
Trump fans celebrate his N.H. victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe

We're going to be seeing a lot more of this, alas.
We’re going to be seeing a lot more of this, alas.

On the Twitter, some of Donald Trump’s most unsavory supporters are celebrating his big win in New Hampshire by flooding Twitter with bad photoshops, racist cartoons, creepy fan art, anime memes, and more than a few Trump-themed Pepes.

I found a lot of these by looking at the #FashTheNation hashtag; it’s the name of an alt-right YouTube show. The “fash” part of the title refers to “fascism,” not “fashion.” I left out some of the more extravagantly racist memes I ran across.


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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Unrelated to anything, but I know we have a few ace/aro regulars, so: Did anybody else hear that Jughead from the Archie comics has come out as being canonically ace? Both awesome and makes ridiculous amounts of perfect sense for the character. (And it’s pissing off the #Gaters, which is always a nice bonus.)

9 years ago


Personally I find the “pervy old man who gropes underaged girls but it’s totally cool because he’s a harmless old man” trope to be seriously working on my nerves. I’ve actually stopped watching quite a lot of anime or manga series that I otherwise would have liked if not for that, and the list of annoyances you just mentioned.

I also want to add “female character designs that would be identical if not for hair colour” because I’m completely, 100% done with that.

But I don’t like to be entirely negative about things, so I’d like to share the one manga I know of that somehow manages to steer clear of all the tired cliches that characterize the industry: Vinland Saga. Incredible art, interesting characters all around, and a deep thematic exploration of morality, authoritarianism, and toxic masculinity. Check it out if you can!

9 years ago

My grandparents were in Germany before Hitler came into power and he was still making speeches and trying to rally people to his side. He was saying also that he would ‘make Germany great again’ after the humiliation of the 1st world war. The only difference is his rhetoric appeal to the common people in such a way that even my reasonable liberal grandparents bought into the idea that he seemed to be pushing something positive. They went back to their home country with positive veiws of Hitler (really disgusting isn’t it?) Until of course he gained the power and revealed himself as a mass murdering fuckhead. The difference here is trump already comes across as unreasonable and as a loose cannon which means that even right wing voters will not put their trust in him. That, plus the lessons learned from the Holocaust, makes me hopeful that the American’s will see sense on this matter.
9 years ago

Ooglyboogles gives a pretty good detailed explanation of how /pol/ started as a “containment board” but ended up poisoning the site.

Did anybody else hear that Jughead from the Archie comics has come out as being canonically ace?

It makes so much sense (and has been used as a recurring joke so often) I’m surprised it was even considered newsworthy. Although now that I think about it, he might literally be the first–wait, no, there’s that one guy in Sex Criminals.

9 years ago

A Man in Black had a great breakdown of how the inherent issues with how chan culture ends up fetishizing an anonymous hive-mind sort of white maleness and the ideology of practiced faux indifference leads itself quite naturally to misogynist and racist social movements:

On top of that, you also have the fact that white supremacists have spent a good number of years actively recruiting on /pol/, turning “ironic” racism and bigotry into the quite non-ironic bigotry it always was (let’s not kid ourselves) and directly using that to increase the numbers of neo-nazis (especially in the last 8 years).

Honestly, it’s a natural extension of “toxic white dude” culture since the 90s. Bitterly misogynistic, but in a “lol, joking” way when caught. Obsessed with the idea that to care about an issue is the worst thing in the world, especially if it’s a rights struggle (a convenient marriage of the idea that art should be “apolitical” and the South Parkification of culture where “mocking ‘both’ sides” is the name of the game so long as it upholds the status quo and allows smug white boys to pretend their politics are “only natural”) (this also is heavily related to fears of showing vulnerability in toxic masculinity. If you don’t care about “anything”, nothing can hurt you or be used to ostracize you). “Ironically” racist but with a genuine nasty edge of resentment for the growing inclusion of diverse voices in culture and society. And obsessed with “shock value” as a means of pretending ones old-hat retrograde values are somehow new and edgy and make you the real brave person for clinging to old hatreds and cultural baggage (which is how 4chan in particular became so toxic in the first place).

The anime is there in 4chan in particular and toxic nerd culture in general because it ostensibly started as an anime discussion board and anime was a major cultural phenomenon among young geeks around the time the internet was coming into being and thus enjoys disproportionate attention on the interwebs.

Probably doesn’t help that Japanese “otaku” culture has its own measure of major problems that got exported as well (the normalizing and apologia for pedophilia, child molestation, and casual sexual assault and harassment, the prevalence of rape, especially in porn, the treatment of women’s bodies as commodities, and the tendency for overly homogenous cultures that either fetishizes or displays negatively other races).

9 years ago


Whoa. Major character in a long-running series. That’s huge! And will go a long way towards ace visibility. Definite thumbs up for awesomeness for that!

9 years ago


That, plus the lessons learned from the Holocaust, makes me hopeful that the American’s will see sense on this matter.

I hope you’re right, but all too many Americans’ attitude to the Holocaust is “it didn’t happen, and it was awesome”.

9 years ago

Oh shit yeah I forgot to take that into account. In Germany Holocaust denial is a crime, I think. I suppose the distance between Europe and the US makes it very easy to live in a bubble but I just hope the Holocaust deniers there are as comparativly rare as trump supporters. Also I hope they spend too much time making terrible memes to remember to go out and vote.
Also how can they say something is awesome if they also say it didn’t happen? It’s illogical! Still more hope there, people that illogical can never get the support they need to make another atrocity.

9 years ago

Unrelated to anything, but I know we have a few ace/aro regulars, so: Did anybody else hear that Jughead from the Archie comics has come out as being canonically ace? Both awesome and makes ridiculous amounts of perfect sense for the character. (And it’s pissing off the #Gaters, which is always a nice bonus.)

What? That’s amazing! Great way to introduce the concept to people, especially kids who are wondering why they are ‘broken’. If fewer people have to go through that, i would be really happy.

9 years ago

@Flora. They hate Trudeau because he has been openly welcoming to Syrian refugees, and generally supports Canadian liberal multiculturalism, which they despise and fear. He recently defeated their man Harper in a general election and are still sore about that.

9 years ago

… Just missed the edit window. This is a lesson (once again) to never read comments on a news article.

They boil down to ‘blah blah blah we all knew it, why did anyone need to say it, keep your PC crap outta my comics!’ WHile other people point out that representation is good, since maybe you eventually won’t need an ‘ace 101’ lecture when coming out to people?

On topic: i really don’t understand trump. How can you look at these memes made by fans and not rethink your appeal? Also the composition in the one with planes flying AT HIS HEAD is baffling. They fly AWAY from the centre of interest, not crashing in to him. Come on, people!

9 years ago

@Flora, @Paul

–Not to mention he has openly stated he is a feminist.

9 years ago

The anime thing isn’t too hard to pin down, some people have touched on it already.

A lot of people like anime, but notice the common thread with these troglodytes: The avatars are almost always female and younger characters. Why? Because they’re often drawn from animes that are designed with each female character being a different attractive archetype.

This element in anime is often the specific element that appeals to these guys, either because they’re lonely, are somewhere on a scale from trouble talking to women to hating women, or otherwise lacking the feminine presence they want in their life. You then adopt your favourite girl as your “waifu” half-jokingly. Anime does this because favourite characters sell merch, and a diverse personality cast with a division of favourites sells more.

Hence anime captures a lot of these young men in their audience. While it obviously captures a lot more than these rotten folk, they fall squarely in the demographic that is most likely to be “a bit too taken” with their favourite and inject them everywhere.

It’s a similar phenomenon to what attracted a lot of the baddies to MLP: Friendship is Magic, 6 clear and very different archetypal female personalities (especially when competently written) means they’re sure to fall in love with one. The difference is how creepy they make their “love” for a character.

It’s late, I hope this makes sense.

9 years ago

Oh also with the anime “waifus” having many different ones in the same show also encourages a tribalism about who is your favourite.

It’s the male equivalent of Team Edward and Team Jacob and usually just as weird/creepy.

9 years ago

I don’t understand what their problem is with Canada/Trudeau, even when accounting for shitlord logic. Trudeau is a rich white guy who has a conventionally attractive wife and the prime minister of a large country – shouldn’t they be in awe of his alphaness, not depicting his decapitation?

Especially since he took on a much brawnier opponent in a charity boxing match, and won:

But no. These guys are actually jealous of that. They’d rather vote for a Schlump who is only a billionaire on paper.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

You can’t unsee Trump Pepe, David. I’m going to go wash my eyes.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

Did anybody else hear that Jughead from the Archie comics has come out as being canonically ace?

I heard about that back in December, actually. The writer and artist were both at the Beguiling/Dinosaur Comics Christmas party, and the writer mentioned that he’d given the people at Archie Comics the script for that, and was glad (and pleasantly surprised) to have got absolutely no pushback on it.

Although now that I think about it, he might literally be the first–wait, no, there’s that one guy in Sex Criminals.

Sex Criminals and Jughead were both written by Chip Zdarsky.

Which explains part of why Zdarsky, having been better known for Sex Criminals, has been regularly surprised by the amount of free rein Archie Comics has been giving him.

9 years ago

@Valentine: Oh sweet child of summer….

9 years ago

Hold the fuck up.

“We’re having such a good time, we’re having a ball”.

Did a fascist, presumably neo-nazi Trump supporter and obvious gas-chamber enthuiast just paraphrase the lyrics to “Don’t stop me now”, as sung by Freddie Mercury?

How does he not implode into the vacuum where his self-awareness should be?

9 years ago

There seems to be some misunderstandings about anime that I’ll try to help clear up. For one, anime is not just a single type of show. Anime covers pretty much everything animated in Japan and there is an anime for every genre imaginable. Are there a lot of fan service or ecchi anime shows? Yes, but not all anime is made for men. Otherwise, demographic categories like Shōjo and Josei would not exist and be popular.

For another thing, and this is a mistake a lot of people make, the characters in anime are not white. If the show is set in Japan, the characters are all Japanese unless otherwise stated. Regardless of hair color, eye color, or perceived ‘white’ features, they are Japanese. Japan is a country where 98% of the population is ethnically Japanese so stories set in Japan have Japanese characters. If a character isn’t Japanese, it will be pointed out in some way that the audience understands.

I know there are plenty of things that are frustrating about common anime tropes or stories, but I don’t want it to be treated as ‘the weird porn from Japan’ when it isn’t. Like every other medium, it has its issues and its positives. I just wish terrible people like these posters were not fans.

9 years ago

Note that the PUA and red piller and 4channer tend to shy away from actual good animes, and go take their avatar from softcore porn, designed specially to appeal to them.

That’s a refreshing from when they took interesting characters and reinterpreted them as the perfect, obedient woman. Each time I see Shimakaze in their meme or as avatar, I am grateful that they took a bait made specifically for guys like them, and not an interesting and deep character.

Anura Abendrot
Anura Abendrot
9 years ago

Killing and gassing people isn’t something what they’re really about. Everyone on there who calls for that is just blowing smoke out their ass. Keen observers can see past the surface idiocy. Looking at their boards won’t do anything bad to you if you already have strong convictions. If you do check out their board be prepared though. Vileness seems to be how they come off as a mechanism for keeping out people like us. Even though the moderators may ban you, many of them are able to logic if the right bait is used. So in short my friends, don’t be too dismayed at their behavior.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I assume you mean to say that I’m naive to beleive to think the Us will not vote in a bigot (not even an actual nazi). Yet Obama got two terms and although he disappointed many you cannot say he is a bad president. It seems to me that the us people have good judgment for their leaders of late (okay so only for Obama but whatever) 😉 even Mitt Romney was a bit to exteme for you guys. Sarah Palin has been hanging on for years and yet still seems to have made very little progress.
These people, these meme creators, Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis will always be fringe. To think even your average racism-lite bigot would associate with them is foolish. Obama proves the power is in the hands of reasonable people.
And if the worst comes to the worst Trump is not a dictator. Your country is not corrupt as that. He is no Nazi either. He is repulsive and self serving and will surely damage your country but he is not even slightly of the same flavour of Hitler and that evil.
But whether you call me innocent or not I truly believe he will not get anywhere near the Whitehouse. He is hot air. Even his hair is a lie!

Alt-Right Sith Lord
Alt-Right Sith Lord
9 years ago

Trump’s daughter married a Jewish guy and converted to Judaism. I bring this up to point out that actual facts, substance, and even their own ideology will not get in the way of alt-right fuck heads’ burning desire to lick the jackboots of a strongman.

Jonathan Haidt really was right that you liberals don’t get it.

The Alt-Right is a mix of preexisting Right Wing movements, one of which is “neoreaction”. Neoreaction was founded by a JEW.

Since I’m going to have to spell this out anyway: What this means is that not all Alt-Righters are antisemitic.