
Trump fans celebrate his N.H. victory with racist cartoons, anime memes, and Pepe

We're going to be seeing a lot more of this, alas.
We’re going to be seeing a lot more of this, alas.

On the Twitter, some of Donald Trump’s most unsavory supporters are celebrating his big win in New Hampshire by flooding Twitter with bad photoshops, racist cartoons, creepy fan art, anime memes, and more than a few Trump-themed Pepes.

I found a lot of these by looking at the #FashTheNation hashtag; it’s the name of an alt-right YouTube show. The “fash” part of the title refers to “fascism,” not “fashion.” I left out some of the more extravagantly racist memes I ran across.


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Paradoxical Intention (Mobile)
Paradoxical Intention (Mobile)
8 years ago

Because nothing is going to convince people to vote for you more than racist anime memes.

Thanks, shitlords, for making me ashamed to like anime.

8 years ago

I honestly cannot tell at this point whether these memes are supposed to be glorifying Trump or making fun of him. How do fucking anime girls mix with Neo-Nazi memes? It shall forever remain a mystery.

8 years ago

I can’t get over how violent these racist images are.

8 years ago

What the actual fuck is that stupid frog thing? Do anime girls have some sort of deep spiritual connection to New Hampshire politics? SO MANY QUESTIONS

8 years ago

Okay, now I’m sick in my stomach.

What the fuck is wrong with people? (Rhetorical. The answer is “a lot”.)

Do people really think that supporting a candidate on basis of fascism is really going to work? (Again, rhetorical. Because clearly.)

Don’t people really get it that as soon as there’s someone popular yelling that People of X Type are badwrong and need to be done Some Horrific and Unfair Thing, that Horrific and Unfair thing will be expanded to include someone they know, or someone who is their kin? Just because some horrible asshat will proclaim that they are People of X or Y type who have been declared as an enemy, considering how god fucking dammit TORTURE, the hallmark of BAD PEOPLE, is on Trumpyfrumpy’s TODO list?

Fucking Muppet Tribble Toupee Trump. He deserves nothing. Good day, sir, you deserve nothing.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago

I need more cake to deal with this bullshit.

What the actual fuck is that stupid frog thing?

That’s Pepe the Frog. Don’t insult him, insult the people who use him in racist ass memes.

8 years ago

Presumably the anime thing is because of Japan’s allegiance during the second world war? Possibly? That’s all I’ve got.

The frog thing is from a 4chan board with some school shooters on it.

8 years ago

That one with Justin Trudeau about to be beheaded is quite disturbing. I’d hate to think of what was too extreme to be included here.

The Shining one though, I don’t really get it. There’s not exactly a happy ending for Jack. So why compare them? Not that it’s a surprise that they view a comparison to an attempted family annihilation in a positive light.

8 years ago

Trumps has a lot of support from Neo-Nazis and Klan members. He really needs to think about where his life went wrong. Of course, when ever someone points out that his followers are a bunch of xenophobic racists, he just laughs it off and mumbles something about “passionate supporters.” Fuck him.

8 years ago

By the way, does anyone know who the guy getting gas-chambered in the second pic is? How is he relevant to any of this?

8 years ago

I… uh… what?

I can’t even make sense of half of these. It’s obviously 4chan dipshittery, but what the fuck.


I was wondering what THAT was all about, but then I kind of got distracted by “why the hell ass balls did they feel the need to throw an anime girl on it”. That and “wow they have a hard-on for Putin”.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
8 years ago

That second one worries me. Who’s the fourth horseman of the apocalypse going to be?

As for Mission Accomplished… Well, the last time you used that banner, it really went well for you. As for why Justin Trudeau’s on his knees, I hate to think. Do these people not realize he’d beat Trump in a boxing match? And possibly Putin as well?

Also, how does the showing him as a frog creature work? Aren’t these people the ones who are afraid that lizard people are ruling the world? Or do they like him because he’s open about his reptilianness? Is that what the praise for his bluntness is about?

8 years ago

@ Mexican

Reasonable politicians wouldn’t want any of the xenophobic racists’ / sexists’ votes or from any other pseudo-intellectual fanatic. That speaks volumes on Trump, doesn’t it?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago

You know, question, would real fascists actually ever admit to being fascists?

8 years ago

I honestly cannot tell at this point whether these memes are supposed to be glorifying Trump or making fun of him.

Ditto. The Shining one f’rex is something I’d fully expect someone making fun of Trump to use, but it looks like it’s completely serious. Also, what’s up with the Trudeau thing? Is Trump going to annex Canada or something?

8 years ago


If they believed it was a good thing, yes.

8 years ago

@ Rabbit

Those Neo-Nazis and KKK-ers are conflating bluntness with having no mental filter.

8 years ago

By the way, does anyone know who the guy getting gas-chambered in the second pic is? How is he relevant to any of this?

I think that’s supposed to be Bobby Jindal, who dropped out of the race awhile ago. With Bernie Sanders behind him. Not 100% certain though.
8 years ago

I am 4channing right now in another tab, and I have no idea how the fuck cartoons from Japan became totalitarian kitsch.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
8 years ago
8 years ago

Are these supposed to be funny? Putting your political opponents in gas chambers is what constitutes a joke for these people? I don’t get it. Though something makes me want to go dig Woody Guthrie’s guitar out of mothballs.

8 years ago

Epic Satire Fail.

You wanna see Alpha Male satire done right? Then read this and weep!

8 years ago

Hello, long time reader, first time poster.

You spend a lot of time wading thru crap to expose this nonsense. So I want to show you something funny, have a great day.

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