#gamergate antifeminism block that metaphor citation needed davis aurini drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Davis Aurini takes aim at lizard people, media plotters, and other enemies of Roosh

What is love? Lizard don't hurt me.
What is love? Lizard don’t hurt me.

I realize that most of you are probably feeling as Rooshed-out as I am, and would like to move on to posts with a very low percentage of Roosh content, if any at all.

But I feel I would be remiss not to bring to your attention a post by our old friend, the urban cowboy/white nationalist (on paper) Davis M.J. Aurini, published on Roosh’s Return of Kings site on Friday. Entitled “Why International Meetup Day Was Cancelled,” it is perhaps the dumbest thing anyone has yet or will ever write on the subject.

Mr. Aurini starts off by positing the existence of a vast, Australia-wide media conspiracy against his buddy Roosh, a conspiracy showing the “extreme cunning” of the enemies of all that is good and true:

During Gamgergate [sic] it was revealed that the gaming press were coordinating behind the scenes, deciding which topics would be discussed and promoted, and which ones would be censored and dropped into the memory hole. Given that on February 2nd six nearly identical articles were published throughout the Australian press within hours of one another, all describing Return of Kings as a “Rape Group,” it is a near certainty that the Australian press is similarly controlled by collusion between the reporters on secret message boards.

Emphasis mine.

His proof of this conspiracy is a blurry image showing that a number of Australian papers RAN ARTICLES ABOUT ROOSH WITH IDENTICAL TITLES on the same day.

Which might be evidence of a vast conspiracy amongst Australian journalists except for the fact that all of the newspapers in question are owned by the same media conglomerate and regularly run the exact same articles as one another, much in the way that newspapers across the US regularly run identical stories by the Associated Press.

A conspiracy so immense that proof of it is blurry!
A conspiracy so immense that proof of it is blurry!

Indeed, if you look carefully at the blurry proof Aurini offers as proof of conspiracy, you’ll see that some of the papers in question also ran identical articles on what Myers and David Jones — apparently big Australian department store chains? — are planning to do to usher in a new fashion season.

I’m pretty sure that even the most cunning SJWs could not dream up a conspiracy so deliciously eeeevil that it would require not only media manipulation of news about Roosh but also unanimity of coverage on Australian department store fashion as well.

Don’t anyone mention this to Aurini, but I have proof that NEARLY IDENTICAL “WIZARD OF ID” COMICS are running today in newspapers around the world! COLLUSION AT ITS MOST NEFARIOUS!!!

Aurini then offers this, well, unique explanation of the behavior of Roosh’s enemies, which for some reason involves flocks of lizard people.

The behaviour we’ve witnessed over the past week is perfectly explained by flocks of narcissists, organized online, exercising vicious cunning with a human’s capacity for abstract thought. They are the metaphorical lizard people, dressed in skin suits, unreasonable and unrepentant.

Lizard people, you say?

Their goal is pandemonium. So long as it is chaotic, degraded, cheap, infectious, and ugly, they will endorse it, and they will use any tactic to achieve it: violence, lies, false philosophies, and pretend victimhood. They will be crying and vulnerable one moment, and coldly murderous the next. They are vicious, they are legion, and they’re organized as only animals who have known sin could possibly be.

We see you.

So apparently Aurini has discovered peyote?

Aurini continues bumbling his way through more failed metaphors, at one point declaring that

Through introspection we will hear the voice of our conductor, and learn what song it is that we are meant to sing.

After saying a whole lot of nothing, he winds up the piece with a warning for all of us lizard people who’ve been so darn mean to poor old Roosh.

A final word for all of those who attacked us, slandered us, and threatened us; we, the men who would defend you against those who would enslave and exploit you; we who fight, not for ourselves, but for the future.

Alas, Aurini’s “final word” is actually several hundred.

We will remember who you are, and we are a larger chorus than you know.

That ex-boyfriend who stole your heart? One of us. That charming married man at your office, with the beautiful wife? One of us. That wise mentor who helped you more than you’ll than you’ll ever know? One of us.

Huh. I rather doubt that the lesbian cultural history professor I had as an advisor in grad school — if anyone was ever my mentor, it was probably her — reads Return of Kings.

The battle for civilization will be neither quick nor easy. We will win, but not without great struggle and many casualties amongst those who refused to pick a side. So remember something: when you or your womenfolk are being viciously assaulted and raped by third world savages whom you defended while decrying us—or by some gestapo thug, whom you empowered to oppress us, their breath rancid with garlic and rotting teeth—

That is the future you chose by standing against men of virtue.

Yep, another far-right fantasy of a righteous apocalypse that will put all of us SJWs in their place. I’m just a little surprised to see Aurini — a white nationalist Holocaust denier who has more than a few kind things to say about Hitler — depicting the Gestapo as the bad guys.


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9 years ago


First: One presumes that your online name has nothing at all, no nothing! to do with this statement.

I’ve been a naval war-gamer as a child and it was actually wargaming that led me to Civ5; also I’m a Britophile — and this isn’t a statement you often hear from a Chinese person. ?

As for Elizabeth, she’s pretty much Genghis Kahn of the sea. Her unique ability is lacking, but she has two incredibly powerful units. I find that you don’t even have to be the first to reach navigation, just get there in a reasonable amount of time before combustion and you’ll have a matchless navy that’s perfect for capturing cities.

Sorry for being predictable but my favourite civilisation has to be Poland. He has benefits that helps in all aspects of the game — militarily, culturally, economically, and in production. You can build wide and the free social policy will help you offset the culture penalty, or you can go tall and finish off a few more policy trees. The experience mounted units get from stables means that you can put off building barracks if your focus is on the economy, or you can churn out more experienced units if you want to warmonger early on.

As for peaceful game + naval tech ===> total warmonger…

When I play Poland or Mongolia I always make sure I research horseriding first as Poland, the wheel as Mongolia and chivalry in both cases; which means I tend to neglect naval technologies.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Gee, thanks for that, now I know what my nightmares will be about.

9 years ago

I love civ 5, the removal of unit stacking made all the difference to me, now war isnt just about who churns out the most units.

France has to be my favourite to play as, cultural victory yeah.

That said though for a fun time I recommend any of True Start World mods on the workshop and then playing as Indonesia, slow start but ramp up in the midgame as you colonise Australia.

Alternatively Playing as the Iroqouis and building up strength to invade the “new world” of Europe is great fun. Playing as Venice where you’re utterly surrounded from the get go is a real challenge.

9 years ago

I think that Aurini knows that these newspapers print identical articles all the time. And he knows it’s because they’re all owned by the same corporation.

He writes these lies because otherwise, he would have nothing to write.

What would he say? An admitted rapist has received his well-deserved comeuppance from the world? That’s not going to fly with his fans. So he did the best he could and came up with “Lizard people are behind Roosh’s humiliation.”

9 years ago

Wait a minute, women like fashion and all the Fairfax newspapers are discussing fashion. Ergo Fairfax is run by feminazi lesbians, or as I call them the Feminati. Conspiracy!!!!! Eleventy!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago

Someone should create a civilisation that’s run by Elam and one that’s run by Roosh; and Roosh can have Aurini as his special unit.

9 years ago

Davis Aurini is calling us narcissists. In defence of Roosh V. That’s rich.

9 years ago

There isn’t enough booze and weed in the world for me to sit down and read through that entire piece of shiterature.

However, I got a kick out of one of the links in the sidebar – “Cockroach crawls into teen’s ear and gives birth to 25 baby bugs.” What a fitting link for a racist, homophobic MRA site.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Miss Andry | February 8, 2016 at 6:05 pm
@Paradoxical Intention

Gee, thanks for that, now I know what my nightmares will be about.

If I have to suffer with that mental image, I’m taking all of you down with me.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Yes, but it’s best to refrain from making armchair diagnoses of Aurini or Roosh. Lots of horrible people don’t have narcissistic personality disorder.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I took my lizard to the pub the other night. The landlord said “He’s a bit small isn’t he?”. I said “Yeah, he’s my newt”.

9 years ago

Aw disappointed your aurinimeter prototype doesn’t look like a skull though :'( but I suppose once @EJ and others go in to mass production we can work on that. See I thought the way it would be measured is aurini would have a value of 1 and everything else would be a raito. The only problem comes when someone goes more aurini than aurini…
(Super late reply I just had the longest fucking work shift 14 hours…and counting -_-)

9 years ago

@alan I think part of my soul just died reading that joke.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


Well, of course Aurini would be the base of our measurements, but I don’t think that it’d be too hard to measure when someone goes more Aurini than Aurini.

If we use your example, if Aurini is 1AU (Aurini Units), then someone who is more Aurini would be some number higher.

For instance, we can say that Roosh, who Aurini idolizes, could be 2AU.

I suppose it would be hard to measure someone who doesn’t fall on the scale though.

I mean, if we use David or another intersectional feminist as an example, would it be possible to get into negative AUs, or would we just not be able to measure feminists by the same scale?

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

comment image

Ok, it was funny, but so, so wrong . . . .

9 years ago

@paradoxical intention
I suppose it does need some more developments as a measurement. To be honest though I was just really excited to get a skull shaped aurini meter that would start beeping off the scale when I point it at an article like this.

9 years ago

Davis Aurini: master of passive voice.

9 years ago

The only people who I ever see railing against HR are harassers and victims of harassment. 3 guesses which group manurespherians fall into.

VICTIMS, of course! All those women’s boobs keep leaping up and attacking them! Miniskirt power, don’tcha know?


(Ugh, Warren Farrell, WTF are YOU doing in here? Fuck off.)

9 years ago

@Victorious Parasol:

You are making me feel old bringing up that lurker song. I remember the Usenet flame war that gave birth to that saying. *whimper* /o.o\

*wields(sword) cane to whack all the young whippersnappers out of the way*

*returns to reading the rest of the comment section.*

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Saphira | February 8, 2016 at 7:42 pm
@Paradoxical Intention
Ok, it was funny, but so, so wrong . . . .

You know that’s what he was thinking!

Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

“That wise mentor who helped you more than you’ll than you’ll ever know? One of us.”

Do you mean my gay writing mentor who was quick to point out examples of sexism and treated me and my sister equally?

My female spiritual mentor a minster who totally changed how I saw Christians?

or would it be my muslim feminist gender studies professor who helped criticize our colleges lack of policy concerning rape?

Because I’m having trouble imaging any of those people even wanting to be near you.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns – they/their)

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns – they/their)

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns – they/their)

Omg. Pronouns! OMG. OMG!


Hu's On First
Hu's On First
9 years ago

You know who else believes in lizard people?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Redsilkphoenix

Feel free to join me in the Old Coot/Cootessa corner. I have brownies. We can talk about the days of tin, and joke about the days when Australia’s bandwidth to the rest of the world was a 747 loaded up with mag tape.

9 years ago

I’ve never before seen so many tears of joy shed over pronouns.

Take a bow, pronouns!