off topic open thread

Catch Your Man With Donuts: A Roosh-Free Open Thread

There's a BOFA joke here somewhere.
There’s a BOFA joke here somewhere.

It’s quittin’ time here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So let’s start off the weekend with a Roosh-Free open thread. Feel free to talk about anything and everything that is not Roosh. Like, for example, that weird old ad above. No trolls, no MRAs allowed.

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8 years ago

I know one of these people. She is always late to work but it’s not her fault, it’s traffic and completely out of her control. In fact, it’s her manager’s fault that she’s stressed out about her job being at risk as a result of this; it’s just too stressful for her to have to think of the possibility of losing her job. She also is absolutely not actively trying to have a baby when she has unprotected sex. She’s just letting nature take its course. It would be different (somehow) if she were trying.

She’s actually a nice person despite all of this, but it’s frustrating supporting her, especially when she was living rent free at my place while absolutely not “trying” to have a baby with her then husband (who was not at all nice and also living with me).

I have to think about whether that mentality fits with MRAs.

8 years ago

You know what they say: the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Har har har…

I don’t think that’s anatomically correct, but I suppose if you stab hard enough it’ll work?

Jason Deng
Jason Deng
8 years ago

David you must write about the time when Roosh statutory raped a 17 years old:

Roosh (statutory) raped a 17 years old girl as well

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
8 years ago




I checked the glossary. Not there. This is one with which I’m not familiar.

8 years ago

Oh, and David, thanks for making the open thread. I was getting tired of looking at Roosh’s face.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Katz

Hey, I think it was you that used the phrase “ideologically pure candidate” when we were discussing the tendency of progressives to take a ‘ black ball’ approaches to voting.

Looks like The Guardian is stealing your ideas….

8 years ago



Big Outlandish Fairies Association

epitome of incomprehensibility

I am smiling at the cake discussion, although it’s making me hungry too. The Finnish cakes with the jam on top look especially scrumptious.

@Nequam, I’m so sorry about your dad’s illness. I hope there’s some relief in knowing what’s wrong, and some hope it can be treated. When I was a teenager my father had a close call with gallstones/gall bladder infection because it wasn’t diagnosed properly for a long time. (He’s doing well now and mostly quite healthy, except for getting pneumonia in the fall – that one wasn’t life-threatening, but not fun either.) Anyway, please take care of yourself.

Yesterday I had to proofread a medical article, and now I know that gall bladder infection is called cholecystitis. (See, I learn things from my work! Exciting things that I need to know. The perks of proofreading…)

8 years ago

Imaginary Petal-No probs!! 😀

“EDIT: FFS. I forgot to change my name on my laptop. :p”

LOL! I must admit, I was quite confused for a second there.

8 years ago

Note to whom may interest : you can catch women too. Especially me. I prefer pecan nuts pies instead of donuts, though. I am accepting candidates of all kinds and genders, pm me for further information on how to apply.

But don’t bring iron balls, okay? I am more of the handcuff kind.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
8 years ago


I took my half. You can have the other half? :p


Oh my.

8 years ago

@imaginary petal (adorable new name!)

Oh my.

Thaaaats right, honey, oh my.

Make an orderly line, boys, girls and others, try not crowding up too much nor resorting to physical violence. Everyone will get their chance.

8 years ago

I’m surprised that no-one’s mentioned Sadie Hawkins Day in relation to the leap year marriage proposals:

@Crip Dyke: check the Urban Dictionary for that one.

ETA: the link:

Don’t say you weren’t warned. >.<

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

I’m considering going on my local library’s website later this morning and reserving the 2-year-old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie with Megan Fox, for non-Megan Fox reasons I don’t quite feel comfortable sharing unless directly asked. Anyone care to talk me out of it?

8 years ago

@ epitome of incomprehensibility
The scrumptiousness of the Runerberg pastries is a matter of taste. I liked them a lot as a kid, because they were a special delicacy you only got at this time of the year, but they weren’t really to my taste because they had some kind of alcohol taste. Or bitter almond or something. I’m more of a cookie baker, so I wouldn’t know.

Man, I haven’t even had those in years. Must be because my mother makes such delicious ones that I never want to buy them, since they wouldn’t taste the same. (Particularly since she usually makes them in muffin molds, which means that the ratio of toppings to dough is a lot more interesting than in the original high version.)

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
8 years ago


Thank you! And thank you. 😉

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

All my best wishes go out to him and to you too. I hope everything turns out well. Please keep us posted about this.

@Leda Atomica:
Congratulations! Which country is he based in? I hope the two of you are happy and that the distance between you is easily overcome.

8 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. That’s a heavy load for both you and him.

What a shame. I’m sorry that your best friend has cancer.

I’m hoping for the best possible outcome for both of these people.

8 years ago

@Leda Atomica
Wow! That’s a lovely turn of events. It sounds like you’re feeling confused but delighted right now.

I’m happy for both of you.

8 years ago

I’m going to change jobs.

Although the terrible new rotas probably won’t stick (or maybe they will) it’s given me a kick up the butt to get out of languishing away in a minimum wage job and actually get on the career ladder. I know my skills, I know what I want to do, I just don’t know how to go about the new job searching venture. I’ve organised a Careers Guidance Interview with a local company to start off with.

Must admit, I’m nervous, since I’m essentially starting again at age 27 and I’ll have to compete with graduates. Ones with better, more specific degrees than me, perhaps. Yes I have work experience on my side but it’s not that impressive, IMO. But I do have a cracking resumé thanks to paying some professionals to spruce it up, and I can be charming at job interviews. Maybe my people skills will win the day, who knows.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Good luck, sunnysombrera!

My company has recently gone through a hiring blitz and we’ve been prioritising people with some life experience over brand-new graduates quite heavily, even if neither have the technical skills. People who’ve never had a job before often haven’t developed abilities like “how to work under pressure when everyone around you is being shitty to you because they’re under pressure too” and “how to cope with management making the wrong decisions but expecting you to muddle through anyway”, which are often more important than being able to write good code.

I don’t know what you’re applying for but if they’re anything like we are, I can see how they might be very enthusiastic to have you.

8 years ago

Thanks EJ, that’s very encouraging. You make a good point. I suppose when I think about it there are a lot of things I could list that I’ve learnt in the last few years, stuff that I most certainly didn’t learn at uni. Things like prioritising tasks because we don’t have the staff to do everything at once, delegating/negotiating tasks with teammates, biting my tongue when customers are being shitty towards me and having to de-escalate situations where they’re kicking off for no good reason. Keeping things in good shape down to the details so that the auditor will be happy at her next visit. To name a few.

Also, since we’re a place that handles a fuckload of cash every day and tends to attract near-homeless people due to a chance of easy money (sometimes we have free tickets even though the prizes are small), we also have to stay sharp. Because some people – even a couple of regulars – will try to scam, rob, and take advantage of us.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

If you can prioritise and delegate tasks effectively, can resolve customer issues, can stay sharp for scammers and can motivate people to do things they don’t want to do, then you’re basically a shoe-in for any supervisory position that I’ve ever come across. If you can do that and keep auditors happy, then you should be in management. Those are the sort of skills that can’t easily be taught but are really valuable; and anyone smart enough to be worth working for will be on the lookout for that.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
8 years ago

@ sunny

Good Luck! If you already have a professionally spruced up resumée, you probably won’t need the advice, and maybe this is common knowledge and I was just being stupid before, but anyway:

my partner once gave me the valuable tip of beginning the resumée with a set of skills instead of just list prior positions. I’m pretty sure that helped me get interviews I wouldn’t have had otherwise. What you just mentioned as your skills (but which wouldn’t be reflected in a list of positions) can be made into several bullet points at the beginning of the resumée, so that employers see that first and then can connect it to the jobs you’re listing.

Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
Imaginary Petal (formerly dhag85, trying out pronouns - they/their)
8 years ago


Good luck!

God, this discussion is really making me feel how incredibly uninterested I am in having a career. Sigh.