On the Twitter, some of Donald Trump’s most unsavory supporters are celebrating his big win in New Hampshire by flooding Twitter with bad photoshops, racist cartoons, creepy fan art, anime memes, and more than a few Trump-themed Pepes.
I found a lot of these by looking at the #FashTheNation hashtag; it’s the name of an alt-right YouTube show. The “fash” part of the title refers to “fascism,” not “fashion.” I left out some of the more extravagantly racist memes I ran across.
#FashTheNation BREAKING NEWS: Trump wins NH. Anime girls materialize from nothing and immediately endorse Trump. pic.twitter.com/1NMDhBjiay
— Nuanced takes (@surgeonffs) February 10, 2016
If Trump is the Republican nominee, I am hopeful that Democratic/Independent voters will come out in droves and vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate.
The world cannot afford another delusional Republican administration. We’re just getting over Bush’s run from 2000 to 2008. Trump would be even worse than Bush.
And /pol/ has discovered this post.
Archive.today seems to be down, so here’s a direct link:
I’m not American, but I can certainly see a world in which Trump makes it into the white house. There were Democrats in New Hampshire who were jumping the fence to vote for him last night. The “contest” on the Republican side of the primaries is a smokescreen – Trump is clearly ahead on the polls for pretty much every primary out there right now. Something like 70% of his supporters say they won’t vote for anyone else, too – they weren’t going to vote at all until he came around. He’s really energizing the (racist, bigoted, sexist, regressive, authoritarian wing of the) right.
Hillary doesn’t poll well against Trump, either. If it comes down to the two of them in the general election, it’s going to be messy, and it’s very much not a sure thing. I really, really hope he doesn’t win, but I’m less confident that his loss is inevitable.
@David, holy crap, that chan thread. Their heads are so embedded in their own asses they’re like a klein bottle.
lol awesome, thanks for the compilation
@anura : “Keen observers can see past the surface idiocy”
And see even more idiocy, deeply ingrained into an attitude.
I stopped believing the tale that they are actually politiced people, and/or that they are ironic and detached from what they say, and/or that they aren’t a bunch of far right wannabee.
Even if one believe the tale that they are basically political hipster that ironically call for genocide and hate civil liberties before it was cool, thoses very declaration brand them at best as useful idiot of the far right. Pretending to be ironic when someone call you on your shit is a proof of failure to me.
Lol. Their thread has comments about how we’re the sort of people who laugh at Big Bang Theory, while in another thread we’re tearing the show apart. Klein bottles.
Been lurking 4chan for awhile, just for shits n grins. Saw this post and decided to interject another perspective. I am astounded at how genuinely clueless y’all are. It’s really quite entertaining to see you you puzzle over this n that. You can’t figure it out.
Well, here’s tip for you, inb4 the hints of adolescent RWDS scare you to revolution: you are afraid of your own shadows. You are adamantly weak, and revel in your weakness, and this dear Lefties, is why you will never understand a place where anyone can speak their mind… because in that melee, you would be forced to be strong. The kind of strength that would change you from a revolutionary lefty spewing indiscriminate false humanism to a based conservative lover of true humanity.
To beat us, you must become us.
And in the meantime, you will not understand.
@Scildfreja: Bias is a hell of a drug.
The dumbest part is that they think they’re “the Jews!” now.
Yeah, like anyone’s going to waste their time “persecuting” incoherent keyboard nazis who think that they’ve got everyone else on the ropes with loli anime and shitty pepe memes.
If there’s one thing feminists are known for it’s loving Chuck Lorre shows!
In fact, most evil feminist plots have been hatched at 2 1/2 Men viewing parties. Anita Sarkeesian throws the best ones, obviously.
Nah, you guys are just really bad at shitposting.
I had a little rant to write in here, but I’ve deleted it. I do wish they could break out of their hate-spiral. The world isn’t as bad as they seem to think it is.
That thread is amazing. David, thank you so much for linking it. I’ve been laughing out loud.
@ Valentine
I don’t think this is an entirely vain hope. I was watching some of the coverage of the Iowa caucuses on MSNBC and one of the reporters on the scene interviewed a 19 yr. old caucus goer who told her he didn’t vote in the caucus because he wanted to get a good seat at a Trump rally!
My google-fu is failing me on the MSNBC website but the interview was laugh out loud funny.
Except you’re not “mysterious”, you’re just incoherent to anyone who hasn’t spent years learning your odd language of waifus and meme shitposting.
And you’re not “hiding in the shadows”, you’re literally posting this shit on the internet where anyone can go see it if they want to (and most people don’t).
Words mean things.
The delusions of grandeur in that thread are hilarious.
Do they really not grasp that we’re mocking them? Do they really think that the incomprehensibility of their memes is a sign of superiority?
Dear /pol/,
Hi there. I remember you when you had just started out as a little baby forum. My word, how you’ve grown. You’re so big and angry now! It’s positively adorable!
What you aren’t is relevant. Nobody actually gives a damn about you: Vladimir Putin doesn’t know who you are, nor would he care if he knew. You’ve latched onto Trump because you think he’ll be the führer you need to make you stop feeling like some meaningless human debris, which is cute given his longstanding friendship with the Clintons and his many Jewish connections. You’re getting played, dude. The man is no more right wing than Hillary is, he’s just less honest about it. He’s also destroying the chances of the right ever winning again, frankly: if you were a secret liberal conspiracy who wanted to guarantee decades of sensitive, pronoun-friendly rule then you couldn’t go about it in a better way.
You’d better make that kek last, because that’s the only thing you’ve got.
We stole your country and we’re going to turn it into a safe space. Soon we’ll do the same to the whole internet too. Maybe we’ll ban guns! Maybe we’ll require everyone to learn about environmentalism and gender-sensitivity in schools! Maybe we’ll put up monuments to Sharia law outside courthouses and make Spanish an equal language. Or perhaps we’ll just put more black people and women in senior positions.
Try to stop us. Go ahead. What are you going to do, write mean emails? Oh no, you called me a poopyhead! Whatever shall I do? I’ll have to distract myself by playing one of those new video games that are deliberately catering to the SJW crowd. You know, all of them.
/pol/, you’ve achieved pretty much nothing and we’re taking your world away from you, day by day, while you sit and watch in impotent rage. Ironically, I’m pretty sure that makes you the cuck.
Anyway, I’m glad we had this chat. It’s so good to hear from you once more. Toodles! Do keep me informed next time you decide between being ineffectual or being self-defeating; either way is fine by me.
Best regards,
– EJ

The saddest thing about that /pol/ thread is seeing how excited they are about having been mentioned in a post on a blog somewhere. It’s as if they’ve really got nothing else going on in life.
Oh My Gosh, EJ.
Gotta love dudes who think they can win an argument with “top kek.”
Makes me think of a bunch of kids giggling and thinking they’re awesome because the grown-ups don’t understand their inside jokes. And then they all pat each other on the back for being TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL.
Trump is losing Texas, FWIW, the first large state to have a primary. As I see it, everything before Super Tuesday only matters because of how the media and the public react to it, since it’s only 5% of the actual delegates.
I hope this isn’t too sudden, but I love you and I want to have your baby. And since I’m a guy, it will take some money and time and science. But I will spend a forever amount of time and an infinite amount of money to find a way to make it happen. Using science. And money. And time. And science.
The thing that really matters about the pre-Super Tuesday primaries is pretty much funding. If candidates do too badly in the initial primaries their funding dries up and they drop out of the race. Anyone above the threshold then fights over the supporters of the withdrawing candidates. The overall winner will be the person who won the early primaries more often than it will not, but of course people who become the final nominee win more delegates than they lose. There’s plenty of people who didn’t win Iowa or New Hampshire and go on to win overall.
Both races are very much up in the air; Trump is doing well and Rubio humilated himself on national television (in a debate, Chris Christie questioned whether he could do anything except give a canned thirty second speech. During the rest of the debate Rubio repeated a canned thirty second speech four times), but on the other hand Trump is still not in favor with the party apparatus and it’s not entirely clear how that might play out. Hillary won Iowa by the slimmest of margins and Bernie won big in New Hampshire, but both states are very white and the standing question about Bernie is whether he can really appeal to minorities.
It might just be the one thing that saves us. Kings of internet forums and meme making but very little else and a wonderful anti-everything attitude that results in not voting. There is a good song by Oxymoron called Anti that sums them up pretty good. I’d link it but youtube doesn’t work where I am right now cos the Internet is suuper slow :'(
True! But Trump doesn’t need to appeal for big donors. Republican side still looks like a Trump landslide to me, though the Texas thing is new info and makes it sound less sure.
(ohmigosh Robots For RubioBot 2016 it was so perfect)
Bernie, well… he really relies on donors, but unlike the rest of the previous races he’s not running with a super-pac, so his donors come from popular appeal. You’re really, really right about his challenge in South Carolina, but things seem to be shifting there too. Ta-Nehisi Coates just endorsed/gave-approval to him, which is huge. So, very, very exciting race on that side.