On the Twitter, some of Donald Trump’s most unsavory supporters are celebrating his big win in New Hampshire by flooding Twitter with bad photoshops, racist cartoons, creepy fan art, anime memes, and more than a few Trump-themed Pepes.
I found a lot of these by looking at the #FashTheNation hashtag; it’s the name of an alt-right YouTube show. The “fash” part of the title refers to “fascism,” not “fashion.” I left out some of the more extravagantly racist memes I ran across.
#FashTheNation BREAKING NEWS: Trump wins NH. Anime girls materialize from nothing and immediately endorse Trump. pic.twitter.com/1NMDhBjiay
— Nuanced takes (@surgeonffs) February 10, 2016
Thank you. It’s a case of “smelling my own” in terms of someone just trying to be authoritarian and domineering in a community sense. People with Tourette’s Syndrome have to spend a lifetime controlling the same instincts that these assholes just give into without resistance. TS is in many ways like an overdose of social emotions including the ones having to do with social dominance and conflict. Children with TS have problems with boundary issues and that urge that some of us have to use insults is there for a reason. I’ve been struggling to find socially useful ways of expressing it and one is way is kind of like dropping “cheat codes” for how it works.
I spent the last six years teaching myself as much brain science as I can so that I can understand what TS is. As you go back in time it becomes demon possession. It’s been very very useful in a general human sense as well as in understanding my advantages, disadvantages and excesses that can become flaws if not properly managed. It ironically gives me some privilege online.
You bring up something very significant that I have noted in the past when it comes to these sorts of people. Anon posting comes with it’s own psychology and one area where they are weak is in awareness and concern for reputation. In many ways when it comes to how the brain makes the mind you are what you do.
These people often wreck their own reputations by acting without limits and one of the few ways they can deal is by staying in places where they don’t have to worry about it. Without personal identity they lack an important kind of psychological anchor that drives human improvement. On top of that they overuse group psychology so they are often very weak outside of group actions driven by a smaller number of more powerful authoritarian personalities, so they are naturally gravitating towards these xenophobic bigoted mob actions and people like Trump.
@Scildfreja, Pandapool:
After Vegeta gets punched into a mountain:
Are you okay?
(sarcastically) Oh, sure, it’s all gumdrops and ice cream in here.
Cool! Can I see?
… I am surrounded by idiots.
I thought you were surrounded by gumdrops and ice cream.
*scream of incoherent rage*
@Shitlord the Well-Named,
Well, in my case, because I live here. Also because cucking isn’t actually a thing outside of fetishes, and if Canada is in fact more friendly towards people exploring their less normative tastes, that’s not a bad thing.
Not weird; distasteful. There’s a difference.
Because if you look at enough cat gifs, you turn into a cat. Run while you still can.
It can happen to you too!
and your little shoes, too!
Ooh, I missed this one while it was in the holding pen.
Do people there seriously can’t understand English grammars? They are very direct to point.
Those memes are very direct to point but also very stupid. We are seriously can’t believe its motivations. So we are dissecting them and making fun of them!
Canada is the most friendly of cucks in the whole of Americas, huh? Perhaps it is because all of Canada is friendly of all persons! Come, have a maple syrup.
Hey, an actual sentence without any glaring language issues! Congratulations, gold star.
We don’t like the execution of rivals or depiction of same because we don’t live in the 14th century, and don’t take joy in death or bloodshed.
We are pussies because pussies are incredibly tough, resilient, and life-giving.
Why are you such balls?
Somewhat OT: I’m really disappointed that Elizabeth Warren didn’t run because at this point it’s obvious that literally everyone would have voted for her.
I agree. Sadly, 8 years from now she’ll be the same age Bernie is right now (i.e. very old). She should’ve run this time.
I do think a Sanders/Warren ticket could be interesting, but maybe a white VP wouldn’t be a great idea at this point.
It’s weird to hate Canada because how could you hate a country that gave us Degrassi and You Can’t Do That on Television?
Also, Patrick Chan is a really great figure skater.
It’s true, Canada did send Justin Bieber to us but isn’t Margaret Atwood Canadian? She makes up for that fuckery.
These people often wreck their own reputations by acting without limits and one of the few ways they can deal is by staying in places where they don’t have to worry about it. Without personal identity they lack an important kind of psychological anchor that drives human improvement. On top of that they overuse group psychology so they are often very weak outside of group actions driven by a smaller number of more powerful authoritarian personalities, so they are naturally gravitating towards these xenophobic bigoted mob actions and people like Trump.
Since I also have a similar nose, just to expand that point a little.
Be very careful of mass generalizations and categorization: quite often their dialogue really is not as straight forward as they pretend.
Quite a lot of the (old) /pol/ stuff and now 4/8chan divide (new terms: normies / Robots / Kuk) was always about explicitly breaking taboos to both self-select for a certain kind of mental schema and to prevent translation. (Private Language). It’s also a case that many on the boards were paid to do so (by various people) – think of it as a type IV bioweapons lab, but using memes (if you think that the people who run ‘Troll Farms’ and ’50c brigades’ and even the ’15 Psychological Operations Group’ aren’t at the very least training there, you’re being somewhat naive).
So – next time you spot a big flame out, it might be doing something entirely different than merely ‘lack of self-control’.
If you’ve the nose for it, I’d suggest thinking about their use of Egyptian Gods in their response thread, and then look up what the text I quoted is about. Hint: the destruction of Memphis / Egypt (at least in part).
I was, bluntly, saying something a little bit more direct than you’d expect at first.
I realize that the tone of this blog is light-hearted, and the actors in question have a solid history in raiding / DDoS etc, so unless there’s interest I won’t theorize more deeply.
Will be interested to see if this is published though (@ webmaster – if nothing else, add it to the research pile).
It’s funny how /pol/ morons think anyone would be interested in having a discussion with them, or asking them questions about their opinions.
It’s true! We also gave you insulin, basketball, baggage tags, instant mashed potatoes, and William Shatner.
The situation turns out to be somewhat more complicated, but the oil rig group is absolutely a terrorist organization, albeit one with some legitimate grievances but also specific opposition to lifesaving medical operations.
At the start, the situation is that a young woman from a wealthy family disappeared maybe a decade ago, and then exactly the same woman was spotted on the oil rig; assumed to be because she’s a full-conversion cyborg and not there voluntarily. A small group is sent in to infiltrate the oil rig and rescue her; they disappear. At that point the protagonists are called in to storm the oil rig, rescue the hostage, and ideally also the first rescue team. They do not intend to kill everyone but in pitched battles against dozens of people with assault rifles they do not have much choice; as the protagonists are cybernetic special forces veterans with tank support and their opponents are not it ends up pretty one-sided. It turns out that the hostage they came to rescue is not a full-conversion cyborg, only about as much of one as Togusa, and she had been subjected to unethical medical experiments and suffering premature aging; the woman spotted on the oil rig was her daughter, but by the time they learn this the fighting is pretty much over.
Also, the show and the protagonists do not necessarily approve of all the things the government in the show does. I think the person responsible for the experiments was one of the people jailed when they arrested the entire cabinet, a large chunk of the ruling party, high-ranking members of the Ministry of Health, and the leadership of at least one and I think several international medical conglomerates. I mean, that wasn’t mentioned specifically but they arrested seriously a lot of people.
Also John Kenneth Galbraith, who hopefully makes up for Ted Cruz. But don’t worry, we don’t want Cruz back. You can keep him (if you must).
No, because we’re not fluent in /pol/speak. Just like we have our own memes here that you wouldn’t understand without context, outside of /pol/, this shit makes no sense.
For instance, Shut up Woody, David is a business of ferrets in a David suit, and jokes about the Bonbon Mines.
Spend enough time on a board or comments section, and you’ll get context for inside jokes. It’s a thing.
What point? That /pol/ likes racists?
I didn’t know Canada had such a prosperous porn industry. Though, I suppose that up north when it gets super chilly and you’re snowed in, and you just happen to have a camera lying around…
Because most people don’t consider murder to be a good “conflict resolution tool”.
He knows.
scented fucking candles.
It’s more a case of “super predators” (and yes, this is currently a meme axing H. Clinton in the race – surprised much?) and so on.
The basic divide is one of Predator / Prey relations (it goes all the way up to G.S. etc) as a metaphor.
BSCJ is claiming to be one, and I’m something a little different, but the theme has already arrived.
They don’t respect anything but bared teeth, mind fucks and Korne / Slaanesh, part of the point of their “power” is that you can’t (or, more realistically, wouldn’t ever want to) engage on their level.
Our point is that they’re just barracuda, and Orcas eat Sharks for breakfast let alone them.
So – don’t. You don’t have to. Your existence is better not doing so, and just playing the card that you’ve better things to focus on.
Just realize that Orcas exist and they’re a lot better at it than the sharks. Hint: we’re flagging up their triggers all over the place right now. The more mindful ones will be considering just how far behind they are.
@Pool Kids
You didn’t invent this, we did. You’re just along for the ride.
Read the female prophesy yet?
It goes deeper, newfags. Expect to kneel.
I didn’t understand a goddamned word of that. Can I please get a translator in here?
That’s the point.
You don’t want a translator, because you’re (presumably) a well adjusted human being who is just eating popcorn looking at the Abyss through a telescope and wearing prophylactics.
Which is a good thing.
It’s more a translation for the other side.
Note: I’m happy to converse in your language and hang out and eat cookies and chat about life, but that’s not why I’m here at this specific point in time.
The real point is that all this “ALT-RIGHT” stuff is predicated on there never being a response that is also human (aka, not Stalin, Mao, blah blah Authoritarian genocide).
The take away is that there certainly is.
Bastet loves you by the way.
Er, missed a “Not” there. never being a response that is also not human i.e. That predators are always on their side or that you have to be the “darkest sith lord” to rule them or combat them or become a VP @ GS.
It’s simply a bad case of evolutionary bias and (this is the right, after all) thinking that’s about 30-50 years out of date.
And yes, all of this is highly metaphorical.
Look up Orcas, there’s a few different kinds 😉
Ah, that makes a bit more sense. Especially with the edit.
Are you referring to the Cat Goddess? Because if so, yay~
Are you referring to the Cat Goddess? Because if so, yay~
Yes, I am.
And careful, she has claws.
Wait till you see the next two reveals.
Oh. Site doesn’t do .gif
Is that shitlord still here?
Fuck off, Shitlord.
“They are very direct to point.”
And you are very bad Englisher.
Why you no English good, Shitlord? And why do you hate Canada? What have we ever done to you? Someone’s gotta be polite to all the poor “cucks”, after all, with you snot-nosed shitchan schoolyard bullies constantly picking on them…
Oh, I will say that Ghost In The Shell and other anime with police protagonists do provide a good bit of culture shock, though I get the feeling that at least some of it is in fact meant to feel somewhat off. They’re shockingly casual about some things treated as big issues in the US; Ghost In The Shell protagonists will offhandedly ask if the media blackout on (large-scale hostage situation in Tokyo) is still holding. When there’s some sort of major danger like a bomb, the police arrange to clear people out with some pretext and steadfastly do not mention the threat (I assume to avoid a stampede, which makes sense but would probably not be well-received in the US). There’s lots of mass survellience in the higher-tech ones, presented in a way that makes it feel like the audience is supposed to uncritically accept that having cameras everywhere, automated internet survellience, ultrasound patterns throughout the city to roughly locate the source of a phone call from the recording, or a master file of everyone’s brainwave patterns are all things the police should absolutely do when it becomes reasonably practical. I think some of that is supposed to get a “wait, WHAT?” reaction from the audience but other parts aren’t, and I’m not really sure which is which.