On the Twitter, some of Donald Trump’s most unsavory supporters are celebrating his big win in New Hampshire by flooding Twitter with bad photoshops, racist cartoons, creepy fan art, anime memes, and more than a few Trump-themed Pepes.
I found a lot of these by looking at the #FashTheNation hashtag; it’s the name of an alt-right YouTube show. The “fash” part of the title refers to “fascism,” not “fashion.” I left out some of the more extravagantly racist memes I ran across.
#FashTheNation BREAKING NEWS: Trump wins NH. Anime girls materialize from nothing and immediately endorse Trump. pic.twitter.com/1NMDhBjiay
— Nuanced takes (@surgeonffs) February 10, 2016
[email protected]:
There’s… some really dubious Japanese and Asian (for example, seen some Thai and Indian) cosplay. Not just as some sort Hetalia: Axis Powers cosplay, but full on Nazi cosplay. As in, of a sort of cosplay that would get people in the west thrown out of various WWII re-enactments. Which, I suppose, is good in the opinion of these memefying turdbucket edgelords.
And with a much higher margin than Der Donald, too. Like, as in an outright majority, whereas Der Donald was under 40% and merely came first past the post.
Sort of like a certain crappy Austrian PFC we all know and loathe.
These are pro-Trump?
If you hadn’t told us that I’d have assumed they were taking the razz out of him something rotten.
As a Brit I’m gratified to see our own little tinpot Hitler wannabe, Farage, has made it onto a US fascist’s inexplicable ugly meme. But what’s he doing with Putin and a big eyed anime girl in uniform?
@ Snowberry
I had the same question about the guy in the gas chamber – who is it? Who is/was Bobby Jindal? And… if he dropped out a while ago, why is he the target now?
It’s not, perish the thought, because he’s a person of colour? Then why not Ben Carson? Or…???
I realise I have too many questions about the logic here, and it’s memes made by fascists, so there goes that.
Cake sounds good. It’s 4.38 am here, so no cake is currently accessible.
EW, just EW. Especially the third one. The person who made that one really believes that gassing people is a good thing. Trump really needs to really take a good long look at himself, his policies and campaign for having so many xenophobic, racist supporters. Trump, if your most vocal supporters are Neo Nazis, KKK and white supremacists, it is NOT a good thing an there is something seriously wrong with YOU. They are comparing you to SS and Hitler for goodness sake!
Trump offers nothing but racism, arrogance and insults, but people are eating it up. I’m so embarrassed any more to be an American. We’ve become a nation of xenophobic jackasses.
If it is Jindal (and I’m not completely sure, because his face is at an odd angle and looks a little puffy) then I’m guessing it’s because his parents are immigrants from India. They probably think he’s a Muslim or something (he’s Christian).
Or possibly because he got tarred as “liberal” at one point even though he’s just slightly less extreme than other well-known Republicans. And that tarring is probably less due to his politics than the fact that he was the governor of Louisiana, which has the reputation among Republicans as being a “hotbed of liberal corruption” – while Louisiana has problems with corruption, it’s a purple state, and the problem’s not particular to either side as far as I’m aware.
I think that first anime girl is actually the anime-style depiction of the Crimean attorney general, because that is a thing that happened. For some reason.
Some of it (all of it) looks like heavy-handed satire. Is it satire? ?
Also, what is the significance of the green lizard cartoon?
The only thing keeping me sane right now is this: http://www.refinery29.com/2015/12/99193/western-illinois-university-2016-election-prediction
For those of you who want to know about that lizard/frog, that is Pepe. I’m not sure what Pepe is used for, it’s just another piece of New Sincerity bullshit that I can’t decipher because my Post-Modern Draconian brain wasn’t able to handle such stupidity. Just like everything else about these memes and images.
As for Anime stuff, there’s this sort of strange obsession with channers and other internet denizens with anime. Probably because where as Western Animation (US, Canada, UK, and such) is often made by super-duper evil commie liberals and often explores unconventional ideas, Anime is made to provide to the power fantasy of most internet dwellers with ninjas and flying blonde guys, along with lots and lots of sexy white females with unrealistic body frames.
Of course, it could also be that most western animation is dominated by furries, but that’s debatable. And we all know how many of these chan types feel about furries… Which is ironic with things like Pepe the frog.
Really, it’s hard to wrap my noodle around this stuff… Then again, I’m feeling the Bern, but I think we could be okay with a second Clinton in the Oval Office…
I’m pretty sure that that isn’t Jindal, unless it’s a ridiculously distorted image of him. I don’t know if it could be anyone else, being neither USian nor a White supremacist, but I think it’s just a random brown (possibly muslim) person photoshopped into an existing gaschamber meme or cartoon
See John Oliver
Re: Gas chamber pic.
Not Jindal, a cultural critic named Jeet Heer. Image searching with the original yields multiple postings with only Bernie Sanders in the background. Apparently some personal vendetta against Jeet Heer to add him in for this one?
Another critique of Trump by Jeet Heer. That gas chamber image really hit me the worst out of all of these. The Doom one is a close second.
[Edit:] Can’t seem to get my links to work using copy/paste with the button.
For image confirmation, just google: jeet heer
For articles mentioned: jeet heer donald trump
Jeet Heer – the Lies v Bullshit guy? OK.
And… Pepe the Frog?
Doesn’t that sound like a Spanish speaker’s name?
I thought Trump was all about building that there wall?
Or don’t green amphibians count as the enemy?
I thought I’d sort of not mind too much if Trump did become the Republican candidate for President, so long as we could see him trounced (by Sanders for preference, but literally any Democrat would do at a pinch) into a stunning defeat.
Except that he’s appalling. And he clearly gives comfort to these kinds of skidmarks who think the gaschambers were a cool idea. And he normalises violence, torture, misogyny and racism. And comes close to inciting violence. And he makes my lovely American friends cringe.
You have my sympathy.
I guess I’m glad Twitter pics don’t hotlink?
I think the guy in the gas chamber is supposed to represent Mexicans.
(Edit: Oh, it’s Jeet Heer. Thanks wabewawa)
Now if you excuse me, I’ll need to shower my brain.
The eighth one says everything there is to know about these people. It’s a picture of an anti-rape event (Slutwalk, IIRC?) that was disrupted by a man showing his penis to the attenders and getting rightfully castigated for it. Many of the women present were abuse and rape survivors, and any person with a shred of decency in them would have torn the douchebag a new one.
Assholes everywhere tried to paint the photo as “feminist harpies attacking an innocent man” or some shit, but the pic clearly shows him with the same smug smile Trump has on his face. He was proud of what he did. The intended message here is that just like women who express their rage at a guy who gives no shit about boundaries are ‘hysterical’, so are Trump haters. The real message is, of course, that Trump is an asshole and a troll, and these people celebrate him for that. They’re both racist and misogynistic.
Also supported by the “I am going to be the next president” one. It doesn’t matter that they’re supporting an asshole, what matters is who wins. Even the ones not outright celebrating his fascistic tendencies reveal a fascist mindset in these people.
Why must they bring Pepe into this? He has done nothing to deserve this humiliation
Sigh. My thinking that it must be a political figure, most likely US, lead me astray. Though to be fair, I would never have guessed “Jeet Heer” because this is literally the first I’ve heard of him. Had to look him up.
I’m probably going too far in looking for reasons but, apart from crimes against punctuation, does anyone know what (((narrative))) indicates?
re: Jeet Heer on Donald Trump – very good and frightening article: thanks for pointing me in that direction.
First we had pseudo-ironic shock humor, now we have pseudo-ironic shock politics? I legit can’t imagine what the next step is.
Is…that the same mascot the mass murder fan squad over at r9k were using?
Tells you everything you need to know about Trump’s base I guess.
The question we have all been asking ever since GamerGate made their other mascot a Nazi anime schoolgirl.
On the origins of Pepe the Frog:
There. Origins located.
This is just a guess but I think the “narrative” refers to the holocaust, i.e. just some good ol’ fashioned holocaust denial
So many anime memes, and not a single one from “An Irregular at Magic School”? That’s a series that literally glorifies fascism, genocide, racial purity, xenophobic nationalism, and the killing of civilians.
And it’s damn boring to boot.