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Hey black ladies! Catapult yourselves out of poverty by snagging a white nerdboy

Interests include: Star Trek
Interests include: Star Trek

Are you saddened by the racial divisions in the United States?

One Red Pill Redditor who calls himself Cosmicicarus has come up with a bold new plan that he claims could put a dent in urban poverty — and also help nerdy white dudes get some attention paid to their long-suffering you-know-whats.

His proposal: Low-income black women should eschew ebonics, cultivate a demure femininity, and start hanging out in comic book stores in order to catch the eye of lonely white nerdboys who are sick and tired of stuck-up white gals and their icky feminism.

Cosmicicarus — who describes himself as a “black guy” who got to know a lot of white dudes in college — sees his plan as so logical and sensible he’s kind of amazed that black women haven’t already figured it out on their own.

On one side of the racial divide, he writes,

there seems to be a growing minority of [white] guys who are either lonely or are fed up with what they see as a growing anti-male feminist culture hostile to them.

And on the other side, there are black women stuck working at dead-end jobs in the ghetto, seemingly destined to live out the rest of their lives in poverty.

“[I]t seems to me,”  Cosmicicarus notes,

that from a low income/poor young black girls perspective the best choice she could possibly make to move up to middle class status is to make herself desirable to and to actively pursue young white men straight out of college as they are preparing their careers and older divorced white men fed up with feminism.

And what an opportunity these gals have in front of them! All they have to do to take advantage of it is to completely make themselves over into every white nerdboy’s fantasy.

[W]hite guys that go on to be successful can be pretty nerdy (star trek, star wars, xbox fanboys, comic books, dungeons and dragons, cosplay, card games etc) A lot of women can see some of those things as loserish so many of these guys end up complaining that white women don’t show them any love. Seems like this is a great opportunity for black women to do for those guys what the white women won’t. 

That’s right, ladies: you’re going to need to develop an interest in Star Wars and World of Warcraft. Or at least learn how to pretend that you’re interested.

Rather than wait for men to make the move as has been the historical norm low-income black women should actively hit on and ask out these sorts of guys out on dates. Go to where they hang out in college or go to comic book stores, gamestop etc… Those places can be like a buffet of single white guys.

But don’t be too forward, black ladies! Remember that these fellas want feminine women, not feminists!

BW should work on … developing the type of feminine qualities that these guys are looking for. The cute soft voiced girl who plays World of Warcraft type of thing.

And don’t scare off these sensitive young men by dressing like sluts! Think “sexy (but not too sexy) librarian.”

I think those girls should also dress in ways that hide their assets to encourage those mens imaginations. Instead of tight jeans I would think a librarian look might be more effective. 

And for goodness sake, gals, try not to come across as irretrievably ghetto.

Issues that could make this unworkable would be if they spoke ebonics/ghetto as many people look down on this. Doing drugs and other illegal activities would be a big no-no. Having children already would also put a lot of guys off and finally being slutty or being with a lot of guys would probably scare off these types of guys.Thinking they might have to fight off angry black guys might also be an issue.

So it seems like black women have some work to do if they want to catch the nerdy white dudes of their dreams (or at least of Cosmicicarus’ dreams). What do the nerdy white dudes have to do to make themselves similarly attractive to black women?

Apparently nothing. They just have to remain white and nerdy with decent career prospects.

Cosmicicarus admits there may be some issues that could render his plan “unworkable.” For example, some black women might not want to completely change their identities in order to appeal to WoW-playing nerds. And some white dudes might be too darn racist to want to have anything to do with black women, even the WoW-playing sexy librarian types.

If the reaction of other Red Pill Redditors is any indication, this last issue may well prove insurmountable. Red Pill types love talking shit about white women and their allegedly snooty ways, but they hate black women even more.

“Have you actually met a low income black woman?” one Red Pill Redditor wrote.

The majority are rowdy, obnoxious and classless. So bad that the majority of middle class black men won’t even date them, let alone a man of a different race.

“Black women need to work on themselves before attempting to seduce anyone,” wrote another Red Piller.

Unfortunately the strong independent women who don’t need no man rhetoric has been internalized by many females in the black community. Especially due to the large obnoxious black woman trope that Hollywood and the media force feed everyone.

Yet another Red Piller was even more blunt, declaring simply that “we don’t want em.”

Any hopes that Cosmicicarus had of becoming a sort of Martin Luther King of opportunistic interracial dating seem to have been dashed.


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9 years ago

Over at Dooshy’s they’ve got another post up, with ‘testimony’ [COUGH!!!] of a (now dead, I presume) girl. Funniest comment so far:

Conrad Stonebanks (aka ‘rocksferbrains’, I imagine):

Many of those women let their dogs sleep in bed with them. What do you think is going to happen?

Listen cons, if women did the business with dogs, you’d get a fair share, you know?


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

This plan manages to combine several things that give alt-right manosphere nerds cold sweats:

1. Women invading “their” gaming and geek spaces
3. Mixed-race babies!*
4. Fake geeks!
5. Future divorce rape!

…in addition to being a domestic version of third world sex tourism, repackaged for Great White Savior dudes who aren’t willing (or able) to travel, hastily covered with a transparent fig leaf of poverty eradication. He’s just trying to make life better for poor black women, you guise!

*Apparently, only white women have the sacred duty to be vessels for the continuation of the race.

9 years ago

Re-reading the post, I am not sure “racist” is the good term to describe how they think about white boy, but the piece is exactly as full of cliche, stereotype, and hasty judgement about “nerdy white boy” than about black women.

9 years ago

For some reason, after 11 years, I thought we were over making ‘WoW playing nerd’ jokes.

I mean those guys totally still exist, and boy are they ever disgusting when they find out you’re a woman that plays WoW, but it’s just a little… rude, because there are millions of people that play WoW and most of them in my experience are great people.

If you know what places/guilds to avoid, it’s entirely possible to forget that gross MRA nerd stereotypes even still play WoW. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a little disappointing to see nerd bashing on a site like this.

Taking a step to the side, is a soft spoken WoW playing girl some sort of ASMR thing? Like you want to get into a raid and hear some girl speaking softly and occasionally giggling so you can zen out and/or masturbate?

Do these guys want someone soft and pretty and nerdy or an “HB”?

It’s almost as if they all have their own preferences but assume that everyone else has the same preferences they do! *cough*

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

The comments on the ‘Cracked’ Roosh article are now in full swing.

For people worried that the MRA crowd are now going to focus exclusively on relationship advice for black women, no need to panic, they’re still full of gems for blokes…

Never, EVER take advice from a woman about how to treat a woman.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Because being a redpillian means hating men too.

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
9 years ago

I’m reading this and all I hear in my head is Baldrick from Black Adder saying “I have a cunning plan” ….Alas I lack the wit of Edmund Blakadder to give a proper reply.

All these – one hesitates to use the word idea here – things all put out by PUAS and the rest postulate a population of women in desperate circumstances and then tires to figure out how to take advantage of that, it’s beyond creepy.

9 years ago

The original post is what you get when you consider sex, romance and relationships to be a branch of economic theory. Racial issues, class issues, gender issues – all erased by the Grand Supply and Demand Curve. Virtue is determined solely by having power and control, and vice by its lack.

The powerless and disenfranchised need to provide a better product to the mighty, you see. That’ll give the rich a reason to care.

It’s not the rich man’s fault, it’s not the white to blame,
it’s no gendered entitlement that’s directing this game.
You need a better product, you need a better pitch,
you need to sell your soul a bit; invest it with the rich.
They know the worth of money, they know know the weight of gold,
they know how much a heart will get before it gets too cold.
It’s not the wealthy white man’s fault he does so very well,
He knows the value of the soul’s a dollar’s worth in hell.
So give your heart up to him, give him your heart and mind,
He’ll earn a sulpher’d dollar and you’ll get back point four nine.

9 years ago

One never stops being baffled ate the stupidity of supremacists: doesn’t bode too well for their uber-race/uber-gender/uber-whatever, really…

What’s the ‘cracked’ Roosh article?

9 years ago

Why do nerds whine about being low status and perpetual virgins, but still find time to convince themselves that women are all lining up to get dates with them by any means necessary.

Kind of reminded me of Rich nerds that call women gold-diggers, but can’t explain why they are single, despite having some of the highest household incomes in their respective countries.

9 years ago

TRP seems an odd choice of location, are these women that the poster identifies, likely to be picking up dating advice in such a place?

9 years ago

Cracked ran a piece about what people didn’t understood about Roosh.

I did not read it to the end, because it felt boring and annoying.

Thiazin red
Thiazin red
9 years ago

@ Falconer

I’m guessing these probably do want a fake geek. They want a girl who will watch them play games fro hours, not one who also plays and could potentially whip them. Nothing makes one of these guys throw a controller tossing shit fit faster than losing to a girl/woman.

Or they want someone who will listen to them go on endlessly about their favorite comics/games/movies, not one who will offer her own thoughts on them

Its like when those type of guys say they want a woman with a sense of humor. What they mean is a woman who finds them funny, a woman who IS funny will scare them off. Or they say they want an interesting woman, meaning a woman who finds (or will pretend to find) their endless monologues interesting not one who has her own interesting stories.

9 years ago

I’m guessing these probably do want a fake geek. …

Its like when those type of guys say they want a woman with a sense of humor. What they mean is a woman who finds them funny, a woman who IS funny will scare them off. Or they say they want an interesting woman, meaning a woman who finds (or will pretend to find) their endless monologues interesting not one who has her own interesting stories.

@Thiazin red

((Rereading your answer after writing this, i don’t think we disagree, i’m just saying the same thing differently. I think!))

I don’t think they even want a fake geek, I don’t think they’ve thought it through even to that shallow level. They just have fantasies about themselves, and anyone else in those fantasies is incidental.

They want a hollow girl who will conform to the shapes of their fantasies, whatever it might be at the moment. The whole anime waifu thing (in my opinion) is just about picking the shape of the skin and the way it moves around.

It’s super creepy.

9 years ago

I’m usually wary when I see pics of that particular Star Trek scene, because I’ve seen it taken out of context so many times, but after reading the article I think it suits here.

A third party is making a black woman and a white man kiss against their will. It’s almost too appropriate.

9 years ago

Unrelated to the OP but related to the ebonics conversation – at a recent conference I was speaking at last fall, one of the other speakers was presenting about the use of English around the world, and ways to improve global communication and the confidence of ESL speakers. He said something which really struck a chord with me.

He wanted to introduce the question “How do you English?” into common parlance, along with the assumption that, as long as you’re able to communicate your ideas, you were a good English speaker, regardless of grammar or vocabulary. He especially emphasized this in an educational setting, saying that teachers should not penalize poor grammar if the course isn’t a grammar course and the ideas are being transmitted. This applies everywhere, though – job interviews, workplaces, everywhere.

The take-home was that we need to be tolerant of different ways of speaking English, and that the ways ESL speakers use the language is just as good as a native speaker. English is becoming the lingua franca (ehee) of the world, and native speakers need to have more acceptance towards english that sounds ‘wrong’ to them.

It was a fascinating talk, and sort of emphasized how important tolerance and a willingness to meet people in the middle can be. The talk on ebonics and similar things made me think of it. Thank you for recalling it for me!

9 years ago

Haha yes it took me years to understand that men who say they like intelligent women are actually saying they like women who think they (the men) are intelligent.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scildfreja

Related to your point above. The American Bar Exams have multiple choice questions and “essay” questions. What surprised me though was that they weren’t expecting what we might call an essay. You didn’t have to answer using correct grammar, or even full sentences. The examiners were quite happy (in fact they preferred) if you just answered in bullet points. It was the information they wanted to check that you knew, not your way of presenting it.

9 years ago

What do the nerdy white dudes have to do to make themselves similarly attractive to black women?

Apparently nothing. They just have to remain white and nerdy with decent career prospects.

Maybe he’ll do a Part II with suggestions for white dudes.

I mean, it would be cruel to ask them to invest a lot of time and energy to make themselves more attractive. What if it didn’t work and all that time and energy had been wasted?

But there ought to be a few low-effort things they could try. I think most of the larger nerd-oriented conventions have panels like “women writers” or “writers of color” that people are allowed to sit in on. They could probably make some friends at those panels, and then try to leverage their new social networks to get into romantic relationships.

Obviously there are some pitfalls, but a well-written Part II could explain what they are. (“Don’t interrupt the speaker every five minutes, especially if you’re just going to say, ‘[White male author] did that first/better.'”)

9 years ago

@Alan, that’s neat! That’s the way it should be – honestly if you’re taking the bar, I think it’s a fine assumption to say that you’ve proven your ability to write a coherent sentence at that point, and what matters is the information. The tragedy is when very smart people who are struggling with English are shut out from good jobs and good social standing because they’re assumed to be stupid, because they can’t get the languages’ stupid rules. We lose so much opportunity in that, from a societal perspective, and individuals on both sides lose out, too.

It all boils down to compassion. Wish it weren’t so hard to come by.


Someone should write Part 2 for them and post it as a comment over there. I’m sure it’d go over swimmingly :3

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scildfreja

you’ve proven your ability to write a coherent sentence

Ha, my last sentence in that posts demonstrates the irony of your comment. 🙂

9 years ago

It’s somewhat remarkable how consistently RP/PUA advice tends to boil down to placing people into broad categorical groups, and then thinking of a simple set of steps for Group A to interact with Group B such that they get Result C.

All you really need to do is introduce the fact that people are in fact individual people and you can’t rely on some weird statistical model to interact with them, and pretty much everything they say falls apart.

9 years ago

As a poor black lady who is dating a white nerd, fuck this guy. Just…what?

See, and this might surprise the poor fool, I’m a nerd, too. It’s what keeps us interested in each other. Dare I say, it’s what attracted us to each other in the first place. Fuck, we don’t even share most of the same fandoms, and we still like each other, and trust me, it wasn’t for the money in his wallet (way to stereotype us as gold diggers, btw and fuck you).

Or maybe this fuckstick doesn’t realize that who “liking each other” thing is possible between BW/WM relationships.

Or that black girl nerds exist…

9 years ago

“Cosmicicarus — who describes himself as a ‘black guy’ because he is writing anonymously on the intertubes, and hopes his idea will carry more weight if no one realizes he is just some white guy who hasn’t met many people of color — sees his plan as so logical and sensible he’s kind of amazed that black women haven’t already figured it out on their own.”

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
9 years ago

There are plenty of people of color who like video games and comic books, problem is that most of these white nerds treat them like crap. Then there’s the fact there’s these strange “rules” where we can’t say anything bad about specific things. For instance, we can’t say that Batman sucks, because that pisses people off. We can’t say that Undertale was a better game than Fallout 4, because all of the sudden, Undertale isn’t a “legit game” anymore.

I don’t really identify as a “nerd” or “gamer” anymore because I’ve “failed” at being a nerd so many times. People who’ve never been exposed to a lot of this stuff will be humiliated and mocked like crazy.

As for WoW though, it still attracts a lot of nasty people because Blizzard themselves is nothing more than Frat House itself (look up reviews on Glassdoor and you’ll find out just how bad it is). If it weren’t for the artwork and music Blizzard has done for their games, people would probably forget they exist… At least that’s one of the things that keep me playing WoW and other Blizzard titles; generally better artwork and music than most other games of the genre.