empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Check out my piece on Roosh in the International Business Times

Roosh V
Roosh V

I was asked to do a piece on Roosh V for the International Business Times, and so I did, arguing that his now infamous post on legalizing rape is not actually the worst or most dangerous thing about him.

Roosh, like many other gurus of so-called “pick-up artistry”, likes to pretend he’s discovered some secret codes that – like the cheat codes that make video games easier to play – allow men to charm and/or manipulate almost any woman into having sex with them.

In reality, of course, there are no cheat codes; women aren’t video games. But there is another, more old-fashioned technique that men have used since time immemorial when they want to have sex with women who aren’t interested in having sex with them. This technique is known as rape.

While Roosh indignantly insists he is no “rape advocate”, in his books and blog posts, he encourages his followers to treat a woman saying “No” as little more than a temporary obstacle to sex.

Read the rest here.


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9 years ago

I suppose I could actually quote the thing

I think the problem here is mostly that people still believe “misogyny” is a bad thing. Is it? In light of feminism, we as a society should really start to question our long held beliefs. Clearly the guy didn’t advocate an actual legalization of rape in that think piece, and it is true rape is too easily defined in western countries.

The belief that sexism is hateful is basically the problem here. For the most part Roosh and his sites just offers a blunt, and critical view of women. Whether or not they’re right, hate isn’t the intention, nor is it even important.

Check out how calm and reasonable he’s pretending to be! Nothing hateful there. /s

9 years ago

Thanks for that quote, Viscaria. The sawbones tell me my blood pressure needs to be higher, and they were wondering how best to treat it.

9 years ago

“Rape is too easily defined”? Tell that to the women who’ve been violated, asswipe.

Actually, in Germany and in Canada, it’s too hard still for victims to bring charges to bear. And I’ll bet it’s not so different in the US and Britain either.

But let it never be said that these “reasonable” trolls don’t, by their very existence (not to mention their blithe idiocy), show us why more feminism, not a backlash, is what’s really needed.

9 years ago

That’s not hate, David. That’s a criticism!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bina

There’s a report here that, inter alia, looks at rape prosecutions in the UK. Executive summary: doesn’t seem any easier than the other places you mentioned (which tallies with the stuff I was talking about with that guy on the other thread about a week ago)

9 years ago

Lives in mom’s basement? Of course he does.

She is a better woman than me. He’d never darken my door again, family or not.

Then again, she is helping him promote rape by supporting him so…maybe not.

9 years ago

I don’t hate Roosh, I just think he’s a worthless turd that makes the world a worse place with his existence and could go leap into a volcano for all I care.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Wow, that Daily Mail article is, I have to admit, pretty spot on. It wouldn’t be out of place here.

I also like that the UK Government has called for Roosh the be ‘ridiculed’.

ETA: obviously there’s nothing wrong with living in your mum’s basement, but it’s such a cliche! If Roosh was a work of fiction we’d call his lifestyle lazy writing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I have similar issues every time I try to carry a long stick with my teeth through a door.

I inevitably find myself saying “Just tilt your head sideways! You do that all the time when you don’t have a stick!”

You could try that.

9 years ago

Wait, I thought Roosh was living in Eastern Europe because he wanted to get away from American women.

9 years ago

Victorious Parasol
February 4, 2016 at 3:37 pm
Great article, David!

I once had a cat who tried to open doorknobs. He was sure that if he could jump up to doorknob level and get sufficient hang time, he’d eventually turn the knob … and then he’d never be thwarted by a door again!

My cat opens doors using this exact technique! He hangs on the knob and then drops on the floor and finishes opening the door by throwing his butt in it.

If I take too long to clean his box, he grabs the shovel and sticks inside of it. Once he somehow removed his poop from the litter, opened the litter bag, let the litter fall on the floor and peed on it.
Once we also catched him peeing on the toilet! He is very smart and very very clean ^^

9 years ago

Brains are made of silly putty.

That explains why mine is covered in backwards comic panels.

9 years ago

Many of our doors, which had all been installed in the 70s, used to be slightly out of alignment with the jams. We fixed them all a couple of years ago, but before that the cats liked to employ a delicate door opening procedure I like to call “hit it really hard with paws or forehead until it moves.” Graceful poetry in action.

@Falconer, anything for you, my friend.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


That sounds so much like what Engineer Kitty (one of his many nicknames) was trying to do. I’m convinced that if cancer hadn’t gotten him back in 2013, he’d’ve been able to perfect his door-opening technique.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

My dog’s pretty weird with doors. She won’t go through one unless it’s fully open. And I don’t just mean if she has to squeeze, I even have to open farm gates all the way or she just sits there. She also has a thing about sometimes just changing her mind. She did that once on the Underground so I was left in the carriage, her on the platform and the lead stick in the door. Luckily some nice passengers yanked the doors open before it got messy.

[Fun fact: if you damage the door lock on a Tube train, the brakes automatically lock on]

9 years ago

My cat is too stupid to open doors – but he’ll close ones that are left a few inches ajar and then cry about being trapped in the room.
My cat is still smarter than some of the manospherians.

9 years ago

Engineer kitty, awwwww, what an adorable nickname. One of the most common nicknames of mine is anaconda kitty, because when he wants treats (we can’t give much cause he has Urinary problems) he circles our feet and bite us. Asshole.

[img] [/img]

Hope I successfully embedded the image.

Edit: I didn’t. Cute meme, though.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ chiomara


“Thank you got adopting me Dr Shroedinger”

[My version of that experiment replaces the poison with one of those automatic cat feeders. So then the cat is both hungry and not hungry.]

9 years ago

I also like that the UK Government has called for Roosh the be ‘ridiculed’.

Ridicule is good, yes. If they call for fat-shaming, slut-shaming, and other kinds of woman-shaming, we can call for PUA ridiculing.

Sometimes, turnabout really is fair play.

9 years ago

Of course there is no hatred there. Just your regular calm degradation and dehumanization of the penile receptacles commonly known as women. Confusing it with hatred is unwarranted, given how little regard the receptacles merit.

P.S. I’m not entirely sarcastic.

9 years ago

@Alan: The dog figuring out how to get his stick through the rails is just the antidote I needed to all this ugly Doosh stuff. Thanks. Dogs do rule.

@Falconer: I’m really glad your cat is doing better.

9 years ago

Great job! I’m happy you’re getting to spread the word!

[My version of that experiment replaces the poison with one of those automatic cat feeders. So then the cat is both hungry and not hungry.]

Don’t be silly, cats are always hungry!