antifeminism bullying evil SJWs heartiste kitties literal nazis masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism trump

Nazi-lite pickup artist so thrilled by Trump’s use of cat synonym he spews gibberish

Presumably Trump supports THIS pussy
Presumably Trump supports THIS pussy

These are exciting times for the portion of the American electorate that supports Donald Trump as the next-best-thing to an actual reincarnated Hitler.

Indeed, the pickup artist and white supremacist who calls himself Heartiste is so thrilled by Trump’s recent use of the word “pussy” to describe Ted Cruz that he celebrated with a blog post so filled with his own peculiar jargon that it appears almost as though it’s been beamed to earth from a Nazi-occupied planet mars.

As Heartiste sees it, the “hermetically sealed, culturally isolated, demographically gated bubble boys of the beltways” just can’t grasp the hunk of raw Aryan manhood that is the Trump.

These effete fags who don’t even lift clutch their pearls when Trump channels the spirit of his blood and soil White Warriors and speaks in the MASCULINE language of the Tribe Realtalk.

Yes, that is a sentence that was written by an actual human being.

Anything remotely masculine frightens shitlibs, you see, because masculinity, unlike femininity, is more closely associated with truth-telling. And masculine men remind your typical shitlib of his years spent in middle school with his underwear waistband hiked up to his nipples.

Heartiste is so excited to see Trump, his orange-colored great white hope, insult his opponents like an overgrown schoolyard bully that he is forced to make up new words to express his powerful emotions.

I love it. Trump is smart, charismatic, and in touch with the vast army of non-insider Whites who are FED UP with anti-White virtue signaling and the gayfagfruitcup feminization of White leftoids who, for now, control the media vertical and horizontal.

The more pussy bombs the Don drops, the higher his polls go, and the squeakier Kevin Williamson’s cucksnark gets.

Ah, I was wondering when Heartiste would pull out his favorite c-word, cuck.

Presumably the Kevin Williamson Heartiste is referring to is the so-called “cuckservative” writer at the National Review, and not the guy who created Dawson’s Creek. But who knows? Maybe Heartiste is still mad that Joey ended up with Pacey instead of Dawson, played by blonde-haired, blue-eyed dreamboat James Van Der Beek?

Only Heartiste knows for sure.

He ends his post with this question:

Would you rather have a vulgar President or a mincing, prissy, passive-aggressive, White-hating, mulatto fuccboi president? Rhetorical.

I’m going to go with door number two.

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9 years ago

Heil Trump!

(Too soon?)

9 years ago

Who’ll do the movie, “The Trumping of the Will”?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

He seriously said “Don’t even lift” unironically.

I’m going back to bed.

9 years ago

I can’t imagine heartiste has many readers who’s first language isn’t total gibberish. So hopefully that narrows down the amount of neo-nazi dickbags he can ‘rally’ to his cause. Also what’s all this about masculine men? Theres nothing masculine about being so fragile that you panic over nonsense like ‘the extinction of the white race’. -_-

9 years ago

I had to read that part three times to figure out what he said. I kept thinking he missed a word. Don’t even lift what? A finger?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Wingdings makes more sense than whatever the fuck that was.

9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

I read it as if he was first going to say ‘lift pearls’ but changed his mind to ‘clutch pearls’ and forgot to get rid of the first one. Also probably due to what @sfhc said about not actually expecting him to use the ‘do yo even lift’ meme as a serious thing.

9 years ago

“Yes, that is a sentence that was written by an actual human being.”
is there any proof? that heartiste is an actual human being, I mean.

9 years ago

I found footage of the Trump supporter meetup at Heartiste’s place.

9 years ago

Well, my post with a gif in it got eaten, so that’ll have to wait for later. But I’m also wondering what a gayf*gfruitcup is? It just sounds like something that would be served at a gay diner or brunch place like the restaurant the guys from Queer as Folk always hang out. Not quite the devastating insult Heartiste thought it was.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago


“Yes, that is a sentence that was written by an actual human being.”

is there any proof? that heartiste is an actual human being, I mean.

He’s probably one of those lizard people Davis Aurini is so worked up about. There’s a certain reptilian quality to his “prose”.

9 years ago

These effete fags who don’t even lift clutch their pearls when Trump channels the spirit of his blood and soil White Warriors and speaks in the MASCULINE language of the Tribe Realtalk.

Oh bathos, thy name is James Wiedmann.

And on that note, I can see that my irony meter will not be back in working order by the end of tonight, after all.

9 years ago

Heartiste to English translation: “gibber GIBBER gibber gibber gibber gibber GIBBER gibber anyone who does not prostrate themselves before the almighty Trump is shit! Because Trump is god! Ia ia don’ld fhtagn!”

9 years ago

@Dalillama: Lift weights. “Do you even lift?” is a memetic phrase, and it refers to lifting weights.

9 years ago

Tribal Realtalk made me laugh. Like what does that even mean?

9 years ago

Tribal Realtalk made me laugh. Like what does that even mean?

Undiluted racism, complete with words the press can only spell in asterisks.

Alex Rogan
Alex Rogan
9 years ago

I understood the actual words he used, but not in the order he out them in. Is it some kind of special code, where, if cracked, reveals the bloodline of Jesus can be traced back 5 minutes. And, in fact, his most recent decendant is the Fonz?

9 years ago

A gayfagfruitcup has champagne, multicolored fruit cocktail, and little rainbow-colored parasols. In summer, you can add crushed ice and a little white rum. Put a maraschino on top. It’s quite refreshing, and especially appropriate for a brunch al fresco!

9 years ago

because masculinity, unlike femininity, is more closely associated with truth-telling.

Ha ha ha, oh my god. Assuming he means his own brand of [toxic] masculinity, and not any kind of healthy masculinity, that assertion is pure comedy gold.

9 years ago

What the hell is fuccboi? Is the writer too much of a “pussy” (God, I hate that) to spell out “fuckboy”?

9 years ago

I still refuse to think of “pussy” as a synonym for weak and vulnerable. No, if you want weak and vulnerable, you want balls. Those fuckers are just a nice dangling target and pain factory.

That said, I *THINK* I understood Roo–whups, Heartiste’s, it all blends together after a while–rant, but I kind of stopped giving a shit after he actually used “who don’t even lift”. Actually, I stopped caring after “effete fags”, but you know. Got plenty, really, I just don’t want drain the tank if there’s a box of kittens needing a home.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Well, my post with a gif in it got eaten, so that’ll have to wait for later. But I’m also wondering what a gayf*gfruitcup is? It just sounds like something that would be served at a gay diner or brunch place like the restaurant the guys from Queer as Folk always hang out. Not quite the devastating insult Heartiste thought it was.

I’d eat the shit out of a gayfagfruitcup.

9 years ago

My family is politically diverse, yet nobody likes Trump because he’s whiny and has no mental filter at all.

Hart’s prose looks like it came straight from a trollfic or crackfic.

9 years ago

Yes, that is a sentence that was written by an actual human being.

Are you sure about that? Looks like markov-chain gobbledygook to me.

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