I was asked to do a piece on Roosh V for the International Business Times, and so I did, arguing that his now infamous post on legalizing rape is not actually the worst or most dangerous thing about him.
Roosh, like many other gurus of so-called “pick-up artistry”, likes to pretend he’s discovered some secret codes that – like the cheat codes that make video games easier to play – allow men to charm and/or manipulate almost any woman into having sex with them.
In reality, of course, there are no cheat codes; women aren’t video games. But there is another, more old-fashioned technique that men have used since time immemorial when they want to have sex with women who aren’t interested in having sex with them. This technique is known as rape.
While Roosh indignantly insists he is no “rape advocate”, in his books and blog posts, he encourages his followers to treat a woman saying “No” as little more than a temporary obstacle to sex.
Read the rest here.
Great article, David! I’m really happy to see that you’ve become sort of a front-runner in journalism that documents this horrible nonsense. You set an excellent tone for how it should be approached – with humour and determination. Thank you 🙂
Off Topic:
Two things. First, an excellent article about Jian Ghomeshi
And linked within that article was some angering news: The guy from Ontario Hydro One that was fired for yelling “FHRITP” (not going to spell it out) at a reporter … was re-hired. They haven’t said if he’s going to get the same job again or not, but if so, he makes over $100,000/year. So, that’s fun.
Great job, David. Over the years you’ve really perfected the use of the word “alleged”, and I’m happy to see it made an appearance in this article too. :p
David, that’s brilliant!
You know, when Dawkins was doing his thing, I was tempted to ask you to put together a short summary of the actions of the MRA lot together with the sources for your comments to send to him (he claims to be evidence driven). This is pretty much the sort of thing that I had in mind.
Taking Roosh’s advice could easily mold younger guys with developing sexuality into serial rapists with a full deviant arousal pattern. Serial rapists now are about 4% of the male population (plus probably significantly less of the female population). Those guys weren’t born serial rapists and there’s no reason that number couldn’t increase to 20% or 30%.
My! Isn’t he special! Where are those female boxers?
Fantastic, David. You are THE person to do it, and I am so glad they asked you, rather than someone less well versed in this ugly topic.
Now prepare for the onslaught of redpilians at the gate — or in the comment section, to be accurate.
The video game cheat code part is such an apt metaphor. Great job, and good on them for asking you!
@History Nerd – “Serial rapists now are about 4% of the male population (plus probably significantly less of the female population).” – Where does that number come from? It does sound pretty high to me, I must admit.
Excellent article, David.
I’ve been linking this blog – especially the article on “everything you need to know about Roosh” on social media where friends have been posting about his planned “visit” (to about 7 separate locations in the UK alone!).
I hope some come over here and enjoy the bonbons, scented candles and fiendish plotting on behalf of our furry feline overlords that all true mammotheers revel in.
Ya know…if there were any kind of fence/wall/extra tall barrier to entry of a physical place or merely a conceptual one that applied to a bit of that online turf…one could really support the creation of…
But then there wouldn’t be the occasional troll-doing-their-troll-ritual-and-ceremonial-dance-for-entertainment but an endless horde of really boring and repetitive ones that David will simply ban when they hit peak frothing. The trials and tribulations one must endure I suppose. Just because you build a fence doesn’t mean there won’t be a bunch of people trying to find a way of getting around/through/over/under it. Or dogs. Unless you make the dog fence-proof.
Would a fence-proof dog have wings?
Wire-cutter jaws?
Oh wow. I just did a quick google search for jumping dogs to reply, and i went on an adventure.
@Mike Surveys of male University students about their sexual experiences. It’s higher other places, like 13% in the US Air Force. Many start out as teenagers and engage in other types of sexual abuse.
It’s high, but it’s consistent with what we know about victimization.
Look up David Lisak.
Not too surprising, since about 1% of the male population scores very high in psychometric tests designed to measure sociopathy.
Great article David. It’s funny to read something you’ve written that isn’t dripping with sarcasm!
@Scildfreja, thank you for linking the Ghomeshi article. A very good read. Also Agilitycat is the BEST.
and this one is amazing
David, you mentioned getting messages from people thanking you for showing them some sense about the manosphere. Would you mind writing a post with some of those? With identifying info redacted, ofc. That would be a nice feel-good post, I think.
Hey David,
You mentionned former followers of Roosh V in the article. I’d be kind of curious to hear about them. It’d be like a little ray of sunshine considering the amount of mud you have to wade through to bring us your blog.
Those gifs are amazing!
Technically those dogs are all not fence-proof. A dog who is fence proof could be the one whose owner came up with the idea of a “nimrod” which is basically a stick attached to the dog via harness and laying perpendicular to the spine. Thus the dog cannot fit through the fence because, stick keeps that from being possible. Or a dog who is kept inside unless on a leash and with a responsible person, thus eliminating any issue of fence breaching via gaps in fence structure, under-the-fence-digging-escape, or chewing through the fence (in this case you have a dog who cannot be contained by a fence and may need frequent trips to the vet due to the many other things besides fence that the dog eats because…it does that kind of thing and will continue to do so whenever you aren’t looking at them for 1 second let alone aren’t in the room for a longer period of time…some dogs will eat anything and everything – socks, rocks, trees, tennis balls, action figures, underwear, keys….and dog food, but I don’t understand how they have the room in their tummy for that after everything else.)
And some of those aren’t even dogs, but still entertaining. 😛
@ missexception
Gawd, the number of times I’ve watched as my dog tries to get through the door with some huge stick she’s picked up…
Mike: I can’t source the number History Nerd gave, but remember, between 1 in 4 and 1 in 6 women report an attempted or completed sexual assault (a lot of the variance there depends on definitions). If the number of serial rapists is lower than 4%, then a vastly higher number must be single-event rapists, which isn’t really all that reassuring.