
Trump fans celebrate his N.H. victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe

We're going to be seeing a lot more of this, alas.
We’re going to be seeing a lot more of this, alas.

On the Twitter, some of Donald Trump’s most unsavory supporters are celebrating his big win in New Hampshire by flooding Twitter with bad photoshops, racist cartoons, creepy fan art, anime memes, and more than a few Trump-themed Pepes.

I found a lot of these by looking at the #FashTheNation hashtag; it’s the name of an alt-right YouTube show. The “fash” part of the title refers to “fascism,” not “fashion.” I left out some of the more extravagantly racist memes I ran across.


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9 years ago

@whateveryouwant metobebaby

And much like the Jew, we can never be named

Any time you hear about the “alt-right” in the media, it’s a coded reference to /pol/

That’s a quote from the /pol/ thread that many of the posters agreed with which is not even remotely true.

Here’s the thing, /pol/ only gets any real attention when it’s actively harassing people. If channers didn’t have a reputation for active harassment then people wouldn’t even know that pathetic little corner of the internet existed. That, sadly, is why you nitwits harass people. You’re mewing adolescent numskulls of no importance.

So shoo, go back to /pol/. Get back to mindlessly repeating catchphrases, pretending to be a neo-nazi and wrestling with ideas you don’t understand.

Unlucky Blackjack
Unlucky Blackjack
9 years ago

To beat us, you must become us.

Here are some other cool-sounding cliches you could use:

“We are legion, for we are many.”

“Those who didn’t grow up strong, didn’t grow up.”

“Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

Did you know that it is possible to fight monsters without actually becoming a monster? It’s harder, but I find it more rewarding when you win. You’ll notice that I said when you win, not if.

9 years ago

@whateveryouwant metobebaby

I missed your post above! Thank you for contributing.

You really think that /pol/ is some sort of crucible of free thought? Sweet child, you have no idea what such a thing even is. Your “place where anyone can speak their mind” is a breeding ground for tribalism, bias, and distorted perception, where truth is determined by whoever can tolerate the most abuse, not by what’s actually true.

Pretty sure that EJ said it best though!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

You are adamantly weak …

And you need to spend less time smelling Hitler’s 70-year-old farts on 4Chan and more time doing your damn English homework. You just called us “Strongly weak,” Einstein.

9 years ago

Strongly weak? Not a big surprise.

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9 years ago

To beat us, you must become us.

Will do!

There. I created an incomprehensible meme.

Victory is mine!!!!!!!!!!!

Tawny J
Tawny J
9 years ago

hahahahaha, those memes are so funny!

the alt-right is amazing.

9 years ago

Something which I just learned from a Trump supporter: Income redistribution is bigotry against successful people, which is the worst form of bigotry imaginable, therefore liberals are the real bigots. o_O

I mean, I’m sure that’s nothing new, but never before have I seen that attitude spelled out so directly.

9 years ago

Super PACs are literally two presidential elections old counting this one so there isn’t much established wisdom on them. Until then candidates all got money from popular appeal; the individual caps are pretty low and while there are various methods of getting more money to a given candidate (including the original PACs) there are still limits on those*. Since Bernie doesn’t have a Super PAC he’s under the old rules and if he’d gotten under ten percent on the vote in both races his campaign would be basically dead on financial grounds. And since both states are favorable ground for him taking a major loss in both would signify that he’s not winning.

What the results so far mean is he’s still in the race. Clinton is favored for overall winner but that is not a sure thing. Well, sort of- both parties have a lot of “superdelegates”, who are people selected by the party establishment to have a delegate vote. Most of these people have positive opinions of Hillary stretching back a decade or more and probably didn’t know Bernie’s name until last year. If Hillary decides to stick it out, Bernie would need a truly overwhelming margin in the popular vote to win. But Hillary is famed for her pragmatism, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she concedes to Bernie if he has even a moderate popular vote lead; a win on the basis of old party connections would seriously disillusion Bernie supporters and risk the general.

Honestly a Bernie-Hillary ticket would probably be very strong; Sanders is running on his goals and Hillary is running on her skills, and hearing “Hillary will be on hand to give Sanders advice” would definitely assuage my doubts about him. That’s actually pretty much what Obama-Biden went with; the passionate upstart to inspire and direct and the old Senate hand to provide experience.

On the Republican side, conventional wisdom holds that one of the people the establishment likes will win once the others drop out. But because of Super PACs the establishment’s power is fraying** and it’s not clear if that will happen this time. And none of the establishment candidates are doing particularly well. I’m really not willing to question Trump’s chances anymore; first I thought he’d be a four-week darling of the Tea Party before either antagonizing them somehow or having an “oops” moment, then I thought that he’d pushed his anti-Muslim rhetoric a bit too far for even the Republican party, and now here we are. Honestly we might really be looking at a brokered convention (AKA probably whichever of Bush/Rubio/Kasich humiliates themselves the least).

*For non-US or unfamiliar readers: Political Action Committees are a rather old feature of US elections. It’s been a long time since my Government class so I forget the details, but basically they get donations from individuals and donate to candidates and are subject to different donation limits rules. Individual donations are capped at like $2,000 or something; there is some form of cap on PACs such that you can’t donate infinity dollars to a candidate via PACs but I forget exactly how it is implemented. Super PACs were created by a 2010 Supreme Court case Citizens United vs. FEC. The ruling is summarized as “money is speech”, but basically the ruling was that the FEC can limit donations to a candidate, but buying ads about a candidate is protected under the first amendment and not subject to limits. A Super PAC buys ads to influence elections in favor of a candidate, has no cap on donations, and is exempt from some financial reporting requirements. Legally, a candidate’s campaign cannot actively coordinate with a Super PAC but there are some that are known to be specifically associated with a given candidate.

**The party committees have assorted ways of providing candidates they like with more funding and in the pre-Super PAC days this was a massive edge and they could force people to fall into line by threatening to cut them off. Now they can’t, and this is probably partially responsible for why no one wants to be Speaker Of The House.

9 years ago

Well, here’s tip for you, inb4 the hints of adolescent RWDS scare you to revolution: you are afraid of your own shadows. You are adamantly weak, and revel in your weakness, and this dear Lefties, is why you will never understand a place where anyone can speak their mind… because in that melee, you would be forced to be strong. The kind of strength that would change you from a revolutionary lefty spewing indiscriminate false humanism to a based conservative lover of true humanity.

To beat us, you must become us.
And in the meantime, you will not understand

It sounds like you’re recruiting for a cult or promoting a conspiracy theory.

9 years ago

Unrelated to anything, but I know we have a few ace/aro regulars, so: Did anybody else hear that Jughead from the Archie comics has come out as being canonically ace? Both awesome and makes ridiculous amounts of perfect sense for the character. (And it’s pissing off the #Gaters, which is always a nice bonus.)

Yeah! I’m not really interested in Archie comics, but that’s cool. I kind of want to read that issue just for that. xD

Dr. Pavel
Dr. Pavel
9 years ago

Archie comics are terrible examples of the white culture which has done nothing but leave the world in a burning pyre of imperialism and constant warfare. They’re no better than these frog-men and western otakus that you’re talking about, these pseudo-fascists who probably have never read anything because books are too heavy. No wonder they’re so misogynistic! I doubt they can even lift – and girls can probably lift better.

This is probably the heart of it. They are experiencing terrible cognitive dissonance, which leads us to believe they’re being post-ironic or whatever. No. They wish they were big guys – but for you it would be terrible to see their mask taken off and realize that they have no plan. They’re crashing their lives with no survivors.

9 years ago

am I wrong or is any one else getting a “hello fellow kids” vibe from Dr.Pavel?

9 years ago

I get the same feeling.

9 years ago


am I wrong or is any one else getting a “hello fellow kids” vibe from Dr.Pavel?

I tried to figure out why he brought up Archie comics and compared them to humans beings, then I gave up.

9 years ago


I think Pavel is saying that the Archie Comics is some form of white supremacist propaganda. Right now I’m thinking that they’re hoping that we’ll agree with them at which point they’ll shout “AH-HA! you hate white people! got yeah!” and go on about how we’re no better then those we oppose.

9 years ago

/pol/ user here. AMA.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Been lurking 4chan for awhile, just for shits n grins. Saw this post and decided to interject another perspective.

Is that what you call it? I call it someone’s substanceless emotional impressions offered as replacement for substance. Don’t get me wrong, I respect emotion in general, but in your case as a person coming here to do your little dominance display it’s rather pathetic.

I spent seven years staring at /b/ out of sheer morbid curiosity because I am fascinated by how terrible people do terrible things and love to come up with way to strategist against such. In order to actually have an impact when you come into the territory of another in an aggressive posture you actually have to have something to display.

To show strength you must be able to be specific about your generalizations about a group. You must be able to cite examples to tie to your words and then offer actual reason and logic. The fact that you can’t and have to resort to a group smear reveals your weakness.

I am astounded at how genuinely clueless y’all are. It’s really quite entertaining to see you you puzzle over this n that. You can’t figure it out.

This is a simple assertion offered as an emotional characterization, bluster in other words. You are telling us how you feel and as someone acting in a socially predatory role it’s rather tepid and sad because it’s your own fear that we will understand you better that drives you here.

Of course people are going to puzzle over it for a while, that’s normal. One thing that terrible people often have to do to win social conflicts is to make the normal more than what it is.

Well, here’s tip for you, inb4 the hints of adolescent RWDS scare you to revolution: you are afraid of your own shadows.

I see you did not have the courage to actually cite what people said they fear in here. So far your are a familiar kind of mind to me.

The symbolism in those images is not just shadows. There are very real threats represented. You play with ideas like gassing people in chambers and hunting down minorities, but it happened before and the only way to prevent it from happening again is to watch people like you very carefully and show it to the world.

You are adamantly weak, and revel in your weakness, and this dear Lefties, is why you will never understand a place where anyone can speak their mind… because in that melee, you would be forced to be strong.

You did not have the courage to actually say what was weak, you show no strength when it comes to ideas or rhetoric beyond what a childhood bully might summon. Some things are worth fearing and the excuse you just used is the same one that racists, sexists and other xenophobic bigots always use when the social strategies and pack tactics of bigots are pointed out.

I think that you are unable to cite what you say makes our fear weakness because it would show some hypocrisy, illogic or unreason. Why mention a place where anyone can speak their mind? You did not say where being unable to speak one’s mind in some way was relevant, or what it is that might not be getting said. You smell like prey.

Additionally, I thought you just said you lurked 4chan for fun? So either you were a liar at the start and don’t actually enter this “melee” yourself, or this is all just BS emotional twisting like conservative bigoted xenophobic authoritarians like to use and bask in from Bushisms to Trump. Fortunately at least a few of us are also authoritarians and tend to keep the excesses curbed. It’s certainly good for seeing through your BS.

The kind of strength that would change you from a revolutionary lefty spewing indiscriminate false humanism to a based conservative lover of true humanity.

Offered with nothing. Mere emoting and wishful thinking. You speak in dog-whistles that only hold meaning to groups trading in roumor-mongering. Tell stories all you want but if you can’t tie anything to reality you are weak without your troop fellow ape.

To beat us, you must become us.

Deepities? Weak. And another example of taking the normal, opposing or criticizing a group with bad behavior, and adding emotional gobblygook that does nothing but spin feelings. Of course there are ethical and moral ways of confronting groups with shitty behavior. The shit in those images does a lot of the work for us, you look terrible.

And in the meantime, you will not understand.

What can I say, the decoder ring has not arrived yet.

That and you offer nothing of substance for understanding which is why the xenophobic bigots eventually go for pogroms and holocausts. There is nothing to understand when group domination through gut-feelings and authoritarian talk is the game being played. It’s win at any cost that society is willing to let you spend. You are a drone. Buzz off.

9 years ago

Archie comics are terrible examples of the white culture which has done nothing but leave the world in a burning pyre of imperialism and constant warfare. They’re no better than these frog-men and western otakus that you’re talking about, these pseudo-fascists who probably have never read anything because books are too heavy. No wonder they’re so misogynistic! I doubt they can even lift – and girls can probably lift better.

what. Archie comics look a bit too white, but I’ve only seen like, three characters because I looked at the page where Jughead was canonically confirmed as asexual. But, I don’t think it did anything really bad? It’s actually been progressive lately, and one of its characters is gay.

“Hello fellow kids” indeed.

More thoughts on the Jughead comic: I don’t actually like that page very much because it implies that all asexuals don’t have distracting romantic interests. Hm. Jughead is implied to be aro as well as ace.

Ace-aro characters are really nice and all, especially for ace-aro people, but I’m ace-pan and I want to see a homo, bi, or panromantic asexual. :l

9 years ago

The Alt-Right is a mix of preexisting Right Wing movements, one of which is “neoreaction”. Neoreaction was founded by a JEW.

Since I’m going to have to spell this out anyway: What this means is that not all Alt-Righters are antisemitic.

That’s what YOU think, “Alt”-‘winger Shitlord.

Truth is, you’re all still racist as fuck, so what difference does it make if you had one token Jew in the mix? In the end, you contradict yourselves. Your “notallrighties” is a joke.

And you’re the punchline.

9 years ago

you are afraid of your own shadows. You are adamantly weak, and revel in your weakness, and this dear Lefties, is why you will never understand a place where anyone can speak their mind… because in that melee, you would be forced to be strong. The kind of strength that would change you from a revolutionary lefty spewing indiscriminate false humanism to a based conservative lover of true humanity.

To beat us, you must become us.
And in the meantime, you will not understand.

Confess, dude…you typed that one-handed, didn’t you.

You’re not profound, and you haven’t told us anything about ourselves. You’ve told us a lot about YOU, though. You’re an idiot. Just like all the rest of them.

9 years ago

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that, if you know which people involved anywhere in the history of your movement were Jews, odds are you’re antisemitic.

9 years ago

So, on anime:

The first thing to understand about anime is that there is seriously a lot of it. At any given time there are literally dozens of shows that get English translations and some more that don’t. They are all over the map; some target teenage boys, some target teenage girls, some target adult men, some target adult women, there’s one that targets young children, has run continuously for decades, and has associated movies that have more Japanese ticket sales than the Godzilla franchise. Even within those categories there is quite a lot of variation, because saying “anime” is roughly as meaningful as saying “American television”.

Now, Snowberry’s list is absolutely correct. If you’re looking for an action anime and want to avoid everything on that list you are facing very slim pickings indeed. In this season you’re pretty much just looking at Divine Gate. However, most of the other lists people have put up are from isolated subgenres. They’re apparently popular enough that people keep making them, but much like, say, Twilight, lots of people do not like them and make no secret of that fact.

The most popular anime do include Naruto and Dragon Ball Z; I honestly can’t tell you what their female characters are like because I’ve never worked up the will to watch them. They are closely followed by Sailor Moon, which is about Japanese schoolgirls using magic to fight monsters and is targeted at Japanese schoolgirls. Naturally it has a male following of varying degrees of creepiness as well.

The thing is, there is absolutely no line between the anime A Noyd is talking about and the anime in which female characters pilot giant robots into battle. So Kazuma Kamachi ticks all of Snowberry’s boxes and I keep watching it because he does great giant robot/psychic powers/wizard fights. But on the other hand, his most popular characters are not anything like demure and helpless.
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They do this a lot

So in general, people who watch anime, or even people who watch harem anime, do not in fact necessarily do so because they fetishize quiet and obedient girls who can’t do anything without a man’s help.

As for any anime-Nazi link, I really cannot help you on that one. I mean, in WWII they were on the same side, but modern Japan and WWII era Japan are quite different. I have seen two shows that specifically included Nazis, and both of them had them as villains who did not really need a motivation more detailed than “they’re Nazis, of course they’re evil”.

9 years ago

Anime is of course a broad, broad category containing many genres, but from my own experience, I can see why some socially regressive nimrods would have a thing for a lot of it. Japan seems to be very regressive with gender roles and very objectifying fanservice is everywhere.
9 years ago

Archie comics are terrible examples of the white culture which has done nothing but leave the world in a burning pyre of imperialism and constant warfare.

Aren’t they just terribly mediocre?

Also, Mikasa is an inoffensive character and Index/Railgun has a lot of interesting things, but it also falls afoul of Snowberry’s list. Remember: Mikasa’s best friend is comic relief because she’s constantly sexually assaulting Mikasa.

I can’t even remember what the last really good anime I saw was. Maaaaaaybe Sword Art Online?