in common with Roosh

Yesterday, I wrote about former A Voice for Men Number Two Boy Dean Esmay’s weird and hyperbolic AVFM post attacking Roosh Valizadeh, the scummy pickup artist that a previous AVFM post had described as a “deep thinker” and “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men.”

Today I’d like to bring to your attention another, even weirder attack on Roosh that ran in AVFM alongside Esmay’s post. In “Roosh Rage,” longtime AVFM commenter Bryan Scandrett angrily denounced what he described variously as the “The Greatest Rape Hoax Ever,” “The MSM Global Rape Hoax,” and “the Great MSM Rape Hoax.”

By this he apparently means the tendency of media outlets to refer to Roosh as a Men’s Rights Activist, thus conflating the pure and innocent Men’s Rights movement with the terrible rape apologist Roosh, even though he’s not technically an MRA. (And it’s true, he’s not officially an MRA; he just shares so many of the beliefs of MRAs that last year AVFM was praising him as a deep thinker and decent dude.)

Like Esmay and presumably most other AVFMers, Scandrett assumes that journalists were wrongly calling Roosh an MRA on purpose, as part of some nefarious plot, and not because to most people outside the manosphere MRAs and PUAs look like conjoined twins.

“The MSM Global Rape Hoax was never about Roosh or PUAs or even the legalizing of rape allegation,” Scandrett asserts.

That was simply the excuse to call for proxy violence against men. While PUAs did receive some Discussion within the articles, without exception to my reading, not once did they miss calling him an MRA. Their real target. …

It is simply an attack on men, to silence their voices, to vilify and demonize Men’s Human Rights Activists with a false allegation of rape advocates.

As you can see, Scandrett is not what you’d call a particularly lucid writer.

And his post only gets weirder, with Scandrett declaring that this “call for torches and pitchforks” was really

about reasserting Mummies’ procreative abilities as the central and only thing of critical importance in our global human culture. The woman on the pedestal is a mother. The issue of her uterus is what gives her absolute protection and absolution from all crimes, her carte blanche. She has parlayed this privileged position over the centuries into power and speshul snowflake privileges. You are all attached, at a primal level, to your mothers, with few exceptions. A primary attachment. Even those who didn’t for various reasons, likely pined for her warm stereotypical comforts.

Null gravida women assume the same authority by virtue of being potential mothers. Sugar and spice becomes ‘I have the pussy, I make the rules.’

You want the sugar, you bend the knee.

Well ok then.

Scandrett continues onward with his peculiar and generally incomprehensible argument, declaring that “Feminism is a false allegation” and attacking Roosh himself for “help[ing] to tar us all with the false allegation of rapist at a global level of perception.”

Scandrett has managed to convince himself that none of Roosh’s critics are really bothered by Roosh and his toxic views; they just want an excuse to beat up on the real enemy, MRAs.

The gynarchy couldn’t give a flying toss about PUA’s. Or even any actual attempt to legalize rape should a single human in the history of humanity be stupid enough to try it. The more the boys get between the girls legs, the more babies get born and child support gets paid, the more future economic growth and taxpayers we can expect and the more money gets released to the US states.

Drunk or sober, they couldn’t give a rats. So long as the livestock keeps breeding, the Great Human Ant Colony will thrive.

Nonetheless, he warns, “[t]he lying sexist feminist pigs,” will use Roosh’s “‘thought experiment’ … as a club for as long as they draw breath.”

Scandrett leaves us with a few other bon mots as he staggers unsteadily to his conclusion, my favorite being this “sentence” here:

The selfish paradigm that boys getting their end away as central and paramount is idiotic in the face of the ocean of male suffering we confront daily.

Scandrett concludes by informing us that “Roosh Rage is better out than in,” whatever that means.

Meanwhile, Roosh has decided to troll MRAs by declaring himself one of them.

I think I have a gif for this.



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9 years ago

If they think like they write, they must be in a state of perpetual confusion.

9 years ago

A commonalty among hate-based movements is lots of fighting and hate towards other movements with very similar or the same philosophies.

A fact that, you know, RP-ers and PUAs ignore.

9 years ago

Lalalala nothing to see here, I sure didn’t post something without reading all the way to the end of the article, twiddle dee dee I would never embarrass myself like that on the internet, tralalalalala.

9 years ago

To piss them off I’m going to start calling myself an MRA.

if the shoe fits, wear it

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“The MSM Global Rape Hoax was never about Roosh or PUAs or even the legalizing of rape allegation,” Scandrett asserts.

This borderline-literate pissweasel is so obsessed with FALSE RAPE ALLEGATIONS IN MY SOUP!!!1 that his muscle memory took over and he didn’t even notice. That’s hilarious.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Good catch, M.

9 years ago

It is simply an attack on men, to silence their voices,

A lot of those voices (against Roosh) in the MSM, were themselves the words of other men, hardly what I’d call the silencing of men.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Jamesworkshop | February 10, 2016 at 6:44 pm

It is simply an attack on men, to silence their voices,

A lot of those voices (against Roosh) in the MSM, were themselves the words of other men, hardly what I’d call the silencing of men.

Ah, but that’s not what they mean! They mean real men, like the men who think and act the way they want them to.

Otherwise, they’re just beta mangina cucks.

9 years ago

Wow, Bryan Scandrett, sorry about your Mom Issues.

Here’s a news flash for you. You assert the following:

The gynarchy couldn’t give a flying toss about PUA’s. Or even any actual attempt to legalize rape should a single human in the history of humanity be stupid enough to try it. The more the boys get between the girls legs, the more babies get born and child support gets paid, the more future economic growth and taxpayers we can expect and the more money gets released to the US states.

Drunk or sober, they couldn’t give a rats. So long as the livestock keeps breeding, the Great Human Ant Colony will thrive.

This is demonstrably false. Since the dawn of time, women have used birth control. Some ancient methods, of course, were more successful than others. Women do this because they know that if they have lots of babies, they won’t be able to take adequate care of the babies they already have.

You may have heard of Planned Parenthood? You know, the organization that was viciously attacked by some of your fellow right wingers? Yes, Carly Fiorina (a woman with no biological children of her own, so it’s possible that she’s never known the terror of an unwanted pregnancy in a personal way) was involved in that attack. But she is an exception. Most women do want to have birth control available to them. And if all else fails, they want the option of abortion to be available.

That said, it’s also true that some men, including you, are all about birth control and abortions, as long as they, the men, get to make those reproductive choices.

But really, Bryan Scandrett, the choice should not be up to a man, because it is the woman’s own body that is at stake.

I’m happy to tell you that I have a very simple and easy solution for your problem with women and babies, blah, blah, blah.

Don’t have sex.

What’s that you say? Not possible?

Use your hand.

Bryan Scandrett, when it comes to your Mommy Troubles, you really ought to reexamine your thinking. While you’re at it, reexamine all your toxic, entitled thinking: you are the very picture of what you call a speshul snowflake.

9 years ago

Hope those tissues are man-size 😀

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Oh, yes, Bryan. You’re absolutely right. The only reason women are speaking out against Roosh is because they want to hurt the MRA movement. It has nothing to do with women thinking Roosh is a disgusting wanksplat who believes his right to get laid is more important than a woman’s right to say no.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Roosh said something funny?! Maybe there’s hope for humanity after all.

9 years ago

It’s like a dirty diaper came to life and wrote a piece about how people being disgusted by dog feces was actually an attack on all feces. And I’m like, “You’re both piles of feces.”

9 years ago

I thought feminists were out to ruin sex forever by being man-hating lesbians, or making boners sad by being fat/short haired/tattooed/hairy/bespectacled or by calling all sex rape so men can’t get laid without getting jailed for rape.

Now I find out that feminism is about compulsory reproduction and sex.

Which is why we support access to abortion and birth control!

Wait. What?

9 years ago

Hey guys and girls! Let’s subscribe to Darwin’s theory of Evolution. According to that, Roosh should have no look in. We can eradicate his genes without lowering to his level. Just avoid him like the plague. Well that’s what I’m doing and will warn my friends! (I kinda tend to pass for younger then the 25 I am. It’s the innocent face.) And as you know an innocent face hides a multiple of sins lol 😛

9 years ago

Move over Woody, this guy is the ultimate AVfM superfan.

The day I found AVfM just over 4 years ago, my jaw hit the floor.

A Voice for Men.

A flash of genius if ever I saw one, instantly relating to my own lack of a voice in the face of a lifetime of lived experience of the self-serving feminist narrative control through tone policing, false allegations, shame and proxy violence. From that moment forward I was only interested in the MHRM and MGTOW.

AVfM is truly a veritable oasis in a world run by our feminist overlords.

[Roosh] fails to understand Paul isn’t THE leader of the MHRM but a part of a group of people, some of whom have been investing skin into the game longer than he has. While he’s inarguably a central figure within that group, he operates with the co-operation and support of some very influential and intelligent people.

His high visibility is down to the effectiveness of the tactics and strategies developed within that group and his role as hands on management at AVfM, a highly prominent position. Not to mention his inimitable style.

“Inimitable style” indeed.

He drops this list of intellectual giants and human right heroes to strengthen his point.

To imagine [Roosh] can hold your own with the likes of Pizzey, Golden, Farrell, Elam, Straughan and Tieman to drop just a few names, is conceit beyond credibility.

9 years ago

Another contradiction out of many in the RP movement: women supposedly have had the “ultimate” power since the dawn of time, but were the most often oppressed and were little more than slaves throughout history, and it’s still happening today. Yet, All Women Are Inferior and will forever be?

We definitely need to expose this galaxy-tearing contradiction far more often than we do.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago


If they think like they write, they must be in a state of perpetual confusion.

Oh, they do. They are.

Clarity of thought correlates pretty closely with clarity in writing.

9 years ago

My goodness, so much logic, very enlightenment.

…Why exactly shouldn’t I get to make the rules for what I do (or don’t do) with my vagina, ovaries, vulva, and breasts? They are mine, after all. I don’t go around telling men what to do with their dicks – well other than keeping it to themselves (or not).

And something tells me that nobody is beating down Scandrett’s door because they want to procreate with him/accuse him of false, false rape accusations.

9 years ago

So these are the guys that are so much smarter than women? Wow. I may have a smaller brain than the magnificent man brain, but at least I can write a coherent sentence!

And if they’re so smart, how come they haven’t figured out that all these rapidly proliferating acronym misogynistic on line groups are just a feminist plot to get them all arguing with each other and distract their attention while we take over the world? We cleverly set up those sites to bait our traps. Once we get them all in our trap, we’ll make our move!

9 years ago

Wait. If humanity is nothing but an Ant Farm, does that mean that feminists are actually our reptilian alien overlords? Is Katie from Mars (or should that be Venus)?

9 years ago

Crap I missed a part…I still have my uterus too, so add that to my list of parts that are mine and mine to do what I wish with. 😛

And Katie is from wherever there’s a breathable atmosphere with fresh liquid water. 🙂 Bottled is ok too (water not air).

9 years ago

@ iknklast

Recently, someone tried to argue with me that men are inherently smarter than women because the former has 15% more neurons than the women. I countered by saying that it largely depends how the brain is “wired” and how effectively one segment can “communicate” with the other. Apparently, he missed the whole lesson in biology on bigger brains and/or more neurons =/= “smarter”.

Ever notice that the ones who boast the loudest on how “scientific” they are usually don’t have a clue what they’re talking about?

9 years ago

Oh my. What a bowl of word soup. Honestly, I could eat Alpha-Bits and shit a better argument than this…

proxy violence against men

WTF even is that? Please to explicate, or STFU.

It is simply an attack on men, to silence their voices, to vilify and demonize Men’s Human Rights Activists with a false allegation of rape advocates.

O RLY? This is awfully rich coming from the same site that only last year was praising Roosh, and which brought us “Bash A Violent Bitch Month”, which was also not satire. MRAs want to beat up women and get away with it; PUAs want to rape women and get away with it. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, same shit, different assholes. Who’s violently silencing whom, again?

The woman on the pedestal is a mother. The issue of her uterus is what gives her absolute protection and absolution from all crimes, her carte blanche. She has parlayed this privileged position over the centuries into power and speshul snowflake privileges. You are all attached, at a primal level, to your mothers, with few exceptions. A primary attachment. Even those who didn’t for various reasons, likely pined for her warm stereotypical comforts.

Null gravida women assume the same authority by virtue of being potential mothers. Sugar and spice becomes ‘I have the pussy, I make the rules.’

You want the sugar, you bend the knee.

Oh my, SOMEBODY’s got mommy issues.

And dude, FYI: Some of us “null gravida women” don’t WANT to be mommies, EVER. And yes, we DO want a say as to who gets to do what with our bodies. After all, they’re ours, not yours. So yeah: my bits, my rules. Like it or lump it, but it’s NOT a “war on men”. Female body autonomy has nothing to do with you at all.

The gynarchy couldn’t give a flying toss about PUA’s.

WTF is this “gynarchy” you speak of, and where the hell do I find it? Because all I see is women who aren’t ruling the world, but struggling to muddle along in it as best they can.

And yeah, we don’t care for PUAs (no apostrophe) — because they’re assholes. They don’t get a thing from us, any more than YOU do. Why? Because you’re all assholes!

Drunk or sober, they couldn’t give a rats. So long as the livestock keeps breeding, the Great Human Ant Colony will thrive.

And that’s why you’re still single, Scandrett. Maybe if you’d stop referring to women as “livestock” and “ants”, and start thinking of us as people, you might start getting past your mommy issues and arriving at a constructive approach to those human beings you have so much trouble understanding and relating to.

Until you do, though, you can go on weeping one-eyed tears into an old sweatsock for all I care.

9 years ago

“Scandrett concludes by informing us that “Roosh Rage is better out than in,” whatever that means.”

I suspect that’s a reference to the LBJ quote, “It’s probably better to have the son-of-a-bitch inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.”

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