antifeminism bullying evil SJWs heartiste kitties literal nazis masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism trump

Nazi-lite pickup artist so thrilled by Trump’s use of cat synonym he spews gibberish

Presumably Trump supports THIS pussy
Presumably Trump supports THIS pussy

These are exciting times for the portion of the American electorate that supports Donald Trump as the next-best-thing to an actual reincarnated Hitler.

Indeed, the pickup artist and white supremacist who calls himself Heartiste is so thrilled by Trump’s recent use of the word “pussy” to describe Ted Cruz that he celebrated with a blog post so filled with his own peculiar jargon that it appears almost as though it’s been beamed to earth from a Nazi-occupied planet mars.

As Heartiste sees it, the “hermetically sealed, culturally isolated, demographically gated bubble boys of the beltways” just can’t grasp the hunk of raw Aryan manhood that is the Trump.

These effete fags who don’t even lift clutch their pearls when Trump channels the spirit of his blood and soil White Warriors and speaks in the MASCULINE language of the Tribe Realtalk.

Yes, that is a sentence that was written by an actual human being.

Anything remotely masculine frightens shitlibs, you see, because masculinity, unlike femininity, is more closely associated with truth-telling. And masculine men remind your typical shitlib of his years spent in middle school with his underwear waistband hiked up to his nipples.

Heartiste is so excited to see Trump, his orange-colored great white hope, insult his opponents like an overgrown schoolyard bully that he is forced to make up new words to express his powerful emotions.

I love it. Trump is smart, charismatic, and in touch with the vast army of non-insider Whites who are FED UP with anti-White virtue signaling and the gayfagfruitcup feminization of White leftoids who, for now, control the media vertical and horizontal.

The more pussy bombs the Don drops, the higher his polls go, and the squeakier Kevin Williamson’s cucksnark gets.

Ah, I was wondering when Heartiste would pull out his favorite c-word, cuck.

Presumably the Kevin Williamson Heartiste is referring to is the so-called “cuckservative” writer at the National Review, and not the guy who created Dawson’s Creek. But who knows? Maybe Heartiste is still mad that Joey ended up with Pacey instead of Dawson, played by blonde-haired, blue-eyed dreamboat James Van Der Beek?

Only Heartiste knows for sure.

He ends his post with this question:

Would you rather have a vulgar President or a mincing, prissy, passive-aggressive, White-hating, mulatto fuccboi president? Rhetorical.

I’m going to go with door number two.

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9 years ago

don’t even lift

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! The man’s a fucking cartoon!

Maybe Heartiste is still mad that Joey ended up with Pacey instead of Dawson, played by blonde-haired, blue-eyed dreamboat James Van Der Beek?

Doubtful. We all know that JVDB is a cuck due to his absolute reliance on Luther (long may he reign) 😛

Feh. No idea how to fix that html bork :$

Three Snakes
9 years ago

What is it with extreme right wingers and their inability to speak English? Why can’t they just talk like normal people and leave out all the weird jargon and pseudoscience nonsense?

epitome of incomprehensibility

“shitlibs” – I believe I played that when I was 13 or 14. You take a “Mad Libs”-style puzzle, fill it with dirty words, and read it out loud and laugh as if it were the funniest thing on earth.

“virtue signaling” – This means flashing special lights on your vehicle that tell other people what positive character traits you possess.

“gayf*gfruitcup” – I agree that this is a dessert.

“leftoids” – are almost leftists, but not quite.

“…who, for now, control the media vertical and horizontal” – Unfortunately, we don’t control it diagonally yet.

“cucksnark” – This is probably also a dessert.

“fuccboi” – This is an alternate-universe version of an Avril Lavigne song, of course.

9 years ago

I’m so glad I read the comments. I was a little embarrassed that my brain latched on to gayfagfruitcup, which sounds fuckin’ delicious, to the exclusion of everything else. Probably bc everything else just got processed as “racist arglebargle” and “stuff that makes baby Jesus cry”

9 years ago

Right, so that’s gayf*gfruitcups all round. Yummy.

As we lounge on our divans by the pool and watch the wrestling.

It’s Heartiste v the English Language, and I know where my money is.

9 years ago

So I looked up “fuccboi”, since I wondered if it meant anything beyond a generic insult. It appears that the word has evolved quite a bit over the decade and a half since it first appeared. It seems to have gained the following meanings, in chronological order:

1. Gay male equivalent of “bimbo”
2. Gender presentation non-conformist
3. Idiotic and/or non-streetwise black man
4. Annoying pervert

Given that “mulatto” probably refers to president Obama (it’s an archaic term for half-black and half-white) he’s probably going with #3. Which is an odd juxtaposition of slang terms no matter how you look at it.

9 years ago

Always capitalizing the w in “white” aaaand the “don’t even lift” unironically. Stay classy Heartiste.

And masculine men remind your typical shitlib of his years spent in middle school with his underwear waistband hiked up to his nipples.

So he’s comparing “masculine men” with 12 year old boys bullying other kids by giving them wedgies?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

anti-White virtue signaling and the gayfagfruitcup feminization of White leftoids who, for now, control the media vertical and horizontal.

Heartiste’s prose has moved beyond purple and out of the visible spectrum. It’s ultraviolet. Bees use it to find nectar.

These effete fags who don’t even lift clutch their pearls when Trump channels the spirit of his blood and soil White Warriors and speaks in the MASCULINE language of the Tribe Realtalk.

On what planet is it “manly” to talk like a pottymouthed 8 year old?

And on what other planet does Donald Trump lift? He’s not exactly the picture of physical health. He always looks like he’s on the verge of a stroke. Imaginary enemies will do that to you.

Anything remotely masculine frightens shitlibs, you see, because masculinity, unlike femininity, is more closely associated with truth-telling.

I love the arrogant, patronizing certainty of this sentence. You just know it floats atop a quivering mass of insecurity, like banana slices on jello. (Deluded, self-important banana slices.) Heartiste lives in a strange binary world where violence, bigotry, insults, extreme right wing politics, truth, freedom, and manhood are all self-evidently interchangeable and synonymous, while everything else is opposite, weak, and evil. Sometimes I wonder if he can actually see in color.

9 years ago

Ok, all I got out of that was: *grunt, grunt* “Masculine manly men good. Trump great! White power! I hate gays. Liberals bad. Feminine evil. Cuck. Vote Trump!” *chest thump*

Or something like that. Gibberish is not my strong point.

9 years ago

Cucksnark a dessert too?

Okay. I envision it as some sort of mix of custard and Snickers bars made into a pie with a cookie crumble crust. Maybe with some sea salt caramel drizzled on the top to represent the salt of white and male tears.

That sounds pretty good.

9 years ago

That one was a doozy. I haven’t even sauntered over to the Chateau to read the whole thing and my head is already spinning. Not because I’m offended or a sensitive “libtard,” but rather because what he writes just absolutely reeks of total Altemeyer/F-scale Authoritarian Follower mentality. He just seems utterly in love with the guy.

9 years ago

Look, I know it’s overly facile to assume noisy homophobes are in fact so deep in the closet they can play grab-ass with Mr. Tumnus, but the way this guy witters on about Trump’s Mighty Whitey Virility is giving me a creepy feeling.

9 years ago

@ Nequam

“so deep in the closet they can play grab-ass with Mr Tumnus” is lovely. Thank you for that: I’m definitely using it.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Heartiste reminds me, once again, why he’s my least-favourite manospherian. Thank you to everyone who posted in this thread to mock him; it really helped.

(Especially Buttercup Q. Skullpants, Ben and Newbie. You three had me laughing.)

9 years ago

Shartiste and Trump need to get their own island – one that’s not already occupied because I wouldn’t be so evil as to wish them on one other human being let alone a whole island population – and there they can practice marching, saluting, build walls, weight lift in skimpy shorts to impress each other, speak gibberish, and marvel at the scent of their own farts. Really. Nobody would mind if they did that – the getting an island thing that is. Especially if it happens to have an active volcano, just think of it as “constantly adding more land”, and a geothermal heat supply to tap for TrumpinShartiste needs.

I’ll just be over here praying that the volcano pulls a Mt. Saint Helens in their general direction if that island thing happens.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

When I saw the title of this post, I thought “Huh, maybe it’s some new assbag who’s not been covered here before. Either that, or Heartiste.”

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

I don’t for one second believe that Heartiste lifts anything heavier than a bag of corn chips.

On an unrelated note, the hilarious Pool Party Radio podcast laid into Return of Kings this week. They get their facts wrong about Roosh himself, but the rant itself is bitterly hilarious.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Cucksnark a dessert too?

Cucksnark is pudding that you make, then someone steals and eats it in front of you while making loud smacking sounds. It’s onomatopoeic.

Bonus points if the eater and the pudding are of mismatching hues.

9 years ago

I thought a cucksnark was some sort of harry potter thing? Like a little golden bug you gotta catch with a net?

And I really think we need to include servings of gayf*gfruitcups in the welcome basket. Those sound delightful.

comment image

Little less-silly (or little-less silly) comment about lingo and tribalism. I know that every clique has their own jargon, and it’s how groups identify their own. Feminists have mansplaining, and intersectionality, and things like that. Can I just say how *annoying* MRA (and conservative) slang words are?

Like – feminist words have meanings, they can be clearly defined and have a certain role. They can be a little *hard* to define at times but they aren’t empty insult-words, generally. But sweet fancy Moses do MRA words annoy me. They’re all meaningless words-that-mean-person-I-don’t-like! Empty, empty, empty! I don’t mind if you’re going to be insulting, doods, and I even get that you want to be irrationally insulting, but good grief, make some words that mean things!

9 years ago

February 9, 2016 at 8:51 pm

A gayfagfruitcup has champagne, multicolored fruit cocktail, and little rainbow-colored parasols. In summer, you can add crushed ice and a little white rum. Put a maraschino on top. It’s quite refreshing, and especially appropriate for a brunch al fresco!

We may need to add this to the Welcome Package, though I suggest abbreviating the name to the GFfruitcup.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Effeminate fruitcup?

9 years ago

Heartiste, do you even English, bro?

9 years ago

Heartiste’s prose has moved beyond purple and out of the visible spectrum. It’s ultraviolet. Bees use it to find nectar.

No this is not ultraviolate it is in the far red spectrum end that flies use to zoom in after following the rotting scent that draws them and other buzzing saprophytic organisms like Heartiste from great distances.
Bees are attracted to sweet scents and as you said use ultraviolet landing guides on bowl shaped flowers or large tubulars like antirrhinums.

That ultraviolate was a mistype but I think my subconscious took over so I left it as the better descriptor. I’m never that clever intentionally.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

If only White people voted, perhaps Trump would win easily but unfortunately for MRAs and other bigots, we minority voters will get to help decide who will replace our current “Mulatto” President. And I assume that many of us can see clearly that Trump is a bigot who shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House.

P.S. This is why Republicans are so hell bent on passing voter restriction laws to eliminate as many minority voters as possible.

Unlucky Blackjack
Unlucky Blackjack
9 years ago

I don’t mean to cast doubt on this guy’s skills as an anthropologist, but I don’t think there is a Native American tribe know as “Realtalk”, nor has there ever been one in the United States.