
Men’s Rights memes that make you go “wat”

Even dogs are confused by these MRA memes
Even dogs are confused by these MRA memes

Today we once again celebrate Memeday — albeit a day late because Roosh — with some Men’s Rights memes that, well, apparently made sense to whoever made them. They don’t make much sense to me.

Let’s begin!


MRAs are obsessed with the notion that women are constantly conspiring to murder their husbands in sneaky ways that don’t show up in the crime stats — by poisoning, by hiring hitmen, and so forth. Presumably in this meme, found on AVFM’s Facebook page, the diabolical female in the picture is trying to drive her husband to suicide.

There’s something weirdly familiar about her eyes. Hmmm.

Paul Elam on 20/20

Oh, that’s why!

This message of the meme below isn’t especially confusing; it’s a perennial MGTOW fantasy.

Errr … what?

What I don’t quite understand is what exactly they’re going their own way in.

I mean, it looks like they’re riding in an old-timey convertible. BUT THERE IS NO CONVERTIBLE. Are they flying off in a little spaceship? If so, what’s happened to the legs of the guys in the front seat? I mean, there’s clearly not room for them. Why is there a tree branch floating in the air beside them? Where are their spacesuits? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

This next one also raises a lot of questions.


It’s not exactly a shock to discover that a men’s rights meme=maker doesn’t actually know what radical feminism is. (Hint: securing giant alimony payments for all divorced women is not exactly a major tenet of radical feminism, fellas!)

What I don’t get is the picture, depicting Robin Williams in drag in a scene from Mrs. Doubtfire. At first I thought Mrs. Doubtfire was supposed to represent a rad fem. Then I realized it was probably supposed to be a reference to Williams’ suicide, which MRAs and MGTOWs have blamed on the high cost of the alimony he was paying to his ex-wives. While no one actually knows why Williams killed himself, the comedian struggled for decades with depression and substance abuse and had recently diagnosed with Diffuse Lewy body dementia (or Lewy body disease), a degenerative disorder similar to Parkinson’s known for causing wild hallucinations and that family members apparently think might have triggered the suicide.

In other words, whatever caused Williams’ suicide, it wasn’t radical feminism or “moderate feminism,” whatever that is.

MRAs are a good deal less sympathetic towards Marilyn Monroe, who died of a drug overdose that the coroner ruled a “probable suicide.”


Like Williams, Monroe was a talented comedic actor with a troubled life. But apparently some people are so angry about that “if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best” quote that’s regularly attributed to Monroe that all they can do is to howl “whore” in protest. Pretty pathetic.

This next one is a somewhat perplexing variation on the old “feminists are ugly hambeasts” trope.


Now, I don’t know either of the shows that these characters are coming from. All I see is someone with a crudely drawn, er, you know, as a head being transformed into a badass punk warthog, which, I dunno. seems like an upgrade to me,

About the only good thing you can say about the following diagram is that it’s not as bewilderingly complicated as most antifeminist diagrams are. It’s just bewildering.

What are you even talking about?
What are you even talking about?

I don’t know much about PTSD, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t caused by women sitting on whoopie cushions with rape whistles attached to their nozzles.

And then, from somewhere where GamerGaters congragate, comes this meme.


The only thing that really baffled me about this meme is why GamerGaters would want to depict Anita Sarkeesian here as the COOLEST TOTAL BADASS ON THE PLANET

I will leave you with this. It may come in handy the next time you take a look at MRA memes.


Stay coherent, my friends.

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9 years ago

When my kids were the right age for it, Peppa Pig was one of the few things they watched that was genuinely entertaining even for their harassed parents.

Here’s Daddy Puts Up A Picture, which I suspect wouldn’t be too popular with MRAs. Note that the two female characters either mock poor Daddy Pig throughout his picture-hanging ordeal (Peppa) or cast doubts about whether the ordeal even happened at all (Mummy Pig).

9 years ago

The look on that lion’s face! It’s wonderful.

9 years ago


The Sarkeesian image is especially weird to me as it looks like the text was literally cut and pasted from other sources. Surely if your graphics editor can do that, it can also, you know, actually type text onto the image as well, no?

That’s not really a sensible criticism, IMO. When you’re making a collage, using a similar cut-up technique for the text is a reasonable aesthetic choice – and the maker of this incomprehensible meme certainly isn’t the first artist to work that way. In this case, the result is visually striking and in keeping with the style of the picture. I’m more concerned with the fact that Anita appears to have three arms. Having watched many of her videos, I’m pretty sure this isn’t true.

snork maiden
9 years ago

@Patricia Kayden

thanks for the link, the DM really are getting their fangs into Rooshie. What I find interesting is that the RoKspawn aren’t brigading the comments section.

9 years ago

Bina, WTF is the human doing to the cat in that capybara video?

9 years ago

Having watched both shows (the first when I was a kid and the second when I used to babysit my three y/o nephew) the Bebop-Peppa comparison makes even less sense if you’re familiar with both characters.

While being obviously the bigger physical threat of the two, Bebop (in the cartoon show) was far more obedient , less inquisitive, more tolerant of verbal abuse and, overall, not very bright.

Bebop is, ironically, closer to the manospherian ideal woman than Peppa is.

9 years ago

@snork maiden

It’s obvious why – the comments are universally negative. Anyone commenting in support of Roosh would suddenly find themselves in the real world with real people who recognise him for what he is – rather than the redpill echo chamber that allows them to believe their vile philosophy is acceptable – or even normal.

Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

Where are the MGTOW memes? Sorry, I don’t know how to make one so if anyone else wants a go, here’s an idea.


What You Think You Are

What You Really Arecomment image

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
9 years ago
Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

Masha and the Bear, a kids cartoon from Russia just hit a billion hits on youtube.

Except it’s NOT a kids cartoon. It’s a secret message about SJWs corrupting the Russian Federation.

Look at it this way:
The bear is Russia,
The game of checkers is Russia’s future military plans to, like, take over the world and stuff.
The ingredients are Russia’s natural resources.
The little girl is the evil feminists, sent by the Jooz in the West to mess everything up.
The porridge is the Socialist mess they’ve made of everything.
The other animals that she force-feeds are the scroungers living off the state who get fat and don’t want to work hard anymore.

In the end she faces the consequence of her actions. That’s because Russia is ruled by REAL MEN so SJWs haven’t a chance.

9 years ago

@owen mclovely

That “what you really are” is painfully close for this former PUA gone MGTOW


EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

This is the best thread ever.

9 years ago

Brilliant graphics – love the lions.

@ brooked

Golly those are bad. I can’t even read the bumper sticker text on maximum zoom.

The strapline “tell the world how you feel” should add “provided the world is in the car behind with a telescope and very steady hands”.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Admittedly I haven’t seen TMNT for ages, but, uhm…isn’t Bebop supposed to be a guy? Because that would make the message of the pig meme be ‘before feminism you’re a cute girl; after feminism you’re a punk guy’, wouldn’t it?

Or am I reading too much into that?

Miss Andry
9 years ago


To paraphrase Bart Simpson, no offense but what they don’t know could fill a warehouse.

9 years ago

The Mrs. Doubtfire one is such a perfect own-goal. The plot of Mrs. Doubtfire is basically that dad gets equal access to his kids when he starts behaving like a parent.

9 years ago

Before feminism:comment image
After feminism:

9 years ago

In my attempt to track down what the dude in the front seat is handing to the dude in the back seat (cigarette, for anyone interested) I ran across this version:
comment image

In which clearly a feminist agent is subverting their protest!

9 years ago


So the MRA memeticists, in order to find a picture worthy of meme-making, ended up having to erase the participation of a woman?

Lol. Imagine that.

9 years ago

Daxter, a google image search suggests that the original lacks the feeemale. It’s from an 1947 ad by Van Heusen, a clothing company:

Apparently the key ingredient of a fun lifestyle for men is affordable casual wear, not women.

9 years ago

Speaking of Van Heusen, seems they promoted their fair share of misandry:

comment image

The guy wouldn’t be smiling if he knew what anglers do to the catch they don’t throw back.

History Nerd
9 years ago

@tricyclist So he gave up PUA stuff and now he’s claiming to have an algorithm to help people win at betting on horse races?